function ulist_redirect(type, path, formcode, args) { var r = new RegExp('/('+type+'[0-9]+).*$'); location.href = location.href.replace(r, '/$1')+path +'?formcode='+formcode +';ref='+encodeURIComponent( +';'+args; } // VN Voting (/v+) if(byId('votesel')) byId('votesel').onchange = function() { var s = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; if(s == -2) s = prompt('Please input your vote as a number between 1 and 10. One digit after the decimal is allowed, for example: 8.6 or 7.3.', ''); if(!s || s == -3) return; if(s != -1 && (!s.match(/^([1-9]|10)([\.,][0-9])?$/) || s > 10 || s < 1)) { alert('Invalid number.'); this.selectedIndex = 0; return; } s = s.replace(',', '.'); if(s == 1 && !confirm('You are about to give this visual novel a 1 out of 10.'+ ' This is a rather extreme rating, meaning this game has absolutely nothing to offer, and that it\'s the worst game you have ever played.'+ ' Are you really sure this visual novel matches that description?')) return; if(s == 10 && !confirm('You are about to give this visual novel a 10 out of 10.'+ ' This is a rather extreme rating, meaning this is one of the best visual novels you\'ve ever played and it\'s unlikely that any other game could ever be better than this one.'+ ' It is generally a bad idea to have more than three games in your vote list with this rating, choose carefully!')) return; if(s > 0 || s == -1) ulist_redirect('v', '/vote',, 'v='+s); }; // VN Wishlist dropdown box (/v+) if(byId('wishsel')) byId('wishsel').onchange = function() { if(this.selectedIndex != 0) ulist_redirect('v', '/wish',, ';s='+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value); }; // Release & VN list dropdown box (/r+ and /v+) if(byId('listsel')) byId('listsel').onchange = function() { if(this.selectedIndex != 0) ulist_redirect('[rv]', '/list',, 'e='+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value); }; // NSFW VN image toggle (/v+) (function() { var msg = byId('nsfw_show'); if(msg) { var img = byId('nsfw_hid'); byName(msg, 'a')[0].onclick = function() { setClass(msg, 'hidden', true); setClass(img, 'hidden', false); return false; }; img.onclick = function() { setClass(msg, 'hidden', false); setClass(img, 'hidden', true); }; } })(); // NSFW toggle for screenshots (/v+) if(byId('nsfwhide')) byId('nsfwhide').onclick = function() { var shown = 0; var l = byClass(byId('screenshots'), 'a', 'scrlnk'); for(var i=0; i