This file contains all the translatable text of the VNDB interface. IMPORTANT: This file is encoded in UTF-8 and uses UNIX-style line endings, make sure your text editor is configured to correctly handle this! The syntax of this file is as follows: empty lines, or lines beginning with a '#' are ignored by the parser. Each translatable piece of text is identified by a 'key', this is usually the English text, but can also be a short identifier starting with an underscore. A key line starts with a colon ':' and is directly followed by the key itself. The lines following such a key line specify which text to use for each language. A language text starts with the language tag, followed by a space or asterisk, followed by a colon, another space, and the text for that language. Here's an example of a line: # this is a comment :Age rating en : Age rating nl*: Minimum leeftijd In this example, "Age rating" is the 'key', and the lines following are the translations. If a line does not have a translation for a particular language, the system will fall back to the English version (i.e. the string that starts with 'en:'). If there is no English version, either, it will use the key itself. The key and the English translation are the same in the above example, so in that case the translation can be left out entirely: # this has the same effect as the previous example :Age rating nl*: Minimum leeftijd Because VNDB is in constant development, changes to the interface text are inevitable, and the translations will get out of sync with the English text very quickly. To indicate which lines should be synchronised to their English counterparts, and asterisk is used between the language tag and the colon, as used in the above examples. As soon as a line is retranslated or synchronised again by the translator, (s)he should replace the asterick with a space to indicate that it has been checked. The text strings can contain some special formatting and text expansion codes. Such a code starts with '[', followed by a list of comma-separated options, and ends with ']'. The following options are supported: [_x] Insert argument x in here. The arguments differ for each string, and come from the VNDB code. The English line would give an indication of the supported arguments. [age,{arg}] Formats the date/time '{arg}' into an age string, e.g. '3 days ago'. Commonly used as '[age,_1]'. [br] The classic HTML
, used to force a line break into the text. [date,{arg}] Formats the date '{arg}' into a readable date. Usually used as: [date,_1]. [date,{arg},full] Formats the date and time '{arg}' into something readable. Usually used as: [date,_1,full] [datestr,{arg}] Similar to [date], but used for release dates. (These are slightly different from normal dates, as the month or year can be unknown). [index,{idx},{list},..] Displays the item in {list} numbered by {idx}. Often used when the same sentence is used for different types of information. E.g.: [index,_1,visual novel,release,producer] [monthstr,{arg}] Similar to [datestr], but doesn't display the day, only month+year. [quant,{num},{singular},{plural}] (English) Takes the correct form of a word depending on the quantity specified by {num}. E.g.: 2 [quant,2,room,rooms] Will be displayed as: 2 rooms {num} is usually an argument (which is variable), otherwise it wouldn't make much sense to use this format. [quant,{num},{singular},{multi},{many}] (Russian) Same as the english [quant] as above, but has three forms for a word instead of two. [url,{url},{title}] Formats a link to another page, where {url} is the location of the page and {title} the link title. {url} is usually an argument, e.g.: [url,_1,discussion board] [user,{arg}] Formats a username+id into a link to the userpage. (Actual processing of this file begins after the following line) /intro ############################################################################# ## Global strings ## ############################################################################# # data/ - used in many places # user ranks :_urank_0 en : visitor ru*: :_urank_1 en : banned ru*: :_urank_2 en : loser ru*: :_urank_3 en : user ru*: :_urank_4 en : mod ru*: :_urank_5 en : admin ru*: # languages :_lang_cs en : Czech ru*: :_lang_da en : Danish ru*: :_lang_de en : German ru*: :_lang_en en : English ru*: :_lang_es en : Spanish ru*: :_lang_fi en : Finnish ru*: :_lang_fr en : French ru*: :_lang_it en : Italian ru*: :_lang_ja en : Japanese ru*: :_lang_ko en : Korean ru*: :_lang_nl en : Dutch ru*: :_lang_no en : Norwegian ru*: :_lang_pl en : Polish ru*: :_lang_pt en : Portuguese ru*: :_lang_ru en : Russian ru*: :_lang_sv en : Swedish ru*: :_lang_tr en : Turkish ru*: :_lang_vi en : Vietnamese ru*: :_lang_zh en : Chinese ru*: # platforms # most of these probably don't need TL in most languages, but some # languages (i.e. Japanese) do use different names for products :_plat_win en : Windows ru*: :_plat_lin en : Linux ru*: :_plat_mac en : Mac OS ru*: :_plat_dvd en : DVD Player ru*: :_plat_gba en : Game Boy Advance ru*: :_plat_msx en : MSX ru*: :_plat_nds en : Nintendo DS ru*: :_plat_nes en : Famicom ru*: :_plat_psp en : Playstation Portable ru*: :_plat_ps1 en : Playstation 1 ru*: :_plat_ps2 en : Playstation 2 ru*: :_plat_ps3 en : Playstation 3 ru*: :_plat_drc en : Dreamcast ru*: :_plat_sfc en : Super Nintendo ru*: :_plat_wii en : Nintendo Wii ru*: :_plat_xb3 en : Xbox 360 ru*: :_plat_oth en : Other ru*: # producer types :_ptype_co en : Company ru*: :_ptype_in en : Individual ru*: :_ptype_ng en : Amateur group ru*: # release types :_rtype_0 en : Complete ru*: :_rtype_1 en : Partial ru*: :_rtype_2 en : Trial ru*: # Discussion board types :_dboard_an en : Announcements ru*: :_dboard_db en : VNDB Discussions ru*: :_dboard_v en : Visual novels ru*: :_dboard_p en : Producers ru*: :_dboard_u en : Users ru*: ############################################################################# ## Main website layout ## ############################################################################# # Util::LayoutHTML # Util::CommonHTML::htmlMainTabs, htmlBrowseNavigate, htmlRevision, htmlSearchBox # Handler::Misc::nospam # Main title of the site, used on header of each page and as title on the homepage :_site_title en : The Visual Novel Database ru : База Данных Интерактивных Новелл # Main menu :_menu en : Menu ru : Меню :_menu_home en : Home ru : Домой :_menu_vn en : Visual novels ru : Интерактивные новеллы :_menu_releases en : Releases ru : Выпуски :_menu_producers en : Producers ru : Издатели :_menu_tags en : Tags ru : Тэги :_menu_users en : Users ru : Пользователи :_menu_recent_changes en : Recent changes ru : Последние изменения :_menu_discussion_board en : Discussion board ru : Форум :_menu_faq en : FAQ ru : ЧаВо :_menu_webchat en : webchat ru : Веб-чат :_menu_emptysearch en : search ru*: # User menu :_menu_myprofile en : My Profile ru*: :_menu_myvnlist en : My Visual Novel List ru*: :_menu_mywishlist en : My Wishlist ru*: # [_1] = number of messages :_menu_mymessages en : My Messages ([_1]) ru*: :_menu_mychanges en : My Recent Changes ru*: :_menu_mytags en : My Tags ru*: :_menu_addvn en : Add Visual Novel ru*: :_menu_addproducer en : Add Producer ru*: :_menu_logout en : Logout ru*: # used for both the box title and submit button :_menu_login en : Login ru*: :_menu_loginmsg en : Need to [url,_1,register],[br] or [url,_2,forgot your password]? ru*: # database statistics :_menu_dbstats en : Database Statistics ru*: :_menu_stat_vn en : Visual Novels ru*: :_menu_stat_releases en : Releases ru*: :_menu_stat_producers en : Producers ru*: :_menu_stat_users en : Users ru*: :_menu_stat_threads en : Threads ru*: :_menu_stat_posts en : Posts ru*: # Footer :_footer_aboutus en : abous us ru*: :_footer_source en : source ru*: # Main tabs (those on the right top of the highest box) :_mtabs_hist en : history ru*: :_mtabs_discuss en : discussions ([_1]) ru*: # the following 4 tabs are only present on user pages :_mtabs_posts en : posts ru*: :_mtabs_wishlist en : wishlist ru*: :_mtabs_list en : list ru*: :_mtabs_tags en : tags ru*: # modify tags on VN pages :_mtabs_tagmod en : modify tags ru*: # copy a release :_mtabs_copy en : copy ru*: # following line is also used on revision pages (it's the same action, anyway) :_mtabs_edit en : edit ru*: # hide/unhide a DB item :_mtabs_hide en : hide ru*: :_mtabs_unhide en : unhide ru*: # lock/unlock for editing :_mtabs_lock en : lock ru*: :_mtabs_unlock en : unlock ru*: # delete :_mtabs_del en : del ru*: # VN relations :_mtabs_relations en : relations ru*: # Navigation buttons on the browse pages :_browse_previous en : previous ru*: :_browse_next en : next ru*: # Revision pages :_revision_previous en : earlier revision ru*: :_revision_next en : later revision ru*: :_revision_title en : Revision [_1] ru*: # it's the summary of the edit, "edit" is not a verb here. :_revision_new_summary en : Edit summary ru*: :_revision_edit_summary en : Edit summary of revision [_1]: ru*: :_revision_user_date en : By [userstr,_1] on [date,_2,full] ru*: :_revision_emptyfield en : ~[empty~] ru*: # tabs above the search boxes :_searchbox_vn en : Visual novels ru*: :_searchbox_releases en : Releases ru*: :_searchbox_producers en : Producers ru*: :_searchbox_tags en : Tags ru*: :_searchbox_users en : Users ru*: # text on the search button :_searchbox_submit en : Search! ru*: ############################################################################# ## Home page (/) ## ############################################################################# # Handler::Misc::home :_home_intro en : strives to be a comprehensive database for information about visual novels and eroge.[br] This website is built as a wiki, meaning that anyone can freely add and contribute information to the database, allowing us to create the largest, most accurate and most up-to-date visual novel database on the web.[br] Registered users are also able to keep track of a personal list of games they want to play or have finished and they can vote on all visual novels.[br][br] Feel free to [url,/v/all,browse around], [url,/u/register,register an account] or to participate in the discussions about visual novels or VNDB on our [url,/t,discussion board]. ru*: :_home_recentchanges en : Recent Changes ru*: :_home_recentchanges_item en : [_1]:[_2] by [userstr,_3] ru*: :_home_announcements en : Announcements ru*: :_home_newsarchive en : News Archive ru*: :_home_recentposts en : Recent Posts ru*: :_home_recentposts_item en : [age,_1] [_2] by [userstr,_3] ru*: :_home_randomvn en : Random vsual novels ru*: :_home_upcoming en : Upcoming releases ru*: :_home_justreleased en : Just released ru*: ############################################################################# ## History browser (/*/hist) ## ############################################################################# # Handler::Misc::history and Util::CommonHTML::htmlHistory :_hist_title en : Recent changes ru*: :_hist_title_item en : Edit history of [_1] ru*: # the filter buttons :_hist_filter_showauto en : Show automated edits ru*: :_hist_filter_hideauto en : Hide automated edits ru*: :_hist_filter_hidedel en : Hide deleted items ru*: :_hist_filter_showdel en : Show deleted items ru*: :_hist_filter_alltypes en : Show all items ru*: :_hist_filter_onlyvn en : Only visual novels ru*: :_hist_filter_onlyreleases en : Only releases ru*: :_hist_filter_onlyproducers en : Only producers ru*: :_hist_filter_allactions en : Show all changes ru*: :_hist_filter_onlyedits en : Only edits ru*: :_hist_filter_onlynew en : Only newly created pages ru*: :_hist_filter_exrel en : Exclude edits of releases ru*: :_hist_filter_increl en : Include edits of releases ru*: # column headers # Short version of 'Revision' :_hist_col_rev en : Rev. ru*: :_hist_col_date en : Date ru*: :_hist_col_user en : User ru*: :_hist_col_page en : Page ru*: ############################################################################# ## Discussion board (/t/*) ## ############################################################################# # Handler::Discussions # thread page (/t+) :_thread_postedin en : Posted in ru*: :_thread_byuser en : by [userstr,_1] ru*: :_thread_editpost en : edit ru*: :_thread_deletedpost en : Post deleted. ru*: :_thread_lastmodified en : Last modified on [date,_1,full] ru*: :_thread_noreply_title en : Reply ru*: :_thread_noreply_locked en : This thread has been locked, you can't reply to it anymore ru*: :_thread_noreply_login en : You must be logged in to reply to this thread. ru*: :_thread_quickreply_title en : Quick reply ru*: :_thread_quickreply_submit en : Reply ru*: # Post edit/reply/new thread form :_postedit_newthread en : Start new thread ru*: :_postedit_replyto en : Reply to [_1] ru*: :_postedit_edit en : Edit post ru*: :_postedit_form_username en : Username ru*: :_postedit_form_title en : Thread title ru*: :_postedit_form_boards en : Board(s) ru*: :_postedit_form_boards_info en : Read [url,/d9.2,d9.2] for information about how to specify boards. ru*: :_postedit_form_locked en : Locked ru*: :_postedit_form_topic en : Topic ru*: :_postedit_form_hidden en : Hidden ru*: :_postedit_form_nolastmod en : Don't update last modified field ru*: :_postedit_form_msg en : Message ru*: :_postedit_form_msg_format en : See [url,/d9.3,d9.3] for the allowed formatting codes ru*: # Browsing threads by board (/t/{board_id}) :_disboard_item_title en : Related discussions for [_1] ru*: :_disboard_rootlink en : Discussion board ru*: :_disboard_nothreads en : No related threads found ru*: :_disboard_createyourown en : Why not create one yourself? ru*: :_disboard_startnew en : Start a new thread ru*: # The discussion board index (/t) :_disindex_title en : Discussion board index ru*: # Thread list (on discussion board index and board browser) :_threadlist_col_topic en : Topic ru*: :_threadlist_col_replies en : Replies ru*: :_threadlist_col_starter en : Starter ru*: :_threadlist_col_lastpost en : Last post ru*: ############################################################################# ## Producer pages (/p/*) ## ############################################################################# # Handler::Producers # Producer page (/p+) # 1 = Language, 2 = Type, so '[_1] [_2]' => 'Japanese company' # if this doesn't work in other languages, be creative :-) :_prodpage_langtype en : [_1] [_2] ru*: :_prodpage_aliases en : a.k.a. [_1] ru*: :_prodpage_vnrel en : Visual Novel Relations ru*: :_prodpage_norel en : We have currently no visual novels by this producer. ru*: # producer diff fields :_revfield_p_type en : Type ru*: :_revfield_p_name en : Name (romaji) ru*: :_revfield_p_original en : Original name ru*: :_revfield_p_alias en : Aliases ru*: :_revfield_p_lang en : Language ru*: :_revfield_p_website en : Website ru*: :_revfield_p_desc en : Description ru*: # Add/Edit producer :_pedit_title_edit en : Edit [_1] ru*: :_pedit_title_add en : Add new producer ru*: :_pedit_form_generalinfo en : General info ru*: :_pedit_form_type en : Type ru*: :_pedit_form_name en : Name (romaji) ru*: :_pedit_form_original en : Original name ru*: :_pedit_form_original_note en : The original name of the producer, leave blank if it is already in the Latin alphabet. ru*: :_pedit_form_alias en : Aliases ru*: :_pedit_form_alias_note en : (Un)official aliases, separated by a comma. ru*: :_pedit_form_lang en : Primary language ru*: :_pedit_form_website en : Website ru*: :_pedit_form_desc en : Description ru*: # Browse/search producers :_pbrowse_title en : Browse producers ru*: :_pbrowse_searchres en : Search results ru*: :_pbrowse_list en : Producer list ru*: :_pbrowse_noresults en : No results found ru*: ############################################################################# ## Release pages (/r/*) ## ############################################################################# # Handler::Releases # Release diff viewer (/r+.+) :_revfield_r_vn en : Relations ru*: :_revfield_r_type en : Type ru*: :_revfield_r_patch en : Patch ru*: :_revfield_r_freeware en : Freeware ru*: :_revfield_r_doujijn en : Doujin ru*: :_revfield_r_title en : Title (romaji) ru*: :_revfield_r_original en : Original title ru*: :_revfield_r_gtin en : JAN/UPC/EAN ru*: :_revfield_r_catalog en : Catalog number ru*: :_revfield_r_languages en : Language ru*: :_revfield_r_website en : Website ru*: :_revfield_r_released en : Release date ru*: :_revfield_r_minage en : Age rating ru*: :_revfield_r_notes en : Notes ru*: :_revfield_r_platforms en : Platforms ru*: :_revfield_r_media en : Media ru*: :_revfield_r_resolution en : Resolution ru*: :_revfield_r_voiced en : Voiced ru*: :_revfield_r_ani_story en : Story animation ru*: :_revfield_r_ani_ero en : Ero animation ru*: :_revfield_r_producers en : Producers ru*: # Information table (on every release page) :_relinfo_vnrel en : Relation ru*: :_relinfo_title en : Title ru*: :_relinfo_original en : Original title ru*: :_relinfo_type en : Type ru*: :_relinfo_type_format en : [_1][index,_2,, patch] ru*: :_relinfo_lang en : Language ru*: :_relinfo_publication en : Publication ru*: :_relinfo_pub_nopatch en : [index,_1,Freeware,Non-free], [index,_2,doujin,commercial] ru*: :_relinfo_pub_patch en : [index,_1,Freeware,Non-free] ru*: :_relinfo_platform en : [quant,_1,Platform,Platforms] ru*: :_relinfo_media en : [quant,_1,Medium,Media] ru*: :_relinfo_resolution en : Resolution ru*: :_relinfo_voiced en : Voiced ru*: :_relinfo_ani en : Animation ru*: :_relinfo_ani_story en : Story: [_1] ru*: :_relinfo_ani_ero en : Ero scenes: [_1] ru*: :_relinfo_released en : Released ru*: :_relinfo_minage en : Age rating ru*: :_relinfo_producer en : [quant,_1,Producer,Producers] ru*: :_relinfo_catalog en : Catalog no. ru*: :_relinfo_links en : Links ru*: :_relinfo_website en : Official website ru*: :_relinfo_user en : User options ru*: :_relinfo_user_notlist en : not in your list ru*: :_relinfo_user_inlist en : Status: [_1] / [_2] ru*: :_relinfo_user_setr en : Set release status ru*: :_relinfo_user_setv en : Set play status ru*: :_relinfo_user_del en : remove from list ru*: # Editing a release :_redit_title_edit en : Edit [_1] ru*: :_redit_title_copy en : Copy [_1] ru*: :_redit_title_add en : Add release to [_1] ru*: :_redit_form_geninfo en : General info ru*: :_redit_form_type en : Type ru*: :_redit_form_patch en : This release is a patch to another release. ru*: :_redit_form_freeware en : Freeware (i.e. available at no cost) ru*: :_redit_form_doujin en : Doujin (self-published, not by a company) ru*: :_redit_form_title en : Title (romaji) ru*: :_redit_form_original en : Original title ru*: :_redit_form_original_note en : The original title of this release, leave blank if it already is in the Latin alphabet. ru*: :_redit_form_languages en : Language(s) ru*: :_redit_form_gtin en : JAN/UPC/EAN ru*: :_redit_form_catalog en : Catalog number ru*: :_redit_form_website en : Official website ru*: :_redit_form_released en : Release date ru*: :_redit_form_released_note en : Leave month or day blank if they are unknown ru*: :_redit_form_minage en : Age rating ru*: :_redit_form_notes en : Notes ru*: :_redit_form_notes_note en : Miscellaneous notes/comments, information that does not fit in the above fields. E.g.: Censored/uncensored or for which releases this patch applies. ru*: :_redit_form_format en : Format ru*: :_redit_form_resolution en : Resolution ru*: :_redit_form_voiced en : Voiced ru*: :_redit_form_ani_story en : Story animation ru*: :_redit_form_ani_ero en : Ero animation ru*: :_redit_form_ani_ero_none en : Unknown / no ero scenes ru*: :_redit_form_ani_ero_note en : Animation in erotic scenes, leave to unknown if there are no ero scenes. ru*: :_redit_form_platforms en : Platforms ru*: :_redit_form_media en : Media ru*: :_redit_form_prod en : Producers ru*: :_redit_form_prod_sel en : Selected producers ru*: :_redit_form_prod_add en : Add producer ru*: :_redit_form_vn en : Visual novels ru*: :_redit_form_vn_sel en : Selected visual novels ru*: :_redit_form_vn_add en : Add visual novel ru*: ############################################################################# ## Misc. messages ## ############################################################################# # Util::CommonHTML::htmlDenied, # htmlHiddenMessage, htmlEditMessage and htmlItemMessage # Generic "Access denied!" page :_denied_title en : Access Denied ru*: # not logged in :_denied_needlogin_title en : You need to be logged in to perform this action. ru*: :_denied_needlogin_msg en : Please [url,/u/login,login], or [url,/u/register,create an account] if you don't have one yet. ru*: # logged in, but simply no access :_denied_noaccess_title en : You are not allowed to perform this action. ru*: :_denied_noaccess_msg en : It seems you don't have the proper rights to perform the action you wanted to perform... ru*: # "DB Item has been deleted" page :_hiddenmsg_title en : Item deleted ru*: :_hiddenmsg_msg en : This item has been deleted from the database, File a request on the [url,_1,discussion board] to undelete this page. ru*: # The warning/notice messages on edit pages :_editmsg_copy_title en : You're not editing a release! ru*: :_editmsg_copy_msg en : You're about to insert a new release into the database with information based on [_1].[br] Hit the 'edit' tab on the right-top if you intended to edit the release instead of creating a new one. ru*: :_editmsg_msg_title en : Before editing: ru*: :_editmsg_msg_guidelines en : Read the [url,_1,guidelines]! ru*: :_editmsg_msg_discuss en : Check for any existing discussions on the [url,_1,discussion board] ru*: :_editmsg_msg_history en : Browse the [url,_1,edit history] for any recent changes related to what you want to change. ru*: :_editmsg_msg_search en : [url,_1,Search the database] to see if we already have information about this [index,_2,visual novel,release,producer]. ru*: :_editmsg_revert_title en : Reverting ru*: :_editmsg_revert_msg en : You are editing an old revision of this [index,_1,visual novel,release,producer]. If you save it, all changes made after this revision will be reverted! ru*: # Messages about editing on the VN/Release/Producer pages (right beneath the tabs) :_itemmsg_locked en : Locked for editing ru*: :_itemmsg_login en : You need to be [url,_1,logged in] to edit this page ru*: :_itemmsg_denied en : You are not allowed to edit this page ru*: # User didn't pass the spam protection :_nospam_title en : Could not send form ru*: :_nospam_subtitle en : Error ru*: :_nospam_msg en : The form could not be sent, please make sure you have Javascript enabled in your browser. ru*: