This file contains all the translatable text of the VNDB interface. IMPORTANT: This file is encoded in UTF-8 and uses UNIX-style line endings, make sure your text editor is configured to correctly handle this! The syntax of this file is as follows: empty lines, or lines beginning with a '#' are ignored by the parser. Each translatable piece of text is identified by a 'key', this is usually the English text, but can also be a short identifier starting with an underscore. A key line starts with a colon ':' and is directly followed by the key itself. The lines following such a key line specify which text to use for each language. A language text starts with the language tag, followed by a space or asterisk, followed by a colon, another space, and the text for that language. Here's an example of a line: # this is a comment :Age rating en : Age rating nl*: Minimum leeftijd In this example, "Age rating" is the 'key', and the lines following are the translations. If a line does not have a translation for a particular language, the system will fall back to the English version (i.e. the string that starts with 'en:'). If there is no English version, either, it will use the key itself. The key and the English translation are the same in the above example, so in that case the translation can be left out entirely: # this has the same effect as the previous example :Age rating nl*: Minimum leeftijd Because VNDB is in constant development, changes to the interface text are inevitable, and the translations will get out of sync with the English text very quickly. To indicate which lines should be synchronised to their English counterparts, and asterisk is used between the language tag and the colon, as used in the above examples. As soon as a line is retranslated or synchronised again by the translator, (s)he should replace the asterick with a space to indicate that it has been checked. (Actual processing of this file begins after the following line) /intro ############################################################################# ## Main website layout ## ############################################################################# # Util::LayoutHTML # Main title of the site, used on header of each page and as title on the homepage :The Visual Novel Database ru : База Данных Интерактивных Новелл # Main menu :_menu en : Menu ru : Меню :_menu_home en : Home ru : Домой :_menu_vn en : Visual novels ru : Интерактивные новеллы :_menu_releases en : Releases ru : Выпуски :_menu_producers en : Producers ru : Издатели :_menu_tags en : Tags ru : Тэги :_menu_users en : Users ru : Пользователи :_menu_recent_changes en : Recent changes ru : Последние изменения :_menu_discussion_board en : Discussion board ru : Форум :_menu_faq en : FAQ ru : ЧаВо :_menu_webchat en : webchat ru : Веб-чат :_menu_emptysearch en : search ru*: # User menu :_menu_myprofile en : My Profile ru*: :_menu_myvnlist en : My Visual Novel List ru*: :_menu_mywishlist en : My Wishlist ru*: # [_1] = number of messages :_menu_mymessages en : My Messages ([_1]) ru*: :_menu_mychanges en : My Recent Changes ru*: :_menu_mytags en : My Tags ru*: :_menu_addvn en : Add Visual Novel ru*: :_menu_addproducer en : Add Producer ru*: :_menu_logout en : Logout ru*: # used for both the box title and submit button :_menu_login en : Login ru*: # HTML :_menu_loginmsg en : Need to register,
or forgot your password? ru*: # database statistics :_menu_dbstats en : Database Statistics ru*: :_menu_stat_vn en : Visual Novels ru*: :_menu_stat_releases en : Releases ru*: :_menu_stat_producers en : Producers ru*: :_menu_stat_users en : Users ru*: :_menu_stat_threads en : Threads ru*: :_menu_stat_posts en : Posts ru*: # Footer :_footer_aboutus en : abous us ru*: :_footer_source en : source ru*: ############################################################################# ## Home page (/) ## ############################################################################# # Handler::Misc::home # HTML :_home_intro en : strives to be a comprehensive database for information about visual novels and eroge.
This website is built as a wiki, meaning that anyone can freely add and contribute information to the database, allowing us to create the largest, most accurate and most up-to-date visual novel database on the web.
Registered users are also able to keep track of a personal list of games they want to play or have finished and they can vote on all visual novels.

Feel free to browse around, register an account or to participate in the discussions about visual novels or VNDB on our discussion board. ru*: :_home_recentchanges en : Recent Changes ru*: :_home_announcements en : Announcements ru*: :_home_newsarchive en : News Archive ru*: :_home_recentposts en : Recent Posts ru*: :_home_randomvn en : Random vsual novels ru*: :_home_upcoming en : Upcoming releases ru*: :_home_justreleased en : Just released ru*: ############################################################################# ## History browser (/*/hist) ## ############################################################################# # Handler::Misc::history and Util::CommonHTML::htmlHistory :_hist_title en : Recent changes ru*: :_hist_title_item en : Edit history of [_1] ru*: # the filter buttons :_hist_filter_showauto en : Show automated edits ru*: :_hist_filter_hideauto en : Hide automated edits ru*: :_hist_filter_hidedel en : Hide deleted items ru*: :_hist_filter_showdel en : Show deleted items ru*: :_hist_filter_alltypes en : Show all items ru*: :_hist_filter_onlyvn en : Only visual novels ru*: :_hist_filter_onlyreleases en : Only releases ru*: :_hist_filter_onlyproducers en : Only producers ru*: :_hist_filter_allactions en : Show all changes ru*: :_hist_filter_onlyedits en : Only edits ru*: :_hist_filter_onlynew en : Only newly created pages ru*: :_hist_filter_exrel en : Exclude edits of releases ru*: :_hist_filter_increl en : Include edits of releases ru*: # column headers # Short version of 'Revision' :_hist_col_rev en : Rev. ru*: :_hist_col_date en : Date ru*: :_hist_col_user en : User ru*: :_hist_col_page en : Page ru*: