[[= $d{id} ? ttabs('r', $d{rel}, 'edit') : ttabs('v', $d{vn}, 'edit') ]]-

[[: $p{PageTitle} ]]

[[ if($d{id}) { ]] Please check the discussion board before making any changes! [[ } if($d{id} && $d{rel}{cid} != $d{rel}{latest}) { ]] You are editing an old revision of this producer. If you save it, all changes made after -[[= formatdate('%Y-%m-%d %R', $d{rel}{added}) ]]- will be removed! [[ } ]] [[= cform( [ { type => 'error' }, { type => 'startform', action => $d{id} ? sprintf('/r%d/edit', $d{rel}{id}) : '/v'.$d{vn}{id}.'/add', fh => 1 }, { type => 'sub', title => 'General info', short => 'info' }, { type => 'select', name => 'Type', short => 'type', r=>1, options => [ map { ({ short => $_, name => $VNDB::RTYP->[$_] }) } 0..$#{$VNDB::RTYP} ] }, { type => 'input', name => 'Title (romaji)', short => 'title', r=>1 }, { type => 'input', name => 'Original title', short => 'original' }, { type => 'static', text => q| The original title of this release, leave blank if it already is in the Latin alphabet.

| }, { type => 'select', name => 'Language', short => 'language', r=>1, options => [ map { ({ short => $_, name => sprintf '%s (%s)', $_, $VNDB::LANG->{$_} }) } sort keys %{$VNDB::LANG} ] }, { type => 'input', name => 'JAN/UPC/EAN', short => 'gtin' }, { type => 'input', name => 'Official website', short => 'website' }, { type => 'date', name => 'Release date', short => 'released' }, { type => 'static', text => 'Leave month or day blank if they are unknown

' }, { type => 'select', name => 'Age rating', short => 'minage', options => [ map { { name => $VNDB::VRAGES->{$_}, short => $_ } } sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$VNDB::VRAGES ] }, { type => 'textarea', name => 'Notes', short => 'notes', rows => 3, cols => 50 }, { type => 'static', text => 'Miscellaneous notes/comments, information that does not fit in the above fields. E.g.: Censored/uncensored or for which releases this patch applies. Max. 250 characters.' }, { type => 'sub', title => 'Platforms & Media', short => 'pnm' }, { type => 'static', raw => 1, text => '' }, { type => 'static', text => '
' }, { type => 'jssel', name => 'Media', sh => 'md', short => 'media' }, { type => 'sub', title => 'Producers', short => 'prod' }, { type => 'jssel', name => 'Producers', sh => 'pd', short => 'producers' }, { type => 'sub', title => 'Visual novel relations', short => 'rel'}, { type => 'jssel', name => 'Relations', sh => 'vn', short => 'vn', r=>1 }, { type => 'static', text => q| Although a release usually contains only one visual novel, it is also possible for one release to include several games. Use this field to specify which visual novels are included in this release.| }, { type => 'sub', title => 'Edit summary', short => 'com' }, { type => 'textarea', name => 'Edit summary', short => 'comm', rows => 3, cols => 60 }, { type => 'static', text => 'Please explain your modifications and cite all sources.' }, { type => 'submit', text => $d{id} ? 'Edit' : 'Add' }, { type => 'endform' }, ], $d{form}) ]]