[[: $p{PageTitle} ]]

[[ if($d{tag}) { my($type, $iid) = ($1, $2||0) if $d{tag} =~ /^([a-z]{1,2})([0-9]*)$/; ]]-

Discussion board > [[: $VNDB::DTAGS->{$type} ]] [[ if($iid) { ]]- > [[: $d{tag} ]][[ } ]]-

[[ } ]] -[[= cform( [ { type => 'error' }, { type => 'startform', action => $d{p} ? '/t'.$d{t}{id}.'.'.$d{p}{num}.'/edit' : $d{t} ? '/t'.$d{t}{id}.'/reply' : '/t/'.$d{tag}.'/new' }, { type => 'static', name => 'Username', text => ''.($d{p}?$d{p}{username}:$p{AuthUsername}).'' }, $d{t} && !($d{p} && $d{p}{num} == 1) ? ( { type => 'static', name => 'Topic', text => ''.$d{t}{title}.'.' } ) : ( { type => 'input', short => 'title', name => 'Thread title' }, { type => 'input', short => 'tags', name => 'Tags' }, { type => 'static', text => 'Read d9.2 for information about how to use tags' }, $p{Authboardmod} ? ( { type => 'check', short => 'lock', name => 'Locked' }, ) : (), ), $p{Authboardmod} ? ( { type => 'check', short => 'hide', name => 'Hidden' }, ) : (), { type => 'textarea', short => 'msg', name => 'Message', rows => 10, cols => 60 }, { type => 'static', text => 'It is possible to include formatting and ID codes, see d9.3 for more information.' }, { type => 'submit', text => 'Submit' }, { type => 'endform' }, ], $d{form}) ]]-