[[= $d{id} ? ttabs('v', $d{vn}, 'edit') : '' ]]-

[[: $p{PageTitle} ]]

[[ if(!$d{id}) { ]] Please search the database before adding a new visual novel in order to prevent duplicate entries. [[ } else { ]] Please check the discussion board before making any changes! [[ } if($d{id} && $d{vn}{cid} != $d{vn}{latest}) { ]] You are editing an old revision of this visual novel. If you save it, all changes made after -[[= formatdate('%Y-%m-%d %R', $d{vn}{added}) ]]- will be removed! [[ } ]] -[[= cform([ { type => 'error' }, { type => 'startform', action => $d{id} ?( '/v'.$d{id}.'/edit') : '/v/new', upload => 1, fh => 1 }, { type => 'sub', title => 'General info', short => 'info' }, { type => 'input', name => 'Title', short => 'title', r=>1 }, { type => 'static', text => q| Use official English title if available, use the romanized version of the official title otherwise. Other titles can be added at a later time when specifying releases.

| }, { type => 'textarea', name => 'Aliases', short => 'alias', rows => 2, cols => 60 }, { type => 'static', text => q| Comma seperated list of alternative titles or abbreviations. Can include both official (japanese/english) titles and unofficial titles used around net. Titles that are listed in the releases do not have to be added here.

| }, { type => 'textarea', name => 'Description', short => 'desc', rows => 7, cols => 70, r=>1 }, { type => 'static', text => q| Short description of the main story. Please do not include spoilers, and don't forget to list the source in case you didn't write the description yourself. ([url] BBCode tag is allowed)

| }, { type => 'select', name => 'Length', short => 'length', class => 'longopts', options => [ map { { short => $_, name => !$_?$VNDB::VNLEN->[$_][0]:($VNDB::VNLEN->[$_][0].', '.$VNDB::VNLEN->[$_][1].' ('.$VNDB::VNLEN->[$_][2].')') } } 0..$#$VNDB::VNLEN ] }, { type => 'static', text => '
' }, { type => 'input', name => 'External links', short => 'l_wp', pre => 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/' }, { type => 'input', name => ' ', short => 'l_encubed', pre => 'http://novelnews.net/tag/', post => '/' }, { type => 'input', name => ' ', short => 'l_renai', pre => 'http://renai.us/game/', post => '.shtml' }, { type => 'input', name => ' ', short => 'l_vnn', pre => 'http://visual-novels.net/vn/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=', class => 'shortopts' }, { type => 'static', text => '
' }, { type => 'input', name => 'Related anime', short => 'anime' }, { type => 'static', text => q| Whitespace seperated list of AniDB anime IDs. E.g. "1015 3348" will add Shingetsutan Tsukihime and Fate/stay night as related anime.
Note: It can take a few minutes for the anime titles to appear on the VN page.| }, { type => 'sub', title => 'Categories', short => 'cat' }, { type => 'hidden', short => 'categories' }, { type => 'static', raw => 1, text => eval { my $r = 'Please read the category descriptions before modifying categories!

' .''; } }, { type => 'sub', title => 'Image', short => 'img' }, $d{id} ? ( { type => 'static', text => $d{vn}{image} > 0 ? sprintf '', $p{st}, $d{vn}{image}%100, $d{vn}{image} : $d{vn}{image} < 0 ? '[processing]' : 'No image uploaded yet...' }, ) : (), { type => 'upload', name => $d{vn}{image} ? 'Change' : 'Upload', short => 'img' }, { type => 'static', text => q| Preferably the cover of the CD/DVD/package. Image must be in JPEG or PNG format and at most 500kB. Images larger than 256x400 will automatically be resized.

| }, { type => 'check', short => 'img_nsfw', name => 'NSFW. Please check this option if the image contains nudity, gore, or is otherwise not safe in a work-friendly environment.' }, { type => 'sub', title => 'Visual novel relations', short => 'rel' }, { type => 'jssel', name => 'Relations', short => 'relations', sh => 'rl' }, { type => 'static', text => q| Direct relations: Please only add direct relations. E.g. the sequel of a sequel does not have to be listed here because it's already listed on an other visual novel that is in turn listed here. VNDB will handle these relations automatically.
Reverse relations: If you add a relation with an other visual novel here, the same (or "reverse") relation will automatically be added to the other visual novel. For example: if you add Tsukihime as a prequel of Kagetsu Tohya, Kagetsu Tohya will automatically be added as a sequel for Tsukihime. |}, { type => 'sub', title => 'Screenshots', short => 'scr' }, { type => 'hidden', short => 'screenshots' }, { type => 'static', raw => 1, text => qq| Please keep the following in mind when uploading screenshots:
* Screenshots have to be in the native resolution of the game,
* Remove any window borders and make sure the image is unmarked,
* Don't only upload event CGs.
Please read the guidelines for more information.
Make sure to submit the form after the upload has finished!

...make sure to enable Javascript...
|}, { type => 'sub', title => 'Edit summary', short => 'com' }, { type => 'textarea', name => 'Edit summary', short => 'comm', rows => 3, cols => 60 }, { type => 'static', text => 'Please explain your modifications and cite all sources.' }, { type => 'submit', text => $d{id} ? 'Edit' : 'Add' }, { type => 'endform' }, ], $d{form}) ]]