module AdvSearch.Fields exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Array import Set import Lib.Util exposing (..) import Lib.Html exposing (..) import Lib.DropDown as DD import Lib.Api as Api import Lib.Autocomplete as A import AdvSearch.Anime as AA import AdvSearch.Set as AS import AdvSearch.Producers as AP import AdvSearch.Staff as AT import AdvSearch.Tags as AG import AdvSearch.Traits as AI import AdvSearch.RDate as AD import AdvSearch.Range as AR import AdvSearch.Resolution as AE import AdvSearch.Engine as AEng import AdvSearch.DRM as ADRM import AdvSearch.Birthday as AB import AdvSearch.Lib exposing (..) import Gen.ExtLinks as GEL -- "Nested" fields are a container for other fields. -- The code for nested fields is tightly coupled with the generic 'Field' abstraction below. type alias NestModel = { ptype : QType -- type of the parent field , qtype : QType -- type of the child fields , fields : List Field , and : Bool , andDd : DD.Config FieldMsg , addDd : DD.Config FieldMsg , addtype : List QType , neg : Bool -- only if ptype /= qtype } type NestMsg = NAndToggle Bool | NAnd Bool Bool | NAddToggle Bool | NAdd Int | NAddType (List QType) | NField Int FieldMsg | NNeg Bool Bool nestInit : Bool -> QType -> QType -> List Field -> Data -> (Data, NestModel) nestInit and ptype qtype list dat = ( { dat | objid = dat.objid+2 } , { ptype = ptype , qtype = qtype , fields = list , and = and , andDd = DD.init ("xsearch_field"++String.fromInt (dat.objid+0)) (FSNest << NAndToggle) , addDd = DD.init ("xsearch_field"++String.fromInt (dat.objid+1)) (FSNest << NAddToggle) , addtype = [qtype] , neg = False } ) nestUpdate : Data -> NestMsg -> NestModel -> (Data, NestModel, Cmd NestMsg) nestUpdate dat msg model = case msg of NAndToggle b -> (dat, { model | andDd = DD.toggle model.andDd b, addtype = [model.qtype] }, Cmd.none) NAnd b _ -> (dat, { model | and = b, andDd = DD.toggle model.andDd False }, Cmd.none) NAddToggle b -> (dat, { model | addDd = DD.toggle model.addDd b, addtype = [model.qtype] }, Cmd.none) NAdd n -> let addPar lst (ndat,f) = case lst of (a::b::xs) -> -- Don't add the child field if it's an And/Or, the parent field covers that already. let nf = case f of (_,_,FMNest m) -> if m.ptype == m.qtype then [] else [f] _ -> [f] in addPar (b::xs) (nestInit True b a nf ndat |> Tuple.mapSecond FMNest |> fieldCreate -1) _ -> (ndat,f) (ndat2,f2) = addPar model.addtype (fieldInit n dat) nestMsg lst i = case lst of (a::xs) -> NField i (FSNest (nestMsg xs 0)) _ -> NField i (FToggle True) in (ndat2, { model | addDd = DD.toggle model.addDd False, addtype = [model.qtype], fields = model.fields ++ [f2] } , selfCmd (nestMsg (List.drop 1 model.addtype) (List.length model.fields))) NAddType t -> (dat, { model | addtype = t }, Cmd.none) NField n FDel -> (dat, { model | fields = delidx n model.fields }, Cmd.none) NField n FMoveSub -> let subfields = List.drop n model.fields |> List.take 1 |> (\(fid,fdd,fm) -> (fid, DD.toggle fdd False, fm)) (ndat,subm) = nestInit (not model.and) model.qtype model.qtype subfields dat (ndat2,subf) = fieldCreate -1 (ndat, FMNest subm) in (ndat2, { model | fields = modidx n (always subf) model.fields }, Cmd.none) NField n m -> case List.head (List.drop n model.fields) of Nothing -> (dat, model, Cmd.none) Just f -> let (ndat, nf, nc) = fieldUpdate dat m f in (ndat, { model | fields = modidx n (always nf) model.fields }, (NField n) nc) NNeg b _ -> (dat, { model | neg = b }, Cmd.none) nestToQuery : Data -> NestModel -> Maybe Query nestToQuery dat model = let op = if model.neg then Ne else Eq com = if model.and then QAnd else QOr wrap f = case List.filterMap (fieldToQuery dat) model.fields of [] -> Nothing [x] -> Just (f x) xs -> Just (f (com xs)) in case (model.ptype, model.qtype) of (V, R) -> wrap (QQuery 50 op) (V, C) -> wrap (QQuery 51 op) (V, S) -> wrap (QQuery 52 op) (V, P) -> wrap (QQuery 55 op) (C, S) -> wrap (QQuery 52 op) (C, V) -> wrap (QQuery 53 op) (R, V) -> wrap (QQuery 53 op) (R, P) -> wrap (QQuery 55 op) _ -> wrap identity nestFromQuery : QType -> QType -> Data -> Query -> Maybe (Data, NestModel) nestFromQuery ptype qtype dat q = let init and l = let (ndat,fl) = List.foldr (\f (d,a) -> let (nd,fm) = fieldFromQuery qtype d f in (nd,(fm::a))) (dat,[]) l in nestInit and ptype qtype fl ndat initSub op val = if op /= Eq && op /= Ne then Nothing else Just <| let (ndat,f) = fieldFromQuery qtype dat val (ndat2,m) = nestInit True ptype qtype [f] ndat -- If there is only a single nested query and it's an and/or nest, merge it into this node. m2 = case m.fields of [(_,_,FMNest cm)] -> if cm.ptype == cm.qtype then { m | fields = cm.fields, and = cm.and } else m _ -> m in (ndat2, { m2 | neg = op == Ne }) in case (ptype, qtype, q) of (V, R, QQuery 50 op r) -> initSub op r (V, C, QQuery 51 op r) -> initSub op r (V, S, QQuery 52 op r) -> initSub op r (V, P, QQuery 55 op r) -> initSub op r (C, S, QQuery 52 op r) -> initSub op r (C, V, QQuery 53 op r) -> initSub op r (R, V, QQuery 53 op r) -> initSub op r (R, P, QQuery 55 op r) -> initSub op r (_, _, QAnd l) -> if ptype == qtype then Just (init True l) else Nothing (_, _, QOr l) -> if ptype == qtype then Just (init False l) else Nothing _ -> Nothing nestView : Data -> DD.Config FieldMsg -> NestModel -> Html FieldMsg nestView dat dd model = let isNest (_,_,f) = case f of FMNest _ -> True _ -> False hasNest = List.any isNest model.fields filterDat = { dat | level = if model.ptype /= model.qtype then 1 else dat.level+1 , parentTypes = if model.ptype /= model.qtype then Set.insert (showQType model.ptype) dat.parentTypes else dat.parentTypes } filters = List.indexedMap (\i f -> (FSNest << NField i) <| fieldView filterDat f ) model.fields add = let parents = Set.union filterDat.parentTypes <| Set.fromList <| showQType <| List.drop 1 model.addtype lst = Array.toIndexedList fields |> List.filter (\(_,f) -> Just f.ptype == List.head model.addtype && f.title /= "" && (dat.uid /= Nothing || f.title /= "My Labels") && (dat.uid /= Nothing || f.title /= "My List") && (f.title /= "Name" || not (Set.isEmpty parents)) && not (f.title == "Role" && (List.head (List.drop 1 model.addtype)) == Just C) -- No "role" filter for character seiyuu (the seiyuu role is implied, after all) && not (Set.member (showQType f.qtype) parents)) showT par t = case (par,t) of (_,V) -> "VN" (_,R) -> "Release" (_,C) -> "Character" (C,S) -> "VA" (_,S) -> "Staff" (V,P) -> "Developer" (_,P) -> "Producer" breads pre par l = case l of [] -> [] [x] -> [ strong [] [ text (showT par x) ] ] (x::xs) -> a [ href "#", onClickD (FSNest (NAddType (x::pre))) ] [ text (showT par x) ] :: text " » " :: breads (x::pre) x xs in div [ class "elm_dd_input elm_dd_noarrow short" ] [ DD.view model.addDd Api.Normal (text "+") <| \() -> [ div [ class "advheader", style "min-width" "200px" ] [ h3 [] [ text "Add filter" ] , if List.length model.addtype <= 1 then text "" else div [] <| breads [] model.qtype (List.reverse model.addtype) ] , ul (if List.length lst > 6 then [ style "columns" "2" ] else []) <| (\(n,f) -> li [] [ a [ href "#", onClickD (FSNest <| if f.qtype /= f.ptype then NAddType (f.qtype :: model.addtype) else NAdd n)] [ text f.title ] ] ) lst ] ] andcont () = [ ul [] [ li [] [ linkRadio ( model.and) (FSNest << NAnd True ) [ text "And: All filters must match" ] ] , li [] [ linkRadio (not model.and) (FSNest << NAnd False) [ text "Or: At least one filter must match" ] ] ] ] andlbl = text <| if model.and then "And" else "Or" and = div [ class "elm_dd_input short" ] [ DD.view model.andDd Api.Normal andlbl andcont ] negcont () = let (a,b) = case (model.ptype, model.qtype) of (_, C) -> ("Has a character that matches these filters", "Does not have a character that matches these filters") (_, R) -> ("Has a release that matches these filters", "Does not have a release that matches these filters") (_, V) -> ("Linked to a visual novel that matches these filters", "Not linked to a visual novel that matches these filters") (V, S) -> ("Has staff that matches these filters", "Does not have staff that matches these filters") (V, P) -> ("Has a developer that matches these filters", "Does not have a developer that matches these filters") (C, S) -> ("Has a voice actor that matches these filters", "Does not have a voice actor that matches these filters") (R, P) -> ("Has a producer that matches these filters", "Does not have a producer that matches these filters") _ -> ("","") in [ ul [] [ li [] [ linkRadio (not model.neg) (FSNest << NNeg False) [ text a ] ] , li [] [ linkRadio ( model.neg) (FSNest << NNeg True ) [ text b ] ] ] ] neglbl = text <| (if model.neg then "¬" else "") ++ case (model.ptype, model.qtype) of (_, C) -> "Char" (_, R) -> "Rel" (_, V) -> "VN" (V, S) -> "Staff" (V, P) -> "Developer" (R, P) -> "Producer" (C, S) -> "VA" _ -> "" ourdd = if model.qtype == model.ptype then fieldViewDd dat dd andlbl andcont else fieldViewDd dat dd neglbl negcont initialdd = if model.ptype == model.qtype || List.length model.fields == 1 then [ ourdd ] else [ ourdd, and ] in if hasNest then table [ class "advnest" ] <| List.indexedMap (\i f -> tr [] [ td [] <| if i == 0 then initialdd else [] , td [ class (if i == 0 then "start" else "mid") ] [ div [] [], span [] [] ] , td [] [ f ] ]) filters ++ [ tr [] [ td [] [] , td [ class "end" ] [ div [] [], span [] [] ] , td [] [ add ] ] ] else table [ class "advrow" ] [ tr [] [ td [] (initialdd ++ [small [] [ text " → " ]]) , td [] (filters ++ [add]) ] ] -- Generic field abstraction. -- (this is where typeclasses would have been *awesome*) -- -- The following functions and definitions are only intended to provide field -- listings and function dispatchers, if the implementation of anything in here -- is longer than a single line, it should get its own definition near where -- the rest of that field is defined. type alias Field = (Int, DD.Config FieldMsg, FieldModel) -- The Int is the index into 'fields' type alias ListModel = { val : Int , lst : List (Query, String) } type FieldModel = FMCustom Query -- A read-only placeholder for Query values that failed to parse into a Field | FMNest NestModel | FMList ListModel | FMLang AS.LangModel | FMRPlatform (AS.Model String) | FMVPlatform (AS.Model String) | FMLength (AS.Model Int) | FMDevStatus (AS.Model Int) | FMRole (AS.Model String) | FMBlood (AS.Model String) | FMSex (AS.SexModel) | FMGender (AS.Model String) | FMMedium (AS.Model String) | FMVoiced (AS.Model Int) | FMAniEro (AS.Model Int) | FMAniStory (AS.Model Int) | FMRType (AS.Model String) | FMLabel (AS.Model Int) | FMRList (AS.Model Int) | FMSRole (AS.Model String) | FMPType (AS.Model String) | FMRExtLinks (AS.Model String) | FMSExtLinks (AS.Model String) | FMHeight (AR.Model Int) | FMWeight (AR.Model Int) | FMBust (AR.Model Int) | FMWaist (AR.Model Int) | FMHips (AR.Model Int) | FMCup (AR.Model String) | FMAge (AR.Model Int) | FMPopularity (AR.Model Int) | FMRating (AR.Model Int) | FMVotecount (AR.Model Int) | FMMinAge (AR.Model Int) | FMProdId AP.Model | FMProducer AP.Model | FMDeveloper AP.Model | FMStaff AT.Model | FMAnime AA.Model | FMRDate AD.Model | FMResolution AE.Model | FMEngine AEng.Model | FMDRMType ADRM.Model | FMTag AG.Model | FMTrait AI.Model | FMBirthday AB.Model type FieldMsg = FSCustom () -- Not actually used at the moment | FSNest NestMsg | FSList Int | FSLang (AS.Msg String) | FSRPlatform (AS.Msg String) | FSVPlatform (AS.Msg String) | FSLength (AS.Msg Int) | FSDevStatus (AS.Msg Int) | FSRole (AS.Msg String) | FSBlood (AS.Msg String) | FSSex AS.SexMsg | FSGender (AS.Msg String) | FSMedium (AS.Msg String) | FSVoiced (AS.Msg Int) | FSAniEro (AS.Msg Int) | FSAniStory (AS.Msg Int) | FSRType (AS.Msg String) | FSLabel (AS.Msg Int) | FSRList (AS.Msg Int) | FSSRole (AS.Msg String) | FSPType (AS.Msg String) | FSRExtLinks (AS.Msg String) | FSSExtLinks (AS.Msg String) | FSHeight AR.Msg | FSWeight AR.Msg | FSBust AR.Msg | FSWaist AR.Msg | FSHips AR.Msg | FSCup AR.Msg | FSAge AR.Msg | FSPopularity AR.Msg | FSRating AR.Msg | FSVotecount AR.Msg | FSMinAge AR.Msg | FSProdId AP.Msg | FSProducer AP.Msg | FSDeveloper AP.Msg | FSStaff AT.Msg | FSAnime AA.Msg | FSRDate AD.Msg | FSResolution AE.Msg | FSEngine AEng.Msg | FSDRMType ADRM.Msg | FSTag AG.Msg | FSTrait AI.Msg | FSBirthday AB.Msg | FToggle Bool | FDel -- intercepted in nestUpdate | FMoveSub -- intercepted in nestUpdate | FMovePar type alias FieldDesc = { qtype : QType , ptype : QType , title : String -- How it's listed in the field selection menu. , quick : Int -- Whether it should be included in the default set of fields (>0) ("quick mode") and in which order. , init : Data -> (Data, FieldModel) -- How to initialize an empty field , fromQuery : Data -> Query -> Maybe (Data, FieldModel) -- How to initialize the field from a query } -- XXX: Should this be lazily initialized instead? May impact JS load time like this. fields : Array.Array FieldDesc fields = let f qtype title quick wrap init fromq = { qtype = qtype , ptype = qtype , title = title , quick = quick , init = \d -> (Tuple.mapSecond wrap (init d)) , fromQuery = \d q -> (Tuple.mapSecond wrap) (fromq d q) } -- List type queries are fully defined here for convenience l qtype title quick lst = f qtype title quick FMList (\d -> (d, { val = 0, lst = lst })) (\d q -> List.indexedMap (\i (k,v) -> (i,k,v)) lst |> List.filter (\(i,k,_) -> k == q) |> List.head |> (\(i,_,_) -> (d, { val = i, lst = lst }))) -- Nested queries n ptype qtype title = { qtype = qtype , ptype = ptype , title = title , quick = 0 , init = nestInit True ptype qtype [] >> Tuple.mapSecond FMNest , fromQuery = \d -> nestFromQuery ptype qtype d >> (Tuple.mapSecond FMNest) } in Array.fromList -- IMPORTANT: This list is processed in reverse order when reading a Query -- into Fields, so "catch all" fields must be listed first. In particular, -- FMNest with qtype == ptype go before everything else. -- T TITLE QUICK WRAP INIT FROM_QUERY [ n V V "And/Or" , n V R "Release »" , n V S "Staff »" , n V C "Character »" , n V P "Developer »" , f V "Language" 1 FMLang (AS.langInit AS.LangVN) (AS.langFromQuery AS.LangVN) , f V "Original language" 2 FMLang (AS.langInit AS.LangVNO) (AS.langFromQuery AS.LangVNO) , f V "Platform" 3 FMVPlatform AS.init AS.platformFromQuery , f V "Tags" 4 FMTag AG.init (AG.fromQuery -1 True False) , f V "" -4 FMTag AG.init (AG.fromQuery 0 True False) , f V "" -4 FMTag AG.init (AG.fromQuery 1 True False) , f V "" -4 FMTag AG.init (AG.fromQuery 2 True False) , f V "" -4 FMTag AG.init (AG.fromQuery 2 True True ) , f V "" -4 FMTag AG.init (AG.fromQuery 0 False False) , f V "" -4 FMTag AG.init (AG.fromQuery 1 False False) , f V "" -4 FMTag AG.init (AG.fromQuery 2 False False) , f V "" -4 FMTag AG.init (AG.fromQuery 2 False True ) , f V "My Labels" 0 FMLabel AS.init AS.labelFromQuery , l V "My List" 0 [(QInt 65 Eq 1, "On my list"), (QInt 65 Ne 1, "Not on my list")] , f V "Length" 0 FMLength AS.init AS.lengthFromQuery , f V "Development status" 0 FMDevStatus AS.init AS.devStatusFromQuery , f V "Release date" 0 FMRDate AD.init AD.fromQuery , f V "" -1 FMPopularity AR.popularityInit AR.popularityFromQuery , f V "Rating" 0 FMRating AR.ratingInit AR.ratingFromQuery , f V "Number of votes" 0 FMVotecount AR.votecountInit AR.votecountFromQuery , f V "Anime" 0 FMAnime AA.init AA.fromQuery , l V "Has description" 0 [(QInt 61 Eq 1, "Has description"), (QInt 61 Ne 1, "No description")] , l V "Has anime" 0 [(QInt 62 Eq 1, "Has anime relation"), (QInt 62 Ne 1, "No anime relation")] , l V "Has screenshot" 0 [(QInt 63 Eq 1, "Has screenshot(s)"), (QInt 63 Ne 1, "No screenshot(s)")] , l V "Has review" 0 [(QInt 64 Eq 1, "Has review(s)"), (QInt 64 Ne 1, "No review(s)")] -- Deprecated , f V "" 0 FMDeveloper AP.init (AP.fromQuery 6) , n R R "And/Or" , n R V "Visual Novel »" , n R P "Producer »" , f R "Language" 1 FMLang (AS.langInit AS.LangRel) (AS.langFromQuery AS.LangRel) , f R "Platform" 2 FMRPlatform AS.init AS.platformFromQuery , f R "Type" 3 FMRType AS.init AS.rtypeFromQuery , l R "Patch" 0 [(QInt 61 Eq 1, "Patch to another release"),(QInt 61 Ne 1, "Standalone release")] , l R "Freeware" 0 [(QInt 62 Eq 1, "Freeware"), (QInt 62 Ne 1, "Non-free")] , l R "Erotic scenes" 0 [(QInt 66 Eq 1, "Has erotic scenes"), (QInt 66 Ne 1, "No erotic scenes")] , l R "Uncensored" 0 [(QInt 64 Eq 1, "Uncensored (no mosaic)"), (QInt 64 Ne 1, "Censored (or no erotic content to censor)")] , l R "Official" 0 [(QInt 65 Eq 1, "Official"), (QInt 65 Ne 1, "Unofficial")] , f R "Release date" 0 FMRDate AD.init AD.fromQuery , f R "Resolution" 0 FMResolution AE.init AE.fromQuery , f R "Age rating" 0 FMMinAge AR.minageInit AR.minageFromQuery , f R "Medium" 0 FMMedium AS.init AS.mediumFromQuery , f R "Voiced" 0 FMVoiced AS.init AS.voicedFromQuery , f R "Ero animation" 0 FMAniEro AS.init (AS.animatedFromQuery False) , f R "Story animation" 0 FMAniStory AS.init (AS.animatedFromQuery True) , f R "Engine" 0 FMEngine AEng.init AEng.fromQuery , f R "DRM implementation" 0 FMDRMType ADRM.init ADRM.fromQuery , f R "External links" 0 FMRExtLinks AS.init (AS.extlinkFromQuery 19) , f R "My List" 0 FMRList AS.init AS.rlistFromQuery -- Deprecated , f R "" 0 FMDeveloper AP.init (AP.fromQuery 6) , f R "" 0 FMProducer AP.init (AP.fromQuery 17) , n C C "And/Or" , n C S "Voice Actor »" , n C V "Visual Novel »" , f C "Role" 1 FMRole AS.init AS.roleFromQuery , f C "Age" 0 FMAge AR.ageInit AR.ageFromQuery , f C "Birthday" 0 FMBirthday AB.init AB.fromQuery , f C "Sex" 2 FMSex (AS.sexInit False) (AS.sexFromQuery False) , f C "" 0 FMSex (AS.sexInit True) (AS.sexFromQuery True) , f C "Traits" 3 FMTrait AI.init (AI.fromQuery -1 True False) , f C "" 0 FMTrait AI.init (AI.fromQuery 0 True False) , f C "" 0 FMTrait AI.init (AI.fromQuery 1 True False) , f C "" 0 FMTrait AI.init (AI.fromQuery 2 True False) , f C "" 0 FMTrait AI.init (AI.fromQuery 2 True True) , f C "" 0 FMTrait AI.init (AI.fromQuery 0 False False) , f C "" 0 FMTrait AI.init (AI.fromQuery 1 False False) , f C "" 0 FMTrait AI.init (AI.fromQuery 2 False False) , f C "" 0 FMTrait AI.init (AI.fromQuery 2 False True) , f C "Blood type" 0 FMBlood AS.init AS.bloodFromQuery , f C "Height" 0 FMHeight AR.heightInit AR.heightFromQuery , f C "Weight" 0 FMWeight AR.weightInit AR.weightFromQuery , f C "Bust" 0 FMBust AR.bustInit AR.bustFromQuery , f C "Waist" 0 FMWaist AR.waistInit AR.waistFromQuery , f C "Hips" 0 FMHips AR.hipsInit AR.hipsFromQuery , f C "Cup size" 0 FMCup AR.cupInit AR.cupFromQuery , n S S "And/Or" , f S "Name" 0 FMStaff AT.init AT.fromQuery , f S "Language" 1 FMLang (AS.langInit AS.LangStaff) (AS.langFromQuery AS.LangStaff) , f S "Gender" 2 FMGender AS.init AS.genderFromQuery , f S "Role" 3 FMSRole AS.init AS.sroleFromQuery , f S "External links" 0 FMSExtLinks AS.init (AS.extlinkFromQuery 6) , n P P "And/Or" , f P "Name" 0 FMProdId AP.init (AP.fromQuery 3) , f P "Language" 1 FMLang (AS.langInit AS.LangProd) (AS.langFromQuery AS.LangProd) , f P "Type" 2 FMPType AS.init AS.ptypeFromQuery ] fieldUpdate : Data -> FieldMsg -> Field -> (Data, Field, Cmd FieldMsg) fieldUpdate dat msg_ (num, dd, model) = let maps f m = (dat, (num, dd, f m), Cmd.none) -- Simple version: update function returns a Model mapf fm fc (d,m,c) = (d, (num, dd, fm m), fc c) -- Full version: update function returns (Data, Model, Cmd) mapc fm fc (d,m,c) = (d, (num, DD.toggle dd False, fm m), fc c) -- Full version that also closes the DD (Ugly hack...) noop = (dat, (num, dd, model), Cmd.none) -- Called when opening a dropdown, can be used to focus an input element focus = case model of FMTag m -> FSTag (A.refocus m.conf) FMTrait m -> FSTrait (A.refocus m.conf) FMProdId m -> FSProdId (A.refocus m.conf) FMProducer m -> FSProducer (A.refocus m.conf) FMDeveloper m -> FSDeveloper (A.refocus m.conf) FMStaff m -> FSStaff (A.refocus m.conf) FMAnime m -> FSAnime (A.refocus m.conf) FMResolution m -> FSResolution (A.refocus m.conf) FMEngine m -> FSEngine (A.refocus m.conf) FMDRMType m -> FSDRMType (A.refocus m.conf) _ -> Cmd.none in case (msg_, model) of -- Move to parent node is tricky, needs to be intercepted at this point so that we can access the parent NestModel. (FSNest (NField parentNum (FSNest (NField fieldNum FMovePar))), FMNest grandModel) -> case List.head <| List.drop parentNum grandModel.fields of Just (_,_,FMNest parentModel) -> let fieldField = List.drop fieldNum parentModel.fields |> List.take 1 newFields = (\(fid,fdd,fm) -> (fid, DD.toggle fdd False, fm)) fieldField newParentModel = { parentModel | fields = delidx fieldNum parentModel.fields } addGrandFields = List.take parentNum grandModel.fields ++ newFields ++ List.drop parentNum grandModel.fields newGrandFields = if List.isEmpty newParentModel.fields then delidx (parentNum+1) addGrandFields else modidx (parentNum+1) (\(pid,pdd,_) -> (pid,pdd,FMNest newParentModel)) addGrandFields newGrandModel = { grandModel | fields = newGrandFields } in (dat, (num,dd,FMNest newGrandModel), Cmd.none) _ -> noop -- Move root node to sub; for child nodes this is handled in nestUpdate, but the root node must be handled separately (FMoveSub, FMNest m) -> let subfields = [(num,DD.toggle dd False,model)] (ndat,subm) = nestInit True m.qtype m.qtype subfields dat (ndat2,subf) = fieldCreate -1 (ndat, FMNest subm) in (ndat2, subf, Cmd.none) (FSNest (NAnd a b), FMNest m) -> mapc FMNest FSNest (nestUpdate dat (NAnd a b) m) (FSNest (NNeg a b), FMNest m) -> mapc FMNest FSNest (nestUpdate dat (NNeg a b) m) (FSNest msg, FMNest m) -> mapf FMNest FSNest (nestUpdate dat msg m) (FSList msg, FMList m) -> (dat, (num,DD.toggle dd False,FMList { m | val = msg }), Cmd.none) (FSLang msg, FMLang m) -> maps FMLang (AS.langUpdate msg m) (FSRPlatform msg,FMRPlatform m)-> maps FMRPlatform(AS.update msg m) (FSVPlatform msg,FMVPlatform m)-> maps FMVPlatform(AS.update msg m) (FSLength msg, FMLength m) -> maps FMLength (AS.update msg m) (FSDevStatus msg,FMDevStatus m)-> maps FMDevStatus(AS.update msg m) (FSRole msg, FMRole m) -> maps FMRole (AS.update msg m) (FSBlood msg, FMBlood m) -> maps FMBlood (AS.update msg m) (FSSex msg, FMSex m) -> maps FMSex (AS.sexUpdate msg m) (FSGender msg, FMGender m) -> maps FMGender (AS.update msg m) (FSMedium msg, FMMedium m) -> maps FMMedium (AS.update msg m) (FSVoiced msg, FMVoiced m) -> maps FMVoiced (AS.update msg m) (FSAniEro msg, FMAniEro m) -> maps FMAniEro (AS.update msg m) (FSAniStory msg, FMAniStory m) -> maps FMAniStory (AS.update msg m) (FSRType msg, FMRType m) -> maps FMRType (AS.update msg m) (FSLabel msg, FMLabel m) -> maps FMLabel (AS.update msg m) (FSRList msg, FMRList m) -> maps FMRList (AS.update msg m) (FSSRole msg, FMSRole m) -> maps FMSRole (AS.update msg m) (FSPType msg, FMPType m) -> maps FMPType (AS.update msg m) (FSRExtLinks msg,FMRExtLinks m)-> maps FMRExtLinks (AS.update msg m) (FSSExtLinks msg,FMSExtLinks m)-> maps FMSExtLinks (AS.update msg m) (FSHeight msg, FMHeight m) -> maps FMHeight (AR.update msg m) (FSWeight msg, FMWeight m) -> maps FMWeight (AR.update msg m) (FSBust msg, FMBust m) -> maps FMBust (AR.update msg m) (FSWaist msg, FMWaist m) -> maps FMWaist (AR.update msg m) (FSHips msg, FMHips m) -> maps FMHips (AR.update msg m) (FSCup msg, FMCup m) -> maps FMCup (AR.update msg m) (FSAge msg, FMAge m) -> maps FMAge (AR.update msg m) (FSPopularity msg,FMPopularity m)->maps FMPopularity (AR.update msg m) (FSRating msg, FMRating m) -> maps FMRating (AR.update msg m) (FSVotecount msg,FMVotecount m)-> maps FMVotecount (AR.update msg m) (FSMinAge msg ,FMMinAge m) -> maps FMMinAge (AR.update msg m) (FSProdId msg, FMProdId m) -> mapf FMProdId FSProdId (AP.update dat msg m) (FSProducer msg, FMProducer m) -> mapf FMProducer FSProducer (AP.update dat msg m) (FSDeveloper msg,FMDeveloper m)-> mapf FMDeveloper FSDeveloper (AP.update dat msg m) (FSStaff msg, FMStaff m) -> mapf FMStaff FSStaff (AT.update dat msg m) (FSAnime msg, FMAnime m) -> mapf FMAnime FSAnime (AA.update dat msg m) (FSRDate msg, FMRDate m) -> maps FMRDate (AD.update msg m) (FSResolution msg,FMResolution m)->mapf FMResolution FSResolution (AE.update dat msg m) (FSEngine msg, FMEngine m) -> mapf FMEngine FSEngine (AEng.update dat msg m) (FSDRMType msg, FMDRMType m) -> mapf FMDRMType FSDRMType (ADRM.update dat msg m) (FSTag msg, FMTag m) -> mapf FMTag FSTag (AG.update dat msg m) (FSTrait msg, FMTrait m) -> mapf FMTrait FSTrait (AI.update dat msg m) (FSBirthday msg, FMBirthday m) -> maps FMBirthday (AB.update msg m) (FToggle b, _) -> (dat, (num, DD.toggle dd b, model), if b then focus else Cmd.none) _ -> noop fieldViewDd : Data -> DD.Config FieldMsg -> Html FieldMsg -> (() -> List (Html FieldMsg)) -> Html FieldMsg fieldViewDd dat dd lbl cont = div [ class "elm_dd_input" ] [ DD.view dd Api.Normal lbl <| \() -> div [ class "advbut" ] [ if dat.level == 0 then small [ title "Can't delete the top-level filter" ] [ text "⊗" ] else a [ href "#", onClickD FDel, title "Delete this filter" ] [ text "⊗" ] , if dat.level <= 1 then small [ title "Can't move this filter to parent branch" ] [ text "↰" ] else a [ href "#", onClickD FMovePar, title "Move this filter to parent branch" ] [ text "↰" ] , a [ href "#", onClickD FMoveSub, title "Create new branch for this filter" ] [ text "↳" ] ] :: cont () ] fieldView : Data -> Field -> Html FieldMsg fieldView dat (_, dd, model) = let f wrap (lbl,cont) = fieldViewDd dat dd ( wrap lbl) <| \() -> ( wrap) (cont ()) l m = ( span [ class "nowrap" ] [ text <| Maybe.withDefault "" <| Tuple.second <| List.head <| List.drop m.val m.lst ] , \() -> [ ul [] <| List.indexedMap (\n (_,v) -> li [] [ linkRadio (n == m.val) (\_ -> n) [ text v ] ]) m.lst ] ) in case model of FMCustom m -> f FSCustom (text "Unrecognized query", \() -> [text ""]) -- TODO: Display the Query FMList m -> f FSList (l m) FMLang m -> f FSLang (AS.langView m) FMVPlatform m -> f FSVPlatform (AS.platformView False m) FMRPlatform m -> f FSRPlatform (AS.platformView True m) FMLength m -> f FSLength (AS.lengthView m) FMDevStatus m -> f FSDevStatus (AS.devStatusView m) FMRole m -> f FSRole (AS.roleView m) FMBlood m -> f FSBlood (AS.bloodView m) FMSex m -> f FSSex (AS.sexView m) FMGender m -> f FSGender (AS.genderView m) FMMedium m -> f FSMedium (AS.mediumView m) FMVoiced m -> f FSVoiced (AS.voicedView m) FMAniEro m -> f FSAniEro (AS.animatedView False m) FMAniStory m -> f FSAniStory (AS.animatedView True m) FMRType m -> f FSRType (AS.rtypeView m) FMLabel m -> f FSLabel (AS.labelView dat m) FMRList m -> f FSRList (AS.rlistView m) FMSRole m -> f FSSRole (AS.sroleView m) FMPType m -> f FSPType (AS.ptypeView m) FMRExtLinks m -> f FSRExtLinks (AS.extlinkView GEL.releaseSites m) FMSExtLinks m -> f FSSExtLinks (AS.extlinkView GEL.staffSites m) FMHeight m -> f FSHeight (AR.heightView m) FMWeight m -> f FSWeight (AR.weightView m) FMBust m -> f FSBust (AR.bustView m) FMWaist m -> f FSWaist (AR.waistView m) FMHips m -> f FSHips (AR.hipsView m) FMCup m -> f FSCup (AR.cupView m) FMAge m -> f FSAge (AR.ageView m) FMPopularity m -> f FSPopularity (AR.popularityView m) FMRating m -> f FSRating (AR.ratingView m) FMVotecount m -> f FSVotecount (AR.votecountView m) FMMinAge m -> f FSMinAge (AR.minageView m) FMProdId m -> f FSProdId (AP.view "Name" dat m) FMProducer m -> f FSProducer (AP.view "Producer" dat m) FMDeveloper m -> f FSDeveloper (AP.view "Developer" dat m) FMStaff m -> f FSStaff (AT.view dat m) FMAnime m -> f FSAnime (AA.view dat m) FMRDate m -> f FSRDate (AD.view m) FMResolution m -> f FSResolution (AE.view m) FMEngine m -> f FSEngine (AEng.view m) FMDRMType m -> f FSDRMType (ADRM.view m) FMTag m -> f FSTag (AG.view dat m) FMTrait m -> f FSTrait (AI.view dat m) FMBirthday m -> f FSBirthday (AB.view m) FMNest m -> nestView dat dd m fieldToQuery : Data -> Field -> Maybe Query fieldToQuery dat (_, _, model) = case model of FMCustom m -> Just m FMList m -> List.drop m.val m.lst |> List.head |> Tuple.first FMNest m -> nestToQuery dat m FMLang m -> AS.langToQuery m FMRPlatform m-> AS.toQuery (QStr 4) m FMVPlatform m-> AS.toQuery (QStr 4) m FMLength m -> AS.toQuery (QInt 5) m FMDevStatus m-> AS.toQuery (QInt 66) m FMRole m -> AS.toQuery (QStr 2) m FMBlood m -> AS.toQuery (QStr 3) m FMSex (s,m) -> AS.toQuery (QStr (if s then 5 else 4)) m FMGender m -> AS.toQuery (QStr 4) m FMMedium m -> AS.toQuery (QStr 11) m FMVoiced m -> AS.toQuery (QInt 12) m FMAniEro m -> AS.toQuery (QInt 13) m FMAniStory m -> AS.toQuery (QInt 14) m FMRType m -> AS.toQuery (QStr 16) m FMLabel m -> AS.toQuery (\op v -> QTuple 12 op (Maybe.withDefault 0 ( vndbidNum dat.uid)) v) m FMRList m -> AS.toQuery (QInt 18) m FMSRole m -> AS.toQuery (QStr 5) m FMPType m -> AS.toQuery (QStr 4) m FMRExtLinks m-> AS.toQuery (QStr 19) m FMSExtLinks m-> AS.toQuery (QStr 6) m FMHeight m -> AR.toQuery (QInt 6) (QStr 6) m FMWeight m -> AR.toQuery (QInt 7) (QStr 7) m FMBust m -> AR.toQuery (QInt 8) (QStr 8) m FMWaist m -> AR.toQuery (QInt 9) (QStr 9) m FMHips m -> AR.toQuery (QInt 10) (QStr 10) m FMCup m -> AR.toQuery (QStr 11) (QStr 11) m FMAge m -> AR.toQuery (QInt 12) (QStr 12) m FMPopularity m->AR.toQuery (QInt 9) (QStr 9) m FMRating m -> AR.toQuery (QInt 10) (QStr 10) m FMVotecount m-> AR.toQuery (QInt 11) (QStr 11) m FMMinAge m -> AR.toQuery (QInt 10) (QStr 10) m FMProdId m -> AP.toQuery 3 m FMProducer m -> AP.toQuery 17 m FMDeveloper m-> AP.toQuery 6 m FMStaff m -> AT.toQuery m FMAnime m -> AA.toQuery m FMRDate m -> AD.toQuery m FMResolution m-> AE.toQuery m FMEngine m -> AEng.toQuery m FMDRMType m -> ADRM.toQuery m FMTag m -> AG.toQuery m FMTrait m -> AI.toQuery m FMBirthday m -> AB.toQuery m fieldCreate : Int -> (Data,FieldModel) -> (Data,Field) fieldCreate fid (dat,fm) = ( {dat | objid = dat.objid + 1} , (fid, DD.init ("xsearch_field" ++ String.fromInt dat.objid) FToggle, fm) ) fieldInit : Int -> Data -> (Data,Field) fieldInit n dat = case Array.get n fields of Just f -> fieldCreate n (f.init dat) Nothing -> fieldCreate -1 (dat, FMCustom (QAnd [])) -- Shouldn't happen. fieldFromQuery : QType -> Data -> Query -> (Data,Field) fieldFromQuery qtype dat q = let (field, _) = Array.foldr (\f (af,n) -> case (if af /= Nothing || f.ptype /= qtype then Nothing else f.fromQuery dat q) of Nothing -> (af,n-1) Just ret -> (Just (fieldCreate n ret), 0) ) (Nothing,Array.length fields-1) fields in case field of Just ret -> ret Nothing -> fieldCreate -1 (dat, FMCustom q) fieldSub : Field -> Sub FieldMsg fieldSub (_,dd,fm) = case fm of FMNest m -> Sub.batch <| DD.sub dd :: DD.sub m.addDd :: DD.sub m.andDd :: List.indexedMap (\i -> (FSNest << NField i) << fieldSub) m.fields _ -> DD.sub dd