module AdvSearch.Lib exposing (..) import Json.Encode as JE import Json.Decode as JD import Html import Html.Attributes import Lib.Html import Dict import Set import Gen.Api as GApi -- Generic dynamically typed representation of a query. -- Used only as an intermediate format to help with encoding/decoding. -- Corresponds to the compact JSON form. type QType = V | R | C | S | P type Op = Eq | Ne | Ge | Gt | Le | Lt type Query = QAnd (List Query) | QOr (List Query) | QInt Int Op Int | QStr Int Op String | QQuery Int Op Query | QTuple Int Op Int Int encodeOp : Op -> JE.Value encodeOp o = JE.string <| case o of Eq -> "=" Ne -> "!=" Ge -> ">=" Gt -> ">" Le -> "<=" Lt -> "<" encodeQuery : Query -> JE.Value encodeQuery q = case q of QAnd l -> JE.list identity ( 0 :: encodeQuery l) QOr l -> JE.list identity ( 1 :: encodeQuery l) QInt s o a -> JE.list identity [ s, encodeOp o, a] QStr s o a -> JE.list identity [ s, encodeOp o, JE.string a] QQuery s o a -> JE.list identity [ s, encodeOp o, encodeQuery a] QTuple s o a b -> JE.list identity [ s, encodeOp o, a, b] -- Drops the first item in the list, decodes the rest decodeQList : JD.Decoder (List Query) decodeQList = let dec l = (JD.decodeValue decodeQuery) (List.drop 1 l) -- [Result Query] f v r = Result.andThen (\a -> (\e -> (e::a)) v) r -- Result Query -> Result [Query] -> Result [Query] res l = case List.foldr f (Ok []) (dec l) of -- Decoder [Query] Err e -> (JD.errorToString e) Ok v -> JD.succeed v in JD.list JD.value |> JD.andThen res -- [Value] decodeOp : JD.Decoder Op decodeOp = JD.string |> JD.andThen (\s -> case s of "=" -> JD.succeed Eq "!=" -> JD.succeed Ne ">=" -> JD.succeed Ge ">" -> JD.succeed Gt "<=" -> JD.succeed Le "<" -> JD.succeed Lt _ -> "Invalid operator") decodeQuery : JD.Decoder Query decodeQuery = JD.index 0 |> JD.andThen (\s -> case s of 0 -> QAnd decodeQList 1 -> QOr decodeQList _ -> JD.oneOf [ JD.map2 (QInt s ) (JD.index 1 decodeOp) (JD.index 2 , JD.map2 (QStr s ) (JD.index 1 decodeOp) (JD.index 2 JD.string) , JD.map2 (QQuery s) (JD.index 1 decodeOp) (JD.index 2 decodeQuery) , JD.map2 (\o (a,b) -> QTuple s o a b) (JD.index 1 decodeOp) <| JD.index 2 <| JD.map2 (\a b -> (a,b)) (JD.index 0 (JD.index 1 ] ) -- Encode a Query to the compact query format. See lib/VNWeb/ for details. encIntAlpha : Int -> String encIntAlpha n = String.slice n (n+1) "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_-" encIntRaw : Int -> Int -> String encIntRaw len n = (if len > 1 then encIntRaw (len-1) (n//64) else "") ++ encIntAlpha (modBy 64 n) encInt : Int -> Maybe String encInt n = if n < 0 then Nothing else if n < 49 then Just <| encIntAlpha n else if n < 689 then Just <| encIntAlpha (49 + (n-49)//64) ++ encIntAlpha (modBy 64 (n-49)) else if n < 4785 then Just <| "X" ++ encIntRaw 2 (n-689) else if n < 266929 then Just <| "Y" ++ encIntRaw 3 (n-4785) else if n < 17044145 then Just <| "Z" ++ encIntRaw 4 (n-266929) else if n < 1090785969 then Just <| "_" ++ encIntRaw 5 (n-17044145) else if n < 69810262705 then Just <| "-" ++ encIntRaw 6 (n-1090785969) else Nothing encStrMap : Dict.Dict Char String encStrMap = Dict.fromList <| List.indexedMap (\n c -> (c,"_"++Maybe.withDefault "" (encInt n))) <| String.toList " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~" encStr : String -> String encStr = String.foldl (\c s -> s ++ Maybe.withDefault (String.fromChar c) (Dict.get c encStrMap)) "" encQuery : Query -> String encQuery query = let fint n = Maybe.withDefault "" (encInt n) lst n l = let nl = encQuery l in fint n ++ fint (List.length nl) ++ String.concat nl encOp o = case o of Eq -> 0 Ne -> 1 Ge -> 2 Gt -> 3 Le -> 4 Lt -> 5 encTypeOp o t = fint (encOp o + 8*t) encStrField n o v = let s = encStr v f l = fint n ++ encTypeOp o l ++ s in case String.length s of 2 -> f 2 3 -> f 3 l -> f 4 ++ "-" in case query of QAnd l -> lst 0 l QOr l -> lst 1 l QInt n o v -> case encInt v of -- Integers that can't be represented in encoded form will be encoded as strings Just s -> fint n ++ encTypeOp o 0 ++ s Nothing -> encStrField n o (String.fromInt v) QStr n o v -> encStrField n o v QQuery n o q -> fint n ++ encTypeOp o 1 ++ encQuery q QTuple n o a b -> fint n ++ encTypeOp o 5 ++ fint a ++ fint b showQType : QType -> String showQType q = case q of V -> "v" R -> "r" C -> "c" S -> "s" P -> "p" showOp : Op -> String showOp op = case op of Eq -> "=" Ne -> "≠" Le -> "≤" Lt -> "<" Ge -> "≥" Gt -> ">" inputOp : Bool -> Op -> (Op -> a) -> Html.Html a inputOp onlyEq val msg = Html.div [ Html.Attributes.class "opselect" ] <| (\op -> if val == op then Html.strong [] [ Html.text (showOp op) ] else Html.a [ Html.Attributes.href "#", Lib.Html.onClickD (msg op) ] [ Html.text (showOp op) ] ) <| if onlyEq then [Eq, Ne] else [Eq, Ne, Ge, Gt, Le, Lt] -- Global data that's passed around for Fields type alias Data = { objid : Int -- Incremental integer for global identifiers , level : Int -- Nesting level of the field being processed , parentTypes : Set.Set String -- Only used for 'view' functions: query types that the current field is a subquery of , uid : Maybe String , labels : List (Int, String) , defaultSpoil : Int , producers : Dict.Dict String GApi.ApiProducerResult , staff : Dict.Dict String GApi.ApiStaffResult , tags : Dict.Dict String GApi.ApiTagResult , traits : Dict.Dict String GApi.ApiTraitResult , anime : Dict.Dict Int GApi.ApiAnimeResult }