module Discussions.Edit exposing (main) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Browser import Browser.Navigation exposing (load) import Lib.Html exposing (..) import Lib.TextPreview as TP import Lib.Api as Api import Lib.Util exposing (..) import Lib.Autocomplete as A import Gen.Api as GApi import Gen.Types exposing (boardTypes) import Gen.DiscussionsEdit as GDE main : Program GDE.Recv Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = \e -> (init e, Cmd.none) , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = always Sub.none } type alias Model = { state : Api.State , tid : Maybe Int , num : Maybe Int , can_mod : Bool , can_private : Bool , locked : Bool , hidden : Bool , private : Bool , nolastmod : Bool , delete : Bool , title : Maybe String , boards : Maybe (List GDE.SendBoards) , boardAdd : A.Model GApi.ApiBoardResult , msg : TP.Model , poll : Maybe GDE.SendPoll , pollEnabled : Bool , pollEdit : Bool } init : GDE.Recv -> Model init d = { state = Api.Normal , can_mod = d.can_mod , can_private = d.can_private , tid = d.tid , num = d.num , locked = d.locked , hidden = d.hidden , private = d.private , nolastmod = False , delete = False , title = d.title , boards = d.boards , boardAdd = A.init "" , msg = TP.bbcode d.msg , poll = d.poll , pollEnabled = isJust d.poll , pollEdit = isJust d.poll } searchConfig : A.Config Msg GApi.ApiBoardResult searchConfig = { wrap = BoardSearch, id = "boardadd", source = A.boardSource } encode : Model -> GDE.Send encode m = { tid = m.tid , num = m.num , locked = m.locked , hidden = m.hidden , private = m.private , nolastmod = m.nolastmod , delete = m.delete , boards = m.boards , poll = if m.pollEnabled then m.poll else Nothing , title = m.title , msg = } numPollOptions : Model -> Int numPollOptions model = Maybe.withDefault 0 ( (\o -> List.length o.options) model.poll) dupBoards : Model -> Bool dupBoards model = hasDuplicates ( (\b -> (b.btype, b.iid)) (Maybe.withDefault [] model.boards)) isValid : Model -> Bool isValid model = not (model.boards == Just [] || dupBoards model || (\p -> p.max_options < 1 || p.max_options > numPollOptions model) model.poll == Just True) type Msg = Locked Bool | Hidden Bool | Private Bool | Nolastmod Bool | Delete Bool | Content TP.Msg | Title String | BoardDel Int | BoardSearch (A.Msg GApi.ApiBoardResult) | PollEnabled Bool | PollQ String | PollMax (Maybe Int) | PollOpt Int String | PollRem Int | PollAdd | Submit | Submitted GApi.Response update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg model = case msg of Locked b -> ({ model | locked = b }, Cmd.none) Hidden b -> ({ model | hidden = b }, Cmd.none) Private b -> ({ model | private = b }, Cmd.none) Nolastmod b -> ({ model | nolastmod=b }, Cmd.none) Delete b -> ({ model | delete = b }, Cmd.none) Content m -> let (nm,nc) = TP.update m model.msg in ({ model | msg = nm }, Content nc) Title s -> ({ model | title = Just s }, Cmd.none) PollEnabled b -> ({ model | pollEnabled = b, poll = if model.poll == Nothing then Just { question = "", max_options = 1, options = ["",""] } else model.poll }, Cmd.none) PollQ s -> ({ model | poll = (\p -> { p | question = s}) model.poll }, Cmd.none) PollMax n -> ({ model | poll = (\p -> { p | max_options = Maybe.withDefault 0 n}) model.poll }, Cmd.none) PollOpt n s -> ({ model | poll = (\p -> { p | options = modidx n (always s) p.options }) model.poll }, Cmd.none) PollRem n -> ({ model | poll = (\p -> { p | options = delidx n p.options }) model.poll }, Cmd.none) PollAdd -> ({ model | poll = (\p -> { p | options = p.options ++ [""] }) model.poll }, Cmd.none) BoardDel i -> ({ model | boards = (\b -> delidx i b) model.boards }, Cmd.none) BoardSearch m -> let (nm, c, res) = A.update searchConfig m model.boardAdd in case res of Nothing -> ({ model | boardAdd = nm }, c) Just r -> ({ model | boardAdd = A.clear nm "", boards = (\b -> b ++ [r]) model.boards }, c) Submit -> ({ model | state = Api.Loading }, GDE.send (encode model) Submitted) Submitted (GApi.Redirect s) -> (model, load s) Submitted r -> ({ model | state = Api.Error r }, Cmd.none) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = let thread = model.tid == Nothing || model.num == Just 1 board n bd = li [] <| [ text "[" , a [ href "#", onClickD (BoardDel n), tabindex 10 ] [ text "remove" ] , text "] " , text (Maybe.withDefault "" (lookup bd.btype boardTypes)) ] ++ case (bd.btype, bd.title) of (_, Just title) -> [ b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text " > " ] , a [ href <| "/" ++ bd.btype ++ String.fromInt bd.iid ] [ text title ] ] ("u", _) -> [ b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text " > " ], text <| bd.btype ++ String.fromInt bd.iid ++ " (deleted)" ] (_, _) -> [] boards () = [ text "You can link this thread to multiple boards. Every visual novel, producer and user in the database has its own board," , text " but you can also use the \"General Discussions\" and \"VNDB Discussions\" boards for threads that do not fit at a particular database entry." , ul [ style "list-style-type" "none", style "margin" "10px" ] <| List.indexedMap board (Maybe.withDefault [] model.boards) , A.view searchConfig model.boardAdd [placeholder "Add boards..."] ] ++ if model.boards == Just [] then [ b [ class "standout" ] [ text "Please add at least one board." ] ] else if dupBoards model then [ b [ class "standout" ] [ text "List contains duplicates." ] ] else [] pollOpt n p = li [] [ inputText "" p (PollOpt n) (style "width" "400px" :: placeholder ("Option #" ++ String.fromInt (n+1)) :: GDE.valPollOptions) , if numPollOptions model > 2 then a [ href "#", onClickD (PollRem n), tabindex 10 ] [ text "remove" ] else text "" ] poll () = [ tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "" ] ] , formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" model.pollEnabled PollEnabled, text " Add poll" ] ] ] ++ case (model.pollEnabled, model.poll) of (True, Just p) -> [ if model.pollEdit then formField "" [ b [ class "standout" ] [ text "Votes will be reset if any changes are made to these options!" ] ] else text "" , formField "pollq::Poll question" [ inputText "pollq" p.question PollQ (style "width" "400px" :: GDE.valPollQuestion) ] , formField "Options" [ ul [ style "list-style-type" "none", style "margin" "0px" ] <| List.indexedMap pollOpt p.options , if numPollOptions model < 20 then a [ href "#", onClickD PollAdd, tabindex 10 ] [ text "Add option" ] else text "" ] , formField "" [ inputNumber "" (Just p.max_options) PollMax <| GDE.valPollMax_Options ++ [ Html.Attributes.max <| String.fromInt <| List.length p.options ] , text " Number of options people are allowed to choose." ] ] (_, _) -> [] in form_ Submit (model.state == Api.Loading) [ div [ class "mainbox" ] [ h1 [] [ text <| if model.tid == Nothing then "Create new thread" else "Edit post" ] , table [ class "formtable" ] <| [ if thread then formField "title::Thread title" [ inputText "title" (Maybe.withDefault "" model.title) Title (style "width" "400px" :: required True :: GDE.valTitle) ] else formField "Topic" [ a [ href <| "/t" ++ String.fromInt (Maybe.withDefault 0 model.tid) ] [ text (Maybe.withDefault "" model.title) ] ] , if thread && model.can_mod then formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" model.locked Locked, text " Locked" ] ] else text "" , if model.can_mod then formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" model.hidden Hidden, text " Hidden" ] ] else text "" , if thread && model.can_private then formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" model.private Private, text " Private" ] ] else text "" , if model.tid /= Nothing && model.can_mod then formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" model.nolastmod Nolastmod, text " Don't update last modification timestamp" ] ] else text "" , if thread then formField "boardadd::Boards" (boards ()) else text "" , tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "" ] ] , formField "msg::Message" [ TP.view "msg" model.msg Content 700 ([rows 12, cols 50] ++ GDE.valMsg) [ b [ class "standout" ] [ text " (English please!) " ] , a [ href "/d9#3" ] [ text "Formatting" ] ] ] ] ++ (if thread then poll () else []) ++ (if not model.can_mod then [] else [ tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "DANGER ZONE" ] ] , formField "" [ inputCheck "" model.delete Delete , text <| " Permanently delete this " ++ if thread then "thread and all replies." else "post." , text <| if thread then "" else " This causes all replies after this one to be renumbered." , text <| " This action can not be reverted, only do this with obvious spam!" ] ]) ] , div [ class "mainbox" ] [ fieldset [ class "submit" ] [ submitButton "Submit" model.state (isValid model) ] ] ]