module Lib.Autocomplete exposing ( Config , SearchSource(..) , SourceConfig , Model , Msg , boardSource , tagSource , traitSource , vnSource , producerSource , staffSource , charSource , animeSource , resolutionSource , engineSource , drmSource , init , clear , refocus , update , view ) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Keyed as Keyed import Json.Encode as JE import Json.Decode as JD import Task import Process import Browser.Dom as Dom import Lib.Html exposing (..) import Lib.Util exposing (..) import Lib.Api as Api import Gen.Types exposing (boardTypes) import Gen.Api as GApi import Gen.Boards as GB import Gen.Tags as GT import Gen.Traits as GTR import Gen.VN as GV import Gen.Producers as GP import Gen.Staff as GS import Gen.Chars as GC import Gen.Anime as GA import Gen.Resolutions as GR import Gen.Engines as GE import Gen.DRM as GDRM type alias Config m a = -- How to wrap a Msg from this model into a Msg of the using model { wrap : Msg a -> m -- A unique 'id' of the input box (necessary for the blur/focus events) , id : String -- The source defines where to get autocomplete results from and how to display them , source : SourceConfig m a } type SearchSource m a -- API endpoint to query for completion results + Function to decode results from the API = Endpoint (String -> (GApi.Response -> m) -> Cmd m) (GApi.Response -> Maybe (List a)) -- API endpoint that returns the full list of possible results + Function to decode results from the API + Function to match results against a query | LazyList ((GApi.Response -> m) -> Cmd m) (GApi.Response -> Maybe (List a)) (String -> List a -> List a) -- Pure function for instant completion results | Func (String -> List a) type alias SourceConfig m a = -- Where to get completion results from { source : SearchSource m a -- How to display the decoded results , view : a -> List (Html m) -- Unique ID of an item (must not be an empty string). -- This is used to remember selection across data refreshes and to optimize -- HTML generation. , key : a -> String } boardSource : SourceConfig m GApi.ApiBoardResult boardSource = { source = Endpoint (\s -> GB.send { search = s }) <| \x -> case x of GApi.BoardResult e -> Just e _ -> Nothing , view = (\i -> [ text <| Maybe.withDefault "" (lookup i.btype boardTypes) ] ++ case i.title of Just title -> [ small [] [ text " > " ], text title ] _ -> [] ) , key = \i -> Maybe.withDefault i.btype i.iid } ttStatus i = case ((i.hidden, i.locked), i.searchable, i.applicable) of ((True, False), _, _ ) -> small [] [ text " (awaiting approval)" ] ((True, True ), _, _ ) -> small [] [ text " (deleted)" ] -- (not returned by the API for now) (_, False, False) -> small [] [ text " (meta)" ] (_, True, False) -> small [] [ text " (not applicable)" ] (_, False, True ) -> small [] [ text " (not searchable)" ] _ -> text "" tagSource : SourceConfig m GApi.ApiTagResult tagSource = { source = Endpoint (\s -> GT.send { search = s }) <| \x -> case x of GApi.TagResult e -> Just e _ -> Nothing , view = \i -> [ text, ttStatus i ] , key = \i -> } traitSource : SourceConfig m GApi.ApiTraitResult traitSource = { source = Endpoint (\s -> GTR.send { search = s }) <| \x -> case x of GApi.TraitResult e -> Just e _ -> Nothing , view = \i -> [ case i.group_name of Nothing -> text "" Just g -> small [] [ text <| g ++ " / " ] , text , ttStatus i ] , key = \i -> } vnSource : SourceConfig m GApi.ApiVNResult vnSource = { source = Endpoint (\s -> GV.send { search = [s], hidden = False }) <| \x -> case x of GApi.VNResult e -> Just e _ -> Nothing , view = \i -> [ small [] [ text <| ++ ": " ] , text i.title ] , key = \i -> } producerSource : SourceConfig m GApi.ApiProducerResult producerSource = { source = Endpoint (\s -> GP.send { search = [s] }) <| \x -> case x of GApi.ProducerResult e -> Just e _ -> Nothing , view = \i -> [ small [] [ text <| ++ ": " ] , text ] , key = \i -> } staffSource : SourceConfig m GApi.ApiStaffResult staffSource = { source = Endpoint (\s -> GS.send { search = [s] }) <| \x -> case x of GApi.StaffResult e -> Just e _ -> Nothing , view = \i -> [ langIcon i.lang , small [] [ text <| ++ ": " ] , text i.title , if i.alttitle == i.title then text "" else small [] [ text " ", text i.alttitle ] ] , key = \i -> String.fromInt i.aid } charSource : SourceConfig m GApi.ApiCharResult charSource = { source = Endpoint (\s -> GC.send { search = s }) <| \x -> case x of GApi.CharResult e -> Just e _ -> Nothing , view = \i -> [ small [] [ text <| ++ ": " ] , text i.title , Maybe.withDefault (text "") <| (\m -> small [] [ text <| " (instance of " ++ ++ ": " ++ m.title ] ) i.main ] , key = \i -> } animeSource : Bool -> SourceConfig m GApi.ApiAnimeResult animeSource ref = { source = Endpoint (\s -> GA.send { search = s, ref = ref }) <| \x -> case x of GApi.AnimeResult e -> Just e _ -> Nothing , view = \i -> [ small [] [ text <| "a" ++ String.fromInt ++ ": " ] , text i.title ] , key = \i -> String.fromInt } resolutionSource : SourceConfig m GApi.ApiResolutions resolutionSource = { source = LazyList (GR.send {}) (\x -> case x of GApi.Resolutions e -> Just e _ -> Nothing) (\s l -> List.filter (\v -> String.contains (String.toLower s) (String.toLower v.resolution)) l |> List.take 10) , view = \i -> [ text i.resolution, small [] [ text <| " (" ++ String.fromInt i.count ++ ")" ] ] , key = \i -> i.resolution } engineSource : SourceConfig m GApi.ApiEngines engineSource = { source = LazyList (GE.send {}) (\x -> case x of GApi.Engines e -> Just e _ -> Nothing) (\s l -> List.filter (\v -> String.contains (String.toLower s) (String.toLower v.engine)) l |> List.take 10) , view = \i -> [ text i.engine, small [] [ text <| " (" ++ String.fromInt i.count ++ ")" ] ] , key = \i -> i.engine } drmSource : SourceConfig m GApi.ApiDRM drmSource = { source = LazyList (GDRM.send {}) (\x -> case x of GApi.DRM e -> Just e _ -> Nothing) (\s l -> List.filter (\v -> String.contains (String.toLower s) (String.toLower l |> List.take 10) , view = \i -> [ text, small [] [ text <| " (" ++ String.fromInt i.count ++ ")" ] ] , key = \i -> } type alias Model a = { visible : Bool , value : String , results : List a , all : Maybe (List a) -- Used by LazyList , sel : String , default : String , loading : Bool , wait : Int } init : String -> Model a init s = { visible = False , value = s , results = [] , all = Nothing , sel = "" , default = s , loading = False , wait = 0 } clear : Model a -> String -> Model a clear m v = { m | value = v , results = [] , sel = "" , default = v , loading = False } type Msg a = Noop | Focus | Blur | Input String | Search Int | Key String | Sel String | Enter a | Results String GApi.Response select : Config m a -> Int -> Model a -> Model a select cfg offset model = let get n = List.drop n model.results |> List.head count = List.length model.results find (n,i) = if cfg.source.key i == model.sel then Just n else Nothing curidx = List.indexedMap (\a b -> (a,b)) model.results |> List.filterMap find |> List.head nextidx = (Maybe.withDefault -1 curidx) + offset nextsel = if nextidx < 0 then 0 else if nextidx >= count then count-1 else nextidx in { model | sel = Maybe.withDefault "" <| cfg.source.key <| get nextsel } -- Blur and focus the input on enter. refocus : Config m a -> Cmd m refocus cfg = Dom.blur |> Task.andThen (always (Dom.focus |> Task.attempt (always (cfg.wrap Noop)) update : Config m a -> Msg a -> Model a -> (Model a, Cmd m, Maybe a) update cfg msg model = let mod m = (m, Cmd.none, Nothing) in case msg of Noop -> mod model Blur -> mod { model | visible = False } Focus -> mod { model | loading = False, visible = True } Sel s -> mod { model | sel = s } Enter r -> (model, refocus cfg, Just r) Key "Enter" -> (model, refocus cfg, case List.filter (\i -> cfg.source.key i == model.sel) model.results |> List.head of Just x -> Just x Nothing -> List.head model.results) Key "ArrowUp" -> mod <| select cfg -1 model Key "ArrowDown" -> mod <| select cfg 1 model Key _ -> mod model Input s -> let m = { model | value = s, default = "" } in if String.trim s == "" then mod { m | loading = False, results = [] } else case (cfg.source.source) of Endpoint _ _ -> ( { m | loading = True, wait = model.wait + 1 } , Task.perform (always <| cfg.wrap <| Search <| model.wait + 1) (Process.sleep 500) , Nothing ) LazyList e _ f -> case (model.loading, model.all) of (_, Just l) -> mod { m | results = f s l } (True, _) -> mod m (False, _) -> ({ m | loading = True }, e (cfg.wrap << Results ""), Nothing) Func f -> mod { m | results = f s } Search i -> if model.value == "" || model.wait /= i then mod model else case cfg.source.source of Endpoint e _ -> (model, e model.value (cfg.wrap << Results model.value), Nothing) LazyList _ _ _ -> mod model Func _ -> mod model Results s r -> mod <| case cfg.source.source of Endpoint _ d -> if s /= model.value then model else { model | loading = False, results = d r |> Maybe.withDefault [] } LazyList _ d f -> let all = d r in { model | loading = False, all = all, results = (\l -> f model.value l) all |> Maybe.withDefault [] } Func _ -> model view : Config m a -> Model a -> List (Attribute m) -> Html m view cfg model attrs = let input = inputText model.value (cfg.wrap << Input) <| [ autocomplete False , onFocus <| cfg.wrap Focus , onBlur <| cfg.wrap Blur , style "width" "270px" , custom "keydown" <| (\c -> if c == "Enter" || c == "ArrowUp" || c == "ArrowDown" then { preventDefault = True, stopPropagation = True, message = cfg.wrap (Key c) } else { preventDefault = False, stopPropagation = False, message = cfg.wrap (Key c) } ) <| JD.field "key" JD.string ] ++ attrs visible = model.visible && model.value /= model.default && not (model.loading && List.isEmpty model.results) msg = [("", if List.isEmpty model.results then li [ class "msg" ] [ text "No results" ] else text "" )] item i = ( cfg.source.key i , li [] [ a [ href "#" , classList [("active", cfg.source.key i == model.sel)] , onMouseOver <| cfg.wrap <| Sel <| cfg.source.key i , onMouseDown <| cfg.wrap <| Enter i ] <| cfg.source.view i ] ) in div [ class "elm_dd", class "search", style "width" "300px" ] [ div [ classList [("hidden", not visible)] ] [ div [] [ Keyed.node "ul" [] <| msg ++ item model.results ] ] , Html.form [] [ input ] , span [ class "spinner", classList [("hidden", not model.loading)] ] [] ]