module Lib.ExtLinks exposing (..) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Regex import Lib.Html exposing (..) import Gen.ReleaseEdit as GRE import Gen.ExtLinks as GEL -- Takes a printf-style string with a single %s or %d formatting code and a parameter to format. -- Supports 0-padding with '%0d' formatting codes, where <= 99. -- Returns (prefix, formatted_param, suffix) -- (This is super ugly and probably better written with elm/parser, but it gets the job done) splitPrintf : String -> String -> (String, String, String) splitPrintf s p = case String.split "%" s of [ pre, suf ] -> case String.uncons suf of Just ('s', suf1) -> (pre, p, suf1) Just ('d', suf1) -> (pre, p, suf1) Just ('0', suf1) -> case String.uncons suf1 of Just (c2, suf2) -> case String.uncons suf2 of Just ('d', suf3) -> (pre, String.padLeft (Char.toCode c2 - 48) '0' p, suf3) Just (c3, suf3) -> case String.uncons suf3 of Just ('d', suf4) -> (pre, String.padLeft (10*(Char.toCode c2 - 48) + Char.toCode c3 - 48) '0' p, suf4) _ -> (pre, "%", suf) _ -> (pre, "%", suf) _ -> (pre, "%", suf) _ -> (pre, "%", suf) _ -> (s, "", "") type Rec a = Unrecognized | Duplicate | Add (GEL.Site a, String) -- Site, value type alias Model a = { links : a , sites : List (GEL.Site a) , input : String , rec : Rec a } type Msg a = Del (Int -> a -> a) Int | Input String | Enter new : a -> List (GEL.Site a) -> Model a new l s = { links = l , sites = s , input = "" , rec = Unrecognized } update : Msg a -> Model a -> Model a update msg model = let match s m = (s, (Maybe.withDefault "") m.submatches |> List.filter (\a -> a /= "") |> List.head |> Maybe.withDefault "") fmtval s v = let (_, val, _) = splitPrintf s.fmt v in val dup s val = List.filter (\l -> fmtval s l == fmtval s val) (s.links model.links) |> List.isEmpty |> not find i = case List.concatMap (\s -> (match s) (Regex.find s.regex i)) model.sites |> List.head of Nothing -> Unrecognized Just (s, val) -> if dup s val then Duplicate else Add (s, val) in case msg of Del f i -> { model | links = f i model.links } Input i -> { model | input = i, rec = find i } Enter -> case model.rec of Add (s, val) -> { model | input = "", rec = Unrecognized, links = s.add val model.links } _ -> model view : Model a -> Html (Msg a) view model = Html.form [ onSubmit Enter ] [ table [] <| List.concatMap (\s -> List.indexedMap (\i l -> let (pre, val, suf) = splitPrintf s.fmt l in tr [] [ td [] [ a [ href <| pre ++ val ++ suf, target "_blank" ] [ text ] ] , td [] [ b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text pre ], text val, b [ class "grayedout" ] [ text suf ] ] , td [] [ a [ href "#", onClickD (Del s.del i) ] [ text "remove" ] ] ] ) (s.links model.links) ) model.sites , inputText "" model.input Input [style "width" "500px", placeholder "Add URL..."] , case (model.input, model.rec) of ("", _) -> span [] [ br [] [], text <| "Recognized sites: " ++ String.join ", " ( (\s -> model.sites) ++ "." ] (_, Unrecognized) -> b [ class "standout" ] [ br [] [], text "Invalid or unrecognized URL." ] (_, Duplicate) -> b [ class "standout" ] [ br [] [], text "URL is already listed." ] (_, Add (s, _)) -> span [] [ inputButton (if s.multi then "Add" else "Edit") Enter [] , br [] [], text <| "URL recognized as: " ++ ] ]