module Tagmod exposing (main) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Html.Lazy import Browser import Browser.Navigation exposing (reload) import Browser.Dom exposing (focus) import Task import Lib.Html exposing (..) import Lib.Api as Api import Lib.Ffi as Ffi import Lib.Autocomplete as A import Gen.Api as GApi import Gen.Tagmod as GT main : Program GT.Recv Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = \e -> (init e, Cmd.none) , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = always Sub.none } type alias Tag = GT.RecvTags type Sel = NoSel | Vote Int | Over | Spoil (Maybe Int) | Lie (Maybe Bool) | Note | NoteSet type alias Model = { state : Api.State , title : String , id : String , mod : Bool , tags : List Tag , saved : List Tag , changed : Bool , selId : String , selType : Sel , negCount : Int , negShow : Bool , add : A.Model GApi.ApiTagResult , addMsg : String } init : GT.Recv -> Model init f = { state = Api.Normal , title = f.title , id = , mod = f.mod , tags = f.tags , saved = f.tags , changed = False , selId = "" , selType = NoSel , negCount = List.length <| List.filter (\t -> t.rating <= 0) f.tags , negShow = False , add = A.init "" , addMsg = "" } searchConfig : A.Config Msg GApi.ApiTagResult searchConfig = { wrap = TagSearch, id = "tagadd", source = A.tagSource } type Msg = Noop | SetSel String Sel | SetVote String Int | SetOver String Bool | SetSpoil String (Maybe Int) | SetLie String (Maybe Bool) | SetNote String String | NegShow Bool | TagSearch (A.Msg GApi.ApiTagResult) | Submit | Submitted GApi.Response update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg model = let changed m = { m | changed = m.saved /= m.tags } modtag id f = changed { model | addMsg = "", tags = (\t -> if == id then f t else t) model.tags } in case msg of Noop -> (model, Cmd.none) SetSel id v -> ( if model.selType == NoteSet && not (id == model.selId && v == NoSel) then model else { model | selId = id, selType = v } , if v == NoteSet then Task.attempt (always Noop) (focus "tag_note") else Cmd.none) SetVote id v -> (modtag id (\t -> { t | vote = v }), Cmd.none) SetOver id b -> (modtag id (\t -> { t | overrule = b }), Cmd.none) SetSpoil id s -> (modtag id (\t -> { t | spoil = s }), Cmd.none) SetLie id s -> (modtag id (\t -> { t | lie = s }), Cmd.none) SetNote id s -> (modtag id (\t -> { t | notes = s }), Cmd.none) NegShow b -> ({ model | negShow = b }, Cmd.none) TagSearch m -> let (nm, c, res) = A.update searchConfig m model.add in case res of Nothing -> ({ model | add = nm }, c) Just t -> let (nl, ms) = if t.hidden && t.locked then ([], "Can't add deleted tags") else if not t.applicable then ([], "Tag is not applicable") else if List.any (\it -> == model.tags then ([], "Tag is already in the list") else ([{ id =, vote = 0, spoil = Nothing, lie = Nothing, overrule = False, notes = "", cat = "new", name = , rating = 0, count = 0, spoiler = 0, islie = False, overruled = False, othnotes = "", hidden = t.hidden, locked = t.locked, applicable = t.applicable }], "") in (changed { model | add = if ms == "" then A.clear nm "" else nm, tags = model.tags ++ nl, addMsg = ms }, c) Submit -> ( { model | state = Api.Loading, addMsg = "" } , GT.send { id =, tags = (\t -> { id =, vote =, spoil = t.spoil, lie = t.lie, overrule = t.overrule, notes = t.notes }) model.tags } Submitted) Submitted GApi.Success -> (model, reload) Submitted r -> ({ model | state = Api.Error r }, Cmd.none) viewTag : Tag -> Sel -> String -> Bool -> Html Msg viewTag t sel vid mod = let -- Similar to VNWeb::Tags::Lib::tagscore_ tagscore s = div [ class "tagscore", classList [("negative", s <= 0)] ] [ span [] [ text <| Ffi.fmtFloat s 1 ] , div [ style "width" <| String.fromFloat (abs (s/3*30)) ++ "px" ] [] ] msg s = [ td [ colspan 4 ] [ text s ] ] vote = case sel of Vote v -> v _ -> spoil = case sel of Spoil s -> s _ -> t.spoil lie = case sel of Lie l -> l _ -> t.lie in tr [] <| [ td [ class "tc_tagname" ] [ a [ href <| "/", style "text-decoration" (if t.applicable && not (t.hidden && t.locked) then "none" else "line-through") ] [ text ] , case (t.hidden, t.locked, t.applicable) of (True, False, _) -> small [] [ text " (awaiting approval)" ] (True, True, _) -> small [] [ text " (deleted)" ] (_, _, False) -> small [] [ text " (not applicable)" ] _ -> text "" ] , td [ class "tc_myvote buts" ] [ a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Vote -3)), onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel), onClickD (SetVote -3), classList [("ld", vote < 0)], title "Downvote" ] [] , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Vote 0)), onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel), onClickD (SetVote 0), classList [("l0", vote == 0)], title "Remove vote" ] [] , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Vote 1)), onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel), onClickD (SetVote 1), classList [("l1", vote >= 1)], title "+1" ] [] , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Vote 2)), onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel), onClickD (SetVote 2), classList [("l2", vote >= 2)], title "+2" ] [] , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Vote 3)), onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel), onClickD (SetVote 3), classList [("l3", vote == 3)], title "+3" ] [] ] ] ++ (if == 0 && t.count == 0 then [ td [ colspan 4 ] [ text "<- don't forget to rate" ] ] else [ td [ class "tc_myover buts" ] <| if == 0 || not mod then [] else [ a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel Over), onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel), onClickD (SetOver (not t.overrule)), classList [("ov", t.overrule || sel == Over)], title "Overrule" ] [] ] , td [ class "tc_myspoil buts" ] <| if <= 0 then [] else [ a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Spoil Nothing)), onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel), onClickD (SetSpoil Nothing), classList [("sn", spoil == Nothing)], title "Unknown" ] [] , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Spoil (Just 0))), onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel), onClickD (SetSpoil (Just 0)), classList [("s0", spoil == Just 0 )], title "Not a spoiler" ] [] , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Spoil (Just 1))), onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel), onClickD (SetSpoil (Just 1)), classList [("s1", spoil == Just 1 )], title "Minor spoiler" ] [] , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Spoil (Just 2))), onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel), onClickD (SetSpoil (Just 2)), classList [("s2", spoil == Just 2 )], title "Major spoiler" ] [] ] , td [ class "tc_mylie buts" ] <| if <= 0 then [] else [ a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Lie Nothing)), onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel), onClickD (SetLie Nothing ), classList [("fn", lie == Nothing )], title "Unknown" ] [] , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Lie (Just False))), onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel), onClickD (SetLie (Just False)), classList [("f0", lie == Just False)], title "This tag is not a lie" ] [] , a [ href "#", onMouseOver (SetSel (Lie (Just True))), onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel), onClickD (SetLie (Just True )), classList [("f1", lie == Just True )], title "This tag is a lie"] [] ] , td [ class "tc_mynote" ] <| if == 0 then [] else [ span [ onMouseOver (SetSel Note) , onMouseOut (SetSel "" NoSel) , onClickD (SetSel NoteSet) , style "opacity" <| if t.notes == "" then "0.5" else "1.0" ] [ text "💬" ] ] ]) ++ case sel of Vote 0 -> msg "Remove vote" Vote 1 -> msg "Vote +1" Vote 2 -> msg "Vote +2" Vote 3 -> msg "Vote +3" Vote _ -> msg "Downvote (-3)" Over -> msg "Mod overrule (only your vote counts)" Spoil Nothing -> msg "Spoiler status not known" Spoil (Just 0) -> msg "This is not a spoiler" Spoil (Just 1) -> msg "This is a minor spoiler" Spoil (Just 2) -> msg "This is a major spoiler" Lie Nothing -> msg "Truth status not known" Lie (Just True)-> msg "This tag turns out to be false" Lie (Just False)->msg "This tag is not a lie" Note -> [ td [ colspan 4 ] [ if t.notes == "" then text "Set note" else div [ class "noteview" ] [ text t.notes ] ] ] NoteSet -> [ td [ colspan 4, class "compact" ] [ Html.form [ onSubmit (SetSel NoSel) ] [ inputText "tag_note" t.notes (SetNote (onBlur (SetSel NoSel) :: style "width" "400px" :: style "position" "absolute" :: placeholder "Set note..." :: GT.valTagsNotes) ] ] ] _ -> if t.count == 0 then [ td [ colspan 4 ] [] ] else [ td [ class "tc_allvote" ] [ tagscore t.rating , i [ classList [("grayedout", t.overruled)] ] [ text <| " (" ++ String.fromInt t.count ++ ")" ] , if not t.overruled then text "" else strong [ class "standout", title "Tag overruled. All votes other than that of the moderator who overruled it will be ignored." ] [ text "!" ] ] , td [ class "tc_allspoil"] [ text <| Ffi.fmtFloat t.spoiler 2 ] , td [ class "tc_alllie"] [ text <| if t.islie then "lie" else "" ] , td [ class "tc_allwho" ] [ span [ style "opacity" <| if t.othnotes == "" then "0" else "1", style "cursor" "default", title t.othnotes ] [ text "💬 " ] , a [ href <| "/g/links?v="++vid++"&t=" ] [ text "Who?" ] ] ] viewHead : Bool -> Int -> Bool -> Html Msg viewHead mod negCount negShow = thead [] [ tr [] [ td [ style "font-weight" "normal", style "text-align" "right" ] <| if negCount == 0 then [] else [ linkRadio negShow NegShow [ text "Show downvoted tags " ], i [] [ text <| " (" ++ String.fromInt negCount ++ ")" ] ] , td [ colspan 5, class "tc_you" ] [ text "You" ] , td [ colspan 4, class "tc_others" ] [ text "Others" ] ] , tr [] [ td [ class "tc_tagname" ] [ text "Tag" ] , td [ class "tc_myvote" ] [ text "Rating" ] , td [ class "tc_myover" ] [ text (if mod then "O" else "") ] , td [ class "tc_myspoil" ] [ text "Spoiler" ] , td [ class "tc_mylie" ] [ text "Lie" ] , td [ class "tc_mynote" ] [] , td [ class "tc_allvote" ] [ text "Rating" ] , td [ class "tc_allspoil"] [ text "Spoiler" ] , td [ class "tc_alllie" ] [] , td [ class "tc_allwho" ] [] ] ] viewFoot : Api.State -> Bool -> A.Model GApi.ApiTagResult -> String -> Html Msg viewFoot state changed add addMsg = tfoot [] [ tr [] [ td [ colspan 10 ] [ div [ style "display" "flex", style "justify-content" "space-between" ] [ A.view searchConfig add [placeholder "Add tags..."] , if addMsg /= "" then b [] [ text addMsg ] else if changed then b [] [ text "You have unsaved changes" ] else text "" , submitButton "Save changes" state True ] , text "Check the ", a [ href "/g" ] [ text "tag list" ], text " to browse all available tags." , br [] [] , text "Can't find what you're looking for? ", a [ href "/g/new" ] [ text "Request a new tag" ] ] ] ] -- The table has a lot of interactivity, the use of Html.Lazy is absolutely necessary for good responsiveness. view : Model -> Html Msg view model = form_ "" Submit (model.state == Api.Loading) [ article [] [ h1 [] [ text <| "Edit tags for " ++ model.title ] , p [] [ text "This is where you can add tags to the visual novel and vote on the existing tags." , br [] [] , text "Don't forget to also select the appropriate spoiler option for each tag." , br [] [] , text "For more information, check out the ", a [ href "/d10" ] [ text "guidelines." ] ] , table [ class "tgl stripe" ] [ Html.Lazy.lazy3 viewHead model.mod model.negCount model.negShow , Html.Lazy.lazy4 viewFoot model.state model.changed model.add model.addMsg , tbody [] <| List.concatMap (\(id,nam) -> let lst = List.filter (\t -> == id && ( == "new" || t.rating > 0 || > 0 || model.negShow)) model.tags in if List.length lst == 0 then [] else tr [class "tagmod_cat"] [ td [] [text nam], td [ class "tc_you", colspan 5 ] [], td [ class "tc_others", colspan 4 ] [] ] :: (\t -> Html.Lazy.lazy4 viewTag t (if == model.selId then model.selType else NoSel) model.mod) lst) [ ("cont", "Content") , ("ero", "Sexual content") , ("tech", "Technical") , ("new", "Newly added tags") ] ] ] ]