module ULists.LabelEdit exposing (main) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Task import Process import Browser import Browser.Events as E import Json.Decode as JD import Set exposing (Set) import Dict exposing (Dict) import Lib.Html exposing (..) import Lib.Api as Api import Gen.Api as GApi import Gen.LabelEdit as GLE main : Program GLE.Recv Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = \f -> (init f, Cmd.none) , subscriptions = \model -> if model.opened then E.onClick (JD.succeed (Open False)) else Sub.none , view = view , update = update } type alias Model = { uid : Int , vid : Int , labels : List GLE.RecvLabels , sel : Set Int -- Set of label IDs applied on the server , tsel : Set Int -- Set of label IDs applied on the client , state : Dict Int Api.State -- Only for labels that are being changed , opened : Bool } init : GLE.Recv -> Model init f = { uid = f.uid , vid = f.vid , labels = f.labels , sel = Set.fromList f.selected , tsel = Set.fromList f.selected , state = Dict.empty , opened = False } type Msg = Redo Msg | Open Bool | Toggle Int Bool | Saved Int Bool GApi.Response update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg model = case msg of -- 'Redo' will process the same message again after a very short timeout, -- this is used to overrule an 'Open False' triggered by the onClick -- subscription. Redo m -> (model, Cmd.batch [ Task.perform (\_ -> m) (Task.succeed ()), Task.perform (\_ -> m) (Process.sleep 0) ]) Open b -> ({ model | opened = b }, Cmd.none) -- The 'opened = True' counters the onClick subscription that would have -- closed the dropdown, this works because that subscription triggers -- before the Toggle (I just hope this is well-defined, otherwise we need -- to use Redo for this one as well). Toggle l b -> ( { model | opened = True , tsel = if b then Set.insert l model.tsel else Set.remove l model.tsel , state = Dict.insert l Api.Loading model.state } , "/u/ulist/setlabel.json" (GLE.encode { uid = model.uid, vid = model.vid, label = l, applied = b }) (Saved l b) ) Saved l b (GApi.Success) -> ({ model | sel = if b then Set.insert l model.sel else Set.remove l model.sel, state = Dict.remove l model.state }, Cmd.none) Saved l b e -> ({ model | state = Dict.insert l (Api.Error e) model.state }, Cmd.none) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = let str = String.join ", " <| List.filterMap (\l -> if Set.member model.sel then Just l.label else Nothing) model.labels item l = let lid = "label_edit_" ++ String.fromInt model.vid ++ "_" ++ String.fromInt in li [ class "linkradio" ] [ inputCheck lid (Set.member model.tsel) (Toggle , label [ for lid ] [ text l.label , text " " , span [ class "spinner", classList [("invisible", Dict.get model.state /= Just Api.Loading)] ] [] , case Dict.get model.state of Just (Api.Error _) -> b [ class "standout" ] [ text "error" ] -- Need something better _ -> text "" ] ] loading = List.any (\s -> s == Api.Loading) <| Dict.values model.state in div [ class "labeledit" ] [ a [ href "#", onClickD (Redo (Open (not model.opened))) ] [ text <| if str == "" then "-" else str , span [] [ if loading && not model.opened then span [ class "spinner" ] [] else i [] [ text "▾" ] ] ] , div [] [ ul [ classList [("hidden", not model.opened)] ] <| item model.labels ] ]