module User.Login exposing (main) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Json.Encode as JE import Browser import Browser.Navigation exposing (load) import Lib.Api as Api import Gen.Api as GApi import Gen.UserEdit as GUE import Gen.Types exposing (adminEMail) import Lib.Html exposing (..) main : Program String Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = \ref -> (init ref, Cmd.none) , subscriptions = always Sub.none , view = view , update = update } type alias Model = { ref : String , username : String , password : String , newpass1 : String , newpass2 : String , state : Api.State , insecure : Bool , noteq : Bool } init : String -> Model init ref = { ref = ref , username = "" , password = "" , newpass1 = "" , newpass2 = "" , state = Api.Normal , insecure = False , noteq = False } encodeLogin : Model -> JE.Value encodeLogin o = JE.object [ ("username", JE.string o.username) , ("password", JE.string o.password) ] encodeChangePass : Model -> JE.Value encodeChangePass o = JE.object [ ("username", JE.string o.username) , ("oldpass", JE.string o.password) , ("newpass", JE.string o.newpass1) ] type Msg = Username String | Password String | Newpass1 String | Newpass2 String | Submit | Submitted GApi.Response update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg model = case msg of Username n -> ({ model | username = String.toLower n }, Cmd.none) Password n -> ({ model | password = n }, Cmd.none) Newpass1 n -> ({ model | newpass1 = n, noteq = False }, Cmd.none) Newpass2 n -> ({ model | newpass2 = n, noteq = False }, Cmd.none) Submit -> if not model.insecure then ( { model | state = Api.Loading } , "/u/login" (encodeLogin model) Submitted ) else if model.newpass1 /= model.newpass2 then ( { model | noteq = True }, Cmd.none ) else ( { model | state = Api.Loading } , "/u/changepass" (encodeChangePass model) Submitted ) Submitted GApi.Success -> (model, load model.ref) Submitted GApi.InsecurePass -> ({ model | insecure = True, state = if model.insecure then Api.Error GApi.InsecurePass else Api.Normal }, Cmd.none) Submitted e -> ({ model | state = Api.Error e }, Cmd.none) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = let loginBox = div [ class "mainbox" ] [ h1 [] [ text "Login" ] , table [ class "formtable" ] [ formField "username::Username" [ inputText "username" model.username Username GUE.valUsername , br_ 1 , a [ href "/u/register" ] [ text "No account yet?" ] ] , formField "password::Password" [ inputPassword "password" model.password Password GUE.valPasswordOld , br_ 1 , a [ href "/u/newpass" ] [ text "Forgot your password?" ] ] ] , if model.state == Api.Normal || model.state == Api.Loading then text "" else div [ class "notice" ] [ h2 [] [ text "Trouble logging in?" ] , text "If you have not used this login form since October 2014, your account has likely been disabled. You can " , a [ href "/u/newpass" ] [ text "reset your password" ] , text " to regain access." , br_ 2 , text "Still having trouble? Send a mail to " , a [ href <| "mailto:" ++ adminEMail ] [ text adminEMail ] , text ". But keep in mind that I can only help you if the email address associated with your account is correct" , text " and you still have access to it. Without that, there is no way to prove that the account is yours." ] ] changeBox = div [ class "mainbox" ] [ h1 [] [ text "Change your password" ] , div [ class "warning" ] [ h2 [] [ text "Your current password is not secure" ] , text "Your current password is in a public database of leaked passwords. You need to change it before you can continue." ] , table [ class "formtable" ] [ formField "newpass1::New password" [ inputPassword "newpass1" model.newpass1 Newpass1 GUE.valPasswordNew ] , formField "newpass2::Repeat" [ inputPassword "newpass2" model.newpass2 Newpass2 GUE.valPasswordNew , br_ 1 , if model.noteq then b [ class "standout" ] [ text "Passwords do not match" ] else text "" ] ] ] in form_ Submit (model.state == Api.Loading) [ if model.insecure then changeBox else loginBox , div [ class "mainbox" ] [ fieldset [ class "submit" ] [ submitButton "Submit" model.state True ] ] ]