module Lib.Util exposing (..) import Char import Dict -- Delete an element from a List delidx : Int -> List a -> List a delidx n l = List.take n l ++ List.drop (n+1) l -- Modify an element in a List modidx : Int -> (a -> a) -> List a -> List a modidx n f = List.indexedMap (\i e -> if i == n then f e else e) isJust : Maybe a -> Bool isJust m = case m of Just _ -> True _ -> False -- Split by newline, trim whitespace and remove empty lines splitLn : String -> List String splitLn = String.lines >> String.trim >> List.filter ((/=)"") -- Returns true if the list contains duplicates hasDuplicates : List comparable -> Bool hasDuplicates l = let step e acc = case acc of Nothing -> Nothing Just m -> if Dict.member e m then Nothing else Just (Dict.insert e True m) in case List.foldr step (Just Dict.empty) l of Nothing -> True Just _ -> False -- Similar to perl's ucfirst() (not terribly efficient) toUpperFirst : String -> String toUpperFirst s = String.toList s |> List.indexedMap (\i c -> if i == 0 then Char.toUpper c else c) |> String.fromList -- Haskell's 'lookup' - find an entry in an association list lookup : a -> List (a,b) -> Maybe b lookup n l = List.filter (\(a,_) -> a == n) l |> List.head |> Tuple.second formatGtin : Int -> String formatGtin n = if n == 0 then "" else String.fromInt n |> String.padLeft 12 '0' -- Based on VNDBUtil::gtintype() validateGtin : String -> Maybe Int validateGtin = let check = String.fromInt >> String.reverse >> String.toList >> List.indexedMap (\i c -> (Char.toCode c - Char.toCode '0') * if modBy 2 i == 0 then 1 else 3) >> List.sum inval n = n < 1000000000 || (n >= 200000000000 && n < 600000000000) || (n >= 2000000000000 && n < 3000000000000) || n >= 9770000000000 || modBy 10 (check n) /= 0 in String.filter Char.isDigit >> String.toInt >> Maybe.andThen (\n -> if inval n then Nothing else Just n) spoilLevels : List (String, String) spoilLevels = [ ("0", "No spoiler") , ("1", "Minor spoiler") , ("2", "Major spoiler") ]