module UVNList.Vote exposing (main) -- XXX: There's some unobvious and unintuitive behavior when removing a vote: -- If the VN isn't also in the user's 'vnlist', then the VN entry will be -- removed from the user's list and this is only visible on a page refresh. A -- clean solution to this is to merge the 'votes' and 'vnlist' tables so that -- there's always a 'vnlist' entry that remains. This is best done after VNDBv2 -- has been decommissioned. import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Json.Encode as JE import Browser import Regex import Lib.Api as Api import Lib.Gen exposing (vnvotePattern) main : Program Flags Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = \f -> (init f, Cmd.none) , subscriptions = always Sub.none , view = view , update = update } type alias Flags = { uid : Int , vid : Int , vote : String } type alias Model = { state : Api.State , flags : Flags , text : String , valid : Bool } init : Flags -> Model init f = { state = Api.Normal , flags = f , text = , valid = True } encodeForm : Model -> JE.Value encodeForm o = JE.object [ ("uid", o.flags.uid) , ("vid", o.flags.vid) , ("vote", JE.string o.text) ] type Msg = Input String | Save | Saved Api.Response update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg model = case msg of Input s -> ( { model | text = s , valid = Regex.contains (Maybe.withDefault Regex.never <| Regex.fromString vnvotePattern) s } , Cmd.none ) Save -> if model.valid && model.text /= then ( { model | state = Api.Loading } , "/u/setvote" (encodeForm model) Saved ) else (model, Cmd.none) Saved Api.Success -> let flags = model.flags nflags = { flags | vote = model.text } in ({ model | flags = nflags, state = Api.Normal }, Cmd.none) Saved e -> ({ model | state = Api.Error e }, Cmd.none) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = -- TODO: Display error somewhere -- TODO: Save when pressing enter if model.state == Api.Loading then div [ class "spinner spinner--md" ] [] else input [ type_ "text" , pattern vnvotePattern , class "form-control form-control--table-edit form-control--stealth" , classList [("is-invalid", not model.valid)] , value model.text , onInput Input , onBlur Save ] []