module VNEdit.Main exposing (Model, Msg, main, new, view, update) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Lazy exposing (..) import Json.Encode as JE import Browser import Browser.Navigation exposing (load) import Lib.Html exposing (..) import Lib.Gen as Gen import Lib.Api as Api import Lib.Editsum as Editsum import VNEdit.Titles as Titles import VNEdit.General as General import VNEdit.Seiyuu as Seiyuu import VNEdit.Staff as Staff import VNEdit.Screenshots as Scr import VNEdit.Relations as Rel main : Program Gen.VNEdit Model Msg main = Browser.element { init = \e -> (init e, Cmd.none) , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = always Sub.none } type alias Model = { state : Api.State , new : Bool , editsum : Editsum.Model , l_encubed : String , titles : Titles.Model , general : General.Model , staff : Staff.Model , seiyuu : Seiyuu.Model , relations : Rel.Model , screenshots : Scr.Model , id : Maybe Int , dupVNs : List Gen.ApiVNResult } init : Gen.VNEdit -> Model init d = { state = Api.Normal , new = False , editsum = { authmod = d.authmod, editsum = d.editsum, locked = d.locked, hidden = d.hidden } , l_encubed = d.l_encubed , titles = Titles.init d , general = General.init d , staff = Staff.init d.staff , seiyuu = Seiyuu.init d.seiyuu d.chars , relations = Rel.init d.relations , screenshots = Scr.init d.screenshots d.releases , id = , dupVNs = [] } new : Model new = { state = Api.Normal , new = True , editsum = , l_encubed = "" , titles = , general = , staff = Staff.init [] , seiyuu = Seiyuu.init [] [] , relations = Rel.init [] , screenshots = Scr.init [] [] , id = Nothing , dupVNs = [] } encode : Model -> Gen.VNEditSend encode model = { editsum = model.editsum.editsum , hidden = model.editsum.hidden , locked = model.editsum.locked , l_encubed = model.l_encubed , title = model.titles.title , original = model.titles.original , alias = model.titles.alias , desc = model.general.desc , image = model.general.image , img_nsfw = model.general.img_nsfw , length = model.general.length , l_renai = model.general.l_renai , l_wp = model.general.l_wp , anime = model.general.animeList , staff = (\e -> { aid = e.aid, role = e.role, note = e.note }) model.staff.staff , seiyuu = (\e -> { aid = e.aid, cid = e.cid, note = e.note }) model.seiyuu.seiyuu , screenshots = (\e -> { scr = e.scr, rid = e.rid, nsfw = e.nsfw }) model.screenshots.screenshots , relations = (\e -> { vid = e.vid, relation = e.relation, official = e.official }) model.relations.relations } type Msg = Editsum Editsum.Msg | Submit | Submitted Api.Response | Titles Titles.Msg | General General.Msg | Staff Staff.Msg | Seiyuu Seiyuu.Msg | Relations Rel.Msg | Screenshots Scr.Msg | CheckDup | RecvDup Api.Response update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg model = case msg of Editsum m -> ({ model | editsum = Editsum.update m model.editsum }, Cmd.none) Titles m -> ({ model | titles = Titles.update m model.titles, dupVNs = [] }, Cmd.none) Submit -> let path = case of Just id -> "/v" ++ String.fromInt id ++ "/edit" Nothing -> "/v/add" body = Gen.vneditSendEncode (encode model) in ({ model | state = Api.Loading }, path body Submitted) Submitted (Gen.Changed id rev) -> (model, load <| "/v" ++ String.fromInt id ++ "." ++ String.fromInt rev) Submitted r -> ({ model | state = Api.Error r }, Cmd.none) General m -> let (nm, c) = General.update m model.general in ({ model | general = nm }, General c) Staff m -> let (nm, c) = Staff.update m model.staff in ({ model | staff = nm }, Staff c) Seiyuu m -> let (nm, c) = Seiyuu.update m model.seiyuu in ({ model | seiyuu = nm }, Seiyuu c) Screenshots m -> let (nm, c) = Scr.update m model.screenshots in ({ model | screenshots = nm }, Screenshots c) Relations m -> let (nm, c) = Rel.update m model.relations in ({ model | relations = nm }, Relations c) CheckDup -> let body = JE.object [ ("search", JE.list JE.string <| List.filter ((/=)"") <| model.titles.title :: model.titles.original :: model.titles.aliasList) , ("hidden", JE.bool True) ] in if List.isEmpty model.dupVNs then ({ model | state = Api.Loading }, "/js/vn.json" body RecvDup) else ({ model | new = False }, Cmd.none) RecvDup (Gen.VNResult dup) -> ({ model | state = Api.Normal, dupVNs = dup, new = not (List.isEmpty dup) }, Cmd.none) RecvDup r -> ({ model | state = Api.Error r }, Cmd.none) isValid : Model -> Bool isValid model = not ( model.titles.aliasDuplicates || not (List.isEmpty model.titles.aliasBad) || model.general.animeDuplicates || model.staff.duplicates || model.seiyuu.duplicates || model.relations.duplicates ) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = if then form_ CheckDup (model.state == Api.Loading) [ card "new" "Add a new visual novel" [ div [class "card__subheading"] [ text "Carefully read the " , a [ href "/d2" ] [ text "guidelines" ] , text " before creating a new visual novel entry, to make sure that the game indeed conforms to our inclusion criteria." ] ] <| ( Titles) <| Titles.view model.titles , if List.isEmpty model.dupVNs then text "" else card "dup" "Possible duplicates" [ div [ class "card__subheading" ] [ text "Please check the list below for possible duplicates." ] ] [ cardRow "" Nothing <| formGroup [ div [ class "form-group__help" ] [ ul [] <| (\e -> li [] [ a [ href <| "/v" ++ String.fromInt, title e.original, target "_black" ] [ text e.title ] , text <| if e.hidden then " (deleted)" else "" ] ) model.dupVNs ] ] ] , submitButton "Continue" model.state (isValid model) False ] else form_ Submit (model.state == Api.Loading) [ General.view model.general General <| ( Titles) <| Titles.view model.titles , Staff <| lazy Staff.view model.staff , Seiyuu <| lazy2 Seiyuu.view model.seiyuu , Relations <| lazy Rel.view model.relations , Screenshots <| lazy2 Scr.view model.screenshots , Editsum <| lazy Editsum.view model.editsum , submitButton "Submit" model.state (isValid model) (model.general.imgState == Api.Loading || Scr.loading model.screenshots) ]