module VNEdit.Screenshots exposing (Model, Msg, loading, init, update, view) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import File exposing (File) import Lib.Html exposing (..) import Lib.Util exposing (..) import Lib.Api as Api import Lib.Gen as Gen import Lib.Util exposing (lookup, isJust) type alias Model = { screenshots : List Gen.VNEditScreenshots , releases : List Gen.VNEditReleases , state : List Api.State , id : Int -- Temporary negative internal screenshot identifier, until the image has been uploaded and the actual ID is known , rel : Int , nsfw : Bool , files : List File } init : List Gen.VNEditScreenshots -> List Gen.VNEditReleases -> Model init scr rels = { screenshots = scr , releases = rels , state = (always Api.Normal) scr , id = -1 , rel = Maybe.withDefault 0 <| .id <| List.head rels , nsfw = False , files = [] } loading : Model -> Bool loading model = List.any (\s -> s /= Api.Normal) model.state type Msg = Del Int | SetNSFW Int Bool | SetRel Int String | DefNSFW Bool | DefRel String | DefFiles (List File) | Upload | Done Int Api.Response update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg model = case msg of Del i -> ({ model | screenshots = delidx i model.screenshots, state = delidx i model.state }, Cmd.none) SetNSFW i b -> ({ model | screenshots = modidx i (\e -> { e | nsfw = b }) model.screenshots }, Cmd.none) SetRel i s -> ({ model | screenshots = modidx i (\e -> { e | rid = Maybe.withDefault e.rid (String.toInt s) }) model.screenshots }, Cmd.none) DefNSFW b -> ({ model | nsfw = b }, Cmd.none) DefRel s -> ({ model | rel = Maybe.withDefault 0 (String.toInt s) }, Cmd.none) DefFiles l -> ({ model | files = l }, Cmd.none) Upload -> let st = model.state ++ (always Api.Loading) model.files scr i _ = { scr = - i, rid = model.rel, nsfw = model.nsfw, width = 0, height = 0 } alst = List.indexedMap scr model.files lst = model.screenshots ++ alst nid = - List.length model.files cmd f i = Api.postImage Api.Sf f (Done i.scr) cmds = List.map2 cmd model.files alst in ({ model | screenshots = lst, id = nid, state = st, files = [] }, Cmd.batch cmds) Done id r -> case List.head <| List.filter (\(_,i) -> i.scr == id) <| List.indexedMap (\a b -> (a,b)) model.screenshots of Nothing -> (model, Cmd.none) Just (n,_) -> let st _ = case r of Gen.Image _ _ _ -> Api.Normal re -> Api.Error re scr s = case r of Gen.Image nid width height -> { s | scr = nid, width = width, height = height } _ -> s in ({ model | screenshots = modidx n scr model.screenshots, state = modidx n st model.state }, Cmd.none) view : Model -> Maybe Int -> Html Msg view model vid = let row image remove titl opts after = div [class "screenshot-edit__row"] [ div [ class "screenshot-edit__screenshot" ] [ image ] , div [ class "screenshot-edit__fields" ] <| [ remove , div [ class "screenshot-edit__title" ] [ text titl ] , div [ class "screenshot-edit__options" ] opts ] ++ after ] rm n = div [ class "screenshot-edit__remove" ] [ removeButton (Del n) ] img n f = dbImg "st" n [class "vn-image-placeholder--wide"] f commonRes res = -- NDS resolution, not in the database res == "256x384" || isJust (lookup res Gen.resolutions) resWarn e = let res = String.fromInt e.width ++ "x" ++ String.fromInt e.height in case List.filter (\r -> == e.rid) model.releases |> List.head of Nothing -> text "" -- Shouldn't happen Just r -> -- If the release resolution is known and does *not* match the image resolution, warn about that if r.resolution /= "unknown" && r.resolution /= "nonstandard" && r.resolution /= res then div [ class "invalid-feedback" ] [ text <| "Screenshot resolution is not the same as that of the selected release (" ++ r.resolution ++ "). Please make sure take screenshots in that *exact* resolution!" ] -- Otherwise, if this isn't a non-standard resolution, check for common ones else if r.resolution == "nonstandard" || commonRes res then text "" else div [ class "invalid-feedback" ] [ text <| "Odd screenshot resolution. Please make sure take screenshots in the correct resolution!" ] entry n (s,e) = case s of Api.Loading -> row (img -1 Nothing) (rm n) "Uploading screenshot" [] [] Api.Error r -> row (img 0 Nothing) (rm n) "Upload failed" [ div [ class "invalid-feedback" ] [ text <| Api.showResponse r ] ] [] Api.Normal -> row (img e.scr <| Just { width = e.width, height = e.height, id = "scr" }) (rm n) ("Screenshot #" ++ String.fromInt e.scr) [ span [ class "muted" ] [ text <| String.fromInt e.width ++ "x" ++ String.fromInt e.height ] , label [ class "checkbox" ] [ inputCheck "" e.nsfw (SetNSFW n) , text " Not safe for work" ] ] [ resWarn e , releaseSelect e.rid (SetRel n) ] add = if List.length model.screenshots == 10 then text "" else row (text "") (text "") "Add screenshot" [ span [ class "muted" ] [ text "Image must be smaller than 5MB and in PNG or JPEG format. No more than 10 screenshots can be uploaded." ] ] [ releaseSelect model.rel DefRel , div [ class "screenshot-edit__upload-options" ] [ div [ class "screenshot-edit__upload-option" ] [ input [ type_ "file", id "addscr", tabindex 10, multiple True, Api.onFileChange DefFiles ] [] ] , div [ class "screenshot-edit__upload-option" ] [ label [ class "checkbox screenshot-edit__upload-nsfw-label" ] [ inputCheck "" model.nsfw DefNSFW , text " Not safe for work" ] ] , div [ class "flex-expand" ] [] , div [ class "screenshot-edit__upload-option" ] [ button [ type_ "button", class "btn screenshot-edit__upload-btn", tabindex 10, onClick Upload , disabled <| List.isEmpty model.files || (List.length model.files + List.length model.screenshots) > 10 ] [ text "Upload!" ] ] ] ] releaseSelect rid msg = inputSelect [onInput msg] (String.fromInt rid) <| (\s -> (String.fromInt, s.display)) model.releases norel = case vid of Nothing -> [ text "Screenshots can be uploaded after adding releases to this visual novel." ] Just i -> [ text "Screenshots can be added after " , a [ href <| "/v" ++ (String.fromInt i) ++ "/add", target "_blank" ] [ text "adding a release entry" ] , text "." ] in if List.isEmpty model.releases then card "screenshots" "Screenshots" [ div [class "card__subheading"] norel ] [] else card "screenshots" "Screenshots" [ div [class "card__subheading"] [ text "Keep in mind that all screenshots must conform to " , a [href "/d2#6", target "blank"] [ text "strict guidelines" ] , text ", read those carefully!" ] ] [ div [class "screenshot-edit"] <| List.indexedMap entry (List.map2 (\a b -> (a,b)) model.state model.screenshots) ++ [ add ] ]