module VNEdit.Seiyuu exposing (Model, Msg, init, update, view) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Lib.Util exposing (..) import Lib.Html exposing (..) import Lib.Gen as Gen import Lib.Autocomplete as A type alias Model = { chars : List Gen.VNEditChars , seiyuu : List Gen.VNEditSeiyuu , search : A.Model Gen.ApiStaffResult , duplicates : Bool } init : List Gen.VNEditSeiyuu -> List Gen.VNEditChars -> Model init s c = { chars = c , seiyuu = s , search = A.init , duplicates = False } type Msg = Del Int | SetNote Int String | SetChar Int String | Search (A.Msg Gen.ApiStaffResult) searchConfig : A.Config Msg Gen.ApiStaffResult searchConfig = { wrap = Search, id = "add-seiyuu", source = A.staffSource } validate : Model -> Model validate model = { model | duplicates = hasDuplicates <| (\e -> (e.aid,e.cid )) model.seiyuu } update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update msg model = case msg of Del i -> (validate { model | seiyuu = delidx i model.seiyuu }, Cmd.none) SetNote i s -> (validate { model | seiyuu = modidx i (\e -> { e | note = s }) model.seiyuu }, Cmd.none) SetChar i s -> (validate { model | seiyuu = modidx i (\e -> { e | cid = Maybe.withDefault e.cid (String.toInt s) }) model.seiyuu }, Cmd.none) Search m -> let (nm, c, res) = A.update searchConfig m in case res of Nothing -> ({ model | search = nm }, c) Just r -> let char = List.head model.chars |> .id |> Maybe.withDefault 0 nrow = { aid = r.aid, cid = char, id =, name =, note = "" } nmod = { model | search = A.clear nm, seiyuu = model.seiyuu ++ [nrow] } in (validate nmod, c) view : Model -> Maybe Int -> Html Msg view model id = let entry n e = editListRow "" [ editListField 1 "col-form-label single-line" [ a [href <| "/s" ++ String.fromInt, target "_blank" ] [ text ] ] , editListField 1 "" [ inputSelect [onInput (SetChar n)] (String.fromInt e.cid) ( (\c -> (String.fromInt, model.chars) ] , editListField 2 "" [ inputText "" e.note (SetNote n) [placeholder "Note", maxlength 250] ] , editListField 0 "" [ removeButton (Del n) ] ] nochars = case id of Nothing -> [ text "Cast can be added when the visual novel entry has characters linked to it." ] Just n -> [ text "Cast can be added after " , a [ href <| "/c/new?vid=" ++ (String.fromInt n), target "_blank" ] [ text "creating" ] , text " the appropriate character entries, or after linking " , a [ href "/c/all" ] [ text "existing characters" ] , text " to this visual novel entry." ] in if List.isEmpty model.chars then card "cast" "Cast" [ div [class "card__subheading"] nochars ] [] else card "cast" "Cast" [] <| editList (List.indexedMap entry model.seiyuu) ++ formGroups ( (if model.duplicates then [ [ div [ class "invalid-feedback" ] [ text "The cast list contains duplicates. Make sure that each person is only listed at most once for the same character" ] ] ] else [] ) ++ [ label [for "add-seiyuu"] [text "Add cast"] :: A.view searchConfig [placeholder "Cast name", style "max-width" "400px"] ] )