# # Multi::Anime - Fetches anime info from AniDB # package Multi::Anime; use strict; use warnings; use POE 'Wheel::UDP', 'Filter::Stream'; use Socket 'inet_ntoa'; use Time::HiRes 'time'; sub TIMEOUT () { 100 } # not part of the API sub LOGIN_ACCEPTED () { 200 } sub LOGIN_ACCEPTED_NEW_VER () { 201 } sub ANIME () { 230 } sub NO_SUCH_ANIME () { 330 } sub NOT_LOGGED_IN () { 403 } sub LOGIN_FIRST () { 501 } sub CLIENT_BANNED () { 504 } sub INVALID_SESSION () { 506 } sub BANNED () { 555 } sub ANIDB_OUT_OF_SERVICE () { 601 } sub SERVER_BUSY () { 602 } my @handled_codes = ( TIMEOUT, LOGIN_ACCEPTED, LOGIN_ACCEPTED_NEW_VER, ANIME, NO_SUCH_ANIME, NOT_LOGGED_IN, LOGIN_FIRST,CLIENT_BANNED, INVALID_SESSION, BANNED, ANIDB_OUT_OF_SERVICE, SERVER_BUSY ); sub spawn { my $p = shift; my %o = @_; die "No AniDB user/pass configured!" if !$o{user} || !$o{pass}; my $addr = delete($o{PeerAddr}) || 'api.anidb.info'; $addr = gethostbyname($addr) or die "Couldn't resolve domain"; $addr = inet_ntoa($addr); POE::Session->create( package_states => [ $p => [qw| _start shutdown check_anime fetch_anime nextcmd receivepacket |], ], heap => { # POE::Wheels::UDP options LocalAddr => '', LocalPort => 9000, PeerAddr => $addr, PeerPort => 9000, # AniDB UDP API options client => 'multi', clientver => 1, # Misc settings msgdelay => 10, timeout => 30, timeoutdelay => 0.4, # $delay = $msgdelay ^ (1 + $tm*$timeoutdelay) maxtimeoutdelay => 2*3600, # two hours check_delay => 3600, # one hour cachetime => '1 month', %o, w => undef, s => '', # session key, '' = not logged in tm => 0, # number of repeated timeouts lm => 0, # timestamp of last outgoing message, 0=no running msg aid => 0, # anime ID of the last sent ANIME command tag => int(rand()*50000), }, ); } sub _start { $_[KERNEL]->alias_set('anime'); $_[KERNEL]->sig(shutdown => 'shutdown'); # listen for 'anime' notifies $_[KERNEL]->post(pg => listen => anime => 'check_anime'); # init the UDP 'connection' $_[HEAP]{w} = POE::Wheel::UDP->new( (map { $_ => $_[HEAP]{$_} } qw| LocalAddr LocalPort PeerAddr PeerPort |), InputEvent => 'receivepacket', Filter => POE::Filter::Stream->new(), ); # look for something to do $_[KERNEL]->yield('check_anime'); } sub shutdown { undef $_[HEAP]{w}; $_[KERNEL]->post(pg => unlisten => 'anime'); $_[KERNEL]->delay('check_anime'); $_[KERNEL]->delay('nextcmd'); $_[KERNEL]->delay('receivepacket'); $_[KERNEL]->alias_remove('anime'); } sub check_anime { return if $_[HEAP]{aid}; $_[KERNEL]->delay('check_anime'); $_[KERNEL]->post(pg => query => 'SELECT id FROM anime WHERE lastfetch IS NULL OR lastfetch < NOW() - ?::interval LIMIT 1', [ $_[HEAP]{cachetime} ], 'fetch_anime'); } sub fetch_anime { # num, res # nothing to do, check again later return $_[KERNEL]->delay('check_anime', $_[HEAP]{check_delay}) if $_[ARG0] == 0; # otherwise, fetch info (if we aren't doing so already) return if $_[HEAP]{aid}; $_[HEAP]{aid} = $_[ARG1][0]{id}; $_[KERNEL]->yield('nextcmd'); } sub nextcmd { my %cmd; # not logged in, get a session if(!$_[HEAP]{s}) { %cmd = ( command => 'AUTH', user => $_[HEAP]{user}, pass => $_[HEAP]{pass}, protover => 3, client => $_[HEAP]{client}, clientver => $_[HEAP]{clientver}, enc => 'UTF-8', ); $_[KERNEL]->call(core => log => 'Authenticating with AniDB...'); } # logged in, get anime else { %cmd = ( command => 'ANIME', aid => $_[HEAP]{aid}, acode => 3973121, # aid, ANN id, NFO id, year, type, romaji, kanji ); $_[KERNEL]->call(core => log => 'Fetching info for a%d', $_[HEAP]{aid}); } # send command my $cmd = delete $cmd{command}; $cmd{tag} = ++$_[HEAP]{tag}; $cmd{s} = $_[HEAP]{s} if $_[HEAP]{s}; $cmd .= ' '.join('&', map { $cmd{$_} =~ s/&/&/g; $cmd{$_} =~ s/\r?\n/
/g; $_.'='.$cmd{$_} } keys %cmd); $_[HEAP]{w}->put({ payload => [ $cmd ]}); $_[KERNEL]->delay(receivepacket => $_[HEAP]{timeout}, { payload => [ $_[HEAP]{tag}.' 100 TIMEOUT' ] }); $_[HEAP]{lm} = time; } sub receivepacket { # input, wheelid # parse message my @r = split /\n/, $_[ARG0]{payload}[0]; my($tag, $code, $msg) = ($1, $2, $3) if $r[0] =~ /^([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) (.+)$/; # log $_[KERNEL]->call(core => log => 'Received from AniDB after %.2fs: %d %s', time-$_[HEAP]{lm}, $code, $msg); # tag incorrect, ignore message return $_[KERNEL]->call(core => log => 'Ignoring incorrect tag') if $tag != $_[HEAP]{tag}; # unhandled code, ignore as well return $_[KERNEL]->call(core => log => 'Ignoring unhandled code') if !grep $_ == $code, @handled_codes; # at this point, we have a message we can handle, so disable the timeout $_[KERNEL]->delay('receivepacket'); $_[HEAP]{lm} = 0; # received a timeout of some sorts, try again later if($code == TIMEOUT || $code == CLIENT_BANNED || $code == BANNED || $code == ANIDB_OUT_OF_SERVICE || $code == SERVER_BUSY) { $_[HEAP]{tm}++; my $delay = $_[HEAP]{msgdelay}**(1 + $_[HEAP]{tm}*$_[HEAP]{timeoutdelay}); $delay = $_[HEAP]{maxtimeoutdelay} if $delay > $_[HEAP]{maxtimeoutdelay}; $_[KERNEL]->call(core => log => 'Delaying %.0fs.', $delay); return $_[KERNEL]->delay(nextcmd => $_[HEAP]{msgdelay}); } # message wasn't a timeout, reset timeout counter $_[HEAP]{tm} = 0; # our session isn't valid, discard it and call nextcmd to get a new one if($code == NOT_LOGGED_IN || $code == LOGIN_FIRST || $code == INVALID_SESSION) { $_[HEAP]{s} = ''; return $_[KERNEL]->delay(nextcmd => $_[HEAP]{msgdelay}); } # we received a session ID, call nextcmd again to fetch anime info if($code == LOGIN_ACCEPTED || $code == LOGIN_ACCEPTED_NEW_VER) { $_[HEAP]{s} = $1 if $msg =~ /^\s*([a-zA-Z0-9]{4,8}) /; return $_[KERNEL]->delay(nextcmd => $_[HEAP]{msgdelay}); } # we now know something about the anime we requested, update DB if($code == NO_SUCH_ANIME) { $_[KERNEL]->call(core => log => 'ERROR: No anime found with id = %d', $_[HEAP]{aid}); $_[KERNEL]->post(pg => do => 'UPDATE anime SET lastfetch = NOW() WHERE id = ?', [ $_[HEAP]{aid} ]); } else { # aid, ANN id, NFO id, year, type, romaji, kanji my @col = split(/\|/, $r[1], 7); for (@col) { $_ =~ s/
/\n/g; $_ =~ s/`/'/g; } $col[1] = undef if !$col[1]; $col[2] = undef if !$col[2] || $col[2] =~ /^0,/; $col[3] = $1 if $col[3] =~ /^([0-9]+)/; # remove multi-year stuff $col[3] = undef if !$col[3]; $col[4] = (grep lc($VNDB::S{anime_types}[$_]) eq lc($col[4]), 0..$#{$VNDB::S{anime_types}})[0]; $col[5] = undef if !$col[5]; $col[6] = undef if !$col[6]; $_[KERNEL]->post(pg => do => 'UPDATE anime SET id = ?, ann_id = ?, nfo_id = ?, year = ?, type = ?, title_romaji = ?,title_kanji = ?, lastfetch = NOW() WHERE id = ?', [ @col, $_[HEAP]{aid} ] ); $_[KERNEL]->call(core => log => 'Updated anime info for a%d', $_[HEAP]{aid}); $_[KERNEL]->call(core => log => 'ERROR: a%d doesn\'t have a title or year!', $_[HEAP]{aid}) if !$col[3] || !$col[5]; } # this anime is handled, check for more $_[HEAP]{aid} = 0; $_[KERNEL]->delay(check_anime => $_[HEAP]{msgdelay}); } 1;