# # Multi::IRC - HMX-12 Multi, the IRC bot # package Multi::IRC; use strict; use warnings; use Multi::Core; use AnyEvent::IRC::Client; use AnyEvent::IRC::Util 'prefix_nick'; use VNDBUtil 'normalize_query'; use TUWF::Misc 'uri_escape'; use POSIX 'strftime'; use Encode 'decode_utf8', 'encode_utf8'; # long subquery used in several places my $GETBOARDS = q{array_to_string(array( SELECT tb.type||COALESCE(':'||COALESCE(u.username, v.title, p.name), '') FROM threads_boards tb LEFT JOIN vn v ON tb.type = 'v' AND v.id = tb.iid LEFT JOIN producers p ON tb.type = 'p' AND p.id = tb.iid LEFT JOIN users u ON tb.type = 'u' AND u.id = tb.iid WHERE tb.tid = t.id ORDER BY tb.type, tb.iid ), ', ') AS boards}; my $LIGHT_BLUE = "\x0312"; my $RED = "\x0304"; my $BOLD = "\x02"; my $NORMAL = "\x0f"; my $LIGHT_GREY = "\x0315"; my $irc; my $connecttimer; my @quotew; my %lastnotify; my %O = ( nick => 'Multi_test'.$$, server => 'irc.synirc.net', port => 6667, ircname => 'VNDB.org Multi', channels => [ '#vndb' ], masters => [ 'Yorhel!~Ayo@your.hell' ], throt_sameid => [ 60, 0 ], # spamming the same vndbid throt_vndbid => [ 5, 5 ], # spamming vndbids in general throt_cmd => [ 10, 2 ], # handling commands from a single user nick_check_interval => 600, ); sub run { shift; %O = (%O, @_); $irc = AnyEvent::IRC::Client->new; set_cbs(); set_logger(); set_quotew($_) for (0..$#{$O{channels}}); set_notify(); ircconnect(); # Watchdog to see if we still have our nick. push_watcher schedule 0, $O{nick_check_interval}, sub { return if !$irc->is_connected() || $irc->is_my_nick($O{nick}); $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => NickServ => "GHOST $O{nick} $O{pass}"); my $t; $t = AE::timer 5, 0, sub { undef $t; return if !$irc->is_connected() || $irc->is_my_nick($O{nick}); AE::log warn => 'Lost our nick, trying to reclaim.'; $irc->send_msg(NICK => $O{nick}); $t = AE::timer 5, 0, sub { undef $t; return if !$irc->is_connected() || !$irc->is_my_nick($O{nick}); $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => NickServ => "IDENTIFY $O{pass}"); }; }; } if $O{pass}; } sub unload { @quotew = (); # TODO: Wait until we've nicely disconnected? $irc->disconnect('Closing...'); undef $connecttimer; undef $irc; } sub ircconnect { $irc->connect($O{server}, $O{port}, { nick => $O{nick}, user => 'u1', real => $O{ircname} }); } sub reconnect { $connecttimer = AE::timer 60, 0, sub { ircconnect(); undef $connecttimer; }; } sub send_quote { my $chan = shift; pg_cmd 'SELECT quote FROM quotes ORDER BY random() LIMIT 1', undef, sub { return if pg_expect $_[0], 1 or !$_[0]->nRows; $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $chan, encode_utf8 $_[0]->value(0,0)); }; } sub set_quotew { my $idx = shift; $quotew[$idx] = AE::timer +(18*3600)+rand()*(72*3600), 0, sub { send_quote($O{channels}[$idx]) if $irc->registered; set_quotew($idx); }; } sub set_cbs { $irc->reg_cb(connect => sub { return if !$_[1]; AE::log warn => "IRC connection error: $_[1]"; reconnect(); }); $irc->reg_cb(registered => sub { AE::log info => 'Connected to IRC'; $irc->enable_ping(60); $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => NickServ => "IDENTIFY $O{pass}") if $O{pass} && $irc->is_my_nick($O{nick}); $irc->send_msg(JOIN => join ',', @{$O{channels}}); }); $irc->reg_cb(disconnect => sub { AE::log info => 'Disconnected from IRC'; reconnect(); }); #$irc->reg_cb(read => sub { # require Data::Dumper; # AE::log trace => "Received: ".Data::Dumper::Dumper($_[1]); #}); $irc->ctcp_auto_reply(VERSION => ['VERSION', "$O{ircname}:$VNDB::S{version}:AnyEvent"]); $irc->ctcp_auto_reply(USERINFO => ['USERINFO', ":$O{ircname}"]); $irc->reg_cb(publicmsg => sub { my @a = (prefix_nick($_[2]->{prefix}), $_[1], $_[2]->{params}[1]); command(@a) || vndbid(@a); }); $irc->reg_cb(privatemsg => sub { my $n = prefix_nick($_[2]->{prefix}); command($n, $n, $_[2]->{params}[1]) }); $irc->reg_cb(ctcp_action => sub { vndbid($_[1], $_[2], $_[3]) }); } sub set_logger { # Uses the same logging format as Component::IRC::Plugin::Logger # Only logs channel chat, joins, quits, kicks and topic/nick changes my $l = sub { my($chan, $msg, @arg) = @_; return if !grep $chan eq $_, @{$O{channels}}; open my $F, '>>', "$VNDB::M{log_dir}/$chan.log" or die $!; print $F strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime).' '.sprintf($msg, @arg)."\n"; }; $irc->reg_cb(join => sub { my(undef, $nick, $chan) = @_; $l->($chan, '--> %s (%s) joins %s', $nick, $irc->nick_ident($nick)||'', $chan); }); $irc->reg_cb(channel_remove => sub { my(undef, $msg, $chan, @nicks) = @_; return if !defined $msg; $msg = $msg->{params}[$#{$msg->{params}}]||''; $l->($chan, '<-- %s (%s) quits (%s)', $_, $irc->nick_ident($_)||'', $msg) for(@nicks); }); $irc->reg_cb(channel_change => sub { my(undef, undef, $chan, $old, $new) = @_; $l->($chan, '--- %s is now known as %s', $old, $new); }); $irc->reg_cb(channel_topic => sub { my(undef, $chan, $topic, $nick) = @_; $l->($chan, '--- %s changes the topic to: %s', $nick||'server', $topic); }); $irc->reg_cb(publicmsg => sub { my(undef, $chan, $msg) = @_; $l->($chan, '<%s> %s', prefix_nick($msg->{prefix}), $msg->{params}[1]); }); $irc->reg_cb(ctcp_action => sub { my(undef, $nick, $chan, $msg) = @_; $l->($chan, '* %s %s', $nick, $msg); }); $irc->reg_cb(sent => sub { my(undef, $prefix, $cmd, @args) = @_; # XXX: Doesn't handle CTCP ACTION $l->($args[0], '<%s> %s', $irc->nick(), $args[1]) if lc $cmd eq 'privmsg'; }); } sub set_notify { pg_cmd q{SELECT (SELECT id FROM changes ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1) AS rev, (SELECT id FROM tags ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1) AS tag, (SELECT id FROM traits ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1) AS trait, (SELECT date FROM threads_posts ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1) AS post }, undef, sub { return if pg_expect $_[0], 1; %lastnotify = %{($_[0]->rowsAsHashes())[0]}; push_watcher pg->listen($_, on_notify => \¬ify) for qw{newrevision newpost newtag newtrait}; }; } # formats and posts database items listed in @res, where each item is a hashref with: # type database item in [dvprtug] # id database id # title main name or title of the DB entry # rev (optional) revision, post number # username (optional) relevant username # boards (optional) board titles the thread has been posted in # comments (optional) edit summary sub formatid { my($res, $dest, $notify) = @_; my $c = $notify ? $LIGHT_BLUE : $RED; # only the types for which creation/edit announcements matter my %types = ( v => 'visual novel', p => 'producer', r => 'release', c => 'character', s => 'staff', g => 'tag', i => 'trait', t => 'thread', d => 'doc', ); for (@$res) { my $id = $_->{type}.$_->{id} . ($_->{rev} ? '.'.$_->{rev} : ''); # (always) [x+.+] my @msg = ("$BOLD$c"."[$NORMAL$BOLD$id$c]$NORMAL"); # (only if username key is present) Edit of / New item / reply to / whatever push @msg, $c.( ($_->{rev}||1) == 1 ? "New $types{$_->{type}}" : $_->{type} eq 't' ? 'Reply to' : 'Edit of' ).$NORMAL if $_->{username}; # (always) main title push @msg, $_->{title}; # (only if boards key is present) Posted in [boards] push @msg, $c."Posted in$NORMAL $_->{boards}" if $_->{boards}; # (only if username key is present) By [username] push @msg, $c."By$NORMAL $_->{username}" if $_->{username}; # (only if comments key is present) Summary: $_->{comments} =~ s/\n/ /g if $_->{comments}; push @msg, $c."Summary:$NORMAL ".( length $_->{comments} > 40 ? substr($_->{comments}, 0, 37).'...' : $_->{comments} ) if defined $_->{comments}; # (always) @ URL push @msg, $c."@ $NORMAL$LIGHT_GREY$VNDB::S{url}/$id$NORMAL"; # now post it $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $dest, encode_utf8 join ' ', @msg); } } sub handleid { my($chan, $t, $id, $rev) = @_; # Some common exceptions return if grep "$t$id$rev" eq $_, qw|v1 v2 v3 v4 u2 i3 i5 i7 c64|; return if throttle $O{throt_vndbid}, 'irc_vndbid'; return if throttle $O{throt_sameid}, "irc_sameid_$t$id$rev"; my $c = sub { return if pg_expect $_[0], 1; formatid([$_[0]->rowsAsHashes], $chan, 0) if $_[0]->nRows; }; # plain vn/user/producer/thread/tag/trait/release pg_cmd 'SELECT $1::text AS type, $2::integer AS id, '.( $t eq 'v' ? 'v.title FROM vn v WHERE v.id = $2' : $t eq 'u' ? 'u.username AS title FROM users u WHERE u.id = $2' : $t eq 'p' ? 'p.name AS title FROM producers p WHERE p.id = $2' : $t eq 'c' ? 'c.name AS title FROM chars c WHERE c.id = $2' : $t eq 's' ? 'sa.name AS title FROM staff s JOIN staff_alias sa ON sa.aid = s.aid AND sa.id = s.id WHERE s.id = $2' : $t eq 't' ? 'title, '.$GETBOARDS.' FROM threads t WHERE NOT t.hidden AND NOT t.private AND t.id = $2' : $t eq 'g' ? 'name AS title FROM tags WHERE id = $2' : $t eq 'i' ? 'name AS title FROM traits WHERE id = $2' : $t eq 'd' ? 'title FROM docs WHERE id = $2' : 'r.title FROM releases r WHERE r.id = $2'), [ $t, $id ], $c if !$rev && $t =~ /[dvprtugics]/; # edit/insert of vn/release/producer or discussion board post pg_cmd 'SELECT $1::text AS type, $2::integer AS id, $3::integer AS rev, '.( $t eq 'v' ? 'vh.title, u.username, c.comments FROM changes c JOIN vn_hist vh ON c.id = vh.chid JOIN users u ON u.id = c.requester WHERE c.type = \'v\' AND c.itemid = $2 AND c.rev = $3' : $t eq 'r' ? 'rh.title, u.username, c.comments FROM changes c JOIN releases_hist rh ON c.id = rh.chid JOIN users u ON u.id = c.requester WHERE c.type = \'r\' AND c.itemid = $2 AND c.rev = $3' : $t eq 'p' ? 'ph.name AS title, u.username, c.comments FROM changes c JOIN producers_hist ph ON c.id = ph.chid JOIN users u ON u.id = c.requester WHERE c.type = \'p\' AND c.itemid = $2 AND c.rev = $3' : $t eq 'c' ? 'ch.name AS title, u.username, c.comments FROM changes c JOIN chars_hist ch ON c.id = ch.chid JOIN users u ON u.id = c.requester WHERE c.type = \'c\' AND c.itemid = $2 AND c.rev = $3' : $t eq 's' ? 'sah.name AS title, u.username, c.comments FROM changes c JOIN staff_hist sh ON c.id = sh.chid JOIN users u ON u.id = c.requester JOIN staff_alias_hist sah ON sah.chid = c.id AND sah.aid = sh.aid WHERE c.type = \'s\' AND c.itemid = $2 AND c.rev = $3' : $t eq 'd' ? 'dh.title, u.username, c.comments FROM changes c JOIN docs_hist dh ON c.id = dh.chid JOIN users u ON u.id = c.requester WHERE c.type = \'d\' AND c.itemid = $2 AND c.rev = $3' : 't.title, u.username, '.$GETBOARDS.' FROM threads t JOIN threads_posts tp ON tp.tid = t.id JOIN users u ON u.id = tp.uid WHERE NOT t.hidden AND NOT t.private AND t.id = $2 AND tp.num = $3'), [ $t, $id, $rev], $c if $rev && $t =~ /[dvprtcs]/; } sub vndbid { my($nick, $chan, $msg) = @_; return if $msg =~ /^\Q$BOLD/; # Never reply to another multi's spam. And ignore idiots who use bold. :D my @id; # [ type, id, ref ] for (split /[, ]/, $msg) { next if length > 15 or m{[a-z]{3,6}://}i; # weed out URLs and too long things push @id, /^(?:.*[^\w]|)([dvprtcs])([1-9][0-9]*)\.([1-9][0-9]*)(?:[^\w].*|)$/ ? [ $1, $2, $3 ] # x+.+ : /^(?:.*[^\w]|)([dvprtugics])([1-9][0-9]*)(?:[^\w].*|)$/ ? [ $1, $2, '' ] : (); # x+ } handleid($chan, @$_) for @id; } sub notify { my(undef, $sel) = @_; my $k = {qw|newrevision rev newpost post newtrait trait newtag tag|}->{$sel}; return if !$k || !$lastnotify{$k}; my $q = { rev => q{ SELECT c.type, c.rev, c.comments, c.id AS lastid, c.itemid AS id, COALESCE(vh.title, rh.title, ph.name, ch.name, sah.name, dh.title) AS title, u.username FROM changes c LEFT JOIN vn_hist vh ON c.type = 'v' AND c.id = vh.chid LEFT JOIN releases_hist rh ON c.type = 'r' AND c.id = rh.chid LEFT JOIN producers_hist ph ON c.type = 'p' AND c.id = ph.chid LEFT JOIN chars_hist ch ON c.type = 'c' AND c.id = ch.chid LEFT JOIN staff_hist sh ON c.type = 's' AND c.id = sh.chid LEFT JOIN staff_alias_hist sah ON c.type = 's' AND sah.aid = sh.aid AND sah.chid = c.id LEFT JOIN docs_hist dh ON c.type = 'd' AND c.id = dh.chid JOIN users u ON u.id = c.requester WHERE c.id > $1 AND c.requester <> 1 ORDER BY c.id}, post => q{ SELECT 't' AS type, tp.tid AS id, tp.num AS rev, t.title, u.username, tp.date AS lastid, }.$GETBOARDS.q{ FROM threads_posts tp JOIN threads t ON t.id = tp.tid JOIN users u ON u.id = tp.uid WHERE tp.date > $1 AND tp.num = 1 AND NOT t.hidden AND NOT t.private ORDER BY tp.date}, trait => q{ SELECT 'i' AS type, t.id, t.name AS title, u.username, t.id AS lastid FROM traits t JOIN users u ON u.id = t.addedby WHERE t.id > $1 ORDER BY t.id}, tag => q{ SELECT 'g' AS type, t.id, t.name AS title, u.username, t.id AS lastid FROM tags t JOIN users u ON u.id = t.addedby WHERE t.id > $1 ORDER BY t.id} }->{$k}; pg_cmd $q, [ $lastnotify{$k} ], sub { my $res = shift; return if pg_expect $res, 1; my @res = $res->rowsAsHashes; $lastnotify{$k} = $_->{lastid} for (@res); formatid \@res, $O{channels}[0], 1; }; } # command => [ admin_only, need_bot_prefix, sub->(nick, chan, cmd_args) ] my %cmds = ( info => [ 0, 0, sub { $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $_[1], 'Hi! I am HMX-12 Multi '.$VNDB::S{version}.', the IRC bot of '.$VNDB::S{url}.'/, written by the great master Yorhel!'); }], list => [ 0, 0, sub { $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $_[1], $irc->is_channel_name($_[1]) ? 'This is not a warez channel!' : 'I am not a warez bot!'); }], quote => [ 1, 0, sub { send_quote($_[1]) } ], vn => [ 0, 0, sub { my($nick, $chan, $q) = @_; return $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $chan, 'You forgot the search query, dummy~~!') if !$q; my @q = normalize_query($q); return $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $chan, "Couldn't do anything with that search query, you might want to add quotes or use longer words.") if !@q; my $w = join ' AND ', map "c_search LIKE \$$_", 1..@q; pg_cmd qq{ SELECT 'v'::text AS type, id, title FROM vn WHERE NOT hidden AND $w ORDER BY title LIMIT 6 }, [ map "%$_%", @q ], sub { my $res = shift; return if pg_expect $res, 1; return $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $chan, 'No visual novels found.') if !$res->nRows; return $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $chan, sprintf 'Too many results found, see %s/v/all?q=%s', $VNDB::S{url}, uri_escape($q)) if $res->nRows > 5; formatid([$res->rowsAsHashes()], $chan, 0); }; }], p => [ 0, 0, sub { my($nick, $chan, $q) = @_; return $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $chan, 'You forgot the search query, dummy~~!') if !$q; pg_cmd q{ SELECT 'p'::text AS type, id, name AS title FROM producers p WHERE hidden = FALSE AND (name ILIKE $1 OR original ILIKE $1 OR alias ILIKE $1) ORDER BY name LIMIT 6 }, [ "%$q%" ], sub { my $res = shift; return if pg_expect $res, 1; return $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $chan, 'No producers novels found.') if !$res->nRows; return $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $chan, sprintf 'Too many results found, see %s/p/all?q=%s', $VNDB::S{url}, uri_escape($q)) if $res->nRows > 5; formatid([$res->rowsAsHashes()], $chan, 0); }; }], scr => [ 0, 0, sub { my($nick, $chan, $q) = @_; return $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $chan, q|Sorry, I failed to comprehend which screenshot you'd like me to lookup for you,| .q| please understand that Yorhel was not willing to supply me with mind reading capabilities.|) if !$q || $q !~ /([0-9]+)\.jpg/; $q = $1; pg_cmd q{ SELECT 'v'::text AS type, v.id, v.title FROM changes c JOIN vn_screenshots_hist vsh ON vsh.chid = c.id JOIN vn v ON v.id = c.itemid WHERE vsh.scr = $1 LIMIT 1 }, [ $q ], sub { my $res = shift; return if pg_expect $res, 1; return $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $chan, "Couldn't find a VN with that screenshot ID.") if !$res->nRows; formatid([$res->rowsAsHashes()], $chan, 0); }; }], die => [ 1, 1, sub { kill 'TERM', 0; }], ); # Returns 1 if there was a valid command (or something that looked like it) sub command { my($nick, $chan, $msg) = @_; $msg = decode_utf8($msg); my $me = $irc->nick(); my $addressed = !$irc->is_channel_name($chan) || $msg =~ s/^\s*\Q$me\E[:,;.!?~]?\s*//; return 0 if !$addressed && !($msg =~ s/^\s*!//); return 0 if $msg !~ /^([a-z]+)(?:\s+(.+))?$/; my($cmd, $arg) = ($cmds{$1}, $2); return 0 if !$cmd && !$addressed; return 0 if $cmd && $cmd->[1] && !$addressed; return 1 if throttle $O{throt_cmd}, "irc_cmd_$nick"; if(!$cmd && $addressed) { $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $chan, 'Please make sense.'); return 1; } my $id = lc $irc->nick_ident($nick); if($cmd->[0] && !grep $id eq lc $_, @{$O{masters}}) { $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $chan, 'You are not my master!'); return 1; } $cmd->[2]->($nick, $chan, $arg); return 1; } 1;