package Multi::JList; use strict; use warnings; use Multi::Core; use AnyEvent::HTTP; use VNDB::Config; my %C = ( jbox => '', jlist => '', clean_timeout => 48*3600, check_timeout => 10*60, # Minimum time between fetches. ); sub run { shift; $C{ua} = sprintf ' Affiliate Crawler (Multi v%s;', config->{version}; %C = (%C, @_); push_watcher schedule 0, $C{clean_timeout}, sub { pg_cmd 'DELETE FROM shop_jlist WHERE id NOT IN(SELECT l_jlist FROM releases WHERE NOT hidden)'; }; push_watcher schedule 0, $C{check_timeout}, sub { pg_cmd q{ INSERT INTO shop_jlist (id) SELECT DISTINCT l_jlist FROM releases WHERE NOT hidden AND l_jlist <> '' AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM shop_jlist WHERE id = l_jlist) }, [], \&sync } } sub trysite { my($jbox, $id) = @_; my $ts = AE::now; my $url = ($jbox eq 't' ? $C{jbox} : $C{jlist}).$id; http_get $url, headers => {'User-Agent' => $C{ua} }, timeout => 60, sub { data($jbox, AE::now-$ts, $id, @_) }; } sub data { my($jbox, $time, $id, $body, $hdr) = @_; my $prefix = sprintf '[%.1fs] %s', $time, $id; return AE::log warn => "$prefix ERROR: $hdr->{Status} $hdr->{Reason}" if $hdr->{Status} !~ /^2/ && $hdr->{Status} ne '404'; return AE::log warn => "$prefix ERROR: Blocked by StackPath" if $body =~ /StackPath/; my $found = $hdr->{Status} ne '404' && $body =~ /fancybox mainProductImage/; my $outofstock = $body =~ /
[\s\r\n]*Out of stock[\s\r\n]*<\/div>/im; my $price = $body =~ /\s*\$(\d+\.\d+)(?:\/\$\d+\.\d+)?\s*<\/span>/ ? sprintf('US$ %.2f', $1) : ''; return AE::log warn => "$prefix Product found, but no price" if !$price && $found && !$outofstock; # Out of stock? Update database. if($outofstock) { pg_cmd q{UPDATE shop_jlist SET found = TRUE, jbox = $2, price = '', lastfetch = NOW() WHERE id = $1}, [ $id, $jbox ]; AE::log debug => "$prefix is out of stock on jbox=$jbox"; # We have a price? Update database. } elsif($price) { pg_cmd q{UPDATE shop_jlist SET found = TRUE, jbox = $2, price = $3, lastfetch = NOW() WHERE id = $1}, [ $id, $jbox, $price ]; AE::log debug => "$prefix for $price on jbox=$jbox"; # No price or stock info? Try J-List } elsif($jbox eq 't') { trysite 'f', $id; # Nothing at all? Update database. } else { pg_cmd q{UPDATE shop_jlist SET found = FALSE, lastfetch = NOW() WHERE id = $1}, [ $id ]; AE::log info => "$prefix not found on either JBOX or J-List."; } } sub sync { pg_cmd 'SELECT id FROM shop_jlist ORDER BY lastfetch ASC NULLS FIRST LIMIT 1', [], sub { my($res, $time) = @_; return if pg_expect $res, 1 or !$res->nRows; trysite 't', $res->value(0,0); }; }