# # Multi::Maintenance - General maintenance functions # package Multi::Maintenance; use strict; use warnings; use Multi::Core; use PerlIO::gzip; use VNDBUtil 'normalize_titles'; my $monthly; sub run { push_watcher schedule 12*3600, 24*3600, \&daily; push_watcher schedule 0, 3600, \&vnsearch_check; push_watcher pg->listen(vnsearch => on_notify => \&vnsearch_check); set_monthly(); } sub unload { undef $monthly; } sub set_monthly { # Calculate the UNIX timestamp of 12:00 GMT of the first day of the next month. # We do this by simply incrementing the timestamp with one day and checking gmtime() # for a month change. This might not be very reliable, but should be enough for # our purposes. my $nextday = int((time+3)/86400+1)*86400 + 12*3600; my $thismonth = (gmtime)[5]*100+(gmtime)[4]; # year*100 + month, for easy comparing $nextday += 86400 while (gmtime $nextday)[5]*100+(gmtime $nextday)[4] <= $thismonth; $monthly = AE::timer $nextday, 0, \&monthly; } sub log_res { my($id, $res, $time) = @_; return if pg_expect $res, undef, $id; AE::log info => sprintf 'Finished %s in %.3fs (%d rows)', $id, $time, $res->cmdRows; } # # D A I L Y J O B S # my %dailies = ( # takes about 500ms to 5s to complete, depending on how many releases have # been released within the past 5 days vncache_inc => q| SELECT update_vncache(id) FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT rv.vid FROM releases r JOIN releases_rev rr ON rr.id = r.latest JOIN releases_vn rv ON rv.rid = r.latest WHERE rr.released > TO_CHAR(NOW() - '5 days'::interval, 'YYYYMMDD')::integer AND rr.released <= TO_CHAR(NOW(), 'YYYYMMDD')::integer ) AS r(id)|, # takes about 9 seconds max, still OK tagcache => 'SELECT tag_vn_calc()', # takes about 90 seconds, might want to optimize or split up traitcache => 'SELECT traits_chars_calc()', # takes about 30 seconds vnpopularity => 'SELECT update_vnpopularity()', # takes about 25 seconds, can be performed in ranges as well when necessary vnrating => q| UPDATE vn SET c_rating = (SELECT ( ((SELECT COUNT(vote)::real/COUNT(DISTINCT vid)::real FROM votes)*(SELECT AVG(a)::real FROM (SELECT AVG(vote) FROM votes GROUP BY vid) AS v(a)) + SUM(vote)::real) / ((SELECT COUNT(vote)::real/COUNT(DISTINCT vid)::real FROM votes) + COUNT(uid)::real) ) FROM votes WHERE vid = id AND uid NOT IN(SELECT id FROM users WHERE ign_votes) ), c_votecount = COALESCE((SELECT count(*) FROM votes WHERE vid = id AND uid NOT IN(SELECT id FROM users WHERE ign_votes)), 0)|, # should be pretty fast cleangraphs => q| DELETE FROM relgraphs vg WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM vn WHERE rgraph = vg.id) AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM producers WHERE rgraph = vg.id)|, cleansessions => q|DELETE FROM sessions WHERE lastused < NOW()-'1 month'::interval|, cleannotifications => q|DELETE FROM notifications WHERE read < NOW()-'1 month'::interval|, rmunconfirmusers => q|DELETE FROM users WHERE registered < NOW()-'1 week'::interval AND NOT email_confirmed|, cleanthrottle => q|DELETE FROM login_throttle WHERE timeout < NOW()|, ); sub run_daily { my($d, $sub) = @_; pg_cmd $dailies{$d}, undef, sub { log_res $d, @_; $sub->() if $sub; }; } sub daily { my @l = sort keys %dailies; my $s; $s = sub { run_daily shift(@l), $s if @l; }; $s->(); } # # M O N T H L Y J O B S # my %monthlies = ( # This takes about 4 to 5 minutes to complete, and should only be necessary # in the event that the daily vncache_inc cron hasn't been running for 5 # subsequent days. vncache_full => 'SELECT update_vncache(id) FROM vn', # These shouldn't really be necessary, the triggers in PgSQL should keep # these up-to-date nicely. But these all take less a second to complete, # anyway. stats_users => q|UPDATE stats_cache SET count = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users)-1 WHERE section = 'users'|, stats_vn => q|UPDATE stats_cache SET count = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM vn WHERE hidden = FALSE) WHERE section = 'vn'|, stats_rel => q|UPDATE stats_cache SET count = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM releases WHERE hidden = FALSE) WHERE section = 'releases'|, stats_prod => q|UPDATE stats_cache SET count = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM producers WHERE hidden = FALSE) WHERE section = 'producers'|, stats_chars => q|UPDATE stats_cache SET count = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM chars WHERE hidden = FALSE) WHERE section = 'chars'|, stats_chars => q|UPDATE stats_cache SET count = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM staff WHERE hidden = FALSE) WHERE section = 'staff'|, stats_tags => q|UPDATE stats_cache SET count = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tags WHERE state = 2) WHERE section = 'tags'|, stats_trait => q|UPDATE stats_cache SET count = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM traits WHERE state = 2) WHERE section = 'traits'|, stats_thread=> q|UPDATE stats_cache SET count = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM threads WHERE hidden = FALSE) WHERE section = 'threads'|, stats_posts => q|UPDATE stats_cache SET count = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM threads_posts WHERE hidden = FALSE AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM threads WHERE threads.id = tid AND threads.hidden = FALSE)) WHERE section = 'threads_posts'|, ); sub logrotate { my $dir = sprintf '%s/old', $VNDB::M{log_dir}; mkdir $dir if !-d $dir; for (glob sprintf '%s/*', $VNDB::M{log_dir}) { next if /^\./ || /~$/ || !-f; my $f = /([^\/]+)$/ ? $1 : $_; my $n = sprintf '%s/%s.%04d-%02d-%02d.gz', $dir, $f, (localtime)[5]+1900, (localtime)[4]+1, (localtime)[3]; return if -f $n; open my $I, '<', sprintf '%s/%s', $VNDB::M{log_dir}, $f; open my $O, '>:gzip', $n; print $O $_ while <$I>; close $O; close $I; open $I, '>', sprintf '%s/%s', $VNDB::M{log_dir}, $f; close $I; } AE::log info => 'Logs rotated.'; } sub run_monthly { my($d, $sub) = @_; pg_cmd $monthlies{$d}, undef, sub { log_res $d, @_; $sub->() if $sub; }; } sub monthly { my @l = sort keys %monthlies; my $s; $s = sub { run_monthly shift(@l), $s if @l; }; $s->(); logrotate; set_monthly; } # # V N S E A R C H C A C H E # sub vnsearch_check { pg_cmd 'SELECT id FROM vn WHERE c_search IS NULL LIMIT 1', undef, sub { my $res = shift; return if pg_expect $res, 1 or !$res->rows; my $id = $res->value(0,0); pg_cmd q|SELECT vr.title, vr.original, vr.alias FROM vn v JOIN vn_rev vr ON vr.id = v.latest WHERE v.id = $1 UNION SELECT rr.title, rr.original, NULL FROM releases r JOIN releases_rev rr ON rr.id = r.latest JOIN releases_vn rv ON rv.rid = r.latest WHERE rv.vid = $1 AND NOT r.hidden |, [ $id ], sub { vnsearch_update($id, @_) }; }; } sub vnsearch_update { # id, res, time my($id, $res, $time) = @_; return if pg_expect $res, 1; my $t = normalize_titles(grep length, map +($_->{title}, $_->{original}, split /[\n,]/, $_->{alias}||''), $res->rowsAsHashes ); pg_cmd 'UPDATE vn SET c_search = $1 WHERE id = $2', [ $t, $id ], sub { my($res, $t2) = @_; return if pg_expect $res, 0; AE::log info => sprintf 'Updated search cache for v%d (%3dms SQL)', $id, ($time+$t2)*1000; vnsearch_check; }; } 1; __END__ # Shouldn't really be necessary, except c_changes could be slightly off when # hiding/unhiding DB items. # This query takes almost two hours to complete and tends to bring the entire # site down with it, so it's been disabled for now. Can be performed in # ranges though. UPDATE users SET c_votes = COALESCE( (SELECT COUNT(vid) FROM votes WHERE uid = users.id GROUP BY uid ), 0), c_changes = COALESCE( (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM changes WHERE requester = users.id GROUP BY requester ), 0), c_tags = COALESCE( (SELECT COUNT(tag) FROM tags_vn WHERE uid = users.id GROUP BY uid ), 0)