package VN3::User::Page; use VN3::Prelude; use VN3::User::Lib; sub StatsLeft { my $u = shift; my $vns = show_list($u) && tuwf->dbVali('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM vnlists WHERE uid =', \$u->{id}); my $rel = show_list($u) && tuwf->dbVali('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM rlists WHERE uid =', \$u->{id}); my $posts = tuwf->dbVali('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM threads_posts WHERE uid =', \$u->{id}); my $threads = tuwf->dbVali('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM threads_posts WHERE num = 1 AND uid =', \$u->{id}); Div class => 'card__title mb-4', 'Stats'; Div class => 'big-stats mb-5', sub { A href => "/u$u->{id}/list", class => 'big-stats__stat', sub { Txt 'Votes'; Div class => 'big-stats__value', show_list($u) ? $u->{c_votes} : '-'; }; A href => "/u$u->{id}/hist", class => 'big-stats__stat', sub { Txt 'Edits'; Div class => 'big-stats__value', $u->{c_changes}; }; A href => "/g/links?u=$u->{id}", class => 'big-stats__stat', sub { Txt 'Tags'; Div class => 'big-stats__value', $u->{c_tags}; }; }; Div class => 'user-stats__text', sub { Dl class => 'dl--horizontal', sub { if(show_list $u) { Dt 'List stats'; Dd sprintf '%d release%s of %d visual novel%s', $rel, $rel == 1 ? '' : 's', $vns, $vns == 1 ? '' : 's'; } Dt 'Forum stats'; Dd sprintf '%d post%s, %d new thread%s', $posts, $posts == 1 ? '' : 's', $threads, $threads == 1 ? '' : 's'; Dt 'Registered'; Dd date_display $u->{registered}; }; }; } sub Stats { my $u = shift; my($count, $Graph) = show_list($u) ? VoteGraph u => $u->{id} : (); Div class => 'card card--white card--no-separators flex-expand mb-5', sub { Div class => 'card__section fs-medium', sub { Div class => 'user-stats', sub { Div class => 'user-stats__left', sub { StatsLeft $u }; Div class => 'user-stats__right', sub { Div class => 'card__title mb-2', 'Vote distribution'; $Graph->(); } if $count; } } } } sub List { my $u = shift; return if !show_list $u; # XXX: This query doesn't catch vote or list *changes*, only new entries. # We don't store the modification date in the DB at the moment. my $l = tuwf->dbAlli(q{ SELECT il.vid, EXTRACT('epoch' FROM GREATEST(, l.added)) AS date, vn.title, vn.original,, l.status FROM ( SELECT vid FROM votes WHERE uid = }, \$u->{id}, q{ UNION SELECT vid FROM vnlists WHERE uid = }, \$u->{id}, q{ ) AS il (vid) LEFT JOIN votes v ON v.vid = il.vid LEFT JOIN vnlists l ON l.vid = il.vid JOIN vn ON = il.vid WHERE v.uid = }, \$u->{id}, q{ AND l.uid = }, \$u->{id}, q{ ORDER BY GREATEST(, l.added) DESC LIMIT 10 }); return if !@$l; Div class => 'card card--white card--no-separators mb-5', sub { Div class => 'card__header', sub { Div class => 'card__title', 'Recent list additions'; }; Table class => 'table table--responsive-single-sm fs-medium', sub { Thead sub { Tr sub { Th width => '15%', 'Date'; Th width => '50%', 'Visual novel'; Th width => '10%', 'Vote'; Th width => '25%', 'Status'; }; }; Tbody sub { for my $i (@$l) { Tr sub { Td class => 'tabular-nums muted', date_display $i->{date}; Td sub { A href => "/v$i->{vid}", title => $i->{original}||$i->{title}, $i->{title}; }; Td vote_display $i->{vote}; Td $i->{status} ? $VNLIST_STATUS{$i->{status}} : ''; }; } }; }; Div class => 'card__section fs-medium', sub { A href => "/u$u->{id}/list", 'View full list'; } }; } sub Edits { my $u = shift; # XXX: This is a lazy implementation, could probably share code/UI with the database entry history tables (as in VNDB 2) my $l = tuwf->dbAlli(q{ SELECT, ch.itemid, ch.rev, ch.type, EXTRACT('epoch' FROM ch.added) AS added FROM changes ch WHERE ch.requester =}, \$u->{id}, q{ ORDER BY ch.added DESC LIMIT 10 }); return if !@$l; # This can also be written as a UNION, haven't done any benchmarking yet. # It doesn't matter much with only 10 entries, but it will matter if this # query is re-used for other history browsing purposes. enrich id => q{ SELECT, COALESCE(d.title, v.title,, r.title,, AS title FROM changes ch LEFT JOIN docs_hist d ON ch.type = 'd' AND d.chid = LEFT JOIN vn_hist v ON ch.type = 'v' AND v.chid = LEFT JOIN producers_hist p ON ch.type = 'p' AND p.chid = LEFT JOIN releases_hist r ON ch.type = 'r' AND r.chid = LEFT JOIN chars_hist c ON ch.type = 'c' AND c.chid = LEFT JOIN staff_hist s ON ch.type = 's' AND s.chid = LEFT JOIN staff_alias_hist sa ON ch.type = 's' AND sa.chid = AND s.aid = sa.aid WHERE IN}, $l; Div class => 'card card--white card--no-separators mb-5', sub { Div class => 'card__header', sub { Div class => 'card__title', 'Recent database contributions'; }; Table class => 'table table--responsive-single-sm fs-medium', sub { Thead sub { Tr sub { Th width => '15%', 'Date'; Th width => '10%', 'Rev.'; Th width => '75%', 'Entry'; }; }; Tbody sub { for my $i (@$l) { my $id = "$i->{type}$i->{itemid}.$i->{rev}"; Tr sub { Td class => 'tabular-nums muted', date_display $i->{added}; Td sub { A href => "/$id", $id; }; Td sub { A href => "/$id", $i->{title}; }; } } } }; Div class => 'card__section fs-medium', sub { A href => "/u$u->{id}/hist", 'View all'; } }; } TUWF::get qr{/$UID_RE}, sub { my $uid = tuwf->capture('id'); my $u = tuwf->dbRowi(q{ SELECT, u.username, EXTRACT('epoch' FROM u.registered) AS registered, u.c_votes, u.c_changes, u.c_tags, hd.value AS hide_list FROM users u LEFT JOIN users_prefs hd ON hd.uid = AND hd.key = 'hide_list' WHERE =}, \$uid ); return tuwf->resNotFound if !$u->{id}; Framework title => lcfirst($u->{username}), index => 0, single_col => 1, top => sub { Div class => 'col-md', sub { EntryEdit u => $u; Div class => 'detail-page-title', ucfirst $u->{username}; TopNav details => $u; } }, sub { Stats $u; List $u; Edits $u; }; }; 1;