package VNDB::BBCode; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter 'import'; use TUWF::XML 'xml_escape'; our @EXPORT = qw/bb2html bb2text/; # Supported BBCode: # [spoiler] .. [/spoiler] # [quote] .. [/quote] # [code] .. [/code] # [url=..] [/url] # [raw] .. [/raw] # link: http://../ # dblink: v+, v+.+, d+#+, d+#+.+ # # Permitted nesting of formatting codes: # spoiler -> url, raw, link, dblink # quote -> anything # code -> nothing # url -> raw # raw -> nothing # State action function usage: # _state_action \@stack, $match, $char_pre, $char_post # Returns: ($token, @arg) on successful parse, () otherwise. # Trivial open and close actions sub _spoiler_start { if(lc$_[1] eq '[spoiler]') { push @{$_[0]}, 'spoiler'; ('spoiler_start') } else { () } } sub _quote_start { if(lc$_[1] eq '[quote]') { push @{$_[0]}, 'quote'; ('quote_start') } else { () } } sub _code_start { if(lc$_[1] eq '[code]') { push @{$_[0]}, 'code'; ('code_start') } else { () } } sub _raw_start { if(lc$_[1] eq '[raw]') { push @{$_[0]}, 'raw'; ('raw_start') } else { () } } sub _spoiler_end { if(lc$_[1] eq '[/spoiler]') { pop @{$_[0]}; ('spoiler_end') } else { () } } sub _quote_end { if(lc$_[1] eq '[/quote]' ) { pop @{$_[0]}; ('quote_end' ) } else { () } } sub _code_end { if(lc$_[1] eq '[/code]' ) { pop @{$_[0]}; ('code_end' ) } else { () } } sub _raw_end { if(lc$_[1] eq '[/raw]' ) { pop @{$_[0]}; ('raw_end' ) } else { () } } sub _url_end { if(lc$_[1] eq '[/url]' ) { pop @{$_[0]}; ('url_end' ) } else { () } } sub _url_start { if($_[1] =~ m{^\[url=((https?://|/)[^\]>]+)\]$}i) { push @{$_[0]}, 'url'; (url_start => $1) } else { () } } sub _link { my(undef, $match, $char_pre, $char_post) = @_; # Tags arent links return () if $match =~ /^\[/; # URLs (already "validated" in the parsing regex) return ('link') if $match =~ /^[hf]t/; # Now we're left with various forms of IDs, just need to make sure it's not surrounded by word characters return ('dblink') if $char_pre !~ /\w/ && $char_post !~ /\w/; (); } # Permitted actions to take in each state. The actions are run in order, if # none succeed then the token is passed through as text. # The "current state" is the most recent tag in the stack, or '' if no tags are open. my %STATE = ( '' => [ \&_link, \&_url_start, \&_raw_start, \&_spoiler_start, \&_quote_start, \&_code_start], spoiler => [\&_spoiler_end, \&_link, \&_url_start, \&_raw_start], quote => [\&_quote_end, \&_link, \&_url_start, \&_raw_start, \&_spoiler_start, \&_quote_start, \&_code_start], code => [\&_code_end ], url => [\&_url_end, \&_raw_start], raw => [\&_raw_end ], ); # Usage: # # parse $input, sub { # my($raw, $token, @arg) = @_; # return 1; # to continue processing, 0 to stop. (Note that _close tokens may still follow after stopping) # }; # # $raw = the raw part that has been parsed # $token = name of the parsed bbcode token, with some special cases (see below) # @arg = $token-specific arguments. # # Tags: # text -> literal text, $raw is the text to display # spoiler_start -> start a spoiler # spoiler_end -> end # quote_start -> start a quote # quote_end -> end # code_start -> code block # code_end -> end # url_start -> [url=..], $arg[0] contains the url # url_end -> [/url] # raw_start -> [raw] # raw_end -> [/raw] # link -> http://.../, $raw is the link # dblink -> v123, t13.1, etc. $raw is the dblink # # This function will ensure correct nesting of _start and _end tokens. sub parse { my($raw, $sub) = @_; $raw =~ s/\r//g; return if !$raw && $raw ne '0'; my $last = 0; my @stack; while($raw =~ m{(?: \[ \/? (?i: spoiler|quote|code|url|raw ) [^\s\]]* \] | # tag d[1-9][0-9]* \# [1-9][0-9]* (?: \.[1-9][0-9]* )? | # d+#+[.+] [tdvprcs][1-9][0-9]*\.[1-9][0-9]* | # v+.+ [tdvprcsugi][1-9][0-9]* | # v+ (?:https?|ftp)://[^><"\n\s\]\[]+[\d\w=/-] # link )}xg) { my $token = $&; my $pre = substr $raw, $last, $-[0]-$last; my $char_pre = $-[0] ? substr $raw, $-[0]-1, 1 : ''; $last = pos $raw; my $char_post = substr $raw, $last, 1; # Pass through the unformatted text before the match $sub->($pre, 'text') || goto FINAL if length $pre; # Call the state functions. Arguments to these functions are implicitely # passed through @_, which avoids allocating a new stack for each function # call. my $state = $STATE{ $stack[$#stack]||'' }; my @ret; @_ = (\@stack, $token, $char_pre, $char_post); for(@$state) { @ret = &$_; last if @ret; } $sub->($token, @ret ? @ret : ('text')) || goto FINAL; } $sub->(substr($raw, $last), 'text') if $last < length $raw; FINAL: # Close all tags. This code is a bit of a hack, as it bypasses the state actions. $sub->('', "${_}_end") for reverse @stack; } sub bb2html { my($input, $maxlength, $charspoil) = @_; my $incode = 0; my $rmnewline = 0; my $length = 0; my $ret = ''; # escapes, returns string, and takes care of $length and $maxlength; also # takes care to remove newlines and double spaces when necessary my $e = sub { local $_ = shift; s/^\n// if $rmnewline && $rmnewline--; s/\n{5,}/\n\n/g if !$incode; s/ +/ /g if !$incode; $length += length $_; if($maxlength && $length > $maxlength) { $_ = substr($_, 0, $maxlength-$length); s/\W+\w*$//; # cleanly cut off on word boundary } s/&/&/g; s/>/>/g; s//g if !$maxlength; s/\n/ /g if $maxlength; $_; }; parse $input, sub { my($raw, $tag, @arg) = @_; #$ret .= "$tag {$raw}\n"; #return 1; if($tag eq 'text') { $ret .= $e->($raw); } elsif($tag eq 'spoiler_start') { $ret .= !$charspoil ? '' : '<hidden by spoiler settings>'; } elsif($tag eq 'spoiler_end') { $ret .= !$charspoil ? '' : ''; } elsif($tag eq 'quote_start') { $ret .= '
' if !$maxlength; $rmnewline = 1; } elsif($tag eq 'quote_end') { $ret .= '
' if !$maxlength; $rmnewline = 1; } elsif($tag eq 'code_start') { $ret .= '
' if !$maxlength;
      $rmnewline = 1;
      $incode = 1;
    } elsif($tag eq 'code_end') {
      $ret .= '
' if !$maxlength; $rmnewline = 1; $incode = 0; } elsif($tag eq 'url_start') { $ret .= sprintf '', xml_escape($arg[0]); } elsif($tag eq 'url_end') { $ret .= ''; } elsif($tag eq 'link') { $ret .= sprintf '%s', xml_escape($raw), $e->('link'); } elsif($tag eq 'dblink') { (my $link = $raw) =~ s/^d(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/d$1#$2.$3/; $ret .= sprintf '%s', $link, $e->($raw); } !$maxlength || $length < $maxlength; }; $ret; } # Convert bbcode into plain text, stripping all tags and spoilers. [url] tags # only display the title. sub bb2text { my $input = shift; my $inspoil = 0; my $ret = ''; parse $input, sub { my($raw, $tag, @arg) = @_; if($tag eq 'spoiler_start') { $inspoil = 1; } elsif($tag eq 'spoiler_end') { $inspoil = 0; } else { $ret .= $raw if !$inspoil && $tag !~ /_(start|end)$/; } 1; }; $ret; } 1;