package VNDB::Config; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter 'import'; our @EXPORT = ('config'); my $ROOT = $INC{'VNDB/'} =~ s{/lib/VNDB/Config\.pm$}{}r; # Default config options my $config = { url => 'http://localhost:3000', tuwf => { db_login => [ 'dbi:Pg:dbname=vndb', 'vndb_site', undef ], cookie_prefix => 'vndb_', }, skin_default => 'angel', placeholder_img => '', # Used in the og:image meta tag scrypt_args => [ 65536, 8, 1 ], # N, r, p scrypt_salt => 'another-random-string', form_salt => 'a-private-string-here', source_url => '', admin_email => '', login_throttle => [ 24*3600/10, 24*3600 ], # interval between attempts, max burst (10 a day) board_edit_time => 7*24*3600, # Time after which posts become immutable poll_options => 20, # max number of options in discussion board polls graphviz_path => '/usr/bin/dot', trace_log => 0, dlsite_url => '', denpa_url => '', jlist_url => '', jbox_url => '', mg_r18_url => '', mg_main_url => '', Multi => { Core => {}, Feed => {}, Maintenance => {}, }, }; my $config_file = do $ROOT.'/data/'; my $config_merged; sub config { $config_merged ||= do { my $c = $config; $c->{$_} = $config_file->{$_} for grep !/^(Multi|tuwf)$/, keys %$config_file; $c->{Multi}{$_} = $config_file->{Multi}{$_} for keys %{ $config_file->{Multi} || {} }; $c->{tuwf}{$_} = $config_file->{tuwf}{$_} for keys %{ $config_file->{tuwf} || {} }; $c->{url_static} ||= $c->{url}; $c->{version} ||= `git -C "$ROOT" describe` =~ s/\-g[0-9a-f]+$//rg =~ s/\r?\n//rg; $c->{root} = $ROOT; $c->{Multi}{Core}{log_level} ||= 'debug'; $c->{Multi}{Core}{log_dir} ||= $ROOT.'/data/log'; $c }; $config_merged } 1;