package VNDB::DB::Affiliates; use strict; use warnings; use POSIX 'strftime'; use Exporter 'import'; our @EXPORT = qw|dbAffiliateGet dbAffiliateEdit dbAffiliateDel dbAffiliateAdd|; # options: id rids affiliate hidden sort reverse # what: release sub dbAffiliateGet { my($self, %o) = @_; $o{sort} ||= 'id'; $o{reverse} //= 0; my %where = ( $o{id} ? ('id = ?' => $o{id}) : (), $o{rids} ? ('rid IN(!l)' => [$o{rids}]) : (), defined($o{affiliate}) ? ('affiliate = ?' => $o{affiliate}) : (), defined($o{hidden}) ? ('!s af.hidden' => $o{hidden} ? '' : 'NOT') : (), ); my $join = $o{what} ? 'JOIN releases r ON = af.rid JOIN releases_rev rr ON = r.latest' : ''; my $select = $o{what} ? ', rr.title' : ''; my $order = sprintf { id => ' %s', rel => 'rr.title %s', prio => 'af.priority %s', url => 'af.url %s', lastfetch => 'af.lastfetch %s', }->{$o{sort}}, $o{reverse} ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'; return $self->dbAll(qq| SELECT, af.rid, af.hidden, af.priority, af.affiliate, af.url, af.version, extract('epoch' from af.lastfetch) as lastfetch, af.price,$select FROM affiliate_links af $join !W ORDER BY !s|, \%where, $order); } sub dbAffiliateDel { my($self, $id) = @_; $self->dbExec('DELETE FROM affiliate_links WHERE id = ?', $id); } sub dbAffiliateEdit { my($self, $id, %ops) = @_; my %set; exists($ops{$_}) && ($set{"$_ = ?"} = $ops{$_}) for(qw|rid priority hidden affiliate url version price data|); $set{"lastfetch = TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE 'epoch' + ? * INTERVAL '1 second'"} = $ops{lastfetch} || $ops{lastfetch} eq '0' ? $ops{lastfetch} : undef if exists $ops{lastfetch}; return if !keys %set; $self->dbExec('UPDATE affiliate_links !H WHERE id = ?', \%set, $id); } sub dbAffiliateAdd { my($self, %ops) = @_; $self->dbExec(q|INSERT INTO affiliate_links (rid, priority, hidden, affiliate, url, version, price, data, lastfetch) VALUES(!l, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE 'epoch' + ? * INTERVAL '1 second')|, [@ops{qw| rid priority hidden affiliate url version price data|}], $ops{lastfetch} || $ops{lastfetch} eq '0' ? $ops{lastfetch} : undef); } 1;