package VNDB::DB::Chars; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter 'import'; our @EXPORT = qw|dbCharFilters dbCharGet dbCharGetRev dbCharRevisionInsert|; # Character filters shared by dbCharGet and dbVNGet sub dbCharFilters { my($self, %o) = @_; return ( defined $o{gender} ? ( 'c.gender IN(!l)' => [ ref $o{gender} ? $o{gender} : [$o{gender}] ]) : (), defined $o{bloodt} ? ( 'c.bloodt IN(!l)' => [ ref $o{bloodt} ? $o{bloodt} : [$o{bloodt}] ]) : (), defined $o{bust_min} ? ( 'c.s_bust >= ?' => $o{bust_min} ) : (), defined $o{bust_max} ? ( 'c.s_bust <= ? AND c.s_bust > 0' => $o{bust_max} ) : (), defined $o{waist_min} ? ( 'c.s_waist >= ?' => $o{waist_min} ) : (), defined $o{waist_max} ? ( 'c.s_waist <= ? AND c.s_waist > 0' => $o{waist_max} ) : (), defined $o{hip_min} ? ( 'c.s_hip >= ?' => $o{hip_min} ) : (), defined $o{hip_max} ? ( 'c.s_hip <= ? AND c.s_hip > 0' => $o{hip_max} ) : (), defined $o{height_min} ? ( 'c.height >= ?' => $o{height_min} ) : (), defined $o{height_max} ? ( 'c.height <= ? AND c.height > 0' => $o{height_max} ) : (), defined $o{weight_min} ? ( 'c.weight >= ?' => $o{weight_min} ) : (), defined $o{weight_max} ? ( 'c.weight <= ?' => $o{weight_max} ) : (), defined $o{cup_min} ? ( 'c.cup_size >= ?' => $o{cup_min} ) : (), defined $o{cup_max} ? ( 'c.cup_size <= ?' => $o{cup_max} ) : (), $o{role} ? ( 'EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM chars_vns cvi WHERE = AND cvi.role IN(!l))', [ ref $o{role} ? $o{role} : [$o{role}] ] ) : (), $o{trait_inc} ? ( ' IN(SELECT cid FROM traits_chars WHERE tid IN(!l) AND spoil <= ? GROUP BY cid HAVING COUNT(tid) = ?)', [ ref $o{trait_inc} ? $o{trait_inc} : [$o{trait_inc}], $o{tagspoil}, ref $o{trait_inc} ? $#{$o{trait_inc}}+1 : 1 ]) : (), $o{trait_exc} ? ( ' NOT IN(SELECT cid FROM traits_chars WHERE tid IN(!l))' => [ ref $o{trait_exc} ? $o{trait_exc} : [$o{trait_exc}] ] ) : (), $o{va_inc} ? ( ' IN(SELECT ivs.cid FROM vn_seiyuu ivs JOIN staff_alias isa ON isa.aid = ivs.aid WHERE IN(!l))' => [ ref $o{va_inc} ? $o{va_inc} : [$o{va_inc}] ] ) : (), $o{va_exc} ? ( ' NOT IN(SELECT ivs.cid FROM vn_seiyuu ivs JOIN staff_alias isa ON isa.aid = ivs.aid WHERE IN(!l))' => [ ref $o{va_exc} ? $o{va_exc} : [$o{va_exc}] ] ) : (), ) } # options: id instance tagspoil trait_inc trait_exc char what results page gender bloodt # bust_min bust_max waist_min waist_max hip_min hip_max height_min height_max weight_min weight_max role # what: extended traits vns changes sub dbCharGet { my $self = shift; my %o = ( page => 1, results => 10, what => '', tagspoil => 0, @_ ); $o{search} =~ s/%//g if $o{search}; my %where = ( !$o{id} ? ( 'c.hidden = FALSE' => 1 ) : (), $o{id} ? ( ' IN(!l)' => [ ref $o{id} ? $o{id} : [$o{id}] ] ) : (), $o{notid} ? ( ' <> ?' => $o{notid} ) : (), $o{instance} ? ( 'c.main = ?' => $o{instance} ) : (), $o{vid} ? ( ' IN(SELECT id FROM chars_vns WHERE vid = ?)' => $o{vid} ) : (), $o{search} ? ( "( ILIKE ? OR translate(c.original,' ','') ILIKE translate(?,' ','') OR c.alias ILIKE ?)", [ map '%'.$o{search}.'%', 1..3 ] ) : (), $o{char} ? ( 'LOWER(SUBSTR(, 1, 1)) = ?' => $o{char} ) : (), defined $o{char} && !$o{char} ? ( '(ASCII( < 97 OR ASCII( > 122) AND (ASCII( < 65 OR ASCII( > 90)' => 1 ) : (), $self->dbCharFilters(%o), ); my @select = (qw| c.original c.gender|); push @select, qw|c.hidden c.locked c.alias c.desc c.b_month c.b_day c.s_bust c.s_waist c.s_hip c.height c.weight c.bloodt c.cup_size c.age c.main c.main_spoil|, 'coalesce(vndbid_num(c.image),0) AS image' if $o{what} =~ /extended/; my($r, $np) = $self->dbPage(\%o, q| SELECT !s FROM chars c !W ORDER BY|, join(', ', @select), \%where ); return _enrich($self, $r, $np, 0, $o{what}, $o{vid}); } sub dbCharGetRev { my $self = shift; my %o = (what => '', @_); $o{rev} ||= $self->dbRow('SELECT MAX(rev) AS rev FROM changes WHERE type = \'c\' AND itemid = ?', $o{id})->{rev}; my $select = 'c.itemid AS id,, ch.original, ch.gender'; $select .= ', extract(\'epoch\' from c.added) as added, c.comments, c.rev, c.ihid, c.ilock, '.VNWeb::DB::sql_user(); $select .= ', AS cid, NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM changes c2 WHERE c2.type = c.type AND c2.itemid = c.itemid AND c2.rev = c.rev+1) AS lastrev'; $select .= ', ch.alias, ch.desc, coalesce(vndbid_num(ch.image), 0) as image, ch.b_month, ch.b_day, ch.s_bust, ch.s_waist, ch.s_hip, ch.height, ch.weight, ch.bloodt, ch.cup_size, ch.age, ch.main, ch.main_spoil, co.hidden, co.locked' if $o{what} =~ /extended/; my $r = $self->dbAll(q| SELECT !s FROM changes c JOIN chars co ON = c.itemid JOIN chars_hist ch ON ch.chid = JOIN users u ON = c.requester WHERE c.type = 'c' AND c.itemid = ? AND c.rev = ?|, $select, $o{id}, $o{rev} ); return _enrich($self, $r, 0, 1, $o{what}); } sub _enrich { my($self, $r, $np, $rev, $what, $vid) = @_; if(@$r && $what =~ /vns|traits/) { my($col, $hist, $colname) = $rev ? ('cid', '_hist', 'chid') : ('id', '', 'id'); my %r = map { $_->{traits} = []; $_->{vns} = []; ($_->{$col}, $_) } @$r; if($what =~ /traits/) { push @{$r{ delete $_->{xid} }{traits}}, $_ for (@{$self->dbAll(qq| SELECT ct.$colname AS xid, ct.tid, ct.spoil,, t.sexual, t."group", AS groupname FROM chars_traits$hist ct JOIN traits t ON = ct.tid JOIN traits tg ON = t."group" WHERE ct.$colname IN(!l) ORDER BY tg."order",|, [ keys %r ] )}); } if($what =~ /vns(?:\((\d+)\))?/) { push @{$r{ delete $_->{xid} }{vns}}, $_ for (@{$self->dbAll(" SELECT cv.$colname AS xid, cv.vid, cv.rid, cv.spoil, cv.role, v.title AS vntitle, r.title AS rtitle FROM chars_vns$hist cv JOIN vn v ON cv.vid = LEFT JOIN releases r ON cv.rid = !W ORDER BY v.c_released", { "cv.$colname IN(!l)" => [[keys %r]], $1 ? ('cv.vid = ?', $1) : () } )}); } } # Depends on the VN revision rather than char revision if(@$r && $what =~ /seiyuu/) { my %r = map { $_->{seiyuu} = []; ($_->{id}, $_) } @$r; push @{$r{ delete $_->{cid} }{seiyuu}}, $_ for (@{$self->dbAll(q| SELECT vs.cid, AS sid,, sa.original, vs.note, AS vid, v.title AS vntitle FROM vn_seiyuu vs JOIN staff_alias sa ON sa.aid = vs.aid JOIN staff s ON = JOIN vn v ON = !W ORDER BY v.c_released,|, { 's.hidden = FALSE' => 1, 'vs.cid IN(!l)' => [[ keys %r ]], $vid ? (' = ?' => $vid) : (), } )}); } return wantarray ? ($r, $np) : $r; } # Updates the edit_* tables, used from dbItemEdit() # Arguments: { columns in chars_rev + traits + vns }, sub dbCharRevisionInsert { my($self, $o) = @_; my %set = map exists($o->{$_}) ? (qq|"$_" = ?|, $o->{$_}) : (), qw|name original alias desc b_month b_day s_bust s_waist s_hip height weight bloodt cup_size age gender main main_spoil|; $set{'image = vndbid(\'ch\',?)'} = $o->{image}||undef if exists $o->{image}; $self->dbExec('UPDATE edit_chars !H', \%set) if keys %set; if($o->{traits}) { $self->dbExec('DELETE FROM edit_chars_traits'); $self->dbExec('INSERT INTO edit_chars_traits (tid, spoil) VALUES (?,?)', $_->[0],$_->[1]) for (@{$o->{traits}}); } if($o->{vns}) { $self->dbExec('DELETE FROM edit_chars_vns'); $self->dbExec('INSERT INTO edit_chars_vns (vid, rid, spoil, role) VALUES(!l)', $_) for (@{$o->{vns}}); } } 1;