package VNDB::DB::Discussions; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter 'import'; our @EXPORT = qw|dbThreadGet dbThreadEdit dbThreadAdd dbPostGet dbPostEdit dbPostAdd dbThreadCount|; # Options: id, type, iid, results, page, what # What: boards, boardtitles, firstpost, lastpost sub dbThreadGet { my($self, %o) = @_; $o{results} ||= 50; $o{page} ||= 1; $o{what} ||= ''; $o{order} ||= ' DESC'; my %where = ( $o{id} ? ( ' = ?' => $o{id} ) : (), !$o{id} ? ( 't.hidden = FALSE' => 0 ) : (), $o{type} && !$o{iid} ? ( ' IN(SELECT tid FROM threads_boards WHERE type = ?)' => $o{type} ) : (), $o{type} && $o{iid} ? ( 'tb.type = ?' => $o{type}, 'tb.iid = ?' => $o{iid} ) : (), ); my @select = ( qw| t.title t.count t.locked t.hidden|, $o{what} =~ /firstpost/ ? ('tpf.uid AS fuid', ' AS fdate', 'uf.username AS fusername') : (), $o{what} =~ /lastpost/ ? ('tpl.uid AS luid', ' AS ldate', 'ul.username AS lusername') : (), ); my @join = ( $o{what} =~ /firstpost/ ? ( 'JOIN threads_posts tpf ON tpf.tid = AND tpf.num = 1', 'JOIN users uf ON = tpf.uid' ) : (), $o{what} =~ /lastpost/ ? ( 'JOIN threads_posts tpl ON tpl.tid = AND tpl.num = t.count', 'JOIN users ul ON = tpl.uid' ) : (), $o{type} && $o{iid} ? 'JOIN threads_boards tb ON tb.tid =' : (), ); my($r, $np) = $self->dbPage(\%o, q| SELECT !s FROM threads t !s !W ORDER BY !s|, join(', ', @select), join(' ', @join), \%where, $o{order} ); if($o{what} =~ /(boards|boardtitles)/ && $#$r >= 0) { my %r = map { $r->[$_]{boards} = []; ($r->[$_]{id}, $_) } 0..$#$r; if($o{what} =~ /boards/) { ($_->{type}=~s/ +//||1) && push(@{$r->[$r{$_->{tid}}]{boards}}, [ $_->{type}, $_->{iid} ]) for (@{$self->dbAll(q| SELECT tid, type, iid FROM threads_boards WHERE tid IN(!l)|, [ keys %r ] )}); } if($o{what} =~ /boardtitles/) { ($_->{type}=~s/ +//||1) && push(@{$r->[$r{$_->{tid}}]{boards}}, $_) for (@{$self->dbAll(q| SELECT tb.tid, tb.type, tb.iid, COALESCE(u.username, vr.title, AS title, COALESCE(u.username, vr.original, pr.original) AS original FROM threads_boards tb LEFT JOIN vn v ON tb.type = 'v' AND = tb.iid LEFT JOIN vn_rev vr ON = v.latest LEFT JOIN producers p ON tb.type = 'p' AND = tb.iid LEFT JOIN producers_rev pr ON = p.latest LEFT JOIN users u ON tb.type = 'u' AND = tb.iid WHERE tb.tid IN(!l)|, [ keys %r ] )}); } } return wantarray ? ($r, $np) : $r; } # id, %options->( title locked hidden boards } sub dbThreadEdit { my($self, $id, %o) = @_; my %set = ( 'title = ?' => $o{title}, 'locked = ?' => $o{locked}?1:0, 'hidden = ?' => $o{hidden}?1:0, ); $self->dbExec(q| UPDATE threads !H WHERE id = ?|, \%set, $id); if($o{boards}) { $self->dbExec('DELETE FROM threads_boards WHERE tid = ?', $id); $self->dbExec(q| INSERT INTO threads_boards (tid, type, iid) VALUES (?, ?, ?)|, $id, $_->[0], $_->[1]||0 ) for (@{$o{boards}}); } } # %options->{ title hidden locked boards } sub dbThreadAdd { my($self, %o) = @_; my $id = $self->dbRow(q| INSERT INTO threads (title, hidden, locked) VALUES (?, ?, ?) RETURNING id|, $o{title}, $o{hidden}?1:0, $o{locked}?1:0 )->{id}; $self->dbExec(q| INSERT INTO threads_boards (tid, type, iid) VALUES (?, ?, ?)|, $id, $_->[0], $_->[1]||0 ) for (@{$o{boards}}); return $id; } # Returns thread count of a specific item board # Arguments: type, iid sub dbThreadCount { my($self, $type, $iid) = @_; return $self->dbRow(q| SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM threads_boards tb JOIN threads t ON = tb.tid WHERE tb.type = ? AND tb.iid = ? AND t.hidden = FALSE|, $type, $iid)->{cnt}; } # Options: tid, num, what, page, results sub dbPostGet { my($self, %o) = @_; $o{results} ||= 50; $o{page} ||= 1; my %where = ( 'tp.tid = ?' => $o{tid}, $o{num} ? ( 'tp.num = ?' => $o{num} ) : (), ); my($r, $np) = $self->dbPage(\%o, q| SELECT tp.num,, tp.edited, tp.msg, tp.hidden, tp.uid, u.username FROM threads_posts tp JOIN users u ON = tp.uid !W ORDER BY tp.num ASC|, \%where, ); return wantarray ? ($r, $np) : $r; } # tid, num, %options->{ num msg hidden lastmod } sub dbPostEdit { my($self, $tid, $num, %o) = @_; my %set = ( 'msg = ?' => $o{msg}, 'edited = ?' => $o{lastmod}, 'hidden = ?' => $o{hidden}?1:0, ); $self->dbExec(q| UPDATE threads_posts !H WHERE tid = ? AND num = ?|, \%set, $tid, $num ); } # tid, %options->{ uid msg } sub dbPostAdd { my($self, $tid, %o) = @_; my $num = $self->dbRow('SELECT num FROM threads_posts WHERE tid = ? ORDER BY num DESC LIMIT 1', $tid)->{num}; $num = $num ? $num+1 : 1; $o{uid} ||= $self->authInfo->{id}; $self->dbExec(q| INSERT INTO threads_posts (tid, num, uid, msg) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)|, $tid, $num, @o{qw| uid msg |} ); $self->dbExec(q| UPDATE threads SET count = count+1 WHERE id = ?|, $tid); return $num; } 1;