package VNDB::DB::Misc; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter 'import'; our @EXPORT = qw| dbStats dbItemEdit dbRevisionGet dbWikidata |; # Returns: hashref, key = section, value = number of (visible) entries # Sections: vn, producers, releases, users, threads, posts sub dbStats { my $s = shift; return { map { $_->{section} eq 'threads_posts' ? 'posts' : $_->{section}, $_->{count} } @{$s->dbAll('SELECT * FROM stats_cache')}}; } # Inserts a new revision into the database # Arguments: type [vrpcsd], itemid, rev, %options->{ editsum uid ihid ilock + db[item]RevisionInsert } # rev = changes.rev of the revision this edit is based on, undef to create a new DB item # Returns: { itemid, chid, rev } sub dbItemEdit { my($self, $type, $itemid, $rev, %o) = @_; $self->dbExec('SELECT edit_!s_init(?, ?)', $type, $itemid, $rev); $self->dbExec('UPDATE edit_revision !H', { 'requester = ?' => $o{uid}||$self->authInfo->{id}, 'ip = ?' => $self->reqIP, 'comments = ?' => $o{editsum}, exists($o{ihid}) ? ('ihid = ?' => $o{ihid} ?1:0) : (), exists($o{ilock}) ? ('ilock = ?' => $o{ilock}?1:0) : (), }); $self->dbVNRevisionInsert( \%o) if $type eq 'v'; $self->dbProducerRevisionInsert(\%o) if $type eq 'p'; $self->dbReleaseRevisionInsert( \%o) if $type eq 'r'; $self->dbCharRevisionInsert( \%o) if $type eq 'c'; $self->dbStaffRevisionInsert( \%o) if $type eq 's'; $self->dbDocRevisionInsert( \%o) if $type eq 'd'; return $self->dbRow('SELECT * FROM edit_!s_commit()', $type); } # Options: type, itemid, uid, auto, hidden, edit, page, results, releases sub dbRevisionGet { my($self, %o) = @_; $o{results} ||= 10; $o{page} ||= 1; $o{auto} ||= 0; # 0:show, -1:only, 1:hide $o{hidden} ||= 0; $o{edit} ||= 0; # 0:both, -1:new, 1:edits $o{releases} = 0 if !$o{type} || $o{type} ne 'v' || !$o{itemid}; my %where = ( $o{releases} ? ( # This selects all changes of releases that are currently linked to the VN, not release revisions that are linked to the VN. # The latter seems more useful, but is also a lot more expensive. q{((c.type = 'v' AND c.itemid = ?) OR (c.type = 'r' AND c.itemid = ANY(ARRAY(SELECT FROM releases_vn rv WHERE rv.vid = ?))))} => [$o{itemid}, $o{itemid}], ) : ( $o{type} ? ( 'c.type IN(!l)' => [ ref($o{type})?$o{type}:[$o{type}] ] ) : (), $o{itemid} ? ( 'c.itemid = ?' => [ $o{itemid} ] ) : (), ), $o{uid} ? ( 'c.requester = ?' => $o{uid} ) : (), $o{auto} ? ( 'c.requester !s 1' => $o{auto} < 0 ? '=' : '<>' ) : (), $o{hidden} ? ( '!s EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM changes c2 WHERE c2.type = c.type AND c2.itemid = c.itemid AND c2.ihid AND'. ' c2.rev = (SELECT MAX(c3.rev) FROM changes c3 WHERE c3.type = c.type AND c3.itemid = c.itemid))' => $o{hidden} == 1 ? 'NOT' : '') : (), $o{edit} ? ( 'c.rev !s 1' => $o{edit} < 0 ? '=' : '>' ) : (), ); my($r, $np) = $self->dbPage(\%o, q| SELECT, c.type, c.itemid, c.requester, c.comments, c.rev, extract('epoch' from c.added) as added, u.username FROM changes c JOIN users u ON c.requester = !W ORDER BY DESC|, \%where ); # I couldn't find a way to fetch the titles the main query above without slowing it down considerably, so let's just do it this way. if(@$r) { my %r = map +($_->{id}, $_), @$r; my $w = join ' OR ', ('(type = ? AND id = ?)') x @$r; my @w = map +($_->{type}, $_->{id}), @$r; $r{ $_->{id} }{ititle} = $_->{title}, $r{ $_->{id} }{ioriginal} = $_->{original} for(@{$self->dbAll(" SELECT id, title, original FROM ( SELECT 'v'::dbentry_type, chid, title, original FROM vn_hist UNION ALL SELECT 'r'::dbentry_type, chid, title, original FROM releases_hist UNION ALL SELECT 'p'::dbentry_type, chid, name, original FROM producers_hist UNION ALL SELECT 'c'::dbentry_type, chid, name, original FROM chars_hist UNION ALL SELECT 'd'::dbentry_type, chid, title, '' AS original FROM docs_hist UNION ALL SELECT 's'::dbentry_type, sh.chid, name, original FROM staff_hist sh JOIN staff_alias_hist sah ON sah.chid = sh.chid AND sah.aid = sh.aid ) x(type, id, title, original) WHERE $w ", @w )}); } return wantarray ? ($r, $np) : $r; } # Returns a row from wikidata sub dbWikidata { return $_[0]->dbRow('SELECT * FROM wikidata WHERE id = ?', $_[1]); } 1;