package VNDB::DB::Traits; # This module is for a large part a copy of VNDB::DB::Tags. I could have chosen # to modify that module to work for both traits and tags but that would have # complicated the code, so I chose to maintain two versions with similar # functionality instead. use strict; use warnings; use Exporter 'import'; our @EXPORT = qw|dbTraitGet dbTraitEdit dbTraitAdd|; # Options: id noid search name state what results page sort reverse # what: parents childs(n) addedby # sort: id name name added items search sub dbTraitGet { my $self = shift; my %o = ( page => 1, results => 10, what => '', @_, ); $o{search} =~ s/%//g if $o{search}; my %where = ( $o{id} ? ( ' IN(!l)' => [ ref($o{id}) ? $o{id} : [$o{id}] ]) : (), $o{group} ? ( ' = ?' => $o{group} ) : (), $o{noid} ? ( ' <> ?' => $o{noid} ) : (), defined $o{state} && $o{state} != -1 ? ( 't.state = ?' => $o{state} ) : (), !defined $o{state} && !$o{id} && !$o{name} ? ( 't.state = 2' => 1 ) : (), $o{search} ? ( '( ILIKE ? OR t.alias ILIKE ?)' => [ "%$o{search}%", "%$o{search}%" ] ) : (), $o{name} ? ( # TODO: This is terribly ugly, use an aliases table. q{(LOWER( = LOWER(?) OR t.alias ~ ('(!sin)^'||?||'$'))} => [ $o{name}, '?', quotemeta $o{name} ] ) : (), ); my @select = ( qw| t.meta t.description t.state t.alias t."group" t."order" t.sexual t.c_items t.defaultspoil|, ' AS groupname', 'tg."order" AS grouporder', q|extract('epoch' from t.added) as added|, $o{what} =~ /addedby/ ? ('t.addedby', 'u.username') : (), ); my @join = $o{what} =~ /addedby/ ? 'JOIN users u ON = t.addedby' : (); push @join, 'LEFT JOIN traits tg ON = t."group"'; my $order = sprintf { id => ' %s', name => ' %s', group => 'tg."order" %s, %1$s', added => 't.added %s', items => 't.c_items %s', search=> 'substr_score(, ?) ASC, %s', # Can't score aliases at the moment }->{ $o{sort}||'id' }, $o{reverse} ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'; my @order = $o{sort} && $o{sort} eq 'search' ? ($o{search}) : (); my($r, $np) = $self->dbPage(\%o, qq| SELECT !s FROM traits t !s !W ORDER BY $order|, join(', ', @select), join(' ', @join), \%where, @order, ); if($o{what} =~ /parents\((\d+)\)/) { $_->{parents} = $self->dbTTTree(trait => $_->{id}, $1, 1) for(@$r); } if($o{what} =~ /childs\((\d+)\)/) { $_->{childs} = $self->dbTTTree(trait => $_->{id}, $1) for(@$r); } return wantarray ? ($r, $np) : $r; } # args: trait id, %options->{ columns in the traits table + parents } sub dbTraitEdit { my($self, $id, %o) = @_; $self->dbExec('UPDATE traits !H WHERE id = ?', { $o{upddate} ? ('added = NOW()' => 1) : (), map exists($o{$_}) ? ("\"$_\" = ?" => $o{$_}) : (), qw|name meta description state alias group order sexual defaultspoil| }, $id); if($o{parents}) { $self->dbExec('DELETE FROM traits_parents WHERE trait = ?', $id); $self->dbExec('INSERT INTO traits_parents (trait, parent) VALUES (?, ?)', $id, $_) for(@{$o{parents}}); } } # same args as dbTraitEdit, without the first trait id # returns the id of the new trait sub dbTraitAdd { my($self, %o) = @_; my $id = $self->dbRow('INSERT INTO traits (name, meta, description, state, alias, "group", "order", sexual, defaultspoil, addedby) VALUES (!l, ?) RETURNING id', [ map $o{$_}, qw|name meta description state alias group order sexual defaultspoil| ], $o{addedby}||$self->authInfo->{id} )->{id}; $self->dbExec('INSERT INTO traits_parents (trait, parent) VALUES (?, ?)', $id, $_) for(@{$o{parents}}); return $id; } 1;