package VNDB::ExtLinks; use v5.26; use warnings; use VNDB::Config; use VNDB::Schema; use Exporter 'import'; our @EXPORT = ('sql_extlinks', 'enrich_extlinks', 'revision_extlinks', 'validate_extlinks'); # column name in wikidata table => \%info # info keys: # type SQL type, used by Multi to generate the proper SQL # property Wikidata Property ID, used by Multi # label How the link is displayed on the website # fmt How to generate the url (printf-style string or subroutine returning the full URL) our %WIKIDATA = ( enwiki => { type => 'text', property => undef, label => 'Wikipedia (en)', fmt => sub { sprintf '', (shift =~ s/ /_/rg) =~ s/\?/%3f/rg } }, jawiki => { type => 'text', property => undef, label => 'Wikipedia (ja)', fmt => sub { sprintf '', (shift =~ s/ /_/rg) =~ s/\?/%3f/rg } }, website => { type => 'text[]', property => 'P856', label => undef, fmt => undef }, vndb => { type => 'text[]', property => 'P3180', label => undef, fmt => undef }, mobygames => { type => 'text[]', property => 'P1933', label => 'MobyGames', fmt => '' }, mobygames_company => { type => 'text[]', property => 'P4773', label => 'MobyGames', fmt => '' }, gamefaqs_game => { type => 'integer[]', property => 'P4769', label => 'GameFAQs', fmt => '' }, gamefaqs_company => { type => 'integer[]', property => 'P6182', label => 'GameFAQs', fmt => '' }, anidb_anime => { type => 'integer[]', property => 'P5646', label => undef, fmt => undef }, anidb_person => { type => 'integer[]', property => 'P5649', label => 'AniDB', fmt => '' }, ann_anime => { type => 'integer[]', property => 'P1985', label => undef, fmt => undef }, ann_manga => { type => 'integer[]', property => 'P1984', label => undef, fmt => undef }, musicbrainz_artist => { type => 'uuid[]', property => 'P434', label => 'MusicBrainz', fmt => '' }, twitter => { type => 'text[]', property => 'P2002', label => 'Twitter', fmt => '' }, vgmdb_product => { type => 'integer[]', property => 'P5659', label => 'VGMdb', fmt => '' }, vgmdb_artist => { type => 'integer[]', property => 'P3435', label => 'VGMdb', fmt => '' }, discogs_artist => { type => 'integer[]', property => 'P1953', label => 'Discogs', fmt => '' }, acdb_char => { type => 'integer[]', property => 'P7013', label => undef, fmt => undef }, acdb_source => { type => 'integer[]', property => 'P7017', label => 'ACDB', fmt => '' }, indiedb_game => { type => 'text[]', property => 'P6717', label => 'IndieDB', fmt => '' }, howlongtobeat => { type => 'integer[]', property => 'P2816', label => 'HowLongToBeat', fmt => '' }, crunchyroll => { type => 'text[]', property => 'P4110', label => undef, fmt => undef }, igdb_game => { type => 'text[]', property => 'P5794', label => 'IGDB', fmt => '' }, giantbomb => { type => 'text[]', property => 'P5247', label => undef, fmt => undef }, pcgamingwiki => { type => 'text[]', property => 'P6337', label => undef, fmt => undef }, steam => { type => 'integer[]', property => 'P1733', label => undef, fmt => undef }, gog => { type => 'text[]', property => 'P2725', label => 'GOG', fmt => '' }, pixiv_user => { type => 'integer[]', property => 'P5435', label => 'Pixiv', fmt => '' }, doujinshi_author => { type => 'integer[]', property => 'P7511', label => '', fmt => '' }, ); # dbentry_type => column name => \%info # info keys: # label Name of the link # fmt How to generate a url (basic version, printf-style only) # fmt2 How to generate a better url # (printf-style string or subroutine, given a hashref of the DB entry and returning a new 'fmt' string) # ("better" meaning proper store section, affiliate link) # regex Regex to detect a URL and extract the database value (the first non-empty placeholder). # Excludes a leading qr{^https?://} match and is anchored on both sites, see full_regex() below. # (A valid DB value must survive a 'fmt' -> 'regex' round trip) # (Only set for links that should be autodetected in the edit form) # patt Human-readable URL pattern that corresponds to 'fmt' and 'regex'; Automatically derived from 'fmt' if not set. our %LINKS = ( v => { l_renai => { label => '', fmt => '' }, l_wikidata => { label => 'Wikidata', fmt => '' }, # deprecated l_wp => { label => 'Wikipedia', fmt => '' }, l_encubed => { label => 'Novelnews', fmt => '' }, }, r => { website => { label => 'Official website', fmt => '%s' }, l_egs => { label => 'ErogameScape' , fmt => '' , regex => qr{erogamescape\.dyndns\.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/(?:before_)?game\.php\?(?:.*&)?game=([0-9]+)(?:&.*)?} }, l_erotrail => { label => 'ErogeTrailers' , fmt => '' , regex => qr{(?:www\.)?erogetrailers\.com/soft/([0-9]+)} }, l_steam => { label => 'Steam' , fmt => '' , regex => qr{(?:www\.)?(?:store\.steampowered\.com/app/([0-9]+)(?:/.*)?|steamcommunity\.com/(?:app|games)/([0-9]+)(?:/.*)?|steamdb\.info/app/([0-9]+)(?:/.*)?)} }, l_dlsite => { label => 'DLsite (jpn)' , fmt => '' , fmt2 => sub { config->{dlsite_url} && sprintf config->{dlsite_url}, shift->{l_dlsite_shop}||'home' } , regex => qr{(?:www\.)?dlsite\.com/.*/(?:dlaf/=/link/work/aid/.*/id|work/=/product_id)/([VR]J[0-9]{6}).*} , patt => '' }, l_dlsiteen => { label => 'DLsite (eng)' , fmt => '' , fmt2 => sub { config->{dlsite_url} && sprintf config->{dlsite_url}, shift->{l_dlsiteen_shop}||'eng' } , regex => qr{(?:www\.)?dlsite\.com/.*/(?:dlaf/=/link/work/aid/.*/id|work/=/product_id)/([VR]E[0-9]{6}).*} , patt => '' }, l_gog => { label => 'GOG' , fmt => '' , regex => qr{(?:www\.)?gog\.com/game/([a-z0-9_]+).*} }, l_itch => { label => '' , fmt => 'https://%s' , regex => qr{([a-z0-9_-]+\.itch\.io/[a-z0-9_-]+)} , patt => '' }, l_denpa => { label => 'Denpasoft' , fmt => '' , fmt2 => config->{denpa_url} , regex => qr{(?:www\.)?denpasoft\.com/products?/([a-z0-9-]+).*} }, l_jlist => { label => 'J-List' , fmt => '' , fmt2 => sub { config->{ shift->{l_jlist_jbox} ? 'jbox_url' : 'jlist_url' } } , regex => qr{(?:www\.)?(?:jlist|jbox)\.com/(?:.+/)?([a-z0-9-]*[0-9][a-z0-9-]*)} }, l_jastusa => { label => 'JAST USA' , fmt => '' , regex => qr{(?:www\.)?jastusa\.com/([a-z0-9-]+)} }, l_fakku => { label => 'Fakku' , fmt => '' , regex => qr{(?:www\.)?fakku\.(?:net|com)/games/([^/]+)(?:[/\?].*)?} }, l_googplay => { label => 'Google Play' , fmt => '' , regex => qr{play\.google\.com/store/apps/details\?id=([^/&\?]+)(?:&.*)?} }, l_appstore => { label => 'App Store' , fmt => '' , regex => qr{(?:itunes|apps)\.apple\.com/(?:[^/]+/)?app/(?:[^/]+/)?id([0-9]+)([/\?].*)?} }, l_animateg => { label => 'Animate Games' , fmt => '' , regex => qr{(?:www\.)?animategames\.jp/home/detail/([0-9]+)} }, l_freem => { label => 'Freem!' , fmt => '' , regex => qr{(?:www\.)?freem\.ne\.jp/win/game/([0-9]+)} }, l_novelgam => { label => 'NovelGame' , fmt => '' , regex => qr{(?:www\.)?novelgame\.jp/games/show/([0-9]+)} }, l_gyutto => { label => 'Gyutto' , fmt => '' , regex => qr{(?:www\.)?gyutto\.(?:com|jp|me)/(?:.+\/)?i/item([0-9]+).*} }, l_digiket => { label => 'Digiket' , fmt => '' , regex => qr{(?:www\.)?digiket\.com/.*ITM([0-9]{7}).*} }, l_melon => { label => '' , fmt => '' , regex => qr{(?:www\.)?melonbooks\.com/.*products_id=IT([0-9]{10}).*} }, l_melonjp => { label => '' , fmt => '', , regex => qr{(?:www\.)?melonbooks\.co\.jp/detail/detail\.php\?product_id=([0-9]+)(&:?.*)?} }, l_mg => { label => 'MangaGamer' , fmt => '' , fmt2 => sub { config->{ !defined($_[0]{l_mg_r18}) || $_[0]{l_mg_r18} ? 'mg_r18_url' : 'mg_main_url' } } , regex => qr{(?:www\.)?mangagamer\.com/.*product_code=([0-9]+).*} }, l_getchu => { label => 'Getchu' , fmt => '' , regex => qr{(?:www\.)?getchu\.com/soft\.phtml\?id=([0-9]+).*} }, l_getchudl => { label => 'DL.Getchu' , fmt => '' , regex => qr{(?:dl|order)\.getchu\.com/(?:i/item|(?:r|index).php.*[?&]gcd=D?0*)([0-9]+).*} }, l_dmm => { label => 'DMM' , fmt => 'https://%s' , regex => qr{((?:www\.|dlsoft\.)?dmm\.(?:com|co\.jp)/[^\s]+)} , patt => 'https://' }, l_toranoana=> { label => 'Toranoana' , fmt => '' , regex => qr{(?:www\.)?ec\.toranoana\.(?:shop|jp)/(?:aqua/ec|(?:tora|joshi)(?:/ec|_r/ec|_d/digi|_rd/digi)?)/item/([0-9]{12}).*} , patt => 'https://ec.toranoana.//item//' }, l_gamejolt => { label => 'Game Jolt' , fmt => '', # /vn/ should be the game title, but it doesn't matter , regex => qr{(?:www\.)?gamejolt\.com/games/(?:[^/]+)/([0-9]+)(?:/.*)?} }, l_nutaku => { label => 'Nutaku' , fmt => '' , regex => qr{(?:www\.)?nutaku\.net/games/(?:mobile/|download/|app/)?([a-z0-9-]+)/?} }, # The section part does sometimes link to different pages, but it's the same game and the non-section link always works. }, s => { l_site => { label => 'Official website', fmt => '%s' }, l_wikidata => { label => 'Wikidata', fmt => '' }, l_twitter => { label => 'Twitter', fmt => '' }, l_anidb => { label => 'AniDB', fmt => '' }, l_pixiv => { label => 'Pixiv', fmt => '' }, # deprecated l_wp => { label => 'Wikipedia', fmt => '' }, }, p => { website => { label => 'Official website', fmt => '%s' }, l_wikidata => { label => 'Wikidata', fmt => '' }, # deprecated l_wp => { label => 'Wikipedia', fmt => '' }, }, ); # Return a list of columns to fetch all external links for a database entry. sub sql_extlinks { my($type, $prefix) = @_; $prefix ||= ''; my $l = $LINKS{$type} || die "DB entry type $type has no links"; VNWeb::DB::sql_comma(map $prefix.$_, sort keys %$l) } # Fetch a list of links to display at the given database entries, adds the # following field to each object: # # extlinks => [ # [ $title, $url, $price ], # .. # ] # # (It also adds a few other fields in some cases, but you can ignore those) sub enrich_extlinks { my($type, @obj) = @_; @obj = map ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? @$_ : ($_), @obj; my $l = $LINKS{$type} || die "DB entry type $type has no links"; my @w_ids = grep $_, map $_->{l_wikidata}, @obj; my $w = @w_ids ? { map +($_->{id}, $_), $TUWF::OBJ->dbAlli('SELECT * FROM wikidata WHERE id IN', \@w_ids)->@* } : {}; # Fetch shop info for releases if($type eq 'r') { VNWeb::DB::enrich_merge(id => q{ SELECT , smg.price AS l_mg_price, smg.r18 AS l_mg_r18 , sdenpa.price AS l_denpa_price , sjlist.price AS l_jlist_price, sjlist.jbox AS l_jlist_jbox , sdlsite.price AS l_dlsite_price, AS l_dlsite_shop , sdlsiteen.price AS l_dlsiteen_price, AS l_dlsiteen_shop FROM releases r LEFT JOIN shop_denpa sdenpa ON = r.l_denpa AND sdenpa.lastfetch IS NOT NULL AND sdenpa.deadsince IS NULL LEFT JOIN shop_dlsite sdlsite ON = r.l_dlsite AND sdlsite.lastfetch IS NOT NULL AND sdlsite.deadsince IS NULL LEFT JOIN shop_dlsite sdlsiteen ON = r.l_dlsiteen AND sdlsiteen.lastfetch IS NOT NULL AND sdlsiteen.deadsince IS NULL LEFT JOIN shop_jlist sjlist ON = r.l_jlist AND sjlist.lastfetch IS NOT NULL AND sjlist.deadsince IS NULL LEFT JOIN shop_mg smg ON = r.l_mg AND smg.lastfetch IS NOT NULL AND smg.deadsince IS NULL WHERE IN}, grep $_->{l_mg}||$_->{l_denpa}||$_->{l_jlist}||$_->{l_dlsite}||$_->{l_dlsiteen}, @obj ); VNWeb::DB::enrich(l_playasia => gtin => gtin => "SELECT gtin, price, url FROM shop_playasia WHERE price <> '' AND gtin IN", grep $_->{gtin}, @obj ); } for my $obj (@obj) { my @links; my sub w { return if !$obj->{l_wikidata}; my($v, $fmt, $label) = ($w->{$obj->{l_wikidata}}{$_[0]}, @{$WIKIDATA{$_[0]}}{'fmt', 'label'}); push @links, map [ $label, ref $fmt ? $fmt->($_) : sprintf($fmt, $_), undef ], ref $v ? @$v : $v ? $v : () } my sub l { my($f, $price) = @_; my($v, $fmt, $fmt2, $label) = ($obj->{$f}, $l->{$f} ? @{$l->{$f}}{'fmt', 'fmt2', 'label'} : ()); push @links, map [ $label, sprintf((ref $fmt2 ? $fmt2->($obj) : $fmt2) || $fmt, $_), $price ], ref $v ? @$v : $v ? $v : () } l 'l_site'; l 'website'; w 'enwiki'; w 'jawiki'; l 'l_wikidata'; # VN links if($type eq 'v') { w 'mobygames'; w 'gamefaqs_game'; w 'vgmdb_product'; w 'acdb_source'; w 'indiedb_game'; w 'howlongtobeat'; w 'igdb_game'; l 'l_renai'; push @links, [ 'VNStat', sprintf('', $obj->{id}), undef ] if $obj->{c_votecount}>=20; } # Release links if($type eq 'r') { l 'l_egs'; l 'l_erotrail'; l 'l_steam'; push @links, [ 'SteamDB', sprintf('', $obj->{l_steam}), undef ] if $obj->{l_steam}; l 'l_dlsite', $obj->{l_dlsite_price}; l 'l_dlsiteen', $obj->{l_dlsiteen_price}; l 'l_gog'; l 'l_itch'; l 'l_gamejolt'; l 'l_denpa', $obj->{l_denpa_price}; l 'l_jlist', $obj->{l_jlist_price}; l 'l_jastusa'; l 'l_fakku'; l 'l_appstore'; l 'l_googplay'; l 'l_animateg'; l 'l_freem'; l 'l_novelgam'; l 'l_gyutto'; l 'l_digiket'; l 'l_melon'; l 'l_melonjp'; l 'l_mg', $obj->{l_mg_price}; l 'l_nutaku'; l 'l_getchu'; l 'l_getchudl'; l 'l_dmm'; l 'l_toranoana'; push @links, map [ 'PlayAsia', $_->{url}, $_->{price} ], @{$obj->{l_playasia}} if $obj->{l_playasia}; } # Staff links if($type eq 's') { l 'l_twitter'; w 'twitter' if !$obj->{l_twitter}; l 'l_anidb'; w 'anidb_person' if !$obj->{l_anidb}; l 'l_pixiv'; w 'pixiv_user' if !$obj->{l_pixiv}; w 'musicbrainz_artist'; w 'vgmdb_artist'; w 'discogs_artist'; w 'doujinshi_author'; } # Producer links if($type eq 'p') { w 'twitter'; w 'mobygames_company'; w 'gamefaqs_company'; w 'doujinshi_author'; push @links, [ 'VNStat', sprintf('', $obj->{id}), undef ]; } $obj->{extlinks} = \@links } } # Returns a list of @fields for use in VNWeb::HTML::revision_() sub revision_extlinks { my($type) = @_; map { my($f, $p) = ($_, $LINKS{$type}{$_}); [ $f, $p->{label}, fmt => sub { TUWF::XML::a_(href => sprintf($p->{fmt}, $_), $_); }, empty => 0 ] } sort keys $LINKS{$type}->%* } # Turn a 'regex' value in %LINKS into a full proper regex. sub full_regex { qr{^(?:https?://)?$_[0](?:\#.*)?$} } # Returns a TUWF::Validate schema for a hash with links for the given entry type. # Only includes links for which a 'regex' has been set. sub validate_extlinks { my($type) = @_; my($schema) = grep +($_->{dbentry_type}||'') eq $type, values VNDB::Schema::schema->%*; +{ type => 'hash', keys => { map { my($f, $p) = ($_, $LINKS{$type}{$_}); my($s) = grep $_->{name} eq $f, $schema->{cols}->@*; my %val; $val{int} = 1 if $s->{type} =~ /^(big)?int/; $val{func} = sub { $val{int} && !$_[0] ? 1 : sprintf($p->{fmt}, $_[0]) =~ full_regex $p->{regex} }; ($f, $s->{type} =~ /\[\]/ ? { type => 'array', values => \%val } : { required => 0, default => $val{int} ? 0 : '', %val } ) } sort grep $LINKS{$type}{$_}{regex}, keys $LINKS{$type}->%* } } } # Returns a list of sites for use in VNWeb::Elm: # { id => $id, name => $label, fmt => $label, regex => $regex, int => $bool, multi => $bool, default => 0||'""'||'[]', pattern => [..] } sub extlinks_sites { my($type) = @_; my($schema) = grep +($_->{dbentry_type}||'') eq $type, values VNDB::Schema::schema->%*; map { my($f, $p) = ($_, $LINKS{$type}{$_}); my($s) = grep $_->{name} eq $f, $schema->{cols}->@*; my $patt = $p->{patt} || ($p->{fmt} =~ s/%s//rg =~ s/%[0-9]*d//rg); +{ id => $f, name => $p->{label}, fmt => $p->{fmt}, regex => full_regex($p->{regex}) , int => $s->{type} =~ /^(big)?int/?1:0, multi => $s->{type} =~ /\[\]/?1:0 , default => $s->{type} =~ /\[\]/ ? '[]' : $s->{type} =~ /^(big)?int/ ? 0 : '""' , pattern => [ split /(<[^>]+>)/, $patt ] } } sort grep $LINKS{$type}{$_}{regex}, keys $LINKS{$type}->%* } 1;