package VNDB::Func; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter 'import'; use POSIX 'strftime'; our @EXPORT = qw| shorten date datestr userstr bb2html |; # I would've done this as a #define if this was C... sub shorten { my($str, $len) = @_; return length($str) > $len ? substr($str, 0, $len-3).'...' : $str; } # argument: unix timestamp and optional format (compact/full) # return value: yyyy-mm-dd # (maybe an idea to use cgit-style ages for recent timestamps) sub date { my($t, $f) = @_; return strftime '%Y-%m-%d', gmtime $t if !$f || $f eq 'compact'; return strftime '%Y-%m-%d at %R', gmtime $t; } # argument: database release date format (yyyymmdd) # y = 0000 -> unkown # y = 9999 -> TBA # m = 99 -> month+day unkown # d = 99 -> day unknown # return value: (unknown|TBA|yyyy|yyyy-mm|yyyy-mm-dd) # if date > now: str sub datestr { my $date = sprintf '%08d', shift||0; my $future = $date > strftime '%Y%m%d', gmtime; my($y, $m, $d) = ($1, $2, $3) if $date =~ /^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$/; my $str = $y == 0 ? 'unknown' : $y == 9999 ? 'TBA' : $m == 99 ? sprintf('%04d', $y) : $d == 99 ? sprintf('%04d-%02d', $y, $m) : sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $y, $m, $d); return $str if !$future; return qq|$str|; } # Arguments: (uid, username), or a hashref containing that info sub userstr { my($id,$n) = ref($_[0])eq'HASH'?($_[0]{uid}||$_[0]{requester}, $_[0]{username}):@_; return !$id ? '[deleted]' : ''.$n.''; } # Arguments: input, and optionally the maximum length # Parses: # [url=..] [/url] # [raw] .. [/raw] # [spoiler] .. [/spoiler] # v+, v+.+ # http://../ sub bb2html { my $raw = shift; my $maxlength = shift; $raw =~ s/\r//g; return '' if !$raw && $raw ne "0"; my($result, $length, @open) = ('', 0, 'first'); my $e = sub { local $_ = shift; tr/A-Za-z/N-ZA-Mn-za-m/ if !@_ && grep /spoiler/, @open; s/&/&/g; s/>/>/g; s//g if !$maxlength; s/\n/ /g if $maxlength; return $_; }; for (split /(\s|\n|\[[^\]]+\])/, $raw) { next if !defined $_; my $lit = $_; if($open[$#open] ne 'raw') { if ($_ eq '[raw]') { push @open, 'raw'; next } elsif ($_ eq '[spoiler]') { push @open, 'spoiler'; next } elsif ($_ eq '[/spoiler]') { pop @open if $open[$#open] eq 'spoiler'; next } elsif ($_ eq '[/url]') { if($open[$#open] eq 'url') { $result .= ''; pop @open; } next; } elsif(s{\[url=((https?://|/)[^\]>]+)\]}{}i) { $result .= $_; push @open, 'url'; next; } elsif(!grep(/url/, @open) && s{(.*)(http|https)://(.+[0-9a-zA-Z=/])(.*)} {$e->($1).qq|'.$e->('link').''.$e->($4)}e) { $length += 4; last if $maxlength && $length > $maxlength; $result .= $_; next; } elsif(!grep(/url/, @open) && ( s{^(.*[^\w]|)([tdvpr][1-9][0-9]*)\.([1-9][0-9]*)([^\w].*|)$}{$e->($1).qq|$2.$3|.$e->($4)}e || s{^(.*[^\w]|)([tduvpr][1-9][0-9]*)([^\w].*|)$}{$e->($1).qq|$2|.$e->($3)}e)) { $length += length $lit; last if $maxlength && $length > $maxlength; $result .= $_; next; } } elsif($_ eq '[/raw]') { pop @open if $open[$#open] eq 'raw'; next; } # normal text processing $length += length $_; last if $maxlength && $length > $maxlength; $result .= $e->($_); } $result .= '' while((local $_ = pop @open) ne 'first'); $result .= '...' if $maxlength && $length > $maxlength; return $result; } 1;