package VNDB::Func; use strict; use warnings; use YAWF ':html'; use Exporter 'import'; use POSIX 'strftime', 'ceil', 'floor'; use VNDBUtil; our @EXPORT = (@VNDBUtil::EXPORT, qw| liststat clearfloat cssicon tagscore mt minage fil_parse fil_serialize |); # three ways to represent the same information our $fil_escape = '_ !"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^`{}~'; our @fil_escape = split //, $fil_escape; our %fil_escape = map +($fil_escape[$_], $_), 0..$#fil_escape; # Argument: hashref with rstat and vstat # Returns: empty string if not in list, otherwise colour-encoded list status sub liststat { my $l = shift; return '' if !$l; my $rs = mt('_rlst_rstat_'.$l->{rstat}); $rs = qq|$rs| if $l->{rstat} == 2; # Obtained $rs = qq|$rs| if $l->{rstat} < 2; # Unknown/pending my $vs = mt('_rlst_vstat_'.$l->{vstat}); $vs = qq|$vs| if $l->{vstat} == 2; # Finished $vs = qq|$vs| if $l->{vstat} == 0 || $l->{vstat} == 4; # Unknown/dropped return "$rs / $vs"; } # Clears a float, to make sure boxes always have the correct height sub clearfloat { div class => 'clearfloat', ''; } # Draws a CSS icon, arguments: class, title sub cssicon { acronym class => "icons $_[0]", title => $_[1]; lit ' '; end; } # Tag score in html tags, argument: score, users sub tagscore { my $s = shift; div class => 'taglvl', style => sprintf('width: %.0fpx', ($s-floor($s))*10), ' ' if $s < 0 && $s-floor($s) > 0; for(-3..3) { div(class => "taglvl taglvl0", sprintf '%.1f', $s), next if !$_; if($_ < 0) { if($s > 0 || floor($s) > $_) { div class => "taglvl taglvl$_", ' '; } elsif(floor($s) != $_) { div class => "taglvl taglvl$_ taglvlsel", ' '; } else { div class => "taglvl taglvl$_ taglvlsel", style => sprintf('width: %.0fpx', 10-($s-$_)*10), ' '; } } else { if($s < 0 || ceil($s) < $_) { div class => "taglvl taglvl$_", ' '; } elsif(ceil($s) != $_) { div class => "taglvl taglvl$_ taglvlsel", ' '; } else { div class => "taglvl taglvl$_ taglvlsel", style => sprintf('width: %.0fpx', 10-($_-$s)*10), ' '; } } } div class => 'taglvl', style => sprintf('width: %.0fpx', (ceil($s)-$s)*10), ' ' if $s > 0 && ceil($s)-$s > 0; } # short wrapper around maketext() # (not thread-safe, in the same sense as YAWF::XML. But who cares about threads, anyway?) sub mt { return $YAWF::OBJ->{l10n}->maketext(@_); } sub minage { my($a, $ex) = @_; my $str = !defined($a) ? mt '_minage_null' : !$a ? mt '_minage_all' : mt '_minage_age', $a; $ex = !defined($a) ? '' : { 0 => 'CERO A', 12 => 'CERO B', 15 => 'CERO C', 17 => 'CERO D', 18 => 'CERO Z', }->{$a} if $ex; return $str if !$ex; return $str.' '.mt('_minage_example', $ex); } # arguments: $filter_string, @allowed_keys sub fil_parse { my $str = shift; my %keys = map +($_,1), @_; my %r; for (split /\./, $str) { next if !/^([a-z0-9_]+)-([a-zA-Z0-9_~]+)$/ || !$keys{$1}; my($f, $v) = ($1, $2); my @v = split /~/, $v; s/_([0-9]{2})/$1 > $#fil_escape ? '' : $fil_escape[$1]/eg for(@v); $r{$f} = @v > 1 ? \@v : $v[0] } return \%r; } sub fil_serialize { my $fil = shift; my $e = qr/([\Q$fil_escape\E])/; return join '.', map { my @v = ref $fil->{$_} ? @{$fil->{$_}} : ($fil->{$_}); s/$e/_$fil_escape{$1}/g for(@v); $_.'-'.join '~', @v } keys %$fil; } 1;