package VNDB::Func; use strict; use warnings; use TUWF 'uri_escape'; use Exporter 'import'; use POSIX 'strftime'; use VNDBUtil; use VNDB::Config; use VNDB::Types; use VNDB::BBCode; our @EXPORT = (@VNDBUtil::EXPORT, 'bb_format', qw| minage fmtvote fmtmedia fmtage fmtdate fmtrating fmtspoil imgpath imgurl lang_attr query_encode md2html |); sub minage { my($a, $ex) = @_; $a = $AGE_RATING{$a}; $ex && $a->{ex} ? "$a->{txt} (e.g. $a->{ex})" : $a->{txt} } sub _path { my($t, $id) = $_[1] =~ /([a-z]+)([0-9]+)/; $t = 'st' if $t eq 'sf' && $_[2]; sprintf '%s/%s/%02d/%d.jpg', $_[0], $t, $id%100, $id; } # imgpath($image_id, $thumb) sub imgpath { _path config->{root}.'/static', @_ } # imgurl($image_id, $thumb) sub imgurl { _path config->{url_static}, @_ } # Formats a vote number. sub fmtvote { return !$_[0] ? '-' : $_[0] % 10 == 0 ? $_[0]/10 : sprintf '%.1f', $_[0]/10; } # Formats a media string ("1 CD", "2 CDs", "Internet download", etc) sub fmtmedia { my($med, $qty) = @_; $med = $MEDIUM{$med}; join ' ', ($med->{qty} ? ($qty) : ()), $med->{ $med->{qty} && $qty > 1 ? 'plural' : 'txt' }; } # Formats a UNIX timestamp as a ' ago' string sub fmtage { my $a = time-shift; my($t, $single, $plural) = $a > 60*60*24*365*2 ? ( $a/60/60/24/365, 'year', 'years' ) : $a > 60*60*24*(365/12)*2 ? ( $a/60/60/24/(365/12), 'month', 'months' ) : $a > 60*60*24*7*2 ? ( $a/60/60/24/7, 'week', 'weeks' ) : $a > 60*60*24*2 ? ( $a/60/60/24, 'day', 'days' ) : $a > 60*60*2 ? ( $a/60/60, 'hour', 'hours' ) : $a > 60*2 ? ( $a/60, 'min', 'min' ) : ( $a, 'sec', 'sec' ); $t = sprintf '%d', $t; sprintf '%d %s ago', $t, $t == 1 ? $single : $plural; } # argument: unix timestamp and optional format (compact/full) sub fmtdate { my($t, $f) = @_; return strftime '%Y-%m-%d', gmtime $t if !$f || $f eq 'compact'; return strftime '%Y-%m-%d at %R', gmtime $t; } # Turn a (natural number) vote into a rating indication sub fmtrating { ['worst ever', 'awful', 'bad', 'weak', 'so-so', 'decent', 'good', 'very good', 'excellent', 'masterpiece']->[shift()-1]; } # Turn a spoiler level into a string sub fmtspoil { ['neutral', 'no spoiler', 'minor spoiler', 'major spoiler']->[shift()+1]; } # Generates a HTML 'lang' attribute given a list of possible languages. # This is used for the 'original language' field, which we can safely assume is not used for latin-alphabet languages. sub lang_attr { my @l = ref $_[0] ? $_[0]->@* : @_; # Choose Japanese, Chinese or Korean (in order of likelyness) if those are in the list. return (lang => 'ja') if grep $_ eq 'ja', @l; return (lang => 'zh') if grep $_ eq 'zh', @l; return (lang => 'ko') if grep $_ eq 'ko', @l; return (lang => $l[0]) if @l == 1; () } # Encode query parameters. Takes a hash or hashref with key/values, supports array values and objects that implement query_encode(). sub query_encode { my $o = @_ == 1 ? $_[0] : {@_}; return join '&', map { my($k, $v) = ($_, $o->{$_}); $v = $v->query_encode() if ref $v && ref $v ne 'ARRAY'; !defined $v ? () : ref $v ? map "$k=".uri_escape($_), sort @$v : "$k=".uri_escape($v) } sort keys %$o; } sub md2html { require Text::MultiMarkdown; my $html = Text::MultiMarkdown::markdown(shift, { strip_metadata => 1, img_ids => 0, disable_footnotes => 1, disable_bibliography => 1, }); # Number sections and turn them into links my($sec, $subsec) = (0,0); $html =~ s{]+>(.*?)}{ if($1 == 1) { $sec++; $subsec = 0; qq{

$sec. $2

} } elsif($1 == 2) { $subsec++; qq|

$sec.$subsec. $2

\n| } }ge; # Text::MultiMarkdown doesn't handle fenced code blocks properly. The # following solution breaks inline code blocks, but I don't use those anyway. $html =~ s//
    $html =~ s##
#g; $html } 1;