package VNDB::Handler::Discussions; use strict; use warnings; use TUWF ':html', 'xml_escape', 'uri_escape'; use POSIX 'ceil'; use VNDB::Func; use List::Util qw(first max); TUWF::register( qr{t([1-9]\d*)(?:/([1-9]\d*))?} => \&thread, qr{t([1-9]\d*)(/[1-9]\d*)?/vote} => \&vote, qr{t([1-9]\d*)\.([1-9]\d*)} => \&redirect, qr{t/(all|db|an|ge|[vpu])([1-9]\d*)?} => \&board, qr{t([1-9]\d*)/reply} => \&edit, qr{t([1-9]\d*)\.([1-9]\d*)/edit} => \&edit, qr{t/(db|an|ge|[vpu])([1-9]\d*)?/new} => \&edit, qr{t/search} => \&search, qr{t} => \&index, ); sub caneditpost { my($self, $post) = @_; return $self->authCan('boardmod') || ($self->authInfo->{id} && $post->{uid} == $self->authInfo->{id} && !$post->{hidden} && time()-$post->{date} < $self->{board_edit_time}) } sub thread { my($self, $tid, $page) = @_; $page ||= 1; my $t = $self->dbThreadGet(id => $tid, what => 'boardtitles poll')->[0]; return $self->resNotFound if !$t->{id} || $t->{hidden} && !$self->authCan('boardmod'); my $p = $self->dbPostGet(tid => $tid, results => 25, page => $page, what => 'user'); return $self->resNotFound if !$p->[0]; $self->htmlHeader(title => $t->{title}, noindex => 1); div class => 'mainbox'; h1 $t->{title}; h2 'Posted in'; ul; for (sort { $a->{type}.$a->{iid} cmp $b->{type}.$b->{iid} } @{$t->{boards}}) { li; a href => "/t/$_->{type}", $self->{discussion_boards}{$_->{type}}; if($_->{iid}) { txt ' > '; a style => 'font-weight: bold', href => "/t/$_->{type}$_->{iid}", "$_->{type}$_->{iid}"; txt ':'; a href => "/$_->{type}$_->{iid}", title => $_->{original}, $_->{title}; } end; } end; end 'div'; _poll($self, $t, "/t$tid".($page > 1 ? "/$page" : '')) if $t->{haspoll}; $self->htmlBrowseNavigate("/t$tid/", $page, [ $t->{count}, 25 ], 't', 1); div class => 'mainbox thread'; table class => 'stripe'; for my $i (0..$#$p) { local $_ = $p->[$i]; Tr $_->{deleted} ? (class => 'deleted') : (); td class => 'tc1'; a href => "/t$tid.$_->{num}", name => $_->{num}, "#$_->{num}"; if(!$_->{hidden}) { lit ' by '.fmtuser($_); br; txt fmtdate $_->{date}, 'full'; } end; td class => 'tc2'; if(caneditpost($self, $_)) { i class => 'edit'; txt '< '; a href => "/t$tid.$_->{num}/edit", 'edit'; txt ' >'; end; } if($_->{hidden}) { i class => 'deleted', 'Post deleted.'; } else { lit bb2html $_->{msg}; i class => 'lastmod', 'Last modified on '.fmtdate($_->{edited}, 'full') if $_->{edited}; } end; end; } end; end 'div'; $self->htmlBrowseNavigate("/t$tid/", $page, [ $t->{count}, 25 ], 'b', 1); if($t->{locked}) { div class => 'mainbox'; h1 'Reply'; p class => 'center', 'This thread has been locked, you can\'t reply to it anymore'; end; } elsif($t->{count} <= $page*25 && $self->authCan('board')) { form action => "/t$tid/reply", method => 'post', 'accept-charset' => 'UTF-8'; div class => 'mainbox'; fieldset class => 'submit'; input type => 'hidden', class => 'hidden', name => 'formcode', value => $self->authGetCode("/t$tid/reply"); h2; txt 'Quick reply'; b class => 'standout', ' (English please!)'; end; textarea name => 'msg', id => 'msg', rows => 4, cols => 50, ''; br; input type => 'submit', value => 'Reply', class => 'submit'; input type => 'submit', value => 'Go advanced...', class => 'submit', name => 'fullreply'; end; end; end 'form'; } elsif(!$self->authCan('board')) { div class => 'mainbox'; h1 'Reply'; p class => 'center', 'You must be logged in to reply to this thread.'; end; } $self->htmlFooter; } sub redirect { my($self, $tid, $num) = @_; $self->resRedirect("/t$tid".($num > 25 ? '/'.ceil($num/25) : '').'#'.$num, 'perm'); } # Arguments, action # tid reply # tid, 1 edit thread # tid, num edit post # type, (iid) start new thread sub edit { my($self, $tid, $num) = @_; $num ||= 0; # in case we start a new thread, parse boards my $board = ''; if($tid !~ /^\d+$/) { return $self->resNotFound if $tid =~ /(db|an|ge)/ && $num || $tid =~ /[vpu]/ && !$num; $board = $tid.($num||''); $tid = 0; $num = 0; } # get thread and post, if any my $t = $tid && $self->dbThreadGet(id => $tid, what => 'boards poll')->[0]; return $self->resNotFound if $tid && !$t->{id}; my $p = $num && $self->dbPostGet(tid => $tid, num => $num, what => 'user')->[0]; return $self->resNotFound if $num && !$p->{num}; # are we allowed to perform this action? return $self->htmlDenied if !$self->authCan('board') || ($tid && ($t->{locked} || $t->{hidden}) && !$self->authCan('boardmod')) || ($num && !caneditpost($self, $p)); # check form etc... my $frm; if($self->reqMethod eq 'POST') { return if !$self->authCheckCode; my $haspoll = $self->reqPost('poll') && 1; $frm = $self->formValidate( !$tid || $num == 1 ? ( { post => 'title', maxlength => 50 }, { post => 'boards', maxlength => 200 }, $haspoll ? ( { post => 'poll', required => 0 }, { post => 'poll_question', required => 1, maxlength => 100 }, { post => 'poll_options', required => 1, maxlength => 100*$self->{poll_options} }, { post => 'poll_max_options', required => 1, default => 1, template => 'uint', min => 1, max => $self->{poll_options} }, { post => 'poll_preview', required => 0 }, { post => 'poll_recast', required => 0 }, ) : (), ) : (), $self->authCan('boardmod') ? ( { post => 'locked', required => 0 }, { post => 'hidden', required => 0 }, { post => 'nolastmod', required => 0 }, ) : (), { post => 'msg', maxlength => 32768 }, { post => 'fullreply', required => 0 }, ); $frm->{_err} = 1 if $frm->{fullreply}; # check for double-posting push @{$frm->{_err}}, 'Please wait 30 seconds before making another post' if !$num && !$frm->{_err} && $self->dbPostGet( uid => $self->authInfo->{id}, tid => $tid, mindate => time - 30, results => 1, $tid ? () : (num => 1))->[0]{num}; # Don't allow regular users to create more than 10 threads a day push @{$frm->{_err}}, 'You can only create 5 threads every 24 hours' if !$tid && !$self->authCan('boardmod') && @{$self->dbPostGet(uid => $self->authInfo->{id}, mindate => time - 24*3600, num => 1)} >= 5; # parse and validate the boards my @boards; if(!$frm->{_err} && $frm->{boards}) { for (split /[ ,]/, $frm->{boards}) { my($ty, $id) = ($1, $2) if /^([a-z]{1,2})([0-9]*)$/; push @boards, [ $ty, $id ] if !grep $_->[0].$_->[1] eq $ty.$id, @boards; push @{$frm->{_err}}, "Wrong board: $_" if !$ty || !$self->{discussion_boards}{$ty} || $ty eq 'an' && ($id || !$self->authCan('boardmod')) || $ty eq 'db' && $id || $ty eq 'ge' && $id || $ty eq 'v' && (!$id || !$self->dbVNGet(id => $id)->[0]{id}) || $ty eq 'p' && (!$id || !$self->dbProducerGet(id => $id)->[0]{id}) || $ty eq 'u' && (!$id || !$self->dbUserGet(uid => $id)->[0]{id}); } } # validate poll options my @poll_options; if(!$frm->{_err} && $haspoll) { @poll_options = split /\s*\n\s*/, $frm->{poll_options}; push @{$frm->{_err}}, [ 'poll_options', 'mincount', 2 ] if @poll_options < 2; push @{$frm->{_err}}, [ 'poll_options', 'maxcount', $frm->{poll_max_options} ] if @poll_options > $self->{poll_options}; push @{$frm->{_err}}, [ 'poll_max_options', 'template', 'uint' ] if @poll_options > 1 && @poll_options < $frm->{poll_max_options}; } if(!$frm->{_err}) { my($ntid, $nnum) = ($tid, $num); # create/edit thread if(!$tid || $num == 1) { my $pollchange = $haspoll && (!$t || ($t->{poll_question}||'') ne $frm->{poll_question} || $t->{poll_max_options} != $frm->{poll_max_options} || join("\n", map $_->[1], @{$t->{poll_options}}) ne join("\n", @poll_options) ); my %thread = ( title => $frm->{title}, boards => \@boards, hidden => $frm->{hidden}, locked => $frm->{locked}, poll_preview => $frm->{poll_preview}||0, poll_recast => $frm->{poll_recast}||0, !$haspoll ? ( poll_question => undef # Make sure any existing poll gets deleted ) : $pollchange ? ( poll_question => $frm->{poll_question}, poll_max_options => $frm->{poll_max_options}, poll_options => \@poll_options ) : (), ); $self->dbThreadEdit($tid, %thread) if $tid; $ntid = $self->dbThreadAdd(%thread) if !$tid; } # create/edit post my %post = ( msg => $self->bbSubstLinks($frm->{msg}), hidden => $num != 1 && $frm->{hidden}, lastmod => !$num || $frm->{nolastmod} ? 0 : time, ); $self->dbPostEdit($tid, $num, %post) if $num; $nnum = $self->dbPostAdd($ntid, %post) if !$num; return $self->resRedirect("/t$ntid".($nnum > 25 ? '/'.ceil($nnum/25) : '').'#'.$nnum, 'post'); } } # fill out form if we have some data if($p) { $frm->{msg} ||= $p->{msg}; $frm->{hidden} = $p->{hidden} if $num != 1 && !exists $frm->{hidden}; if($num == 1) { $frm->{boards} ||= join ' ', sort map $_->[1]?$_->[0].$_->[1]:$_->[0], @{$t->{boards}}; $frm->{title} ||= $t->{title}; $frm->{locked} //= $t->{locked}; $frm->{hidden} //= $t->{hidden}; if($t->{haspoll}) { $frm->{poll} //= 1; $frm->{poll_question} ||= $t->{poll_question}; $frm->{poll_max_options} ||= $t->{poll_max_options}; $frm->{poll_preview} //= $t->{poll_preview}; $frm->{poll_recast} //= $t->{poll_recast}; $frm->{poll_options} ||= join "\n", map $_->[1], @{$t->{poll_options}}; } } } delete $frm->{_err} unless ref $frm->{_err}; $frm->{boards} ||= $board; $frm->{poll_preview} //= 1; $frm->{poll_max_options} ||= 1; # generate html my $url = !$tid ? "/t/$board/new" : !$num ? "/t$tid/reply" : "/t$tid.$num/edit"; my $title = !$tid ? 'Start new thread' : !$num ? "Reply to $t->{title}" : 'Edit post'; $self->htmlHeader(title => $title, noindex => 1); $self->htmlForm({ frm => $frm, action => $url }, 'postedit' => [$title, [ static => label => 'Username', content => fmtuser($p ? ($p->{uid}, $p->{username}) : ($self->authInfo->{id}, $self->authInfo->{username})) ], !$tid || $num == 1 ? ( [ input => short => 'title', name => 'Thread title' ], [ input => short => 'boards', name => 'Board(s)' ], [ static => content => 'Read d9#2 for information about how to specify boards.' ], $self->authCan('boardmod') ? ( [ check => name => 'Locked', short => 'locked' ], ) : (), ) : ( [ static => label => 'Topic', content => qq||.xml_escape($t->{title}).'' ], ), $self->authCan('boardmod') ? ( [ check => name => 'Hidden', short => 'hidden' ], $num ? ( [ check => name => 'Don\'t update last modified field', short => 'nolastmod' ], ) : (), ) : (), [ text => name => 'Message
English please!', short => 'msg', rows => 25, cols => 75 ], [ static => content => 'See d9#3 for the allowed formatting codes' ], (!$tid || $num == 1) ? ( [ static => content => '
' ], [ check => short => 'poll', name => 'Add poll' ], $num && $frm->{poll_question} ? ( [ static => content => 'All votes will be reset if any changes to the poll fields are made!' ] ) : (), [ input => short => 'poll_question', name => 'Poll question', width => 250 ], [ text => short => 'poll_options', name => "Poll options
one per line,
$self->{poll_options} max
", rows => 8, cols => 35 ], [ input => short => 'poll_max_options',width => 16, post => ' Number of options voter is allowed to choose' ], [ check => short => 'poll_preview', name => 'Allow users to view poll results before voting' ], [ check => short => 'poll_recast', name => 'Allow users to change their vote' ], ) : (), ]); $self->htmlFooter; } sub vote { my($self, $tid, $page) = @_; return $self->htmlDenied if !$self->authCan('board'); return if !$self->authCheckCode; my $url = '/t'.$tid.($page ? "/$page" : ''); my $t = $self->dbThreadGet(id => $tid, what => 'poll')->[0]; return $self->resNotFound if !$t; # user has already voted and poll doesn't allow to change a vote. my $voted = ($self->dbPollStats($tid))[2][0]; return $self->resRedirect($url, 'post') if $voted && !$t->{poll_recast}; my $f = $self->formValidate( { post => 'option', multi => 1, mincount => 1, maxcount => $t->{poll_max_options}, enum => [ map $_->[0], @{$t->{poll_options}} ] } ); if($f->{_err}) { $self->htmlHeader(title => 'Poll error'); $self->htmlFormError($f, 1); $self->htmlFooter; return; } $self->dbPollVote($t->{id}, $self->authInfo->{id}, @{$f->{option}}); $self->resRedirect($url, 'post'); } sub board { my($self, $type, $iid) = @_; $iid ||= ''; return $self->resNotFound if $type =~ /(db|an|ge|all)/ && $iid; my $f = $self->formValidate( { get => 'p', required => 0, default => 1, template => 'page' }, ); return $self->resNotFound if $f->{_err}; my $obj = !$iid ? undef : $type eq 'u' ? $self->dbUserGet(uid => $iid, what => 'hide_list')->[0] : $type eq 'p' ? $self->dbProducerGet(id => $iid)->[0] : $self->dbVNGet(id => $iid)->[0]; return $self->resNotFound if $iid && !$obj; my $ititle = $obj && ($obj->{title}||$obj->{name}||$obj->{username}); my $title = !$obj ? $self->{discussion_boards}{$type} || 'All boards' : "Related discussions for $ititle"; my($list, $np) = $self->dbThreadGet( $type ne 'all' ? (type => $type) : (), $iid ? (iid => $iid) : (), results => 50, page => $f->{p}, what => 'firstpost lastpost boardtitles', sort => $type eq 'an' ? 'id' : 'lastpost', reverse => 1, ); $self->htmlHeader(title => $title, noindex => 1, feeds => [ $type eq 'an' ? 'announcements' : 'posts' ]); $self->htmlMainTabs($type, $obj, 'disc') if $iid; form action => '/t/search', method => 'get'; div class => 'mainbox'; h1 $title; p; a href => '/t', 'Discussion board'; txt ' > '; a href => "/t/$type", $self->{discussion_boards}{$type}||'All boards'; if($iid) { txt ' > '; a style => 'font-weight: bold', href => "/t/$type$iid", "$type$iid"; txt ':'; a href => "/$type$iid", $ititle; } end; if(!$iid) { fieldset class => 'search'; input type => 'text', name => 'bq', id => 'bq', class => 'text'; input type => 'hidden', name => 'b', value => $type if $type ne 'all'; input type => 'submit', class => 'submit', value => 'Search!'; end 'fieldset'; } p class => 'center'; if(!@$list) { b 'No related threads found'; br; br; a href => "/t/$type$iid/new", 'Why not create one yourself?'; } else { a href => '/t/'.($iid ? $type.$iid : $type ne 'ge' ? 'db' : $type).'/new', 'Start a new thread' if $type ne 'all'; } end; end 'div'; end 'form'; _threadlist($self, $list, $f, $np, "/t/$type$iid", $type.$iid) if @$list; $self->htmlFooter; } sub index { my $self = shift; $self->htmlHeader(title => 'Discussion board index', noindex => 1, feeds => [ 'posts', 'announcements' ]); form action => '/t/search', method => 'get'; div class => 'mainbox'; h1 'Discussion board index'; fieldset class => 'search'; input type => 'text', name => 'bq', id => 'bq', class => 'text'; input type => 'submit', class => 'submit', value => 'Search!'; end 'fieldset'; p class => 'browseopts'; a href => '/t/all', 'All boards'; a href => '/t/'.$_, $self->{discussion_boards}{$_} for (keys %{$self->{discussion_boards}}); end; end; end; for (keys %{$self->{discussion_boards}}) { my $list = $self->dbThreadGet( type => $_, results => /^(db|v|ge)$/ ? 10 : 5, page => 1, what => 'firstpost lastpost boardtitles', sort => 'lastpost', reverse => 1, ); h1 class => 'boxtitle'; a href => "/t/$_", $self->{discussion_boards}{$_}; end; _threadlist($self, $list, {p=>1}, 0, "/t", $_); } $self->htmlFooter; } sub search { my $self = shift; my $frm = $self->formValidate( { get => 'bq', required => 0, maxlength => 100 }, { get => 'b', required => 0, multi => 1, enum => [ keys %{$self->{discussion_boards}} ] }, { get => 't', required => 0 }, { get => 'p', required => 0, default => 1, template => 'page' }, ); return $self->resNotFound if $frm->{_err}; $self->htmlHeader(title => 'Search the discussion board', noindex => 1); $self->htmlForm({ frm => $frm, action => '/t/search', method => 'get', nosubmit => 1, noformcode => 1 }, 'boardsearch' => ['Search the discussion board', [ input => short => 'bq', name => 'Query' ], [ check => short => 't', name => 'Only search thread titles' ], [ select => short => 'b', name => 'Boards', multi => 1, size => scalar keys %{$self->{discussion_boards}}, options => [ map [$_,$self->{discussion_boards}{$_}], keys %{$self->{discussion_boards}} ] ], [ static => content => sub { input type => 'submit', class => 'submit', tabindex => 10, value => 'Search!'; } ], ]); return $self->htmlFooter if !$frm->{bq}; my %boards = map +($_,1), @{$frm->{b}}; %boards = () if keys %boards == keys %{$self->{discussion_boards}}; my($l, $np); if($frm->{t}) { ($l, $np) = $self->dbThreadGet( keys %boards ? ( type => [keys %boards] ) : (), search => $frm->{bq}, results => 50, page => $frm->{p}, what => 'firstpost lastpost boardtitles', sort => 'lastpost', reverse => 1, ); } else { # TODO: Allow or-matching too. But what syntax? (my $ts = $frm->{bq}) =~ y{+|&:*()="';!?$%^\\[]{}<>~` }{ }s; $ts =~ s/ +/ /; $ts =~ s/^ //; $ts =~ s/ $//; $ts =~ s/ / & /g; $ts =~ s/(?:^| )-([^ ]+)/ !$1 /; ($l, $np) = $self->dbPostGet( keys %boards ? ( type => [keys %boards] ) : (), search => $ts, results => 20, page => $frm->{p}, hide => 1, what => 'thread user', sort => 'date', reverse => 1, headline => { # HACK: The bbcodes are stripped from the original messages when # creating the headline, so they are guaranteed not to show up in the # message. This means we can re-use them for highlighting without # worrying that they conflict with the message contents. MaxFragments => 2, MinWords => 15, MaxWords => 40, StartSel => '[raw]', StopSel => '[/raw]', FragmentDelimiter => '[code]', }, ); } my $url = '/t/search?'.join ';', 'bq='.uri_escape($frm->{bq}), $frm->{t} ? 't=1' : (), map "b=$_", keys %boards; if(!@$l) { div class => 'mainbox'; h1 'No results'; p 'No threads or messages found matching your criteria.'; end; } elsif($frm->{t}) { _threadlist($self, $l, $frm, $np, $url, 'all'); } else { $self->htmlBrowse( items => $l, options => $frm, nextpage => $np, pageurl => $url, class => 'postsearch', header => [ sub { td class => 'tc1_1', ''; td class => 'tc1_2', ''; }, [ 'Date' ], [ 'User' ], [ 'Message' ], ], row => sub { my($s, $n, $l) = @_; my $link = "/t$l->{tid}.$l->{num}"; Tr; td class => 'tc1_1'; a href => $link, 't'.$l->{tid}; end; td class => 'tc1_2'; a href => $link, '.'.$l->{num}; end; td class => 'tc2', fmtdate $l->{date}; td class => 'tc3'; lit fmtuser $l->{uid}, $l->{username}; end; td class => 'tc4'; div class => 'title'; a href => $link, $l->{title}; end; my $h = xml_escape $l->{headline}; $h =~ s/\[raw\]//g; $h =~ s/\[\/raw\]/<\/b>/g; $h =~ s/\[code\]/...<\/b>
/g; div class => 'thread'; lit $h; end; end; end; } ); } $self->htmlFooter; } sub _threadlist { my($self, $list, $f, $np, $url, $board) = @_; $self->htmlBrowse( items => $list, options => $f, nextpage => $np, pageurl => $url, class => 'discussions', header => [ [ 'Topic' ], [ 'Replies' ], [ 'Starter' ], [ 'Last post' ], ], row => sub { my($self, $n, $o) = @_; Tr; td class => 'tc1'; a $o->{locked} ? ( class => 'locked' ) : (), href => "/t$o->{id}"; span class => 'pollflag', '[poll]' if $o->{haspoll}; txt shorten $o->{title}, 50; end; b class => 'boards'; my $i = 1; my @boards = sort { $a->{type}.$a->{iid} cmp $b->{type}.$b->{iid} } grep $_->{type}.($_->{iid}||'') ne $board, @{$o->{boards}}; for(@boards) { last if $i++ > 4; txt ', ' if $i > 2; a href => "/t/$_->{type}".($_->{iid}||''), title => $_->{original}||$self->{discussion_boards}{$_->{type}}, shorten $_->{title}||$self->{discussion_boards}{$_->{type}}, 30; } txt ', ...' if @boards > 4; end; end; td class => 'tc2', $o->{count}-1; td class => 'tc3'; lit fmtuser $o->{fuid}, $o->{fusername}; end; td class => 'tc4'; lit fmtuser $o->{luid}, $o->{lusername}; lit ' @ '; a href => "/t$o->{id}.$o->{count}", fmtdate $o->{ldate}, 'full'; end; end 'tr'; } ); } sub _poll { my($self, $t, $url) = @_; my($num_votes, $stats, $own_votes) = $self->dbPollStats($t->{id}); my %own_votes = map +($_ => 1), @$own_votes; my $preview = !@$own_votes && $self->reqGet('pollview') && $t->{poll_preview}; my $allow_vote = $self->authCan('board') && (!@$own_votes || $t->{poll_recast}); div class => 'mainbox poll'; form action => $url.'/vote', method => 'post'; h1 class => 'question', $t->{poll_question}; input type => 'hidden', name => 'formcode', value => $self->authGetCode($url.'/vote') if $allow_vote; table class => 'votebooth'; if($allow_vote && $t->{poll_max_options} > 1) { thead; Tr; td colspan => 3; i "You may choose up to $t->{poll_max_options} options"; end; end; end; } tfoot; Tr; td class => 'tc1'; input type => 'submit', class => 'submit', value => 'Vote' if $allow_vote; if(!$self->authCan('board')) { b class => 'standout', 'You must be logged in to be able to vote.'; } end; td class => 'tc2', colspan => 2; if($t->{poll_preview} || @$own_votes) { if(!$num_votes) { i 'Nobody voted yet.'; } elsif(!$preview && !@$own_votes) { a href => $url.'?pollview=1', id => 'pollpreview', 'View results'; } else { txt sprintf '%d vote%s total', $num_votes, $num_votes == 1 ? '' : 's'; } } end; end; end; tbody; my $max = max values %$stats; my $show_graph = $max && (@$own_votes || $preview); my $graph_width = 200; for my $opt (@{$t->{poll_options}}) { my $votes = $stats->{$opt->[0]}; my $own = exists $own_votes{$opt->[0]} ? ' own' : ''; Tr $own ? (class => 'odd') : (); td class => 'tc1'; label; input type => $t->{poll_max_options} > 1 ? 'checkbox' : 'radio', name => 'option', class => 'option', value => $opt->[0], $own ? (checked => '') : () if $allow_vote; span class => 'option'.$own, $opt->[1]; end; end; if($show_graph) { td class => 'tc2'; div class => 'graph', style => sprintf('width: %dpx', ($votes||0)/$max*$graph_width), ' '; div class => 'number', $votes; end; td class => 'tc3', sprintf('%.3g%%', $votes ? $votes/$num_votes*100 : 0); } else { td class => 'tc2', colspan => 2, ''; } end; } end; end 'table'; end 'form'; end 'div'; } 1;