package VNDB::Handler::Misc; use strict; use warnings; use YAWF ':html', ':xml', 'xml_escape'; use VNDB::Func; use POSIX 'strftime'; YAWF::register( qr{}, \&homepage, qr{(?:([upvr])([1-9]\d*)/)?hist}, \&history, qr{d([1-9]\d*)}, \&docpage, qr{setlang}, \&setlang, qr{nospam}, \&nospam, qr{we-dont-like-ie}, \&iemessage, qr{opensearch\.xml}, \&opensearch, # redirects for old URLs qr{u([1-9]\d*)/tags}, sub { $_[0]->resRedirect("/g/links?u=$_[1]", 'perm') }, qr{(.*[^/]+)/+}, sub { $_[0]->resRedirect("/$_[1]", 'perm') }, qr{([pv])}, sub { $_[0]->resRedirect("/$_[1]/all", 'perm') }, qr{v/search}, sub { $_[0]->resRedirect("/v/all?q=".uri_escape($_[0]->reqParam('q')||''), 'perm') }, qr{notes}, sub { $_[0]->resRedirect('/d8', 'perm') }, qr{faq}, sub { $_[0]->resRedirect('/d6', 'perm') }, qr{v([1-9]\d*)/(?:stats|scr)}, sub { $_[0]->resRedirect("/v$_[1]", 'perm') }, qr{u/list(/[a-z0]|/all)?}, sub { my $l = defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : '/all'; $_[0]->resRedirect("/u$l", 'perm') }, qr{d([1-9]\d*)\.([1-9]\d*)}, sub { $_[0]->resRedirect("/d$_[1]#$_[2]", 'perm') } ); sub homepage { my $self = shift; $self->htmlHeader(title => mt('_site_title'), feeds => [ keys %{$self->{atom_feeds}} ]); div class => 'mainbox'; h1 mt '_site_title'; p class => 'description'; lit mt '_home_intro'; end; my $scr = $self->dbScreenshotRandom; p class => 'screenshots'; for (@$scr) { my($w, $h) = imgsize($_->{width}, $_->{height}, @{$self->{scr_size}}); a href => "/v$_->{vid}", title => $_->{title}; img src => sprintf("%s/st/%02d/%d.jpg", $self->{url_static}, $_->{scr}%100, $_->{scr}), alt => $_->{title}, width => $w, height => $h; end; } end; end; table class => 'mainbox threelayout'; Tr; # Recent changes td; h1; a href => '/hist', mt '_home_recentchanges'; txt ' '; a href => '/feeds/changes.atom'; cssicon 'feed', mt '_atom_feed'; end; end; my $changes = $self->dbRevisionGet(what => 'item user', results => 10, auto => 1); ul; for (@$changes) { li; lit mt '_home_recentchanges_item', $_->{type}, sprintf('%s', "/$_->{type}$_->{iid}.$_->{rev}", xml_escape($_->{ioriginal}||$_->{ititle}), xml_escape shorten $_->{ititle}, 33), $_; end; } end; end; # Announcements td; my $an = $self->dbThreadGet(type => 'an', sort => 'id', reverse => 1, results => 2); h1; a href => '/t/an', mt '_home_announcements'; txt ' '; a href => '/feeds/announcements.atom'; cssicon 'feed', mt '_atom_feed'; end; end; for (@$an) { my $post = $self->dbPostGet(tid => $_->{id}, num => 1)->[0]; h2; a href => "/t$_->{id}", $_->{title}; end; p; lit bb2html $post->{msg}, 150; end; } end; # Recent posts td; h1; a href => '/t', mt '_home_recentposts'; txt ' '; a href => '/feeds/posts.atom'; cssicon 'feed', mt '_atom_feed'; end; end; my $posts = $self->dbThreadGet(what => 'lastpost boardtitles', results => 10, sort => 'lastpost', reverse => 1, notusers => 1); ul; for (@$posts) { my $boards = join ', ', map mt("_dboard_$_->{type}").($_->{iid}?' > '.$_->{title}:''), @{$_->{boards}}; li; lit mt '_home_recentposts_item', $_->{ldate}, sprintf('%s', "/t$_->{id}.$_->{count}", xml_escape("Posted in $boards"), xml_escape shorten $_->{title}, 25), {uid => $_->{luid}, username => $_->{lusername}}; end; } end; end; end; Tr; # Random visual novels td; h1; a href => '/v/rand', mt '_home_randomvn'; end; my $random = $self->dbVNGet(results => 10, sort => 'rand'); ul; for (@$random) { li; a href => "/v$_->{id}", title => $_->{original}||$_->{title}, shorten $_->{title}, 40; end; } end; end; # Upcoming releases td; h1; a href => strftime('/r?fil=date_after-%Y%m%d;o=a;s=released', gmtime), mt '_home_upcoming'; end; my $upcoming = $self->dbReleaseGet(results => 10, unreleased => 1, what => 'platforms'); ul; for (@$upcoming) { li; lit $self->{l10n}->datestr($_->{released}); txt ' '; cssicon $_, mt "_plat_$_" for (@{$_->{platforms}}); cssicon "lang $_", mt "_lang_$_" for (@{$_->{languages}}); txt ' '; a href => "/r$_->{id}", title => $_->{original}||$_->{title}, shorten $_->{title}, 30; end; } end; end; # Just released td; h1; a href => strftime('/r?fil=date_before-%Y%m%d;o=d;s=released', gmtime), mt '_home_justreleased'; end; my $justrel = $self->dbReleaseGet(results => 10, sort => 'released', reverse => 1, unreleased => 0, what => 'platforms'); ul; for (@$justrel) { li; lit $self->{l10n}->datestr($_->{released}); txt ' '; cssicon $_, mt "_plat_$_" for (@{$_->{platforms}}); cssicon "lang $_", mt "_lang_$_" for (@{$_->{languages}}); txt ' '; a href => "/r$_->{id}", title => $_->{original}||$_->{title}, shorten $_->{title}, 30; end; } end; end; end; # /tr end; # /table $self->htmlFooter; } sub history { my($self, $type, $id) = @_; $type ||= ''; $id ||= 0; my $f = $self->formValidate( { name => 'p', required => 0, default => 1, template => 'int' }, { name => 'm', required => 0, default => !$type, enum => [ 0, 1 ] }, { name => 'h', required => 0, default => 0, enum => [ -1..1 ] }, { name => 't', required => 0, default => '', enum => [ 'v', 'r', 'p' ] }, { name => 'e', required => 0, default => 0, enum => [ -1..1 ] }, { name => 'r', required => 0, default => 0, enum => [ 0, 1 ] }, ); return 404 if $f->{_err}; # get item object and title my $obj = $type eq 'u' ? $self->dbUserGet(uid => $id)->[0] : $type eq 'p' ? $self->dbProducerGet(id => $id)->[0] : $type eq 'r' ? $self->dbReleaseGet(id => $id)->[0] : $type eq 'v' ? $self->dbVNGet(id => $id)->[0] : undef; my $title = mt $type ? ('_hist_title_item', $obj->{title} || $obj->{name} || $obj->{username}) : '_hist_title'; return 404 if $type && !$obj->{id}; # get the edit history my($list, $np) = $self->dbRevisionGet( what => 'item user', $type && $type ne 'u' ? ( type => $type, iid => $id ) : (), $type eq 'u' ? ( uid => $id ) : (), $f->{t} ? ( type => $f->{t} ) : (), page => $f->{p}, results => 50, auto => $f->{m}, hidden => $type && $type ne 'u' ? 0 : $f->{h}, edit => $f->{e}, releases => $f->{r}, ); $self->htmlHeader(title => $title, noindex => 1, feeds => [ 'changes' ]); $self->htmlMainTabs($type, $obj, 'hist') if $type; # url generator my $u = sub { my($n, $v) = @_; $n ||= ''; local $_ = ($type ? "/$type$id" : '').'/hist'; $_ .= '?m='.($n eq 'm' ? $v : $f->{m}); $_ .= ';h='.($n eq 'h' ? $v : $f->{h}); $_ .= ';t='.($n eq 't' ? $v : $f->{t}); $_ .= ';e='.($n eq 'e' ? $v : $f->{e}); $_ .= ';r='.($n eq 'r' ? $v : $f->{r}); }; # filters div class => 'mainbox'; h1 $title; if($type ne 'u') { p class => 'browseopts'; a !$f->{m} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => $u->(m => 0), mt '_hist_filter_showauto'; a $f->{m} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => $u->(m => 1), mt '_hist_filter_hideauto'; end; } if(!$type || $type eq 'u') { if($self->authCan('del')) { p class => 'browseopts'; a $f->{h} == 1 ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => $u->(h => 1), mt '_hist_filter_hidedel'; a $f->{h} == -1 ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => $u->(h => -1), mt '_hist_filter_showdel'; end; } p class => 'browseopts'; a !$f->{t} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => $u->(t => ''), mt '_hist_filter_alltypes'; a $f->{t} eq 'v' ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => $u->(t => 'v'), mt '_hist_filter_onlyvn'; a $f->{t} eq 'r' ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => $u->(t => 'r'), mt '_hist_filter_onlyreleases'; a $f->{t} eq 'p' ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => $u->(t => 'p'), mt '_hist_filter_onlyproducers'; end; p class => 'browseopts'; a !$f->{e} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => $u->(e => 0), mt '_hist_filter_allactions'; a $f->{e} == 1 ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => $u->(e => 1), mt '_hist_filter_onlyedits'; a $f->{e} == -1 ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => $u->(e => -1), mt '_hist_filter_onlynew'; end; } if($type eq 'v') { p class => 'browseopts'; a !$f->{r} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => $u->(r => 0), mt '_hist_filter_exrel'; a $f->{r} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => $u->(r => 1), mt '_hist_filter_increl'; end; } end; $self->htmlBrowseHist($list, $f, $np, $u->()); $self->htmlFooter; } sub docpage { my($self, $did) = @_; my $l = '.'.$self->{l10n}->language_tag(); my $f = sprintf('%s/data/docs/%d', $VNDB::ROOT, $did); my $F; open($F, '<:utf8', $f.$l) or open($F, '<:utf8', $f) or return 404; my @c = <$F>; close $F; (my $title = shift @c) =~ s/^:TITLE://; chomp $title; my($sec, $subsec) = (0,0); for (@c) { s{^:SUB:(.+)\r?\n$}{ $sec++; $subsec = 0; qq|

$sec. $1

\n| }e; s{^:SUBSUB:(.+)\r?\n$}{ $subsec++; qq|

$sec.$subsec. $1

\n| }e; s{^:INC:(.+)\r?\n$}{ $f = sprintf('%s/data/docs/%s', $VNDB::ROOT, $1); open($F, '<:utf8', $f.$l) or open($F, '<:utf8', $f) or die $!; my $ii = join('', <$F>); close $F; $ii; }e; s{^:TOP5CONTRIB:$}{ my $l = $self->dbUserGet(results => 6, sort => 'changes', reverse => 1); '
'.join('', map $_->{id} == 1 ? () : sprintf('
', $_->{id}, $_->{username}, $_->{c_changes}), @$l).'
'; }e; s{^:SKINCONTRIB:$}{ my %users; push @{$users{ $self->{skins}{$_}[1] }}, [ $_, $self->{skins}{$_}[0] ] for sort { $self->{skins}{$a}[0] cmp $self->{skins}{$b}[0] } keys %{$self->{skins}}; my $u = $self->dbUserGet(uid => [ keys %users ]); '
'.join('', map sprintf('
', $_->{id}, $_->{username}, join(', ', map sprintf('%s', $_->[0], $_->[1]), @{$users{$_->{id}}}) ), @$u).'
'; }e; } $self->htmlHeader(title => $title); div class => 'mainbox'; h1 $title; div class => 'docs'; lit join '', @c; end; end; $self->htmlFooter; } sub setlang { my $self = shift; my $lang = $self->formValidate({name => 'lang', required => 1, enum => [ VNDB::L10N::languages ]}); return 404 if $lang->{_err}; $lang = $lang->{lang}; (my $ref = $self->reqHeader('Referer')||'/') =~ s/^\Q$self->{url}//; $self->resRedirect($ref, 'post'); $self->resHeader('Set-Cookie', "l10n=$lang; expires=Sat, 01-Jan-2030 00:00:00 GMT; path=/; domain=$self->{cookie_domain}") if $lang ne $self->{l10n}->language_tag(); } sub nospam { my $self = shift; $self->htmlHeader(title => mt '_nospam_title', noindex => 1); div class => 'mainbox'; h1 mt '_nospam_title'; div class => 'warning'; h2 mt '_nospam_subtitle'; p mt '_nospam_msg'; end; end; $self->htmlFooter; } sub iemessage { my $self = shift; if($self->reqParam('i-still-want-access')) { (my $ref = $self->reqHeader('Referer') || '/') =~ s/^\Q$self->{url}//; $ref = '/' if $ref eq '/we-dont-like-ie'; $self->resRedirect($ref, 'temp'); $self->resHeader('Set-Cookie', "ie-sucks=1; path=/; domain=$self->{cookie_domain}"); return; } html; head; title 'Your browser sucks'; style type => 'text/css', q|body { background: black }| .q|div { position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; width: 500px; margin-left: -250px; height: 180px; margin-top: -90px; background-color: #012; border: 1px solid #258; text-align: center; }| .q|p { color: #ddd; margin: 10px; font: 9pt "Tahoma"; }| .q|h1 { color: #258; font-size: 14pt; font-family: "Futura", "Century New Gothic", "Arial", Serif; font-weight: normal; margin: 10px 0 0 0; } | .q|a { color: #fff }|; end; body; div; h1 'Oops, we were too lazy to support your browser!'; p; lit qq|We decided to stop supporting Internet Explorer 6 and 7, as it's a royal pain in | .qq|the ass to make our site look good in a browser that doesn't want to cooperate with us.
| .qq|You can try one of the following free alternatives: | .qq|Firefox, | .qq|Opera, | .qq|Safari, or | .qq|Chrome.

| .qq|If you're really stubborn about using Internet Explorer, upgrading to version 8 will also work.

| .qq|...and if you're mad, you can also choose to ignore this warning and | .qq|open the site anyway.|; end; end; end; end; } sub opensearch { my $self = shift; $self->resHeader('Content-Type' => 'application/opensearchdescription+xml'); xml; tag 'OpenSearchDescription', xmlns => '', 'xmlns:moz' => ''; tag 'ShortName', 'VNDB'; tag 'LongName', ' visual novel search'; tag 'Description', 'Search visual vovels on'; tag 'Image', width => 16, height => 16, type => 'image/x-icon', $self->{url}.'/favicon.ico' if -s "$VNDB::ROOT/www/favicon.ico"; tag 'Url', type => 'text/html', method => 'get', template => $self->{url}.'/v/all?q={searchTerms}', undef; tag 'Url', type => 'application/opensearchdescription+xml', rel => 'self', template => $self->{url}.'/opensearch.xml', undef; tag 'Query', role => 'example', searchTerms => 'Tsukihime', undef; tag 'moz:SearchForm', $self->{url}.'/v/all'; end; } 1;