package VNDB::Handler::Misc; use strict; use warnings; use YAWF ':html'; use VNDB::Func; YAWF::register( qr{}, \&homepage, qr{(?:([upvr])([1-9]\d*)/)?hist}, \&history, qr{d([1-9]\d*)}, \&docpage, qr{nospam}, \&nospam, qr{([vrp])([1-9]\d*)/(lock|hide)}, \&itemmod, qr{we-dont-like-ie6}, \&ie6message, # redirects for old URLs qr{(.*[^/]+)/+}, sub { $_[0]->resRedirect("/$_[1]", 'perm') }, qr{([pv])}, sub { $_[0]->resRedirect("/$_[1]/all", 'perm') }, qr{v/search}, sub { $_[0]->resRedirect("/v/all?q=".$_[0]->reqParam('q'), 'perm') }, qr{notes}, sub { $_[0]->resRedirect('/d8', 'perm') }, qr{faq}, sub { $_[0]->resRedirect('/d6', 'perm') }, qr{v([1-9]\d*)/(?:stats|scr|votes)}, sub { $_[0]->resRedirect("/v$_[1]", 'perm') }, qr{u/list(/[a-z0]|/all)?}, sub { my $l = defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : '/all'; $_[0]->resRedirect("/u$l", 'perm') }, qr{d([1-9]\d*)\.([1-9]\d*)}, sub { $_[0]->resRedirect("/d$_[1]#$_[2]", 'perm') }, qr{u([1-9]\d*)/votes}, sub { $_[0]->resRedirect("/u$_[1]/list?v=1", 'perm') }, # rewrite the old category browser to the new-ish search function qr{v/cat}, sub { my $f = $_[0]->formValidate( {name=>'i',required=>0,default=>''},{name=>'e',required=>0,default=>''},{name=>'l',required=>0,default=>''}, {name=>'p',required=>0},{name=>'o',required=>0},{name=>'s',required=>0}); my %f; $f{$_} = $f->{$_} for (qw|p o s|); $f{q} = join ' ', (map $_[0]{categories}{substr($_,0,1)}[1]{substr($_,1,2)}, split /,/, $f->{i}), (map '-'.$_[0]{categories}{substr($_,0,1)}[1]{substr($_,1,2)}, split /,/, $f->{e}), (map $_[0]{languages}{$_}, split /,/, $f->{l}); !$f{$_} && delete $f{$_} for keys %f; $_[0]->resRedirect('/v/all'.(!(keys %f)?'':'?'.join(';', map $_.'='.$f{$_}, keys %f) ), 'perm'); }, ); sub homepage { my $self = shift; $self->htmlHeader(title => $self->{site_title}); div class => 'mainbox'; h1 $self->{site_title}; p class => 'description'; lit qq| strives to be a comprehensive database for information about visual novels and eroge.
This website is built as a wiki, meaning that anyone can freely add and contribute information to the database, allowing us to create the largest, most accurate and most up-to-date visual novel database on the web.
Registered users are also able to keep track of a personal list of games they want to play or have finished and they can vote on all visual novels.

Feel free to browse around, register an account or to participate in the discussions about visual novels or VNDB on our discussion board. |; end; my $scr = $self->dbScreenshotRandom; p class => 'screenshots'; for (@$scr) { a href => "/v$_->{vid}", title => $_->{title}; img src => sprintf("%s/st/%02d/%d.jpg", $self->{url_static}, $_->{scr}%100, $_->{scr}), alt => $_->{title}; end; } end; end; # Recent changes div class => 'mainbox threelayout'; h1 'Recent changes'; my $changes = $self->dbRevisionGet(what => 'item user', results => 10, auto => 1, hidden => 1); ul; for (@$changes) { my $t = (qw|v r p|)[$_->{type}]; li; b "$t:"; a href => "/$t$_->{iid}.$_->{rev}", title => $_->{ioriginal}||$_->{ititle}, shorten $_->{ititle}, 30; txt ' by '; a href => "/u$_->{requester}", $_->{username}; end; } end; end; # Announcements div class => 'mainbox threelayout'; my $an = $self->dbThreadGet(type => 'an', order => ' DESC', results => 2); a class => 'right', href => '/t/an', 'News archive'; h1 'Announcements'; for (@$an) { my $post = $self->dbPostGet(tid => $_->{id}, num => 1)->[0]; h2; a href => "/t$_->{id}", $_->{title}; end; p; lit bb2html $post->{msg}, 150; end; } end; # Recent posts div class => 'mainbox threelayout last'; h1 'Recent posts'; my $posts = $self->dbThreadGet(what => 'lastpost', results => 10, order => ' DESC'); ul; for (@$posts) { li; txt age($_->{ldate}).' '; a href => "/t$_->{id}.$_->{count}", title => $_->{title}, shorten $_->{title}, 20; txt ' by '; a href => "/u$_->{luid}", $_->{lusername}; end; } end; end; # Random visual novels div class => 'mainbox threelayout'; h1 'Random visual novels'; my $random = $self->dbVNGet(results => 10, order => 'RANDOM()'); ul; for (@$random) { li; a href => "/v$_->{id}", title => $_->{original}||$_->{title}, shorten $_->{title}, 40; end; } end; end; # Upcoming releases div class => 'mainbox threelayout'; h1 'Upcoming releases'; my $upcoming = $self->dbReleaseGet(results => 10, unreleased => 1); ul; for (@$upcoming) { li; lit datestr $_->{released}; txt ' '; a href => "/r$_->{id}", title => $_->{original}||$_->{title}, shorten $_->{title}, 30; end; } end; end; # Just released div class => 'mainbox threelayout last'; h1 'Just released'; my $justrel = $self->dbReleaseGet(results => 10, order => 'rr.released DESC', unreleased => 0); ul; for (@$justrel) { li; lit datestr $_->{released}; txt ' '; a href => "/r$_->{id}", title => $_->{original}||$_->{title}, shorten $_->{title}, 30; end; } end; end; clearfloat; $self->htmlFooter; } sub history { my($self, $type, $id) = @_; $type ||= ''; $id ||= 0; my $f = $self->formValidate( { name => 'p', required => 0, default => 1, template => 'int' }, { name => 'm', required => 0, default => !$type, enum => [ 0, 1 ] }, { name => 'h', required => 0, default => 1, enum => [ -1..1 ] }, { name => 't', required => 0, default => '', enum => [ 'v', 'r', 'p' ] }, { name => 'e', required => 0, default => 0, enum => [ -1..1 ] }, { name => 'r', required => 0, default => 0, enum => [ 0, 1 ] }, ); return 404 if $f->{_err}; # get item object and title my $obj = $type eq 'u' ? $self->dbUserGet(uid => $id)->[0] : $type eq 'p' ? $self->dbProducerGet(id => $id)->[0] : $type eq 'r' ? $self->dbReleaseGet(id => $id)->[0] : $self->dbVNGet(id => $id)->[0]; my $title = $type ? 'Edit history of '.($obj->{title} || $obj->{name} || $obj->{username}) : 'Recent changes'; return 404 if $type && !$obj->{id}; # get the edit history my($list, $np) = $self->dbRevisionGet( what => 'item user', $type && $type ne 'u' ? ( type => $type, iid => $id ) : (), $type eq 'u' ? ( uid => $id ) : (), $f->{t} ? ( type => $f->{t} ) : (), page => $f->{p}, results => 50, auto => $f->{m}, hidden => $f->{h}, edit => $f->{e}, releases => $f->{r}, ); $self->htmlHeader(title => $title, noindex => 1); $self->htmlMainTabs($type, $obj, 'hist') if $type; # url generator my $u = sub { my($n, $v) = @_; $n ||= ''; local $_ = ($type ? "/$type$id" : '').'/hist'; $_ .= '?m='.($n eq 'm' ? $v : $f->{m}); $_ .= ';h='.($n eq 'h' ? $v : $f->{h}); $_ .= ';t='.($n eq 't' ? $v : $f->{t}); $_ .= ';e='.($n eq 'e' ? $v : $f->{e}); $_ .= ';r='.($n eq 'r' ? $v : $f->{r}); }; # filters div class => 'mainbox'; h1 $title; if($type ne 'u') { p class => 'browseopts'; a !$f->{m} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => $u->(m => 0), 'Show automated edits'; a $f->{m} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => $u->(m => 1), 'Hide automated edits'; end; } if(!$type || $type eq 'u') { if($self->authCan('del')) { p class => 'browseopts'; a $f->{h} == 1 ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => $u->(h => 1), 'Hide deleted items'; a $f->{h} == -1 ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => $u->(h => -1), 'Show deleted items'; end; } p class => 'browseopts'; a !$f->{t} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => $u->(t => ''), 'Show all items'; a $f->{t} eq 'v' ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => $u->(t => 'v'), 'Only visual novels'; a $f->{t} eq 'r' ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => $u->(t => 'r'), 'Only releases'; a $f->{t} eq 'p' ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => $u->(t => 'p'), 'Only producers'; end; p class => 'browseopts'; a !$f->{e} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => $u->(e => 0), 'Show all changes'; a $f->{e} == 1 ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => $u->(e => 1), 'Only edits'; a $f->{e} == -1 ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => $u->(e => -1), 'Only newly created pages'; end; } if($type eq 'v') { p class => 'browseopts'; a !$f->{r} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => $u->(r => 0), 'Exclude'; a $f->{r} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => $u->(r => 1), 'Include edits of releases'; end; } end; $self->htmlHistory($list, $f, $np, $u->()); $self->htmlFooter; } sub docpage { my($self, $did) = @_; open my $F, '<', sprintf('%s/data/docs/%d', $VNDB::ROOT, $did) or return 404; my @c = <$F>; close $F; (my $title = shift @c) =~ s/^:TITLE://; chomp $title; my $sec = 0; for (@c) { s{^:SUB:(.+)\r?\n$}{ $sec++; qq|

$sec. $1

\n| }eg; s{^:INC:(.+)\r?\n$}{ open $F, '<', sprintf('%s/data/docs/%s', $VNDB::ROOT, $1) or die $!; my $ii = join('', <$F>); close $F; $ii; }eg; } $self->htmlHeader(title => $title); div class => 'mainbox'; h1 $title; div class => 'docs'; lit join '', @c; end; end; $self->htmlFooter; } sub nospam { my $self = shift; $self->htmlHeader(title => 'Could not send form', noindex => 1); div class => 'mainbox'; h1 'Could not send form'; div class => 'warning'; h2 'Error'; p 'The form could not be sent, please make sure you have Javascript enabled in your browser.'; end; end; $self->htmlFooter; } # /hide and /lock for v/r/p+ pages sub itemmod { my($self, $type, $iid, $act) = @_; return $self->htmlDenied if !$self->authCan($act eq 'hide' ? 'del' : 'lock'); my $obj = $type eq 'v' ? $self->dbVNGet(id => $iid)->[0] : $type eq 'r' ? $self->dbReleaseGet(id => $iid, what => 'vn')->[0] : $self->dbProducerGet(id => $iid)->[0]; return 404 if !$obj->{id}; $self->dbItemMod($type, $iid, $act eq 'hide' ? (hidden => !$obj->{hidden}) : (locked => !$obj->{locked})); # update cached vn info when hiding an r+ page $self->vnCacheUpdate(map $_->{vid}, @{$obj->{vn}}) if $type eq 'r' && $act eq 'hide'; $self->resRedirect("/$type$iid", 'temp'); } sub ie6message { my $self = shift; if($self->reqParam('i-still-want-access')) { (my $ref = $self->reqHeader('Referer') || '/') =~ s/^\Q$self->{url}//; $ref = '/' if $ref eq '/we-dont-like-ie6'; $self->resRedirect($ref, 'temp'); $self->resHeader('Set-Cookie', "ie-sucks=1; path=/; domain=$self->{cookie_domain}"); return; } html; head; title 'Your browser sucks'; style type => 'text/css', q|body { background: black }| .q|div { position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; width: 500px; margin-left: -250px; height: 180px; margin-top: -90px; background-color: #012; border: 1px solid #258; text-align: center; }| .q|p { color: #ddd; margin: 10px; font: 9pt "Tahoma"; }| .q|h1 { color: #258; font-size: 14pt; font-family: "Futura", "Century New Gothic", "Arial", Serif; font-weight: normal; margin: 10px 0 0 0; } | .q|a { color: #fff }|; end; body; div; h1 'Oops, we were too lazy support your browser!'; p; lit qq|We decided to stop supporting Internet Explorer 6, as it's a royal pain in | .qq|the ass to make our site look good in a browser that doesn't want to cooperate with us.
| .qq|You can try one of the following free alternatives: | .qq|Firefox, | .qq|Opera, | .qq|Safari, or | .qq|Chrome.

| .qq|If you're really stubborn about using Internet Explorer, upgrading to version 7 will also work.

| .qq|...and if you're mad, you can also choose to ignore this warning and | .qq|open the site anyway.|; end; end; end; end; } 1;