package VNDB::Handler::VNBrowse; use strict; use warnings; use YAWF ':html'; use VNDB::Func; YAWF::register( qr{v/([a-z0]|all)} => \&list, ); sub list { my($self, $char) = @_; my $f = $self->formValidate( { name => 's', required => 0, default => 'tagscore', enum => [ qw|title rel pop tagscore| ] }, { name => 'o', required => 0, enum => [ 'a','d' ] }, { name => 'p', required => 0, default => 1, template => 'int' }, { name => 'q', required => 0, default => '' }, { name => 'sq', required => 0, default => '' }, { name => 'ln', required => 0, multi => 1, enum => [ keys %{$self->{languages}} ], default => '' }, { name => 'pl', required => 0, multi => 1, enum => [ keys %{$self->{platforms}} ], default => '' }, { name => 'ti', required => 0, default => '', maxlength => 200 }, { name => 'te', required => 0, default => '', maxlength => 200 }, { name => 'sp', required => 0, default => $self->reqCookie('tagspoil') =~ /^([0-2])$/ ? $1 : 1, enum => [0..2] }, ); return 404 if $f->{_err}; $f->{q} ||= $f->{sq}; if($f->{q}) { return $self->resRedirect('/'.$1.$2.(!$3 ? '' : $1 eq 'd' ? '#'.$3 : '.'.$3), 'temp') if $f->{q} =~ /^([gvrptud])([0-9]+)(?:\.([0-9]+))?$/; # for URL compatibilty with older versions my @lang; $f->{q} =~ s/\s*$self->{languages}{$_}\s*//&&push @lang, $_ for (keys %{$self->{languages}}); $f->{ln} = $f->{ln}[0] ? [ @{$f->{ln}}, @lang ] : \@lang; } my @ignored; my $tagfind = sub { return map { my $i = $self->dbTagGet(name => $_)->[0]; push @ignored, [$_, 0] if !$i; push @ignored, [$_, 1] if $i && $i->{meta}; $i && !$i->{meta} ? $i->{id} : (); } grep $_, split /\s*,\s*/, $_[0]; }; my @ti = $tagfind->($f->{ti}); my @te = $tagfind->($f->{te}); $f->{s} = 'title' if !@ti && $f->{s} eq 'tagscore'; $f->{o} = $f->{s} eq 'tagscore' ? 'd' : 'a' if !$f->{o}; my($list, $np) = $self->dbVNGet( $char ne 'all' ? ( char => $char ) : (), $f->{q} ? ( search => $f->{q} ) : (), results => 50, page => $f->{p}, order => ($f->{s} eq 'rel' ? 'c_released' : $f->{s} eq 'pop' ? 'c_popularity' : $f->{s}).($f->{o} eq 'a' ? ' ASC' : ' DESC'), $f->{pl}[0] ? ( platform => $f->{pl} ) : (), $f->{ln}[0] ? ( lang => $f->{ln} ) : (), @ti ? (tags_include => [ $f->{sp}, \@ti ]) : (), @te ? (tags_exclude => \@te) : (), ); $self->resRedirect('/v'.$list->[0]{id}, 'temp') if $f->{q} && @$list == 1; $self->htmlHeader(title => 'Browse visual novels', search => $f->{q}, js => 'forms'); _filters($self, $f, $char, \@ignored); my $url = "/v/$char?q=$f->{q};ti=$f->{ti};te=$f->{te}"; $_ and $url .= ";pl=$_" for @{$f->{pl}}; $_ and $url .= ";ln=$_" for @{$f->{ln}}; $self->htmlBrowse( class => 'vnbrowse', items => $list, options => $f, nextpage => $np, pageurl => "$url;o=$f->{o};s=$f->{s}", sorturl => $url, header => [ @ti ? [ 'Score', 'tagscore', undef, 'tc_s' ] : (), [ 'Title', 'title', undef, @ti ? 'tc_t' : 'tc1' ], [ '', 0, undef, 'tc2' ], [ '', 0, undef, 'tc3' ], [ 'Released', 'rel', undef, 'tc4' ], [ 'Popularity', 'pop', undef, 'tc5' ], ], row => sub { my($s, $n, $l) = @_; Tr $n % 2 ? (class => 'odd') : (); if(@ti) { td class => 'tc_s'; tagscore $l->{tagscore}, 0; end; } td class => @ti ? 'tc_t' : 'tc1'; a href => '/v'.$l->{id}, title => $l->{original}||$l->{title}, shorten $l->{title}, 100; end; td class => 'tc2'; $_ ne 'oth' && cssicon $_, $self->{platforms}{$_} for (sort split /\//, $l->{c_platforms}); end; td class => 'tc3'; cssicon "lang $_", $self->{languages}{$_} for (reverse sort split /\//, $l->{c_languages}); end; td class => 'tc4'; lit monthstr $l->{c_released}; end; td class => 'tc5', sprintf '%.2f', $l->{c_popularity}*100; end; }, ); $self->htmlFooter; } sub _filters { my($self, $f, $char, $ign) = @_; form action => '/v/all', 'accept-charset' => 'UTF-8', method => 'get'; div class => 'mainbox'; h1 'Browse visual novels'; $self->htmlSearchBox('v', $f->{q}); p class => 'browseopts'; for ('all', 'a'..'z', 0) { a href => "/v/$_", $_ eq $char ? (class => 'optselected') : (), $_ ? uc $_ : '#'; } end; if(@$ign) { div class => 'warning'; h2 'The following tags were ignored:'; ul; li $_->[0].' ('.($_->[1]?"can't filter on meta tags":"no such tag found").')' for @$ign; end; end; } a id => 'advselect', href => '#'; lit ' advanced search'; end; div id => 'advoptions', class => 'hidden vnoptions'; h2; lit 'Tag filters (boolean and, selecting more gives less results)'; end; table class => 'formtable', style => 'margin-left: 0'; $self->htmlFormPart($f, [ input => short => 'ti', name => 'Tags to include', width => 350 ]); $self->htmlFormPart($f, [ radio => short => 'sp', name => '', options => [[0,'Hide spoilers'],[1,'Show minor spoilers'],[2,'Show major spoilers']]]); $self->htmlFormPart($f, [ input => short => 'te', name => 'Tags to exclude', width => 350 ]); end; h2; lit 'Languages (boolean or, selecting more gives more results)'; end; for my $i (sort @{$self->dbLanguages}) { span; input type => 'checkbox', name => 'ln', value => $i, id => "lang_$i", (scalar grep $_ eq $i, @{$f->{ln}}) ? (checked => 'checked') : (); label for => "lang_$i"; cssicon "lang $i", $self->{languages}{$i}; txt $self->{languages}{$i}; end; end; } h2; lit 'Platforms (boolean or, selecting more gives more results)'; end; for my $i (sort keys %{$self->{platforms}}) { next if $i eq 'oth'; span; input type => 'checkbox', id => "plat_$i", name => 'pl', value => $i, (scalar grep $_ eq $i, @{$f->{pl}}) ? (checked => 'checked') : (); label for => "plat_$i"; cssicon $i, $self->{platforms}{$i}; txt $self->{platforms}{$i}; end; end; } div style => 'text-align: center; clear: left;'; input type => 'submit', value => 'Apply', class => 'submit'; input type => 'reset', value => 'Clear', class => 'submit', onclick => 'location.href="/v/all"'; end; end; end; end; } 1;