package VNDB::Handler::VNEdit; use strict; use warnings; use YAWF ':html', ':xml'; YAWF::register( qr{v(?:([1-9]\d*)(?:\.([1-9]\d*))?/edit|/new)} => \&edit, qr{xml/vn\.xml} => \&vnxml, qr{xml/screenshots\.xml} => \&scrxml, ); sub edit { my($self, $vid, $rev) = @_; my $v = $vid && $self->dbVNGet(id => $vid, what => 'extended screenshots relations anime changes', $rev ? (rev => $rev) : ())->[0]; return 404 if $vid && !$v->{id}; $rev = undef if !$vid || $v->{cid} == $v->{latest}; return $self->htmlDenied if !$self->authCan('edit') || $vid && ($v->{locked} && !$self->authCan('lock') || $v->{hidden} && !$self->authCan('del')); my %b4 = !$vid ? () : ( (map { $_ => $v->{$_} } qw|title original desc alias length l_wp l_encubed l_renai l_vnn img_nsfw|), anime => join(' ', sort { $a <=> $b } map $_->{id}, @{$v->{anime}}), relations => join('|||', map $_->{relation}.','.$_->{id}.','.$_->{title}, sort { $a->{id} <=> $b->{id} } @{$v->{relations}}), screenshots => join(' ', map sprintf('%d,%d,%d', $_->{id}, $_->{nsfw}?1:0, $_->{rid}), @{$v->{screenshots}}), ); my $frm; if($self->reqMethod eq 'POST') { $frm = $self->formValidate( { name => 'title', maxlength => 250 }, { name => 'original', required => 0, maxlength => 250, default => '' }, { name => 'alias', required => 0, maxlength => 500, default => '' }, { name => 'desc', maxlength => 10240 }, { name => 'length', required => 0, default => 0, enum => [ 0..$#{$self->{vn_lengths}} ] }, { name => 'l_wp', required => 0, default => '', maxlength => 150 }, { name => 'l_encubed', required => 0, default => '', maxlength => 100 }, { name => 'l_renai', required => 0, default => '', maxlength => 100 }, { name => 'l_vnn', required => 0, default => 0, template => 'int' }, { name => 'anime', required => 0, default => '' }, { name => 'img_nsfw', required => 0, default => 0 }, { name => 'relations', required => 0, default => '', maxlength => 5000 }, { name => 'screenshots', required => 0, default => '', maxlength => 1000 }, { name => 'editsum', maxlength => 5000 }, ); # handle image upload my $image = _uploadimage($self, $v, $frm); if(!$frm->{_err}) { # parse and re-sort fields that have multiple representations of the same information my $anime = { map +($_=>1), grep /^[0-9]+$/, split /[ ,]+/, $frm->{anime} }; my $relations = [ map { /^([0-9]+),([0-9]+),(.+)$/ && (!$vid || $2 != $vid) ? [ $1, $2, $3 ] : () } split /\|\|\|/, $frm->{relations} ]; my $screenshots = [ map /^[0-9]+,[01],[0-9]+$/ ? [split /,/] : (), split / +/, $frm->{screenshots} ]; $frm->{anime} = join ' ', sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$anime; $frm->{relations} = join '|||', map $_->[0].','.$_->[1].','.$_->[2], sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1]} @{$relations}; $frm->{img_nsfw} = $frm->{img_nsfw} ? 1 : 0; $frm->{screenshots} = join ' ', map sprintf('%d,%d,%d', $_->[0], $_->[1]?1:0, $_->[2]), sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } @$screenshots; # nothing changed? just redirect return $self->resRedirect("/v$vid", 'post') if $vid && !$self->reqUploadFileName('img') && !grep $frm->{$_} ne $b4{$_}, keys %b4; # execute the edit/add my %args = ( (map { $_ => $frm->{$_} } qw|title original alias desc length l_wp l_encubed l_renai l_vnn editsum img_nsfw|), anime => [ keys %$anime ], relations => $relations, image => $image, screenshots => $screenshots, ); my($nvid, $nrev, $cid) = ($vid, 1); ($nrev, $cid) = $self->dbVNEdit($vid, %args) if $vid; ($nvid, $cid) = $self->dbVNAdd(%args) if !$vid; # update reverse relations & relation graph if(!$vid && $#$relations >= 0 || $vid && $frm->{relations} ne $b4{relations}) { my %old = $vid ? (map { $_->{id} => $_->{relation} } @{$v->{relations}}) : (); my %new = map { $_->[1] => $_->[0] } @$relations; _updreverse($self, \%old, \%new, $nvid, $cid, $nrev); } return $self->resRedirect("/v$nvid.$nrev", 'post'); } } !exists $frm->{$_} && ($frm->{$_} = $b4{$_}) for (keys %b4); $frm->{editsum} = sprintf 'Reverted to revision v%d.%d', $vid, $rev if $rev && !defined $frm->{editsum}; $self->htmlHeader(js => 'forms', title => $vid ? "Edit $v->{title}" : 'Add a new visual novel', noindex => 1); $self->htmlMainTabs('v', $v, 'edit') if $vid; $self->htmlEditMessage('v', $v); _form($self, $v, $frm); $self->htmlFooter; } sub _uploadimage { my($self, $v, $frm) = @_; return $v ? $v->{image} : 0 if $frm->{_err} || !$self->reqUploadFileName('img'); # save to temporary location my $tmp = sprintf '%s/static/cv/00/tmp.%d.jpg', $VNDB::ROOT, $$*int(rand(1000)+1); $self->reqSaveUpload('img', $tmp); # perform some checks my $l; open(my $T, '<:raw:bytes', $tmp) || die $1; read $T, $l, 2; close($T); $frm->{_err} = [ 'noimage' ] if $l ne pack('H*', 'ffd8') && $l ne pack('H*', '8950'); $frm->{_err} = [ 'toolarge' ] if -s $tmp > 512*1024; if($frm->{_err}) { unlink $tmp; return undef; } # get image ID and move it to the correct location my $imgid = $self->dbVNImageId; my $new = sprintf '%s/static/cv/%02d/%d.jpg', $VNDB::ROOT, $imgid%100, $imgid; rename $tmp, $new or die $!; chmod 0666, $new; return -1*$imgid; } sub _form { my($self, $v, $frm) = @_; my $r = $v ? $self->dbReleaseGet(vid => $v->{id}) : []; $self->htmlForm({ frm => $frm, action => $v ? "/v$v->{id}/edit" : '/v/new', editsum => 1, upload => 1 }, 'General info' => [ [ input => short => 'title', name => 'Title (romaji)' ], [ input => short => 'original', name => 'Original title' ], [ static => content => 'The original title of this visual novel, leave blank if it already is in the Latin alphabet.' ], [ textarea => short => 'alias', name => 'Aliases', rows => 4 ], [ static => content => q| Comma seperated list of alternative titles or abbreviations. Can include both official (japanese/english) titles and unofficial titles used around net.
Titles that are listed in the releases do not have to be added here. |], [ textarea => short => 'desc', name => 'Description', rows => 10 ], [ static => content => q| Short description of the main story. Please do not include spoilers, and don't forget to list the source in case you didn't write the description yourself. (formatting codes are allowed) |], [ select => short => 'length', name => 'Length', width => 300, options => [ map [ $_ => $self->{vn_lengths}[$_][0].($_ ? " ($self->{vn_lengths}[$_][2])" : '') ], 0..$#{$self->{vn_lengths}} ] ], [ input => short => 'l_wp', name => 'External links', pre => '' ], [ input => short => 'l_encubed', pre => '', post => '/' ], [ input => short => 'l_renai', pre => '', post => '.shtml' ], [ input => short => 'l_vnn', pre => '', width => 40 ], [ input => short => 'anime', name => 'Anime' ], [ static => content => q| Whitespace seperated list of AniDB anime IDs. E.g. "1015 3348" will add Shingetsutan Tsukihime and Fate/stay night as related anime.
Note: It can take a few minutes for the anime titles to appear on the VN page. |], ], 'Image' => [ [ static => nolabel => 1, content => sub { div class => 'img'; p 'No image uploaded yet' if !$v || !$v->{image}; p '[processing image, please return in a few minutes]' if $v && $v->{image} < 0; img src => sprintf("%s/cv/%02d/%d.jpg", $self->{url_static}, $v->{image}%100, $v->{image}), alt => $v->{title} if $v && $v->{image} > 0; end; div; h2 'Upload new image'; input type => 'file', class => 'text', name => 'img', id => 'img'; p 'Preferably the cover of the CD/DVD/package. Image must be in JPEG or PNG format' ." and at most 500kB. Images larger than 256x400 will automatically be resized.\n\n\n"; h2 'NSFW'; input type => 'checkbox', class => 'checkbox', id => 'img_nsfw', name => 'img_nsfw', $frm->{img_nsfw} ? (checked => 'checked') : (); label class => 'checkbox', for => 'img_nsfw', "Not Safe For Work.\n"; p 'Please check this option if the image contains nudity, gore, or is otherwise not safe in a work-friendly environment.'; end; }], ], 'Relations' => [ [ hidden => short => 'relations' ], [ static => nolabel => 1, content => sub { h2 'Selected relations'; table; tbody id => 'relation_tbl'; # to be filled using javascript end; end; h2 'Add relation'; table; Tr id => 'relation_new'; td class => 'tc1'; input type => 'text', class => 'text'; end; td class => 'tc2'; txt ' is a '; Select; option value => $_, $self->{vn_relations}[$_][0] for (0..$#{$self->{vn_relations}}); end; txt ' of'; end; td class => 'tc3', $v ? $v->{title} : ''; td class => 'tc4'; a href => '#', 'add'; end; end; end; }], ], !@$r ? () : ( 'Screenshots' => [ [ hidden => short => 'screenshots' ], [ static => nolabel => 1, content => sub { div class => 'warning'; b 'Please keep the following in mind when uploading screenshots:'; ul; li 'Screenshots have to be in the native resolution of the game,'; li 'Remove any window borders and make sure the image is unmarked,'; li 'Don\'t only upload event CGs.'; end; lit 'Please read the guidelines for more information.'; br; b 'Make sure to submit the form after the upload has finished!'; end; br; table; tbody id => 'scr_table', ''; end; Select id => 'scr_rel', class => $self->{url_static}; option value => $_->{id}, sprintf '[%s] %s (r%d)', join(',', @{$_->{languages}}), $_->{title}, $_->{id} for (@$r); end; }], ]) ); } # Update reverse relations and regenerate relation graph # Arguments: %old. %new, vid, cid, rev # %old,%new -> { vid2 => relation, .. } # from the perspective of vid # cid, rev are of the related edit # !IMPORTANT!: Don't forget to update this function when # adding/removing fields to/from VN entries! sub _updreverse { my($self, $old, $new, $vid, $cid, $rev) = @_; my %upd; # compare %old and %new for (keys %$old, keys %$new) { if(exists $$old{$_} and !exists $$new{$_}) { $upd{$_} = -1; } elsif((!exists $$old{$_} and exists $$new{$_}) || ($$old{$_} != $$new{$_})) { $upd{$_} = $$new{$_}; if ($self->{vn_relations}[$upd{$_} ][1]) { $upd{$_}-- } elsif($self->{vn_relations}[$upd{$_}+1][1]) { $upd{$_}++ } } } return if !keys %upd; # edit all related VNs for my $i (keys %upd) { my $r = $self->dbVNGet(id => $i, what => 'extended relations anime screenshots')->[0]; my @newrel = map $_->{id} != $vid ? [ $_->{relation}, $_->{id} ] : (), @{$r->{relations}}; push @newrel, [ $upd{$i}, $vid ] if $upd{$i} != -1; $self->dbVNEdit($i, relations => \@newrel, editsum => "Reverse relation update caused by revision v$vid.$rev", causedby => $cid, uid => 1, # Multi - hardcoded anime => [ map $_->{id}, @{$r->{anime}} ], screenshots => [ map [ $_->{id}, $_->{nsfw}, $_->{rid} ], @{$r->{screenshots}} ], ( map { $_ => $r->{$_} } qw| title original desc alias img_nsfw length l_wp l_encubed l_renai l_vnn image | ) ); } } # peforms a (simple) search and returns the results in XML format sub vnxml { my $self = shift; my $q = $self->formValidate({ name => 'q', maxlength => 500 }); return 404 if $q->{_err}; $q = $q->{q}; my($list, $np) = $self->dbVNGet( $q =~ /^v([1-9]\d*)/ ? (id => $1) : (search => $q), results => 10, page => 1, ); $self->resHeader('Content-type' => 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8'); xml; tag 'vns', more => $np ? 'yes' : 'no', query => $q; for(@$list) { tag 'item', id => $_->{id}, $_->{title}; } end; } # handles uploading screenshots and fetching information about them sub scrxml { my $self = shift; return $self->htmlDenied if !$self->authCan('edit'); $self->resHeader('Content-type' => 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8'); # fetch information about screenshots if($self->reqMethod ne 'POST') { my $ids = $self->formValidate( { name => 'id', required => 1, template => 'int', multi => 1 } ); return 404 if $ids->{_err}; my $r = $self->dbScreenshotGet($ids->{id}); xml; tag 'screenshots'; tag 'item', %$_, undef for (@$r); end; return; } # upload new screenshot my $tmp = sprintf '%s/static/sf/00/tmp.%d.jpg', $VNDB::ROOT, $$*int(rand(1000)+1); $self->reqSaveUpload('scr_upload', $tmp); my $id = 0; $id = -2 if !-s $tmp; if(!$id) { my $l; open(my $T, '<:raw:bytes', $tmp) || die $1; read $T, $l, 2; close($T); $id = -1 if $l ne pack('H*', 'ffd8') && $l ne pack('H*', '8950'); } if($id) { unlink $tmp; } else { $id = $self->dbScreenshotAdd; my $new = sprintf '%s/static/sf/%02d/%d.jpg', $VNDB::ROOT, $id%100, $id; rename $tmp, $new or die $!; chmod 0666, $new; } xml; # blank stylesheet because some browsers don't allow JS access otherwise lit qq|{url_static}/f/blank.css" type="text/css" ?>|; tag 'image', id => $id, undef; } 1;