use strict; use warnings; { package VNDB::L10N; use base 'Locale::Maketext'; use LangFile; sub fallback_languages { ('en') }; # used for the language switch interface, language tags must # be the same as in the languages hash in sub languages { qw{ cs en hu ru } } sub maketext { my $r = eval { shift->SUPER::maketext(@_) }; return $r if defined $r; warn "maketext failed for '@_': $@\n"; return $_[0]||''; # not quite sure we want this } # can be called as either a subroutine or a method sub loadfile { my %lang = do { no strict 'refs'; map +($_, \%{"VNDB::L10N::${_}::Lexicon"}), languages }; my $r = LangFile->new(read => "$VNDB::ROOT/data/lang.txt"); my $key; while(my $l = $r->read) { my($t, @l) = @$l; $key = $l[0] if $t eq 'key'; if($t eq 'tl') { my($lang, undef, $text) = @l; next if !$text; die "Unknown language \"$l->[1]\"\n" if !$lang{$lang}; die "Unknown key for translation \"$lang: $text\"\n" if !$key; $lang{$lang}{$key} = $text; } } $r->close; } } { package VNDB::L10N::en; use base 'VNDB::L10N'; use POSIX 'strftime'; use YAWF 'xml_escape'; our %Lexicon; sub quant { return $_[1]==1 ? $_[2] : $_[3]; } # Argument: unix timestamp # Returns: age sub age { my($self, $time) = @_; my $a = time-$time; my @f = $a > 60*60*24*365*2 ? ( $a/60/60/24/365, 'years' ) : $a > 60*60*24*(365/12)*2 ? ( $a/60/60/24/(365/12), 'months' ) : $a > 60*60*24*7*2 ? ( $a/60/60/24/7, 'weeks' ) : $a > 60*60*24*2 ? ( $a/60/60/24, 'days' ) : $a > 60*60*2 ? ( $a/60/60, 'hours' ) : $a > 60*2 ? ( $a/60, 'min' ) : ( $a, 'sec' ); return $self->maketext("_age_$f[1]", int $f[0]); } # argument: unix timestamp and optional format (compact/full) # return value: yyyy-mm-dd # (maybe an idea to use cgit-style ages for recent timestamps) sub date { my($s, $t, $f) = @_; return strftime '%Y-%m-%d', gmtime $t if !$f || $f eq 'compact'; return strftime '%Y-%m-%d at %R', gmtime $t; } # argument: database release date format (yyyymmdd) # y = 0000 -> unknown # y = 9999 -> TBA # m = 99 -> month+day unknown # d = 99 -> day unknown # return value: (unknown|TBA|yyyy|yyyy-mm|yyyy-mm-dd) # if date > now: str sub datestr { my $self = shift; my $date = sprintf '%08d', shift||0; my $future = $date > strftime '%Y%m%d', gmtime; my($y, $m, $d) = ($1, $2, $3) if $date =~ /^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$/; my $str = $y == 0 ? 'unknown' : $y == 9999 ? 'TBA' : $m == 99 ? sprintf('%04d', $y) : $d == 99 ? sprintf('%04d-%02d', $y, $m) : sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $y, $m, $d); return $str if !$future; return qq|$str|; } # Arguments: (uid, username), or a hashref containing that info sub userstr { my $self = shift; my($id,$n) = ref($_[0])eq'HASH'?($_[0]{uid}||$_[0]{requester}, $_[0]{username}):@_; return !$id ? '[deleted]' : ''.$n.''; } # Arguments: index, @list. returns $list[index] sub index { shift; return $_[shift||0]; } # Shortcut for arg2 sub url { return sprintf '%s', xml_escape($_[1]), xml_escape($_[2]); } #
sub br { return '
' } } { package VNDB::L10N::cs; use base 'VNDB::L10N::en'; our %Lexicon; sub quant { my($self, $num, $single, $couple, $lots) = @_; return $lots if ($num % 100) >= 11 && ($num % 100) <= 14; return $single if ($num % 10) == 1; return $couple if ($num % 10) >= 2 && ($num % 10) <= 4; return $lots; } } { package VNDB::L10N::hu; use base 'VNDB::L10N::en'; our %Lexicon; } { package VNDB::L10N::ru; use base 'VNDB::L10N::en'; our %Lexicon; sub quant { my($self, $num, $single, $couple, $lots) = @_; return $single if ($num % 10) == 1 && ($num % 100) != 11; return $couple if ($num % 10) >= 2 && ($num % 10) <= 4 && !(($num % 100) >= 12 && ($num % 100) <= 14); return $lots; } } 1;