# This plugin provides a quick and dirty user interface to editing lang.txt, # to use it, add the following to your data/config.pl: # # if($TUWF::OBJ) { # TUWF::load('VNDB::Plugin::TransAdmin'); # $TUWF::OBJ->{transadmin} = { # => 'all' || || # }; # } # # And then open /tladmin in your browser. # Also make sure data/lang.txt and data/docs/* are writable by the httpd process. # English is considered the 'main' language, and cannot be edited using this interface. package VNDB::Plugin::TransAdmin; use strict; use warnings; use TUWF ':html', 'uri_escape', 'html_escape'; use LangFile; use VNDB::Func; my $langfile = "$VNDB::ROOT/data/lang.txt"; TUWF::register( qr{tladmin(?:/([a-z]+))?} => \&tladmin ); sub _allowed { my($self, $lang) = @_; my $a = $self->{transadmin}{ $self->authInfo->{id} }; return $a eq 'all' || $a eq $lang || ref($a) eq 'ARRAY' && grep $_ eq $lang, @$a; } sub tladmin { my($self, $lang) = @_; $lang ||= ''; my $intro = $lang =~ s/intro//; return $self->resNotFound if $lang && ($lang eq 'en' || !grep $_ eq $lang, $self->{l10n}->languages); my $sect = $self->reqGet('sect')||''; my $doc = $self->reqGet('doc')||''; my $uid = $self->authInfo->{id}; return $self->htmlDenied if !$uid || !$self->{transadmin}{$uid}; if(!-w $langfile || !-w "$VNDB::ROOT/data/docs" || grep /\.[a-z]{2}$/ && !-w $_, glob "$VNDB::ROOT/data/docs/*") { $self->htmlHeader(title => 'Language file not writable', noindex => 1); div class => 'mainbox'; h1 'Language file not writable'; div class => 'warning', 'Sorry, I do not have enough permission to write to the language files.'; end; $self->htmlFooter; return; } _savelang($self, $lang) if $lang && $sect && $self->reqMethod eq 'POST' && _allowed($self, $lang); _savedoc($self, $lang, $doc) if $lang && $doc && $self->reqMethod eq 'POST' && _allowed($self, $lang); my($sects, $page) = _readlang($lang, $sect) if $lang; $self->htmlHeader(title => 'Quick-and-dirty Translation Editor', noindex => 1); div class => 'mainbox'; a class => 'addnew', href => '/tladmin/intro', 'README'; h1 'Quick-and-dirty Translation Editor'; h2 class => 'alttitle', 'Step #1: Choose a language'; p class => 'browseopts'; a $lang eq $_ ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => "/tladmin/$_", mt "_lang_$_" for grep !/en/, $self->{l10n}->languages; end; _sections($self, $lang, $sect, $sects) if $lang; _docs($lang, $doc) if $lang; end; _intro() if $intro; _section($self, $lang, $sect, $page) if $lang && $sect; _doc($self, $lang, $doc) if $lang && $doc; $self->htmlFooter; } sub _savelang { my($self, $lang) = @_; # do everything in-memory, so we don't need write access to a temporary file # (this has the downside that in the event something goes wrong, everything will be wiped) my $f = LangFile->new(read => $langfile); my @read; push @read, $_ while (local $_ = $f->read); $f->close; my @keys = $self->reqPost; $f = LangFile->new(write => $langfile); my $key; for my $l (@read) { $key = $l->[1] if $l->[0] eq 'key'; if($l->[0] eq 'tl' && $l->[1] eq $lang && grep $key eq $_, @keys) { $l->[2] = !$self->reqPost("check$key"); $l->[3] = $self->reqPost($key); $l->[3] =~ s/\r?\n/\n/g; $l->[3] =~ s/\s+$//g; } $f->write(@$l); } $f->close; # re-read the file and regenerate the JS in case we're not running as CGI if($INC{"FCGI.pm"}) { VNDB::L10N::loadfile(); system "make -sC $VNDB::ROOT js" if $self->{regen_static}; } } sub _readlang { my($lang, $sect) = @_; my @sect; # [ title, count, unsync ] my @page; # [ 'comment'||'line', || ( , , , ) ] my $f = LangFile->new(read => $langfile); my($key, $insect); while(my $l = $f->read) { my $t = shift @$l; if($t eq 'space') { if(join("\n", @$l) =~ /((#{30,90}\n)## +(.+) +##\n\2.+)/ms) { my $header = $1; (my $title = $3) =~ s/\s+$//; $title =~ s/\s+\([^)]+\)$//; push @sect, [ $title, 0, 0 ]; $insect = $title eq $sect; push @page, [ 'comment', $header ] if $insect; } elsif($insect) { push @page, [ 'comment', join "\n", @$l ]; } } $sect[$#sect][1]++ if $t eq 'key'; $sect[$#sect][2]++ if $t eq 'tl' && $l->[0] eq $lang && !$l->[1]; next if !$insect; push @page, [ 'line', $l->[0] ] if $t eq 'key'; $page[$#page][2] = $l->[2] if $t eq 'tl' && $l->[0] eq 'en'; if($t eq 'tl' && $l->[0] eq $lang) { $page[$#page][3] = $l->[1]; $page[$#page][4] = $l->[2]; } } $f->close; return (\@sect, \@page); } sub _intro { my $f = LangFile->new(read => $langfile); my $intro = $f->read; $intro = join "\n", @$intro[1..$#$intro]; $f->close; div class => 'mainbox'; h1 'Introduction to the language file'; pre style => 'padding: 0; margin: 0; background: none; border: none', $intro; end; } sub _sections { my($self, $lang, $sect, $list) = @_; br; h2 class => 'alttitle', 'Step #2: Choose a section'; div style => 'margin: 0 40px'; for (@$list) { div style => 'float: left; width: 200px;'; a href => "/tladmin/$lang?sect=".uri_escape($_->[0]), $_->[0] if $sect ne $_->[0]; txt $sect if $sect eq $_->[0]; txt " "; txt "0/$_->[1]" if !$_->[2]; b class => 'standout', "$_->[2]/$_->[1]" if $_->[2]; end; } clearfloat; end; br; br; } sub _section { my($self, $lang, $sect, $page) = @_; form action => "/tladmin/$lang?sect=".uri_escape($sect), method => 'POST', 'accept-charset' => 'utf-8'; div class => 'mainbox'; h1 $sect; if(_allowed($self, $lang)) { h2 class => 'alttitle', "Don't forget to hit the 'save' button to make your changes permament!"; } else { div class => 'warning'; h2 'Read-only'; p "You can't edit this language."; end; } for my $l (@$page) { if($l->[0] eq 'comment') { pre style => 'padding: 0; margin: 0; background: none; border: none'; b class => 'grayedout', $l->[1]."\n"; end; next; } my(undef, $key, $en, $sync, $tl) = @$l; b class => $sync ? 'grayedout' : 'standout', ":$key"; br; div style => 'margin-left: 25px; font: 12px Tahoma; width: 700px; overflow-x: auto; white-space: nowrap'; lit html_escape $en; end; my $multi = $en =~ y/\n//; div style => 'width: 23px; float: left; text-align: right'; input type => 'checkbox', name => "check$key", id => "check$key", !$sync ? (checked => 'checked') : (); end; div style => 'float: left'; if($multi) { textarea name => $key, id => $key, rows => $multi+2, style => 'width: 700px; height: auto; white-space: nowrap; border: none', wrap => 'off', $tl; } else { input type => 'text', class => 'text', name => $key, id => $key, value => $tl, style => 'width: 700px; border: none'; } end; clearfloat; } if(_allowed($self, $lang)) { br;br; fieldset class => 'submit'; input type => 'submit', value => 'Save', class => 'submit'; end; } end; end; } sub _savedoc { my($self, $lang, $doc) = @_; my $file = "$VNDB::ROOT/data/docs/$doc.$lang"; open my $f, '<:utf8', "$VNDB::ROOT/data/docs/$doc" or die $!; my $en = join '', <$f>; close $f; my $tl = $self->reqPost('tl'); $tl =~ s/\r?\n/\n/g; return -e $file && unlink $file if $tl eq $en; open $f, '>:utf8', $file or die $!; print $f $tl; close $f; chmod 0666, $file; } sub _docs { my($lang, $doc) = @_; my @d = map /\.[a-z]{2}$/ || /\/(?:8|11)$/ ? () : s{^.+\/([^/]+)$}{$1} && $_, glob "$VNDB::ROOT/data/docs/*"; h2 class => 'alttitle', '...or a doc page'; div style => 'margin: 0 40px'; for (sort { $a =~ /^\d+$/ && $b =~ /^\d+$/ ? $a <=> $b : $a cmp $b } @d) { div style => 'float: left; width: 60px;'; a href => "/tladmin/$lang?doc=$_", $_ if $_ ne $doc; txt $_ if $_ eq $doc; end; } clearfloat; end; } sub _doc { my($self, $lang, $doc) = @_; open my $f, '<:utf8', "$VNDB::ROOT/data/docs/$doc" or die $!; my $en = join '', <$f>; close $f; my $tl = $en; if(open $f, '<:utf8', "$VNDB::ROOT/data/docs/$doc.$lang") { $tl = join '', <$f>; close $f; } form action => "/tladmin/$lang?doc=$doc", method => 'POST', 'accept-charset' => 'utf-8'; div class => 'mainbox'; a class => 'addnew', href => "/d$doc", "View current page" if $doc =~ /^\d+$/; h1 "Translating page $doc"; h2 class => 'alttitle', 'Left = English, Right = translation'; if(!_allowed($self, $lang)) { div class => 'warning'; h2 'Read-only'; p "You can't edit this language."; end; } div style => 'width: 48%; margin-right: 10px; overflow-y: auto; float: left'; pre style => 'font: 12px Tahoma; border: none; background: none; margin: 0', $en; end; textarea name => 'tl', id => 'tl', rows => ($en =~ y/\n//), style => 'border: none; float: left; width: 49%; white-space: nowrap', wrap => 'off', $tl; clearfloat; if(_allowed($self, $lang)) { br; fieldset class => 'submit'; input type => 'submit', value => 'Save', class => 'submit'; end; } end; end; } 1;