package VNDB::Types; use v5.24; no strict 'refs'; use warnings; use Exporter 'import'; our @EXPORT; sub hash { my $name = shift; tie $name->%*, 'VNDB::Types::Hash', @_; push @EXPORT, "%$name"; } # SQL: ENUM language hash LANGUAGE => ar => 'Arabic', bg => 'Bulgarian', ca => 'Catalan', cs => 'Czech', da => 'Danish', de => 'German', el => 'Greek', en => 'English', eo => 'Esperanto', es => 'Spanish', fa => 'Persian', fi => 'Finnish', fr => 'French', gd => 'Scottish Gaelic', he => 'Hebrew', hr => 'Croatian', hu => 'Hungarian', id => 'Indonesian', it => 'Italian', ja => 'Japanese', ko => 'Korean', mk => 'Macedonian', ms => 'Malay', lt => 'Lithuanian', lv => 'Latvian', nl => 'Dutch', no => 'Norwegian', pl => 'Polish', 'pt-br' => 'Portuguese (Brazil)', 'pt-pt' => 'Portuguese (Portugal)', ro => 'Romanian', ru => 'Russian', sk => 'Slovak', sl => 'Slovene', sv => 'Swedish', ta => 'Tagalog', th => 'Thai', tr => 'Turkish', uk => 'Ukrainian', vi => 'Vietnamese', zh => 'Chinese'; # SQL: ENUM platform # The 'unk' platform is used to mean "Unknown" in various places (not in the DB). hash PLATFORM => win => 'Windows', lin => 'Linux', mac => 'Mac OS', web => 'Website', ios => 'Apple iProduct', and => 'Android', bdp => 'Blu-ray Player', dos => 'DOS', dvd => 'DVD Player', drc => 'Dreamcast', nes => 'Famicon', fmt => 'FM Towns', gba => 'Game Boy Advance', gbc => 'Game Boy Color', msx => 'MSX', nds => 'Nintendo DS', swi => 'Nintendo Switch', wii => 'Nintendo Wii', wiu => 'Nintendo Wii U', n3d => 'Nintendo 3DS', p88 => 'PC-88', p98 => 'PC-98', pce => 'PC Engine', pcf => 'PC-FX', psp => 'PlayStation Portable', ps1 => 'PlayStation 1', ps2 => 'PlayStation 2', ps3 => 'PlayStation 3', ps4 => 'PlayStation 4', psv => 'PlayStation Vita', sat => 'Sega Saturn', sfc => 'Super Nintendo', x68 => 'X68000', xb1 => 'Xbox', xb3 => 'Xbox 360', xbo => 'Xbox One', oth => 'Other'; # SQL: ENUM vn_relation hash VN_RELATION => seq => { reverse => 'preq', pref => 1, txt => 'Sequel' }, preq => { reverse => 'seq', pref => 0, txt => 'Prequel' }, set => { reverse => 'set', pref => 0, txt => 'Same setting' }, alt => { reverse => 'alt', pref => 0, txt => 'Alternative version' }, char => { reverse => 'char', pref => 0, txt => 'Shares characters' }, side => { reverse => 'par', pref => 1, txt => 'Side story' }, par => { reverse => 'side', pref => 0, txt => 'Parent story' }, ser => { reverse => 'ser', pref => 0, txt => 'Same series' }, fan => { reverse => 'orig', pref => 1, txt => 'Fandisc' }, orig => { reverse => 'fan', pref => 0, txt => 'Original game' }; # SQL: ENUM producer_relation # "Pref" relations are considered the "preferred" relation to show (as opposed to their reverse) hash PRODUCER_RELATION => old => { reverse => 'new', pref => 0, txt => 'Formerly' }, new => { reverse => 'old', pref => 1, txt => 'Succeeded by' }, spa => { reverse => 'ori', pref => 1, txt => 'Spawned' }, ori => { reverse => 'spa', pref => 0, txt => 'Originated from' }, sub => { reverse => 'par', pref => 1, txt => 'Subsidiary' }, par => { reverse => 'sub', pref => 0, txt => 'Parent producer' }, imp => { reverse => 'ipa', pref => 1, txt => 'Imprint' }, ipa => { reverse => 'imp', pref => 0, txt => 'Parent brand' }; # SQL: ENUM producer_type hash PRODUCER_TYPE => co => 'Company', in => 'Individual', ng => 'Amateur group'; # SQL: ENUM credit_type hash CREDIT_TYPE => scenario => 'Scenario', chardesign => 'Character design', art => 'Artist', music => 'Composer', songs => 'Vocals', director => 'Director', staff => 'Staff'; hash VN_LENGTH => 0 => { txt => 'Unknown', time => '' }, 1 => { txt => 'Very short', time => '< 2 hours' }, 2 => { txt => 'Short', time => '2 - 10 hours' }, 3 => { txt => 'Medium', time => '10 - 30 hours' }, 4 => { txt => 'Long', time => '30 - 50 hours' }, 5 => { txt => 'Very long', time => '> 50 hours' }; # SQL: ENUM anime_type hash ANIME_TYPE => # anidb = what the UDP API returns, lowercased tv => { txt => 'TV Series', anidb => 'tv series' }, ova => { txt => 'OVA', anidb => 'ova' }, mov => { txt => 'Movie', anidb => 'movie' }, oth => { txt => 'Other', anidb => 'other' }, web => { txt => 'Web', anidb => 'web' }, spe => { txt => 'TV Special', anidb => 'tv special' }, mv => { txt => 'Music Video', anidb => 'music video' }; # SQL: ENUM tag_category hash TAG_CATEGORY => cont => 'Content', ero => 'Sexual content', tech => 'Technical'; hash ANIMATED => 0 => { txt => 'Unknown' }, 1 => { txt => 'No animations' }, 2 => { txt => 'Simple animations' }, 3 => { txt => 'Some fully animated scenes' }, 4 => { txt => 'All scenes fully animated' }; hash VOICED => 0 => { txt => 'Unknown' }, 1 => { txt => 'Not voiced' }, 2 => { txt => 'Only ero scenes voiced' }, 3 => { txt => 'Partially voiced' }, 4 => { txt => 'Fully voiced' }; # TODO: For some reason the minage column in SQL is nullable but still stores 'unknown' as -1. # This should be cleaned up at some point. hash AGE_RATING => -1 => { txt => 'Unknown', ex => '' }, 0 => { txt => 'All ages', ex => 'CERO A' }, 6 => { txt => '6+', ex => '' }, 7 => { txt => '7+', ex => '' }, 8 => { txt => '8+', ex => '' }, 9 => { txt => '9+', ex => '' }, 10 => { txt => '10+', ex => '' }, 11 => { txt => '11+', ex => '' }, 12 => { txt => '12+', ex => 'CERO B' }, 13 => { txt => '13+', ex => '' }, 14 => { txt => '14+', ex => '' }, 15 => { txt => '15+', ex => 'CERO C' }, 16 => { txt => '16+', ex => '' }, 17 => { txt => '17+', ex => 'CERO D' }, 18 => { txt => '18+', ex => 'CERO Z' }; # SQL: ENUM medium # The 'unk' medium is used in release filters to mean "unknown". hash MEDIUM => cd => { qty => 1, txt => 'CD', plural => 'CDs', icon => 'disk' }, dvd => { qty => 1, txt => 'DVD', plural => 'DVDs', icon => 'disk' }, gdr => { qty => 1, txt => 'GD-ROM', plural => 'GD-ROMs', icon => 'disk' }, blr => { qty => 1, txt => 'Blu-ray disc', plural => 'Blu-ray discs', icon => 'disk' }, flp => { qty => 1, txt => 'Floppy', plural => 'Floppies', icon => 'cartridge' }, mrt => { qty => 1, txt => 'Cartridge', plural => 'Cartridges', icon => 'cartridge' }, mem => { qty => 1, txt => 'Memory card', plural => 'Memory cards', icon => 'cartridge' }, umd => { qty => 1, txt => 'UMD', plural => 'UMDs', icon => 'disk' }, nod => { qty => 1, txt => 'Nintendo Optical Disc', plural => 'Nintendo Optical Discs', icon => 'disk' }, in => { qty => 0, txt => 'Internet download', plural => '', icon => 'download' }, otc => { qty => 0, txt => 'Other', plural => '', icon => 'cartridge' }; # SQL: ENUM release_type hash RELEASE_TYPE => complete => 'Complete', partial => 'Partial', trial => 'Trial'; # 0 = hardcoded "unknown", 2 = hardcoded 'OK' hash RLIST_STATUS => 0 => 'Unknown', 1 => 'Pending', 2 => 'Obtained', 3 => 'On loan', 4 => 'Deleted'; # SQL: ENUM board_type hash BOARD_TYPE => an => { txt => 'Announcements', post_perm => 'boardmod', index_rows => 5, dbitem => 0 }, db => { txt => 'VNDB discussions', post_perm => 'board', index_rows => 10, dbitem => 0 }, ge => { txt => 'General discussions', post_perm => 'board', index_rows => 10, dbitem => 0 }, v => { txt => 'Visual novels', post_perm => 'board', index_rows => 10, dbitem => 1 }, p => { txt => 'Producers', post_perm => 'board', index_rows => 5, dbitem => 1 }, u => { txt => 'Users', post_perm => 'board', index_rows => 5, dbitem => 1 }; # SQL: ENUM blood_type hash BLOOD_TYPE => unknown => 'Unknown', o => 'O', a => 'A', b => 'B', ab => 'AB'; # SQL: ENUM gender hash GENDER => unknown => 'Unknown or N/A', m => 'Male', f => 'Female', b => 'Both'; # SQL: ENUM cup_size hash CUP_SIZE => '' => 'Unknown or N/A', AAA => 'AAA', AA => 'AA', map +($_,$_), 'A'..'Z'; # SQL: ENUM char_role hash CHAR_ROLE => main => { txt => 'Protagonist', plural => 'Protagonists' }, primary => { txt => 'Main character', plural => 'Main characters' }, side => { txt => 'Side character', plural => 'Side characters' }, appears => { txt => 'Makes an appearance', plural => 'Make an appearance' }; # Concise implementation of an immutable hash that remembers key order. package VNDB::Types::Hash; use v5.24; sub TIEHASH { shift; bless [ [ map $_[$_*2], 0..$#_/2 ], +{@_}, 0 ], __PACKAGE__ }; sub FETCH { $_[0][1]{$_[1]} } sub EXISTS { exists $_[0][1]{$_[1]} } sub FIRSTKEY { $_[0][2] = 0; &NEXTKEY } sub NEXTKEY { $_[0][0][ $_[0][2]++ ] } sub SCALAR { scalar $_[0][0]->@* } 1;