package VNDB::Util::Auth; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter 'import'; use Digest::SHA qw|sha1 sha1_hex|; use Crypt::URandom 'urandom'; use Crypt::ScryptKDF 'scrypt_raw'; use Encode 'encode_utf8'; use TUWF ':html'; use VNDB::Func; our @EXPORT = qw| authInit authLogin authLogout authInfo authCan authSetPass authAdminSetPass authResetPass authIsValidToken authGetCode authCheckCode authPref |; sub randomascii { return join '', map chr($_%92+33), unpack 'C*', urandom shift; } # Fetches and parses the auth cookie. # Returns (uid, encrypted_token) on success, (0, '') on failure. sub parsecookie { # Earlier versions of the auth cookie didn't have the dot separator, so that's optional. return ($_[0]->reqCookie('auth')||'') =~ /^([a-fA-F0-9]{40})\.?(\d+)$/ ? ($2, sha1 pack 'H*', $1) : (0, ''); } # initializes authentication information and checks the vndb_auth cookie sub authInit { my $self = shift; my($uid, $token_e) = parsecookie($self); $self->{_auth} = $uid && $self->dbUserGet(uid => $uid, session => $token_e, what => 'extended notifycount prefs')->[0]; $self->{_auth}{token} = $token_e if $self->{_auth}; # update the sessions.lastused column if lastused < now()-'6 hours' $self->dbUserUpdateLastUsed($uid, $token_e) if $self->{_auth} && $self->{_auth}{session_lastused} < time()-6*3600; # Drop the cookie if it's not valid $self->resCookie(auth => undef) if !$self->{_auth} && $self->reqCookie('auth'); } # login, arguments: user, password, url-to-redirect-to-on-success # returns 1 on success (redirected), 0 otherwise (no reply sent) sub authLogin { my($self, $user, $pass, $to) = @_; return 0 if !$user || !$pass; my $d = $self->dbUserGet(username => $user, what => 'scryptargs extended prefs notifycount')->[0]; return 0 if !$d->{id} || !$d->{scryptargs} || length($d->{scryptargs}) != 14; my($N, $r, $p, $salt) = unpack 'NCCa8', $d->{scryptargs}; my $encpass = _preparepass($self, $pass, $salt, $N, $r, $p); return _createsession($self, $d->{id}, $encpass, $to); } # Prepares a plaintext password for database storage # Arguments: pass, optionally: salt, N, r, p # Returns: encrypted password (as a binary string) sub _preparepass { my($self, $pass, $salt, $N, $r, $p) = @_; ($N, $r, $p) = @{$self->{scrypt_args}} if !$N; $salt ||= urandom(8); return pack 'NCCa8a*', $N, $r, $p, $salt, scrypt_raw($pass, $self->{scrypt_salt} . $salt, $N, $r, $p, 32); } # self, uid, encpass, url-to-redirect-to sub _createsession { my($self, $uid, $encpass, $url) = @_; my $token = urandom(20); return 0 if !$self->dbUserLogin($uid, $encpass, sha1 $token); $self->resRedirect($url, 'post'); $self->resCookie(auth => unpack('H*', $token).'.'.$uid, httponly => 1, expires => time + 31536000); # keep the cookie for 1 year return 1; } # clears authentication cookie and redirects to / sub authLogout { my $self = shift; my($uid, $token_e) = parsecookie($self); $self->dbUserLogout($uid, $token_e) if $uid; $self->resRedirect('/', 'temp'); $self->resCookie(auth => undef); } # Replaces the user's password with a random token that can be used to reset the password. sub authResetPass { my $self = shift; my $mail = shift; my $token = unpack 'H*', urandom(20); my $id = $self->dbUserResetPass($mail, sha1(lc($token))); return $id ? ($id, $token) : (); } # uid, token sub authIsValidToken { $_[0]->dbUserIsValidToken($_[1], sha1(lc($_[2]))) } # uid, new_pass, url_to_redir_to, 'token'|'pass', $token_or_pass # Changes the user's password, invalidates all existing sessions, creates a new # session and redirects. sub authSetPass { my($self, $uid, $pass, $redir, $oldtype, $oldpass) = @_; if($oldtype eq 'token') { $oldpass = sha1(lc($oldpass)); } elsif($oldtype eq 'pass') { my $u = $self->dbUserGet(uid => $uid, what => 'scryptargs')->[0]; return 0 if !$u->{id} || !$u->{scryptargs} || length($u->{scryptargs}) != 14; my($N, $r, $p, $salt) = unpack 'NCCa8', $u->{scryptargs}; $oldpass = _preparepass($self, $oldpass, $salt, $N, $r, $p); } $pass = _preparepass($self, $pass); return 0 if !$self->dbUserSetPass($uid, $oldpass, $pass); return _createsession($self, $uid, $pass, $redir); } sub authAdminSetPass { my($self, $uid, $pass) = @_; $pass = _preparepass($self, $pass); $self->dbUserAdminSetPass($uid, $self->authInfo->{id}, $self->authInfo->{token}, $pass); } # returns a hashref with information about the current loggedin user # the hash is identical to the hash returned by dbUserGet # returns empty hash if no user is logged in. sub authInfo { return shift->{_auth} || {}; } # returns whether the currently loggedin or anonymous user can perform # a certain action. Argument is the action name as defined in sub authCan { my($self, $act) = @_; return $self->{_auth} ? $self->{_auth}{perm} & $self->{permissions}{$act} : 0; } # Generate a code to be used later on to validate that the form was indeed # submitted from our site and by the same user/visitor. Not limited to # logged-in users. # Arguments: # form-id (string, can be empty, but makes the validation stronger) # time (optional, time() to encode in the code) sub authGetCode { my $self = shift; my $id = shift; my $time = (shift || time)/3600; # accuracy of an hour my $uid = encode_utf8($self->{_auth} ? $self->{_auth}{id} : norm_ip($self->reqIP())); return lc substr sha1_hex($self->{form_salt} . $uid . encode_utf8($id||'') . pack('N', int $time)), 0, 16; } # Validates the correctness of the returned code, creates an error page and # returns false if it's invalid, returns true otherwise. Codes are valid for at # least two and at most three hours. # Arguments: # [ form-id, [ code ] ] # If the code is not given, uses the 'formcode' form parameter instead. If # form-id is not given, the path of the current requests is used. sub authCheckCode { my $self = shift; my $id = shift || $self->reqPath(); my $code = shift || $self->reqParam('formcode'); return _incorrectcode($self) if !$code || $code !~ qr/^[0-9a-f]{16}$/; my $time = time; return 1 if $self->authGetCode($id, $time) eq $code; return 1 if $self->authGetCode($id, $time-3600) eq $code; return 1 if $self->authGetCode($id, $time-2*3600) eq $code; return _incorrectcode($self); } sub _incorrectcode { my $self = shift; $self->resInit; $self->htmlHeader(title => 'Validation code expired', noindex => 1); div class => 'mainbox'; h1 'Validation code expired'; div class => 'warning'; p 'Please hit the back-button of your browser, refresh the page and try again.'; end; end; $self->htmlFooter; return 0; } sub authPref { my($self, $key, $val) = @_; my $nfo = $self->authInfo; return '' if !$nfo->{id}; return $nfo->{prefs}{$key}||'' if @_ == 2; $nfo->{prefs}{$key} = $val; $self->dbUserPrefSet($nfo->{id}, $key, $val); } 1;