package VNDB::Util::BrowseHTML;
use strict;
use warnings;
use TUWF ':html', 'xml_escape';
use Exporter 'import';
use VNDB::Func;
use POSIX 'ceil';
our @EXPORT = qw| htmlBrowse htmlBrowseNavigate htmlBrowseHist htmlBrowseVN |;
# generates a browse box, arguments:
# items => arrayref with the list items
# options => hashref containing at least the keys s (sort key), o (order) and p (page)
# nextpage => whether there's a next page or not
# sorturl => base URL to append the sort options to (if there are any sortable columns)
# pageurl => base URL to append the page option to
# class => classname of the mainbox
# header =>
# can be either an arrayref or subroutine reference,
# in the case of a subroutine, it will be called when the header should be written,
# in the case of an arrayref, the array should contain the header items. Each item
# can again be either an arrayref or subroutine ref. The arrayref would consist of
# two elements: the name of the header, and the name of the sorting column if it can
# be sorted
# row => subroutine ref, which is called for each item in $list, arguments will be
# $self, $item_number (starting from 0), $item_value
# footer => subroutine ref, called after all rows have been processed
sub htmlBrowse {
my($self, %opt) = @_;
$opt{sorturl} .= $opt{sorturl} =~ /\?/ ? ';' : '?' if $opt{sorturl};
# top navigation
$self->htmlBrowseNavigate($opt{pageurl}, $opt{options}{p}, $opt{nextpage}, 't') if $opt{pageurl};
div class => 'mainbox browse'.($opt{class} ? ' '.$opt{class} : '');
table class => 'stripe';
# header
if(ref $opt{header} eq 'CODE') {
} else {
for(0..$#{$opt{header}}) {
if(ref $opt{header}[$_] eq 'CODE') {
$opt{header}[$_]->($self, $_+1);
} else {
td class => $opt{header}[$_][3]||'tc'.($_+1), $opt{header}[$_][2] ? (colspan => $opt{header}[$_][2]) : ();
lit $opt{header}[$_][0];
if($opt{header}[$_][1]) {
lit ' ';
$opt{options}{s} eq $opt{header}[$_][1] && $opt{options}{o} eq 'a' ? lit "\x{25B4}" : a href => "$opt{sorturl}o=a;s=$opt{header}[$_][1]", "\x{25B4}";
$opt{options}{s} eq $opt{header}[$_][1] && $opt{options}{o} eq 'd' ? lit "\x{25BE}" : a href => "$opt{sorturl}o=d;s=$opt{header}[$_][1]", "\x{25BE}";
end 'thead';
# footer
if($opt{footer}) {
# rows
$opt{row}->($self, $_+1, $opt{items}[$_])
for 0..$#{$opt{items}};
end 'table';
end 'div';
# bottom navigation
$self->htmlBrowseNavigate($opt{pageurl}, $opt{options}{p}, $opt{nextpage}, 'b') if $opt{pageurl};
# creates next/previous buttons (tabs), if needed
# Arguments: page url, current page (1..n), nextpage (0/1 or [$total, $perpage]), alignment (t/b), noappend (0/1)
sub htmlBrowseNavigate {
my($self, $url, $p, $np, $al, $na) = @_;
my($cnt, $pp) = ref($np) ? @$np : ($p+$np, 1);
return if $p == 1 && $cnt <= $pp;
$url .= $url =~ /\?/ ? ';p=' : '?p=' unless $na;
my $tab = sub {
my($left, $page, $label) = @_;
li $left ? (class => 'left') : ();
a href => $url.$page; lit $label; end;
my $ell = sub {
use utf8;
li class => 'ellipsis'.(shift() ? ' left' : '');
b '⋯';
my $nc = 5; # max. number of buttons on each side
ul class => 'maintabs browsetabs ' . ($al eq 't' ? 'notfirst' : 'bottom');
$p > 2 and ref $np and $tab->(1, 1, '« first');
$p > $nc+1 and ref $np and $ell->(1);
$p > $_ and ref $np and $tab->(1, $p-$_, $p-$_) for (reverse 2..($nc>$p-2?$p-2:$nc-1));
$p > 1 and $tab->(1, $p-1, '‹ previous');
my $l = ceil($cnt/$pp)-$p+1;
$l > 2 and $tab->(0, $l+$p-1, 'last »');
$l > $nc+1 and $ell->(0);
$l > $_ and $tab->(0, $p+$_, $p+$_) for (reverse 2..($nc>$l-2?$l-2:$nc-1));
$l > 1 and $tab->(0, $p+1, 'next ›');
end 'ul';
sub htmlBrowseHist {
my($self, $list, $f, $np, $url) = @_;
items => $list,
options => $f,
nextpage => $np,
pageurl => $url,
class => 'history',
header => [
sub { td class => 'tc1_1', 'Rev.'; td class => 'tc1_2', ''; },
[ 'Date' ],
[ 'User' ],
[ 'Page' ],
row => sub {
my($s, $n, $i) = @_;
my $revurl = "/$i->{type}$i->{itemid}.$i->{rev}";
td class => 'tc1_1';
a href => $revurl, "$i->{type}$i->{itemid}";
td class => 'tc1_2';
a href => $revurl, ".$i->{rev}";
td class => 'tc2', fmtdate $i->{added}, 'full';
td class => 'tc3';
lit fmtuser $i;
td class => 'tc4';
a href => $revurl, title => $i->{ioriginal}, shorten $i->{ititle}, 80;
b class => 'grayedout'; lit bb2html $i->{comments}, 150; end;
end 'tr';
sub htmlBrowseVN {
my($self, $list, $f, $np, $url, $tagscore) = @_;
class => 'vnbrowse',
items => $list,
options => $f,
nextpage => $np,
pageurl => "$url;o=$f->{o};s=$f->{s}",
sorturl => $url,
header => [
$tagscore ? [ 'Score', 'tagscore', undef, 'tc_s' ] : (),
[ 'Title', 'title', undef, $tagscore ? 'tc_t' : 'tc1' ],
$f->{vnlist} ? [ '', 0, undef, 'tc7' ] : (),
$f->{wish} ? [ '', 0, undef, 'tc8' ] : (),
[ '', 0, undef, 'tc2' ],
[ '', 0, undef, 'tc3' ],
[ 'Released', 'rel', undef, 'tc4' ],
[ 'Popularity', 'pop', undef, 'tc5' ],
[ 'Rating', 'rating', undef, 'tc6' ],
row => sub {
my($s, $n, $l) = @_;
if($tagscore) {
td class => 'tc_s';
tagscore $l->{tagscore}, 0;
td class => $tagscore ? 'tc_t' : 'tc1';
a href => '/v'.$l->{id}, title => $l->{original}||$l->{title}, shorten $l->{title}, 100;
if($f->{vnlist}) {
td class => 'tc7';
lit sprintf '%d/%d', $l->{userlist_obtained} == $l->{userlist_all} ? 'done' : 'todo', $l->{userlist_obtained}, $l->{userlist_all} if $l->{userlist_all};
end 'td';
td class => 'tc8', defined($l->{wstat}) ? $self->{wishlist_status}[$l->{wstat}] : '' if $f->{wish};
td class => 'tc2';
$_ ne 'oth' && cssicon $_, $self->{platforms}{$_}
for (sort @{$l->{c_platforms}});
td class => 'tc3';
cssicon "lang $_", $self->{languages}{$_}
for (reverse sort @{$l->{c_languages}});
td class => 'tc4';
lit fmtdatestr $l->{c_released};
td class => 'tc5', sprintf '%.2f', ($l->{c_popularity}||0)*100;
td class => 'tc6';
txt sprintf '%.2f', ($l->{c_rating}||0)/10;
b class => 'grayedout', sprintf ' (%d)', $l->{c_votecount};
end 'tr';