package VNDB::Util::CommonHTML; use strict; use warnings; use YAWF ':html', 'xml_escape'; use Exporter 'import'; use Algorithm::Diff::Fast 'compact_diff'; use VNDB::Func; use POSIX 'ceil'; our @EXPORT = qw| htmlMainTabs htmlDenied htmlHiddenMessage htmlRevision htmlEditMessage htmlItemMessage htmlVoteStats htmlSearchBox htmlRGHeader |; # generates the "main tabs". These are the commonly used tabs for # 'objects', i.e. VN/producer/release entries and users # Arguments: u/v/r/p/g, object, currently selected item (empty=main) sub htmlMainTabs { my($self, $type, $obj, $sel) = @_; $sel ||= ''; my $id = $type.$obj->{id}; return if $type eq 'g' && !$self->authCan('tagmod'); ul class => 'maintabs'; if($type =~ /[uvrp]/) { li $sel eq 'hist' ? (class => 'tabselected') : (); a href => "/$id/hist", mt '_mtabs_hist'; end; } if($type =~ /[uvp]/) { my $cnt = $self->dbThreadCount($type, $obj->{id}); li $sel eq 'disc' ? (class => 'tabselected') : (); a href => "/t/$id", mt '_mtabs_discuss', $cnt; end; } if($type eq 'u') { li $sel eq 'posts' ? (class => 'tabselected') : (); a href => "/$id/posts", mt '_mtabs_posts'; end; } if($type eq 'u' && ($obj->{show_list} || $self->authCan('usermod'))) { li $sel eq 'wish' ? (class => 'tabselected') : (); a href => "/$id/wish", mt '_mtabs_wishlist'; end; li $sel eq 'list' ? (class => 'tabselected') : (); a href => "/$id/list", mt '_mtabs_list'; end; } if($type eq 'v' && $self->authCan('tag') && !$obj->{hidden}) { li $sel eq 'tagmod' ? (class => 'tabselected') : (); a href => "/$id/tagmod", mt '_mtabs_tagmod'; end; } if($type eq 'r' && $self->authCan('edit')) { li $sel eq 'copy' ? (class => 'tabselected') : (); a href => "/$id/copy", mt '_mtabs_copy'; end; } if( $type eq 'u' && ($self->authInfo->{id} && $obj->{id} == $self->authInfo->{id} || $self->authCan('usermod')) || $type =~ /[vrp]/ && $self->authCan('edit') && (!$obj->{locked} || $self->authCan('lock')) && (!$obj->{hidden} || $self->authCan('del')) || $type eq 'g' && $self->authCan('tagmod') ) { li $sel eq 'edit' ? (class => 'tabselected') : (); a href => "/$id/edit", mt '_mtabs_edit'; end; } if($type eq 'u' && $self->authCan('usermod')) { li $sel eq 'del' ? (class => 'tabselected') : (); a href => "/$id/del", mt '_mtabs_del'; end; } if($type =~ /[vp]/ && $obj->{rgraph}) { li $sel eq 'rg' ? (class => 'tabselected') : (); a href => "/$id/rg", mt '_mtabs_relations'; end; } li !$sel ? (class => 'tabselected') : (); a href => "/$id", $id; end; end; } # generates a full error page, including header and footer sub htmlDenied { my $self = shift; $self->htmlHeader(title => mt '_denied_title'); div class => 'mainbox'; h1 mt '_denied_title'; div class => 'warning'; if(!$self->authInfo->{id}) { h2 mt '_denied_needlogin_title'; p; lit mt '_denied_needlogin_msg'; end; } else { h2 mt '_denied_noaccess_title'; p mt '_denied_noaccess_msg'; } end; end; $self->htmlFooter; } # Generates message saying that the current item has been deleted, # Arguments: [pvr], obj # Returns 1 if the use doesn't have access to the page, 0 otherwise sub htmlHiddenMessage { my($self, $type, $obj) = @_; return 0 if !$obj->{hidden}; my $board = $type eq 'r' ? 'v'.$obj->{vn}[0]{vid} : $type.$obj->{id}; # fetch edit summary (not present in $obj because the changes aren't fetched) my $editsum = $type eq 'v' ? $self->dbVNGet(id => $obj->{id}, what => 'changes')->[0]{comments} : $type eq 'r' ? $self->dbReleaseGet(id => $obj->{id}, what => 'changes')->[0]{comments} : $self->dbProducerGet(id => $obj->{id}, what => 'changes')->[0]{comments}; div class => 'mainbox'; h1 $obj->{title}||$obj->{name}; div class => 'warning'; h2 mt '_hiddenmsg_title'; p; lit mt '_hiddenmsg_msg', "/t/$board"; br; br; lit bb2html $editsum; end; end; end; return $self->htmlFooter() || 1 if !$self->authCan('del'); return 0; } # Shows a revision, including diff if there is a previous revision. # Arguments: v|p|r, old revision, new revision, @fields # Where @fields is a list of fields as arrayrefs with: # [ shortname, displayname, %options ], # Where %options: # diff => 1/0/regex, whether to show a diff on this field, and what to split it with (1 = character-level diff) # serialize => coderef, should convert the field into a readable string, no HTML allowed # htmlize => same as serialize, but HTML is allowed and this can't be diff'ed # split => coderef, should return an array of HTML strings that can be diff'ed. (implies diff => 1) # join => used in combination with split, specifies the string used for joining the HTML strings sub htmlRevision { my($self, $type, $old, $new, @fields) = @_; div class => 'mainbox revision'; h1 mt '_revision_title', $new->{rev}; # previous/next revision links a class => 'prev', href => sprintf('/%s%d.%d', $type, $new->{id}, $new->{rev}-1), '<- '.mt '_revision_previous' if $new->{rev} > 1; a class => 'next', href => sprintf('/%s%d.%d', $type, $new->{id}, $new->{rev}+1), mt('_revision_next').' ->' if $new->{cid} != $new->{latest}; p class => 'center'; a href => "/$type$new->{id}", "$type$new->{id}"; end; # no previous revision, just show info about the revision itself if(!$old) { div; revheader($self, $type, $new); br; b mt '_revision_new_summary'; br; br; lit bb2html($new->{comments})||'-'; end; } # otherwise, compare the two revisions else { table; thead; Tr; td; lit ' '; end; td; revheader($self, $type, $old); end; td; revheader($self, $type, $new); end; end; Tr; td; lit ' '; end; td colspan => 2; b mt '_revision_edit_summary', $new->{rev}; br; br; lit bb2html($new->{comments})||'-'; end; end; end; my $i = 1; revdiff(\$i, $type, $old, $new, @$_) for ( [ ihid => serialize => sub { mt $_[0] ? '_revision_yes' : '_revision_no' } ], [ ilock => serialize => sub { mt $_[0] ? '_revision_yes' : '_revision_no' } ], @fields ); end; } end; } sub revheader { # type, obj my($self, $type, $obj) = @_; b mt '_revision_title', $obj->{rev}; txt ' ('; a href => "/$type$obj->{id}.$obj->{rev}/edit", mt '_mtabs_edit'; txt ')'; br; lit mt '_revision_user_date', $obj, $obj->{added}; } sub revdiff { my($i, $type, $old, $new, $short, %o) = @_; $o{serialize} ||= $o{htmlize}; $o{diff} = 1 if $o{split}; $o{join} ||= ''; my $ser1 = $o{serialize} ? $o{serialize}->($old->{$short}, $old) : $old->{$short}; my $ser2 = $o{serialize} ? $o{serialize}->($new->{$short}, $new) : $new->{$short}; return if $ser1 eq $ser2; if($o{diff} && $ser1 && $ser2) { my $sep = ref $o{diff} ? qr/($o{diff})/ : qr//; my @ser1 = $o{split} ? $o{split}->($ser1) : map xml_escape($_), split $sep, $ser1; my @ser2 = $o{split} ? $o{split}->($ser2) : map xml_escape($_), split $sep, $ser2; return if $o{split} && $#ser1 == $#ser2 && !grep $ser1[$_] ne $ser2[$_], 0..$#ser1; $ser1 = $ser2 = ''; my @d = compact_diff(\@ser1, \@ser2); for my $i (0..($#d-2)/2) { # $i % 2 == 0 -> equal, otherwise it's different my $a = join($o{join}, @ser1[ $d[$i*2] .. $d[$i*2+2]-1 ]); my $b = join($o{join}, @ser2[ $d[$i*2+1] .. $d[$i*2+3]-1 ]); $ser1 .= ($ser1?$o{join}:'').($i % 2 ? qq|$a| : $a) if $a ne ''; $ser2 .= ($ser2?$o{join}:'').($i % 2 ? qq|$b| : $b) if $b ne ''; } } elsif(!$o{htmlize}) { $ser1 = xml_escape $ser1; $ser2 = xml_escape $ser2; } $ser1 = mt '_revision_empty' if !$ser1 && $ser1 ne '0'; $ser2 = mt '_revision_empty' if !$ser2 && $ser2 ne '0'; Tr $$i++ % 2 ? (class => 'odd') : (); td mt $short eq 'ihid' || $short eq 'ilock' ? "_revfield_$short" : "_revfield_${type}_$short"; td class => 'tcval'; lit $ser1; end; td class => 'tcval'; lit $ser2; end; end; } # Generates a generic message to show as the header of the edit forms # Arguments: v/r/p, obj sub htmlEditMessage { my($self, $type, $obj, $title, $copy) = @_; my $num = {v => 0, r => 1, p => 2}->{$type}; my $guidelines = {v => 2, r => 3, p => 4}->{$type}; div class => 'mainbox'; h1 $title; if($copy) { div class => 'warning'; h2 mt '_editmsg_copy_title'; p; lit mt '_editmsg_copy_msg', sprintf '%s', $type, $obj->{id}, xml_escape $obj->{title}; end; end; } div class => 'notice'; h2 mt '_editmsg_msg_title'; ul; li; lit mt '_editmsg_msg_guidelines', "/d$guidelines"; end; if($obj) { li; lit mt '_editmsg_msg_discuss', $type eq 'r' ? "/t/v$obj->{vn}[0]{vid}" : "/t/$type$obj->{id}"; end; li; lit mt '_editmsg_msg_history', "/$type$obj->{id}/hist"; end; } elsif($type ne 'r') { li; lit mt '_editmsg_msg_search', "/$type/all", $num; end; } end; end; if($obj && $obj->{latest} != $obj->{cid}) { div class => 'warning'; h2 mt '_editmsg_revert_title'; p mt '_editmsg_revert_msg', $num; end; } end; } # Generates a small message when the user can't edit the item, # or the item is locked. # Arguments: v/r/p, obj sub htmlItemMessage { my($self, $type, $obj) = @_; if($obj->{locked}) { p class => 'locked', mt '_itemmsg_locked'; } elsif(!$self->authInfo->{id}) { p class => 'locked'; lit mt '_itemmsg_login', '/u/login'; end; } elsif(!$self->authCan('edit')) { p class => 'locked', mt '_itemmsg_denied'; } } # generates two tables, one with a vote graph, other with recent votes sub htmlVoteStats { my($self, $type, $obj, $stats) = @_; my($max, $count, $total) = (0, 0); for (0..$#$stats) { $max = $stats->[$_] if $stats->[$_] > $max; $count += $stats->[$_]; $total += $stats->[$_]*($_+1); } div class => 'votestats'; table class => 'votegraph'; thead; Tr; td colspan => 2, mt '_votestats_title'; end; end; tfoot; Tr; td colspan => 2, mt('_votestats_sum', $count, sprintf('%.2f', $total/$count)) .($type eq 'v' ? ' ('.mt('_vote_'.(ceil($total/$count-1)||1)).')' : ''); end; end; for (reverse 0..$#$stats) { Tr; td class => 'number', $_+1; td class => 'graph'; div style => 'width: '.($stats->[$_] ? $stats->[$_]/$max*250 : 0).'px', ' '; txt $stats->[$_]; end; end; } end; my $recent = $self->dbVoteGet( $type.'id' => $obj->{id}, results => 8, what => $type eq 'v' ? 'user' : 'vn', hide => $type eq 'v', hide_ign => $type eq 'v', ); if(@$recent) { table class => 'recentvotes'; thead; Tr; td colspan => 3; txt mt '_votestats_recent'; b; txt '('; a href => "/$type$obj->{id}/votes", mt '_votestats_allvotes'; txt ')'; end; end; end; end; for (0..$#$recent) { Tr $_ % 2 == 0 ? (class => 'odd') : (); td; if($type eq 'u') { a href => "/v$recent->[$_]{vid}", title => $recent->[$_]{original}||$recent->[$_]{title}, shorten $recent->[$_]{title}, 40; } else { a href => "/u$recent->[$_]{uid}", $recent->[$_]{username}; } end; td $recent->[$_]{vote}; td $self->{l10n}->date($recent->[$_]{date}); end; } end; } clearfloat; if($type eq 'v' && $obj->{c_votecount}) { div; h3 mt '_votestats_rank_title'; p mt '_votestats_rank_pop', $obj->{p_ranking}, sprintf '%.2f', ($obj->{c_popularity}||0)*100; p mt '_votestats_rank_rat', $obj->{r_ranking}, sprintf '%.2f', $obj->{c_rating}; end; } end; } sub htmlSearchBox { my($self, $sel, $v) = @_; fieldset class => 'search'; p id => 'searchtabs'; a href => '/v/all', $sel eq 'v' ? (class => 'sel') : (), mt '_searchbox_vn'; a href => '/r', $sel eq 'r' ? (class => 'sel') : (), mt '_searchbox_releases'; a href => '/p/all', $sel eq 'p' ? (class => 'sel') : (), mt '_searchbox_producers'; a href => '/g', $sel eq 'g' ? (class => 'sel') : (), mt '_searchbox_tags'; a href => '/u/all', $sel eq 'u' ? (class => 'sel') : (), mt '_searchbox_users'; end; input type => 'text', name => 'q', id => 'q', class => 'text', value => $v; input type => 'submit', class => 'submit', value => mt '_searchbox_submit'; end; } sub htmlRGHeader { my($self, $title, $type, $obj) = @_; if(($self->reqHeader('Accept')||'') !~ /application\/xhtml\+xml/) { $self->htmlHeader(title => $title); $self->htmlMainTabs($type, $obj, 'rg'); div class => 'mainbox'; h1 $title; div class => 'warning'; h2 mt '_rg_notsupp'; p mt '_rg_notsupp_msg'; end; end; $self->htmlFooter; return 1; } $self->resHeader('Content-Type' => 'application/xhtml+xml; charset=UTF-8'); # This is a REALLY ugly hack, need find a proper solution in YAWF no warnings 'redefine'; my $sub = \&YAWF::XML::html; *YAWF::XML::html = sub () { lit q||; tag 'html', xmlns => "", 'xmlns:svg' => '', 'xmlns:xlink' => ''; }; $self->htmlHeader(title => $title); *YAWF::XML::html = $sub; $self->htmlMainTabs($type, $obj, 'rg'); return 0; } 1;