package VNDB::Util::FormHTML; use strict; use warnings; use YAWF ':html'; use Exporter 'import'; our @EXPORT = qw| htmlFormError htmlFormPart htmlForm |; # form error messages my %formerr_names = ( alias => 'Aliases', anime => 'Anime', desc => 'Description', editsum => 'Edit summary', gtin => 'JAN/EAN/UPC', lang => 'Language', language => 'Language', length => 'Length', l_wp => 'Wikipedia link', l_encubed => 'Novelnews link', l_renai => ' link', l_vnn => ' link', mail => 'Email', media => 'Media', minage => 'Age rating', msg => 'Message', name => 'Name', notes => 'Notes', original => 'Original', platforms => 'Platforms', producers => 'Producers', released => 'Release date', tags => 'Tags', title => 'Title', type => 'Type', usrname => 'Username', usrpass => 'Password', usrpass2 => 'Password (confirm)', vn => 'Visual novels', website => 'Website', ); my %formerr_exeptions = ( login_failed => 'Invalid username or password', nomail => 'No user found with that email address', passmatch => 'Passwords do not match', usrexists => 'Someone already has this username, please choose something else', mailexists => 'Someone already registered with that email address', noimage => 'Image must be in JPEG or PNG format', toolarge => 'Image is too large, only 50kB allowed', ); # Displays friendly error message when form validation failed # Argument is the return value of formValidate, and an optional # argument indicating whether we should create a special mainbox # for the errors. sub htmlFormError { my($self, $frm, $mainbox) = @_; return if !$frm->{_err}; if($mainbox) { div class => 'mainbox'; h1 'Error'; } div class => 'warning'; h2 'Form could not be sent:'; ul; for my $e (@{$frm->{_err}}) { if(!ref $e) { li $formerr_exeptions{$e}; next; } my($field, $type, $rule) = @$e; $field = $formerr_names{$field}||$field; li sprintf '%s is a required field!', $field if $type eq 'required'; li sprintf '%s should have at least %d characters', $field, $rule if $type eq 'minlength'; li sprintf '%s: only %d characters allowed', $field, $rule if $type eq 'maxlength'; li sprintf '%s must be one of the following: %s', $field, join ', ', @$rule if $type eq 'enum'; li sprintf 'Wrong tag: %s', $rule if $type eq 'wrongtag'; li $rule->[1] if $type eq 'func' || $type eq 'regex'; if($type eq 'template') { li sprintf $rule eq 'mail' ? 'Invalid email address' : $rule eq 'url' ? '%s: Invalid URL' : $rule eq 'asciiprint' ? '%s may only contain ASCII characters' : $rule eq 'int' ? '%s: Not a valid number' : $rule eq 'pname' ? '%s can only contain lowercase alphanumberic characters and a hyphen, and must start with a character' : '', $field; } } end; end; end if $mainbox; } # Generates a form part. # A form part is a arrayref, with the first element being the type of the part, # and all other elements forming a hash with options specific to that type. # Type Options # hidden short, (value) # input short, name, (width, pre, post) # passwd short, name # static content, (label, nolabel) # check name, short, (value) # select name, short, options, (width) # text name, short, (rows, cols) # part title # TODO: Find a way to write this function in a readable way... sub htmlFormPart { my($self, $frm, $fp) = @_; my($type, %o) = @$fp; local $_ = $type; if(/hidden/) { Tr class => 'hidden'; td colspan => 2; input type => 'hidden', id => $o{short}, name => $o{short}, value => $o{value}||$frm->{$o{short}}||''; end; end; return } if(/part/) { Tr class => 'newpart'; td colspan => 2, $o{title}; end; return; } if(/check/) { Tr class => 'newfield'; td class => 'label'; lit ' '; end; td class => 'field'; input type => 'checkbox', class => 'checkbox', name => $o{short}, id => $o{short}, value => $o{value}||'true', $frm->{$o{short}} ? ( checked => 'checked' ) : (); label for => $o{short}; lit $o{name}; end; end; end; return; } Tr $o{name}||$o{label} ? (class => 'newfield') : (); if(!$o{nolabel}) { td class => 'label'; if($o{short} && $o{name}) { label for => $o{short}, $o{name} ; } elsif($o{label}) { txt $o{label}; } else { lit ' '; } end; } td class => 'field', $o{nolabel} ? (colspan => 2) : (); if(/input/) { lit $o{pre} if $o{pre}; input type => 'text', class => 'text', name => $o{short}, id => $o{short}, value => $frm->{$o{short}}||'', $o{width} ? (style => "width: $o{width}px") : (); lit $o{post} if $o{post}; } if(/passwd/) { input type => 'password', class => 'text', name => $o{short}, id => $o{short}, value => $frm->{$o{short}}||''; } if(/static/) { lit ref $o{content} eq 'CODE' ? $o{content}->($self, \%o) : $o{content}; } if(/select/) { Select name => $o{short}, id => $o{short}, $o{width} ? (style => "width: $o{width}px") : (); option value => $_->[0], defined $frm->{$o{short}} && $frm->{$o{short}} eq $_->[0] ? (selected => 'selected') : (), $_->[1] for @{$o{options}}; end; } if(/text/) { (my $txt = $frm->{$o{short}}||'') =~ s/&/&/; $txt =~ s//>/; textarea name => $o{short}, id => $o{short}, rows => $o{rows}||5, cols => $o{cols}||60; lit $txt; end; } end; end; } # Generates a form, first argument is a hashref with global options, keys: # frm => the $frm as returned by formValidate, # action => The location the form should POST to # upload => 1/0, adds an enctype. # editsum => 1/0, adds an edit summary field before the submit button # The other arguments are a list of subforms in the form # of (subform-name => [form parts]). Each subform is shown as a # (JavaScript-powered) tab, and has it's own 'mainbox'. This function # automatically calls htmlFormError sub htmlForm { my($self, $options, @subs) = @_; form action => '/nospam?'.$options->{action}, method => 'post', 'accept-charset' => 'utf-8', $options->{upload} ? (enctype => 'multipart/form-data') : (); $self->htmlFormError($options->{frm}, 1); # tabs if(@subs > 2) { ul class => 'maintabs notfirst', id => 'jt_select'; for (0..$#subs/2) { (my $short = lc $subs[$_*2]) =~ s/[^\w\d]+/_/g; li class => 'left'; a href => "#$short", id => "jt_sel_$short", $subs[$_*2]; end; } end; } # form subs while(my($name, $parts) = (shift(@subs), shift(@subs))) { last if !$name || !$parts; (my $short = lc $name) =~ s/[^\w\d]+/_/g; div class => 'mainbox', id => 'jt_box_'.$short; h1 $name; fieldset; legend $name; table class => 'formtable'; $self->htmlFormPart($options->{frm}, $_) for @$parts; end; end; end; } # edit summary / submit button div class => 'mainbox'; fieldset class => 'submit'; if($options->{editsum}) { (my $txt = $options->{frm}{editsum}||'') =~ s/&/&/; $txt =~ s//>/; h2 'Edit summary'; textarea name => 'editsum', id => 'editsum', rows => 4, cols => 50; lit $txt; end; br; } input type => 'submit', value => 'Submit', class => 'submit'; end; end; end; } 1;