package VNDB::Util::LayoutHTML; use strict; use warnings; use TUWF ':html'; use Exporter 'import'; use VNDB::Func; our @EXPORT = qw|htmlHeader htmlFooter|; sub htmlHeader { # %options->{ title, noindex, search, feeds, svg } my($self, %o) = @_; my $skin = $self->reqGet('skin') || $self->authPref('skin') || $self->{skin_default}; $skin = $self->{skin_default} if !$self->{skins}{$skin} || !-d "$VNDB::ROOT/static/s/$skin"; # heading html lang => $self->{l10n}->language_tag(), $o{svg} ? ( doctype => 'xhtml-math-svg', 'xmlns:svg' => '', 'xmlns:xlink' => '' ) : (); head; title $o{title}; Link rel => 'shortcut icon', href => '/favicon.ico', type => 'image/x-icon'; Link rel => 'stylesheet', href => $self->{url_static}.'/s/'.$skin.'/style.css?'.$self->{version}, type => 'text/css', media => 'all'; Link rel => 'search', type => 'application/opensearchdescription+xml', title => 'VNDB VN Search', href => $self->{url}.'/opensearch.xml'; if($self->authPref('customcss')) { (my $css = $self->authPref('customcss')) =~ s/\n/ /g; style type => 'text/css', $css; } Link rel => 'alternate', type => 'application/atom+xml', href => "/feeds/$_.atom", title => $self->{atom_feeds}{$_}[1] for ($o{feeds} ? @{$o{feeds}} : ()); meta name => 'robots', content => 'noindex, follow', undef if $o{noindex}; end; body; div id => 'bgright', ' '; div id => 'header'; h1; a href => '/', lc mt '_site_title'; end; end; _menu($self, %o); div id => 'maincontent'; } sub _menu { my($self, %o) = @_; div id => 'menulist'; div class => 'menubox'; h2; a href => "#", id => 'lang_select'; cssicon "lang ".$self->{l10n}->language_tag(), mt "_lang_".$self->{l10n}->language_tag(); end; txt mt '_menu'; end; div; a href => '/', mt '_menu_home'; br; a href => '/v/all', mt '_menu_vn'; br; a href => '/r', mt '_menu_releases'; br; a href => '/p/all', mt '_menu_producers'; br; a href => '/g', mt '_menu_tags'; br; a href => '/u/all', mt '_menu_users'; br; a href => '/hist', mt '_menu_recent_changes'; br; a href => '/t', mt '_menu_discussion_board'; br; a href => '/d6', mt '_menu_faq'; br; a href => '/v/rand', mt '_menu_randvn'; end; form action => '/v/all', method => 'get', id => 'search'; fieldset; legend 'Search'; input type => 'text', class => 'text', id => 'sq', name => 'sq', value => $o{search}||mt('_menu_emptysearch'); input type => 'submit', class => 'submit', value => 'Search'; end; end; end 'div'; # /menubox div class => 'menubox'; if($self->authInfo->{id}) { my $uid = sprintf '/u%d', $self->authInfo->{id}; my $nc = $self->authInfo->{notifycount}; h2; a href => $uid, ucfirst $self->authInfo->{username}; txt ' ('.mt('_urank_'.$self->authInfo->{rank}).')'; end; div; a href => "$uid/edit", mt '_menu_myprofile'; br; a href => "$uid/list", mt '_menu_myvnlist'; br; a href => "$uid/votes",mt '_menu_myvotes'; br; a href => "$uid/wish", mt '_menu_mywishlist'; br; a href => "$uid/notifies", $nc ? (class => 'notifyget') : (), mt('_menu_mynotifications').($nc?" ($nc)":''); br; a href => "$uid/hist", mt '_menu_mychanges'; br; a href => '/g/links?u='.$self->authInfo->{id}, mt '_menu_mytags'; br; br; a href => '/v/new', mt '_menu_addvn'; br; a href => '/p/new', mt '_menu_addproducer'; br; br; a href => "$uid/logout", mt '_menu_logout'; end; } else { h2; a href => '/u/login', mt '_menu_login'; end; div; form action => '/nospam?/u/login', id => 'loginform', method => 'post'; fieldset; legend 'Login'; input type => 'text', class => 'text', id => 'username', name => 'usrname'; input type => 'password', class => 'text', id => 'userpass', name => 'usrpass'; input type => 'submit', class => 'submit', value => mt '_menu_login'; end; end; p; lit mt '_menu_loginmsg', '/u/register', '/u/newpass'; end; end; } end 'div'; # /menubox div class => 'menubox'; h2 mt '_menu_dbstats'; div; dl; for (qw|vn releases producers users threads posts|) { dt mt "_menu_stat_$_"; dd $self->{stats}{$_}; } end; clearfloat; end; end; end 'div'; # /menulist } sub htmlFooter { # %options => { prefs => [pref1,..] } my($self, %o) = @_; div id => 'footer'; my $q = $self->dbRandomQuote; if($q && $q->{vid}) { lit '"'; a href => "/v$q->{vid}", style => 'text-decoration: none', $q->{quote}; txt '"'; br; } txt "vndb $self->{version} | "; a href => '/d7', mt '_footer_aboutus'; txt ' | '; a href => 'irc://', '#vndb'; txt ' | '; a href => "mailto:$self->{admin_email}", $self->{admin_email}; txt ' | '; a href => $self->{source_url}, mt '_footer_source'; end; end 'div'; # /maincontent # insert users' preference data when required by JS if($o{prefs}) { script type => 'text/javascript'; txt sprintf "PREF_CODE='%s';", $self->authInfo->{id} ? $self->authGetCode('/xml/prefs.xml') : ''; txt 'PREFS={'; # assumes the preference value doesn't contain a ' txt join ',', map sprintf("'%s':'%s'", $_, $self->authPref($_)), @{$o{prefs}}; txt '};'; end; } script type => 'text/javascript', src => $self->{url_static}.'/f/js/'.$self->{l10n}->language_tag().'.js?'.$self->{version}, ''; end 'body'; end 'html'; # write the SQL queries as a HTML comment when debugging is enabled if($self->debug) { lit "\n\n"; } } 1;