package VNDB::Util::Misc; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter 'import'; use TUWF ':html'; use VNDB::Func; our @EXPORT = qw|filFetchDB ieCheck|; my %filfields = ( vn => [qw|length hasani tag_inc tag_exc taginc tagexc tagspoil lang olang plat ul_notblack ul_onwish ul_voted ul_onlist|], release => [qw|type patch freeware doujin date_before date_after released minage lang olang resolution plat med voiced ani_story ani_ero|], ); # Arguments: # type ('vn' or 'release'), # filter overwrite (string or undef), # when defined, these filters will be used instead of the preferences, # must point to a variable, will be modified in-place with the actually used filters # options to pass to db*Get() before the filters (hashref or undef) # these options can be overwritten by the filters or the next option # options to pass to db*Get() after the filters (hashref or undef) # these options overwrite all other options (pre-options and filters) sub filFetchDB { my($self, $type, $overwrite, $pre, $post) = @_; $pre = {} if !$pre; $post = {} if !$post; my $dbfunc = $self->can($type eq 'vn' ? 'dbVNGet' : 'dbReleaseGet'); my $prefname = 'filter_'.$type; my $pref = $self->authPref($prefname); my $filters = fil_parse $overwrite // $pref, @{$filfields{$type}}; # compatibility $self->authPref($prefname => fil_serialize $filters) if $type eq 'vn' && _fil_vn_compat($self, $filters) && !defined $overwrite; # write the definite filter string in $overwrite $_[2] = fil_serialize({map +( exists($post->{$_}) ? ($_ => $post->{$_}) : exists($filters->{$_}) ? ($_ => $filters->{$_}) : exists($pre->{$_}) ? ($_ => $pre->{$_}) : (), ), @{$filfields{$type}}}) if defined $overwrite; return $dbfunc->($self, %$pre, %$filters, %$post) if defined $overwrite or !keys %$filters;; # since incorrect filters can throw a database error, we have to special-case # filters that originate from a preference setting, so that in case these are # the cause of an error, they are removed. Not doing this will result in VNDB # throwing 500's even for non-browse pages. We have to do some low-level # PostgreSQL stuff with savepoints to ensure that an error won't affect our # existing transaction. my $dbh = $self->dbh; $dbh->pg_savepoint('filter'); my($r, $np); my $OK = eval { ($r, $np) = $dbfunc->($self, %$pre, %$filters, %$post); 1; }; $dbh->pg_rollback_to('filter') if !$OK; $dbh->pg_release('filter'); # error occured, let's try again without filters. if that succeeds we know # it's the fault of the filter preference, and we should remove it. if(!$OK) { ($r, $np) = $dbfunc->($self, %$pre, %$post); # if we're here, it means the previous function didn't die() (duh!) $self->authPref($prefname => ''); warn sprintf "Reset filter preference for userid %d. Old: %s\n", $self->authInfo->{id}||0, $pref; } return wantarray ? ($r, $np) : $r; } sub _fil_vn_compat { my($self, $fil) = @_; # older tag specification (by name rather than ID) if($fil->{taginc} || $fil->{tagexc}) { my $tagfind = sub { return map { my $i = $self->dbTagGet(name => $_)->[0]; $i && !$i->{meta} ? $i->{id} : (); } grep $_, ref $_[0] ? @{$_[0]} : ($_[0]||'') }; $fil->{tag_inc} //= [ $tagfind->(delete $fil->{taginc}) ] if $fil->{taginc}; $fil->{tag_exc} //= [ $tagfind->(delete $fil->{tagexc}) ] if $fil->{tagexc}; return 1; } return 0; } sub ieCheck { my $self = shift; return 1 if !$self->reqHeader('User-Agent') || $self->reqHeader('User-Agent') !~ /MSIE [67]/ || $self->reqCookie('ie_sucks'); if($self->reqGet('i-still-want-access')) { (my $ref = $self->reqHeader('Referer') || '/') =~ s/^\Q$self->{url}//; $self->resRedirect($ref, 'temp'); $self->resCookie('ie_sucks' => 1); return; } html; head; title 'Your browser sucks'; style type => 'text/css', q|body { background: black }| .q|div { position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; width: 500px; margin-left: -250px; height: 180px; margin-top: -90px; background-color: #012; border: 1px solid #258; text-align: center; }| .q|p { color: #ddd; margin: 10px; font: 9pt "Tahoma"; }| .q|h1 { color: #258; font-size: 14pt; font-family: "Futura", "Century New Gothic", "Arial", Serif; font-weight: normal; margin: 10px 0 0 0; } | .q|a { color: #fff }|; end 'head'; body; div; h1 'Oops, we were too lazy to support your browser!'; p; lit qq|We decided to stop supporting Internet Explorer 6 and 7, as it's a royal pain in | .qq|the ass to make our site look good in a browser that doesn't want to cooperate with us.
| .qq|You can try one of the following free alternatives: | .qq|Firefox, | .qq|Opera, | .qq|Safari, or | .qq|Chrome.

| .qq|If you're really stubborn about using Internet Explorer, upgrading to version 8 will also work.

| .qq|...and if you're mad, you can also choose to ignore this warning and | .qq|open the site anyway.|; end; end; end 'body'; end 'html'; return 0; } 1;