package VNWeb::DB; use v5.24; use warnings; use TUWF; use SQL::Interp ':all'; use Carp 'carp'; use Exporter 'import'; use VNDB::Schema; our @EXPORT = qw/ sql sql_join sql_comma sql_and sql_or sql_array sql_func sql_fromhex sql_tohex sql_fromtime sql_totime enrich enrich_merge enrich_flatten db_entry db_edit /; # Test for potential SQL injection and warn about it. This will cause some # false positives. # The heuristic is pretty simple: Just check if there's an integer in the SQL # statement. SQL injection through strings is likely to be caught much earlier, # since that will generate a syntax error if the string is not properly escaped # (and who'd put effort into escaping strings when placeholders are easier?). sub interp_warn { my @r = sql_interp @_; carp "Possible SQL injection in '$r[0]'" if tuwf->debug && $r[0] =~ /[2-9]/; # 0 and 1 aren't interesting, "SELECT 1" is a common pattern and so is "x > 0" return @r; } # SQL::Interp wrappers around TUWF's db* methods. These do not work with # sql_type(). Proper integration should probably be added directly to TUWF. sub TUWF::Object::dbExeci { shift->dbExec(interp_warn @_) } sub TUWF::Object::dbVali { shift->dbVal (interp_warn @_) } sub TUWF::Object::dbRowi { shift->dbRow (interp_warn @_) } sub TUWF::Object::dbAlli { shift->dbAll (interp_warn @_) } sub TUWF::Object::dbPagei { shift->dbPage(shift, interp_warn @_) } # Ugly workaround to ensure that db* method failures are reported at the actual caller. $Carp::Internal{ (__PACKAGE__) }++; # sql_* are macros for SQL::Interp use # join(), but for sql objects. sub sql_join { my $sep = shift; my @args = map +($sep, $_), @_; sql @args[1..$#args]; } # Join multiple arguments together with a comma, for use in a SELECT or IN # clause or function arguments. sub sql_comma { sql_join ',', @_ } sub sql_and { @_ ? sql_join 'AND', map sql('(', $_, ')'), @_ : sql '1=1' } sub sql_or { @_ ? sql_join 'OR', map sql('(', $_, ')'), @_ : sql '1=0' } # Construct a PostgreSQL array type from the function arguments. sub sql_array { 'ARRAY[', sql_join(',', map \$_, @_), ']' } # Call an SQL function sub sql_func { my($funcname, @args) = @_; sql $funcname, '(', sql_comma(@args), ')'; } # Convert a Perl hex value into Postgres bytea sub sql_fromhex($) { sql_func decode => \$_[0], "'hex'"; } # Convert a Postgres bytea into a Perl hex value sub sql_tohex($) { sql_func encode => $_[0], "'hex'"; } # Convert a Perl time value (UNIX timestamp) into a Postgres timestamp sub sql_fromtime($) { sql_func to_timestamp => \$_[0]; } # Convert a Postgres timestamp into a Perl time value sub sql_totime($) { sql "extract('epoch' from ", $_[0], ')'; } # The enrich*() functions are based on # See that article for general usage information, the following is purely # reference documentation: # # enrich $name, $key, $merge_col, $sql, @objects; # # Add a $name field each item in @objects, # Its value is a (possibly empty) array of hashes with data from $sql, # # enrich_flatten $name, $key, $merge_col, $sql, @objects; # # Add a $name field each item in @objects, # Its value is a (possibly empty) array of values from a single column from $sql, # # enrich_merge $key, $sql, @objects; # # Merge all columns returned by $sql into @objects; # # # Arguments: # # $key is the field in @objects used in the IN clause of $sql, # # $merge_col is the column name returned by $sql and compared against the # values of the $key field. # (enrich_merge() requires that the column name is equivalent to $key) # # $sql is the query to be executed, can be either: # - A string or sql() object, in which case it should end with ' IN' so # that the list of identifiers can be appended to it. # - A subroutine, in which case the array of identifiers is given as first # argument. The sub should return an sql() object. # # @objects is a list or array of hashrefs to be enriched. # Helper function for the enrich functions below. sub _enrich { my($merge, $key, $sql, @array) = @_; # 'flatten' the given array, so that you can also give arrayrefs as argument @array = map +(ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? @$_ : $_), @array; # Create a list of unique identifiers to fetch, do nothing if there's nothing to fetch my %ids = map +($_->{$key},1), @array; return if !keys %ids; # Fetch the data $sql = ref $sql eq 'CODE' ? $sql->([keys %ids]) : sql $sql, [keys %ids]; my $data = tuwf->dbAlli($sql); # And merge $merge->($data, \@array); } sub enrich { my($name, $key, $merge_col, $sql, @array) = @_; _enrich sub { my($data, $array) = @_; my %ids = (); push $ids{ delete $_->{$merge_col} }->@*, $_ for @$data; $_->{$name} = $ids{ $_->{$key} }||[] for @$array; }, $key, $sql, @array; } sub enrich_merge { my($key, $sql, @array) = @_; _enrich sub { my($data, $array) = @_; my %ids = map +(delete($_->{$key}), $_), @$data; %$_ = (%$_, $ids{ $_->{$key} }->%*) for @$array; }, $key, $sql, @array; } sub enrich_flatten { my($name, $key, $merge_col, $sql, @array) = @_; _enrich sub { my($data, $array) = @_; my %ids = (); push $ids{ delete $_->{$merge_col} }->@*, values %$_ for @$data; $_->{$name} = $ids{ $_->{$key} }||[] for @$array; }, $key, $sql, @array; } # Database entry API: Intended to provide a low-level read/write interface for # versioned database entires. The same data structure is used for reading and # updating entries, and should support easy diffing/comparison. # Not very convenient for general querying & searching, those still need custom # queries. # Hash table, something like: # { # v => { # prefix => 'vn', # base => { .. 'vn_hist' schema } # tables => { # anime => { .. 'vn_anime_hist' schema } # }, # }, .. # } my $entry_types = do { my $schema = VNDB::Schema::schema; my %types = map +($_->{dbentry_type}, { prefix => $_->{name} }), grep $_->{dbentry_type}, values %$schema; for my $t (values %$schema) { my $n = $t->{name}; my($type) = grep $n =~ s/^$_->{prefix}_//, values %types; next if !$type; $type->{base} = $t if $n eq 'hist'; next if $n !~ s/_hist$//; $type->{tables}{$n} = $t; } \%types; }; # Returns everything for a specific entry ID. The top-level hash also includes # the following keys: # # id, chid, rev, maxrev, hidden, locked, entry_hidden, entry_locked # # (Ordering of arrays is unspecified) # # TODO: # - Use non _hist tables if $maxrev == $rev (should be faster) # - Combine the enrich_merge() calls into a single query. # - Fixed ordering of arrays (use primary keys) sub db_entry { my($type, $id, $rev) = @_; my $t = $entry_types->{$type}||die; my $maxrev = tuwf->dbVali('SELECT MAX(rev) FROM changes WHERE type =', \$type, ' AND itemid =', \$id); return undef if !$maxrev; $rev ||= $maxrev; my $entry = tuwf->dbRowi(q{ SELECT itemid AS id, id AS chid, rev AS chrev, ihid AS hidden, ilock AS locked FROM changes WHERE}, { type => $type, itemid => $id, rev => $rev } ); return undef if !$entry->{id}; $entry->{maxrev} = $maxrev; if($maxrev == $rev) { $entry->{entry_hidden} = $entry->{hidden}; $entry->{entry_locked} = $entry->{locked}; } else { my $base = $t->{base}{name} =~ s/_hist$//r; enrich_merge id => "SELECT id, hidden AS entry_hidden, locked AS entry_locked FROM \"$base\" WHERE id IN", $entry; } enrich_merge chid => sql( SELECT => sql_comma(map "\"$_->{name}\"", $t->{base}{cols}->@*), FROM => "\"$t->{base}{name}\"", 'WHERE chid IN' ), $entry; while(my($name, $tbl) = each $t->{tables}->%*) { $entry->{$name} = tuwf->dbAlli( SELECT => sql_comma(map "\"$_->{name}\"", grep $_->{name} ne 'chid', $tbl->{cols}->@*), FROM => "\"$tbl->{name}\"", WHERE => { chid => $entry->{chid} } ); } $entry } # Edit or create an entry, usage: # ($id, $chid, $rev) = db_edit $type, $id, $data, $uid; # # $id should be undef to create a new entry. # $uid should be undef to use the currently logged in user. # $data should have the same format as returned by db_entry(), but instead with # the following additional keys in the top-level hash: # # hidden, locked, editsum sub db_edit { my($type, $id, $data, $uid) = @_; $id ||= undef; my $t = $entry_types->{$type}||die; tuwf->dbExeci("SELECT edit_${type}_init(", \$id, ', (SELECT MAX(rev) FROM changes WHERE type = ', \$type, ' AND itemid = ', \$id, '))'); tuwf->dbExeci('UPDATE edit_revision SET', { requester => $uid // scalar VNWeb::Auth::auth()->uid(), ip => scalar tuwf->reqIP(), comments => $data->{editsum}, ihid => $data->{hidden}, ilock => $data->{locked}, }); { my $base = $t->{base}{name} =~ s/_hist$//r; tuwf->dbExeci("UPDATE edit_${base} SET ", sql_comma( map sql("\"$_->{name}\"", ' = ', \$data->{$_->{name}}), grep exists $data->{$_->{name}}, $t->{base}{cols}->@* )); } while(my($name, $tbl) = each $t->{tables}->%*) { my $base = $tbl->{name} =~ s/_hist$//r; my @cols = map sql_comma(map "\"$_->{name}\""), $tbl->{cols}->$@; my @rows = map { my $d = $_; sql '(', sql_comma(map \$d, $tbl->{cols}->@*), ')' } $data->{$name}->@*; tuwf->dbExeci("DELETE FROM edit_${base}"); tuwf->dbExeci("INSERT INTO edit_${base} (", @cols, ') VALUES ', sql_comma @rows) if @rows; } my $r = tuwf->dbRow("SELECT * FROM edit_${type}_commit()"); ($r->{itemid}, $r->{chid}, $r->{rev}) } 1;